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  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    One thing dogs don’t ever do on the trails is stop for a group chat right in the middle of the trail and then not move out of everyone elses way until you’ve had to virtually stop and wait for them to move.

    These are probably the same morons who stop with their shopping trolleys diagonally across the whole aisle and the entire store is gridlocked whilst Mr Selfish-and-Oblivious decides which beans to buy.

    Free Member

    My wife’s in the “why do dangerous things that could kill you?” camp.

    I’m in the other camp, much like the STW favourite Jeremy Clarkson once described it whilst interviewing that sobbing round-the-world sailor woman : “if it wasn’t for people like you we’d all still be living in caves eating leaves”

    I suppose he was alluding to the human spirit of adventure, or whatever you want to call it.

    Free Member

    Call your insurance company beforehand and tell them when you are picking up the car, they will issue a certificate to take effect from then, use that on the way over to get the tax from the nearest post office. There’s usually a couple of hours grace on your old car to cover time delays.

    Did this.

    Policy amendment kicks in midnight weds, so new car is covered from when I pick it up but existing car remains covered for 24 hours, and I get a certificate with the new details on to take to the PO & get a tax disc.

    Free Member

    However, how do I get a tax disc without an insurance certificate?

    You can’t?

    Yes, ok … to clarify :

    My insurance policy covering my existing car will be changed to the new car, but obviously not until I swap cars – this is easy to do with a quick phone call on the day.

    But, so that I can drive the new car home I need to tax it.

    Is there a process to do this so that I have a tax disc to put on the car on Weds even though I don’t have the physical insurance certificate in my posession at that point?

    Free Member

    Chris Froome for SPOTY … held back by that Wiggings bloke all the way round Franceland

    Free Member

    To answer the OPs question, the first thing we need to do is decide which are sports, and which are merely games, hobbies, or talent contests …

    Free Member

    You have some serious respect issues for the people of this country that politicians serve – I suspect this attitude is shared by many politicians and is part of the problem – like our views are some sort of ill informed moaning and winging that has to be tolerated when it is thor job to minimise this and serve the people not hold them in contempt and call them riff raff, moaners or whingers

    I don’t think it’s necessarily politicians’ job to minimise moaning and whinging.

    It’s their job to do what’s best for the country, which will mean making decisions and implementing policies that people don’t always like.

    You can’t please everybody all of the time.

    Free Member

    Who ever got elected and said;

    “Look, it all seems to be going quite well so I’m not going to make any changes and we’ll see how things go, OK?”

    Same thing happens with any management change. New guy has to be seen to be doing something, which usually means charging in and changing stuff just as a way of saying “I’ve arrived. I’m in charge around here now. Look at me making my big decisions”

    Also … “We tend to meet any new situation by reorganising: and a wonderful method it can be for creating the illusion of progress … ” (quote from somewhere)

    It’s all too easy to criticise politicians.

    Considering that very few of the voting riff-raff actually know what politicians spend their time doing, and all the stuff they have to deal with, it’s impossible to say whether they’re doing a good job.

    Just because we don’t always like their policies or decisions also doesn’t mean they’re not doing a good job.

    They’re also tainted due to numerous scandals over the years, such that the voting riff-raff are generally quite cynical an untrusting of govt.

    I’ve got a pretty good idea of the stuff my manager & his superiors hsve to deal with. This sounds bad enough. Especially with all the whingers and moaners. So I can only hazard a guess at how many times more difficult it is for politicians managing a whole country. With several million whingers and moaners.

    Free Member

    Ah, I think I’m getting it now!

    So, eating is a lifestyle because we all choose to eat.

    Unless there’s another reason for doing it.

    Anybody here living the ‘not eating’ lifestyle?
    Please let me know how you get on.

    Free Member

    Amybody here ever been unable to get to sleep and thought “I know, I’ll eat a Mars Bar, they help you rest” 🙄

    Yes, something full of sugar to help you rest, that’s what you need.

    Maybe washed down with a can of Red Bull.

    You’ll sleep like a baby.

    regardless of what it helps you do, a mars a day is a lifestyle imo

    I poo every day. Is that a lifestyle too? 🙂 😉

    Free Member

    They’re just three things that everybody does by default.



    Find me somebody who’s never done any work, or never ‘played’ (i.e. done something recreational) or rested.

    Free Member

    Since when was working, resting and playing a ‘lifestyle’?

    – We work mainly because we have to (& it gives us the money to indulge in the next bit:)
    – We play because it’s enjoyable/challenging/whatever.
    – We rest to recover from the work & play. Oh, and beause the human body needs it so we have no choice.

    They’re just three things that everybody does by default.

    It’s called ‘normal life’ isn’t it?

    Free Member

    Eating the occasional sugary fatty treat isn’t unhealthy, and I don’t think Mars have been encouraging us to eat their products in unhealthy quantities.

    (Having said that, eating the occasional deep-fried sugary fatty treat isn’t unhealthy unless you’re eating a significant volume.)

    However, I also don’t remember Mars promoting a ‘lifestyle’, healthy & active or not.

