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  • Canyon MTB Performance Flat Pedal review
  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    not bothered misen, cant abide listening to radio1 and the utter shite they play,
    and he knows nothing of music whatsoever.

    Think this is the main reason I liked Moyles’ show – I prefer presenters who aren’t all serious and ‘into’ the music, and just seem to play it cos they have to … actually, I don’t listen to Radio for the music, just the banter amongst the presenter/production team/whoever.

    Also like Mike Toolan on Key 103’s breakfast show in Manchester. Good humour & banter with whats-her-name (Chelsea?) the traffic person (?).

    Again, the music is mostly an interference.

    Free Member

    the girl I car share with told me that it is healthier to chew the fruit than have it in a smoothie

    Yep, definintely sounds like the bunkum that constitutes the majority of the magazine content aimed at women.

    Unless it’s true.

    Either way, it’s almost definitely not worth caring about.

    Free Member

    I don’t know if oxidized fruit and veg is bad for you, but using plastic/ceramic knives will stop them turning brown.

    I thought they went brown due to exposure to the air?

    If I split an apple in half with my bare hands, it’ll still go as brown as if I’d sliced it in half with a metal knife.

    Free Member

    I usually enjoy listening to Moyles’ breakfast show, mostly due to the banter amongst the ‘team’ which is generally ok and can be amusing.

    Don’t like Scott Mills as a solo presenter, although his drive time show was entertaining due to the interaction with producer Becky.

    Greg James – yawn. thank goodness he’s not got the breakfast ‘gig’.

    Nick Grimshaw – don’t think I’ve heard him before … can’t be worse than Greg James though, can he?

    Free Member

    what about cars-including taxis this time- obstructing cycle lanes ? Often not fully but partly. I only use them to get to the front of the queue being a middle-of-the-road-rider but some pootlers are getting queued up in dangerous positions.

    They can probably ‘get away with it’ on a technicality in many instances – if the cycle lane is delimited with solid white line then it is not supposeed to be entered by vehicles, however if it’s delimited with a dashed white line then it’s advisory (?) so I don’t think the same applies (other than out of consideration/courtesy).

    Free Member

    I can’t remember the last time I saw an ASL without a motorcycle, car, van or police car in it.

    My beief is that most drivers, especially those who’ve been driving for many years, don’t realise they’re not supposed to enter the ASL.

    I say this because I don’t remember ever seeing an ASL when I took my driving lessons & test back in 1991, or remember seeing it referred to in the Highway Code, therefore an ASL may be a relatively new phenomenon for a lot of drivers.

    Around where I cycle I have noticed motorists increasingly stopping before the ASL rather than in it, so awareness does seem to be increasing.

    Motorcyclists will probably always use them as it’s a handy space to use when they’ve filtered past traffic.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t mind an army missile placement on my roof – thay could make themselves useful by re-setting the ridge tiles & re-pointing the chimney stack while they were up there … and there’s probably a few tiles that need replacing … and the old TV aerial can come down … gutters need clearing …

    Free Member

    I’m having trouble selling the wife



    Free Member

    silly ring tones? is it 1999 again?

    Free Member

    Work colleague & his wife/kids are moving to (what’s left of) Hebden Bridge sometime in the next few weeks. Bet they’re really looking forward to it now.

    Free Member

    pedants unite! Thats the first thing i thought too!

    If we’re being pedantic:

    Capital ‘P’



    Free Member

    driven by people with no sense of time, space or other road users

    Very concise description of ‘motorist’

    “Thanks. I’ve let all the air out of two of your tyres just to annoy you. Have a nice day.”

    is this vandalism?

    No actual damage done, so technically not vandalism (?)

    Free Member

    Why would the media not be involved?

    Because it doesn’t involve chasing a ball and being a racist.

    Free Member

    I would love to see the council send one of their parking wardens down once a week on a random day and start dishing out tickets


    And/or install CCTV so that, in between the morning & afternoon school run, someone can go through identifying illegal parking & issue fines.

    I have no sympathy for motorists who deliberately infringe laws or what-not.

