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  • Video: Innes Graham In Da Jungle
  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    She was also described as very bright

    In all fairness, and with all due respect to them, but you never hear anyone say “even though they were a bit thick” when talking about someone involved in a tragic accident …

    When it comes to ‘the general public’ nothing should be assumed

    Assuming they’re a bit thick works pretty well as a baseline.


    Free Member

    You’re obviously all doing it wrong.

    The correct way to use Radio is to have it on as background noise when you’re doing other things. Like drilling.

    You’re not supposed to deliberately and intently listen to it.

    This works best when you have a short attention span. Like being a teenager. Or a goldfish.

    Free Member

    How does such an ignorant tone deaf pillock manage to be so successful?

    Judging by how much music his artists sell, it is clear that the people who buy it are also completely tone deaf, so really he’s the ideal person to be doing his job.

    Free Member

    Is it legally enforceable for the school to monitor the zig-zag areas with CCTV & provide details of offending drivers to the police?

    I’m sure many parents would happily contribute to the costs, as might some local residents.

    Free Member

    I mean we ‘could’ all just use cars less

    We could.

    Or, we could create another massive, complicated, damaging and expensive industry for producing faux-tree-hugging vehicles.

    Then we don’t need to think about being environmentally responsible or accountable because our car has an ‘eco-something’ badge on the back that means it’s all ok.

    It’s offset further if we recycle our Marmite jars too.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    “Starts With One” and/or “Rainy Mondays”, both by Shiny Toy Guns

    Free Member

    If you’re a massive selfish ****, those zig-zag yellow lines are actually priority parking spaces

    I don’t know why the police can’t spare some of their stinger devices and have them positioned on these zig-zags each morning/afternoon during the school run

    Free Member

    The Adventure by Angels and Airwaves

    Free Member

    More importantly, can someone please recommend a good sleeping bag for when I’m queuing for days outside an Apple store to buy one of these mini ipad thingies?

    Free Member

    Remember when you were a kid, you’d run, jump, climb, cycle etc wherever and whenever, just because you could.

    Suddenly when you get old you need a special air-conditioned building dripping with energy drinks in order to do all these things, and we have to call them ‘exercise’ …


    Free Member

    It says 93% of local people don’t want it, and if that’s true then they won’t shop there if it gets built

    The big supermarkets rely totally on the Great British apathy kicking in very quickly after the initial flurry of complaining.

    Free Member

    Complaining never works!

    Dammit! The ONE thing that Britain’s really really good at, and it’s no use …

    Free Member

    Around here they use them outside schools to stop twatty parking

    Excellent! Can we request them to visit my son’s school please?

    Loads of parents performing twatty parking. When there’s a perfectly good car park 100m away.

    Free Member

    For some inexplicable reason I quite like those wheels 😕

    Free Member

    I just hope the child isn’t scarred for life and grows up hating public transport as a result.

    Firstly, it’s only a flippin’ soft toy 😀

    Secondly, they’ll end up hating public transport anyway cos of all the intolerant miserable gits who don’t think children should be allowed out in public, as we learned from yesterdays thread 😀 That, and it’s mostly slow, late, expensive, a bit smelly and the stops are genrally not actually all that near to where you want to get to.

    Free Member

    Any immediately forgettable bubble-gum pop will do, it’s all mostly just a load of fluff and nonsense to delve into for a few minutes here and there 😀 … or I am doing it wrong?

    Free Member

    Is there an ethical/responsible businesses league table that we can all refer to when making purchase decisions?

    Free Member

    I am clearly the worst parent in all the known universe because I work on the theory that children aren’t made of porcelain (as my wife puts it), so losing something like a soft toy is the perfect opportunity for them to learn not to be so darned precious/sentimental about stuff … 😀 … bring on the scathing judgement!

    Free Member

    “conspiracy thorist” is a more polite way of saying “attention whore” isn’t it?

    some people deliberately go through life trying really hard to be different so they’re noticed. bit like a kid playing up when it wants attention.

    Free Member


    It’s just dawned on me!

    This is another one of those tongue-in-cheek “1st world problems” threads isn’t it?

    All of the moany intolerant posts above make perfect sense when you realise they’re being sarcastic!

    Free Member

    Phone you current insurer up with the quotes above and watch you £314 renewal come down in price.

    I did this.

    Was with Direct Line, have been for years, plus used them for home insurance.

    Phoned them to add my wife to the policy. Their quote was almost double what I could get with another insurer.

    They refused to budge on the premium. I cancelled and went elsewhere.

    I’ve also cancelled the home insurance as I’ve got a much better price elsewhere.