    Free Member

    aha! – cheers variflex, that’s the sort of news I was hoping for … it’ll be October by the time I’ve got my bike build sorted

    Free Member

    bump for the Monday morning crowd …

    Free Member

    Deomcracy is fundamentally flawed because human nature is fundamentally selfish.

    On balance, politicans are more concerned with retaining power than doing the right thing for the country, and individuals vote for the party who will do mostly what they want, not necessarily what’s best for the country.

    Politicians seem to spend too much time trying to be all things to all men & keep everyone happy … rather than sticking to their convictions on policy because they firmly believe it’s the right decision.

    I mean, how many policy u-turns have we seen? Too many. It just gives the impression they have are weak & have no confidence or belief in themselves. It’s not surprising the public have little confidence in Govt.

    Or maybe I’ve become overly cynical.

    Free Member

    Freeze-dried instant coffee is perfectly acceptable

    Free Member

    Was this an attempt to make events more afforadable for people with less disposable income ?

    Or was it just a way of trying to guarantee a certain level of crowd attendance ?

    Free Member

    Oh yeh – and it needs to be a ‘Zero Stack’ or ‘Inset’ headset …

    Free Member

    Has anyone suggested Metanium yet? 😀

    From my humble experience (2 son’s & 2 nephews), sudocrem and suchlike might help keep nappy rash at bay, but once the baby actually has nappy rash Metanium is the only thing that’ll clear it up.

    Plus, letting them bumble around without a nappy on a bit more seems like a good idea although I’ve no idea if it really makes much difference.

    Free Member

    All of the respect and admiration that Wiggins’ achievements have earned him would be utterly destroyed by seeing him prance around in a spangly suit.

    I hope the man has more self respect.


    Free Member

    Football, as a game, is brilliant.

    It’s simple, accessible, sociable, indoor, outdoor, can be played with however many people you’ve got at the time, doesn’t need special equipment etc.

    Unfortunately (in my opinion), the professional game (that’s rammed down our throats by the media for 10 months every year) is all taken waaaayyyyyyy too seriously.

    It’s only a game after all.

    Normally I would also say that Football’s popular as it gives casual racists somewhere to gather and indulge in their hobby on a Saturday afternoon.

    But that’s just

    blinkered ignorance


    Free Member

    If there’s one thing that the Olympic Games TV coverage has highlighted above everything else, it’s that now it’s over you realise how utterly awful day-to-day TV programming is.

    And it’ll get even worse very soon when yet another Wendyball season starts. Wall-to-wall grass-fairies for the next 10 months. Oh hooray.


    Free Member

    The best thing they could do with BB is to have the usual build-up & big opening night show where the housemates enter the house, huge crowds, etc etc …

    But don’t actually broadcast any of it, or publish anything in the media.

    Then whilst they’re in the house, do all the usual stuff (tasks, diary room interviews, nominations etc).

    But don’t actually film any of it.

    When someone’s evicted, they just step out into a completely empty yard.

    When the ‘winner’ is announced, they step out into a completely empty yard.

    Free Member

    Cheers all – plenty of options there …

    Free Member

    I’ve recently posted a wheel in a wheel box, total weight 1.8kg – Parcelforce express48 was around £11.50ish

    (this was with collection from my home rather than me taking it to a PO – don’t know if this increases the cost?)

    Free Member

    What’s this obsession with living longer that we’re all supposed to have?

    Free Member

    at least it won’t be a golfer.

    This is probably the most important consideration


    Free Member

    SPOTY will be Wiggins vs Ennis. Nobody else comes close.

    I suspect Ennis will win as she’s captured the nations attention to a greater degree than Wiggins.

    Awesome performances from both this year, not to mention the wider Team GB competitors.

    Free Member

    You forgot “wearing a Union Flag waistcoat”

    Free Member

    He’s not what would normally be considered ‘athletic’, but if he can do the correct Judo techniques then fair enough

    Also depends how you define ‘athlete’ … perhaps ‘competitor’ would be a more universal label

    [jeremy carkson] He’s still smaller than the average American though [/jeremy jlarkson]

    Free Member

    How is Jake Humphreys on the telly?

    Never mind him, I want to know which raving maniac thought Reggie Yates (sp?) would be a good idea for a roving presenter …

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Another helmet fight.


    Free Member

    Bank or Credit Card statement can also be used as proof of purchase …

    Free Member

    mankini, grey socks, sandals and a sombrero

    Free Member

    I was then told to F-OFF by the only female in the group

    Well, it’s impossible to reason with such superior intellect and well thought out arguement

    Free Member

    Aaaaaaaarrrrrrggggggggghhh !!!!!!

    Please make it stop !!!

    13 Pages !!!!!

    13 !!!!

    Free Member

    I just like watching sport, so the Olympics is perfect as there’s wall-to-wall sport for 2 weeks, including loads of things we don’t usually get to see

    Also, possibly the best thing about the Olympics is that for a few weeks it drowns out the usual endless drivelling about the new racism football season …

    Free Member

    Thanks all – good info

    80% cash offer would mean ‘losing’ a pretty big chunk of money, so I’m pretty sure I’m going to go through with ‘buying’ a complete bike.

    Tempted by the Marzocchi’s … which means I could direct more of the cash to other parts parts

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