    When I’m Prime Minister the minimum penalty for ANY motoring offence would be having your car taken away and crushed to the size of a satsuma. And being charged for it.

    Free Member

    The first time my wife was exposed to the Tour of French she was curious about why, if it’s a race, why are they all just cycling along together rather than all zooming off as fast as they can to try and win …

    Free Member

    Apparently half the people on here think red light jumping is perfectly acceptable on a bike, so I assume they’ll be equally as defensive of people doing it in a car …

    Free Member

    Any Vauxhall, possibly with the exception of the VX220

    I drive a 2001 Vectra, cos it was dead cheap & very low mileage.
    But good grief it’s an awful thing.

    As Jeremy of Clarkson once said of the Vectra : designed in a coffee break by people who don’t care about cars.

    Free Member

    Pretty unimaginative line of questioning from the journalist.

    In one respect, considering recent tour history it’s unsurprising that there’s a lot of cynicism about. Plus, the flames have again been fanned by last weeks announcement re. Lance & his ex team-mates.

    I can understand Wiggins being royally annoyed at the question & it’s inferences.

    Pretty polarising way of making his views known – basically “they can eff off, they’re all too lazy to do anything worthwhile”

    Swearing and belittling others is, in my book, a pretty poor response.

    Free Member

    whippersnapper – don’t worry about it, just say that you only drive like that when you’ve decided it’s entirely safe for you to do so, plus in many circumstances it’s for your own safety etc etc

    These are the ‘excuses’ regularly vomited up by all the ‘special’ people on here who RLJ anyway …

    Free Member

    Hooray, we’ve built something that’s quite tall but tiny in comparison to many other buildings.

    It’s not even as tall as that big brown pylon in Franceland.

    95% recycled though, so the ecomentalists should be happy.

    Free Member

    flour from happy hens

    What came first though, the chicken or the bread?

    Free Member

    You won’t be able to run along side nit, not near by at all. There’s plenty of people dressed in grey to push you away.

    This, mostly.

    As far as us minions and peasants are concerned “The Torch” is on a par with the Pope and should be similarly revered. The ground upon which it is being carried is Holy. Blind people who kiss the tarmac behind the entourage have had their eyesight restored, and pot-holes have miraculously healed over.

    If you’re close enough to actually make out that it IS a torch then the only reasonable explanation is that you’re a mass-murdering terrorist who has encroached onto sacred earth.

    You will be dealt with accordingly.

    Free Member

    I’d believe everyone’s %ages more if the questions were’t multiple choice, and you had to actually know the answer without a prompt or the chance to guess …

    Free Member

    Mid-ride phone calls? What a strange idea.

    Just as daft as the nitwits who climb Snowdon (other mountains are available) then for some reason feel they have to call their wives just so they can say “I’m on top of Snowdon” followed by “Hello? Hello? Love? Sorry, you’re break.. hel.. you’re breaking up. Can you hear me? I can’t hear you” and so on… that, after spending 25 minutes walking around holding their phone up in the air trying to get a signal

    Free Member

    Police & emergency services training exercise for the Olympics.

    Would’ve been cancelled if it had been raining.
    At least, that’s what always happens to my office fire drills.

    Free Member

    They eat less than we do

    Ah, so Brits are generally lazy AND greedy …

    Free Member

    a lot of people eat convenience food because they would rather spend their time doing other things

    Which, in the UK, mostly translates into “sitting on the sofa watching Sky”

    Food & mealtimes is many cultures is an event in itself, the whole family is involved, time is spent making ‘proper’ food etc etc …

    Free Member

    One thing I heard on the news that amazed me was physicists only know 4% of what makes up the universe

    So, ‘we’ know pretty much next to nothing, in the scheme of things. Still. I suppose they’ve got to start somewhere.

    Free Member

    when a McDonalds opened in the town where she grew up some locals burned it down. Apparently it never reopened

    Suddenly the French have gone up massively in my estimation …


    Free Member

    Thank goodness the guy took the initiative* and didn’t just blindly adhere to company policy, unlike his superiors it would seem …

    (* i.e. did what anybody would have done in the same situation)

    This story is as daft as what we occsaionally hear in the UK media about firemen/policemen not being ‘allowed’ to help people due to “health & safety” or whatever

    Free Member

    Lance was about 10% stronger than the top guys these days and mountains were being climbed much faster in his era than today. Virtually all his contemporaries (many of whom never failed a test) have been found/ adimtted to taking drugs and now his team mates are admitting to to being on the juice.

    If you think he was riding clean you are blind.

    My tuppence-worth…

    I don’t agree with the “everyone else was doping, therefore Lance must have been in order to beat them”.

    Many of his rivals have been proven to have doped and yet there’s no such evidence against Lance despite probably the most exhaustive testing any athlete has been subject to.

    Every now and again an athlete arises who dominates their sporting rivals … Usain Bolt, Pete Sampras (more recently, Federer?), Kelly Slater & Layne Beachley, Craig Alexander (IronMan), Michael Phelps, Tiger Woods, Tony Hawk, Wayne Gretzky …

    Or, they were/are all doped up to the eye-balls as well …

    Free Member


    Another thread full of self-righteous cyclists defending their choice of deliberately breaking the law and jumping red lights.

    Then in another breath the same riders probably bemoan motorists not treating cyclists with respect etc etc


    Free Member

    A universe with an unmanifest “designer”, looks exactly the same as a complete absence of a “designer”.

    So how do science-ists know they’re not barking up the wrong tree by assuming there’s no “designer” just because it doesn’t look like there was? At the very least it seems a bit narrow-minded. There’s so much we don’t understand, yet we’re convinced it isn’t all deliberate?

    There is no evidence of a “designer” manifesting itself in our universe

    Nobody would recognise it even if there was as we’ve all closed our minds to the possibility of one existing.

    Free Member

    A universe with an unmanifest “designer”, looks exactly the same as a complete absence of a “designer”.

    So how do science-ists know they’re not barking up the wrong tree by assuming there’s no “designer” just because it doesn’t look like there was? At the very least it seems a bit narrow-minded. There’s so much we don’t understand, yet we’re convinced it isn’t all deliberate?

    Free Member

    Got one, wore it for a few weeks after we married, didn’t like the feeling of it when gripping my handlebars 😕 so stopped wearing it. It’s on my keyring now.

    Free Member

    as if it was designed rather than a massive fluke

    There is no reason to think that, as you know, because it has been explained to you many times.

    Odd that you repeatedly pretend that it hasn’t.

    Can’t have been a very convincing explanation I suppose.

    So, there was an infinite number of ‘Big Bang’ events that all failed to sustain a universe, until the latest one that had precisely the correct balance of every single thing needed … ?

    Or, the universe is a ‘steady state’ thing that’s always existed and had no beginning?

    Apparently Big Bang theory boils down to six fundamental numbers. If any of these deviate by just 1% (in one case, by several billionths of a %), life could not exist or have evolved on Earth.

    So to my mind, the universe consists of millions of factors that need to coincide in very specific quantities/ways/etc, and I’ve yet to be covinced by any theory as to how this occurred without intervention.

    Free Member

    Convenient would be if your god had then left us the bloody instruction manual and, ideally, a service guide. Like a really big Haynes.

    It’s far more fun/interesting to find out all this stuff using science rather than just reading a manual.

    Anyway, most people never read the instructions anyway. Especially blokes. We just fiddle about with things to see what’s what.

    Free Member

    Very good introduction to Higgs Here

    If you managed somehow to decrease the mass of the electron, and you’d find atoms would grow larger, and much more fragile. Reduce the electron’s mass by more than a factor of a thousand or so, and atoms would be so delicate that even the leftover heat from the Big Bang that launched our universe could break them apart.

    How convenient. It’s almost as if it was designed rather than a massive fluke.

    Free Member

    in twenty years and half a million miles of driving I’ve never collected any points, nor have I ever been pulled for speeding. Does that help?

    [cynic]It just means you’ve been getting away with speeding for 20 years.[/cynic]

    Free Member

    Now they “know” it exists, what will it allow them to “do”?

    Practically? Nothing.

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