    Seems Direct Line are not at all interested in retaining customers 😀

    Free Member

    While I recognise it doesn’t suit everyone all of the time, many people don’t need to actaully go into work…they can do it fine from home. I envisage there is a reasonable % of drivers on the road every day who are travelling to an office just to use a PC/phone, which seems rather wasteful to me.

    So IMHO, the first angle of attack in addressing transport problems is to reduce the number of journeys made by encouraging home working.

    I absolutely agree with this.

    Although, bizzarely, the company I work for has just announced they’re tightening up the rules on home working, i.e. making it less flexible & only permitting it if they deem it to be the only reasonable option for you.

    How modern and forward-looking can you get 😀

    Free Member

    And here was me thinking we all lived in one of those wonderful modern tolerant societies 😀

    Anyway, there are clearly many many daft people in the world – the solution is not rocket surgery: if you don’t want to be troubled by other members of the public when you’re travelling, don’t use public modes of transport.

    For goodness’ sake 🙄

    Free Member

    We’ve got lots of unemployed navvies prison inmates. Put them to work digging a tunnel.

    And new canals.

    Free Member

    its a test

    he wants to see how loyal/ honest you are

    It might be this.

    Or, if that’s the way he treats people/responsibilities/commitments then it begs the question: how will he treat his staff? will he ask you to lie for him or ask you to behave dishonestly in dealings with clients/customers?

    Free Member

    I suspect it’s six of one an half a dozen of another, for example taking a 30 second period:

    I accelerate from 0 to 60 at a moderate rate, it takes me 20 seconds @25mpg to get to 60mph, then 10 seconds cruising @35mpg … therefore avg mpg = 28-and-a-bit

    If I accelerate from 0 to 60 at a brisk rate, it might take me 15 seconds @20mpg to get to 60, then 15 seconds crusiing @35mpg … therefore avg mpg = 27.5

    Free Member

    I overheard a conversation between two blokes in the pub, discussing the universe & details of the higgs boson, implications of its existence etc.

    They were clearly not physicists, but still managed to spout some marvellous ‘facts’ about something they clearly knew pretty much nothing about.

    This thread reminds me a lot of that conversation 😀

    Anybody on here an actual astro-physicist, or are we all just repeating theories from books and tv documentaries that we’ve bought into because it suits what we’d like to believe?


    My theory is there never was a Big Bang – the universe exists in an ‘aged’ state that just looks like it’s got loads of history. Bit like those jeans you can buy that look like they’ve already been worn/washed for years.

    Free Member

    Normally the cheapest is discount supplements

    Plus you can get >7% Cashback through Topcashback:

    Or 1.6kg for £21.99 here:

    Free Member

    Women are like buses

    They go further if you give them more money?

    Free Member

    Saw a tip from someone on a forum who cut the fingers off a latex glove and used the hand part to seal their leg to below the neoprene cuff and reported it worked a treat – It’s on my list of things to try this winter.

    This might have been me as it’s one of my tried-and-tested methods for several years. Tesco do black heavy duty gloves.

    Whoever it was, it’s certainly worth it – I’ve yet to find a sock or overshoe that doesn’t leak water in via the cuff/top.

    Free Member

    People catching Golden Eagles and collecting Peregrine eggs?

    There can only be one explanation – Waitrose preparing for Christmas 🙂

    Free Member

    If it’s a question of “suitability”, well, if synchrionised swimming and horse dancing is acceptable then anything goes!

    More seriously though, in my opinion Olympic cycling is too track focussed.

    I’d like to see an Olympic DH event, and perhaps a dirt jump event.

    I don’t ride DH or DJ, I just think they’re a better spectator spectacle than XC or Enduro.

    Free Member

    Get him to ‘buy’ it from you and write him a ‘receipt’? sounds ridiculous but I suppose you’re playing the game.

    This solves your problem.

    For insurance purposes it doesn’t matter who uses it, just who owns it.

    Free Member

    Bad advice (mostly on here).
    Uninformed opinion (mostly on here)

    You forgot “unwanted advice” and “uninvited opinion”

    People are always sticking their nose in trying to be what I can only assume they think is ‘being helpful’ 🙄

    Free Member

    bottled water … a ridiculous product for people with no sense of environmental responsibility

    Your sentence was unnecessarily long 😀

    You don’t need to be an eco-mental-ist to realise buying bottled water in this country is unnecessary and idiotic.

    Free Member

    it beggars belief that a nationwide business with huge contracts employs people that blatantly don’t give a toss

    Let’s be honest – this phenomenon isn’t restricted to Yodel.

    British customer service is too often something along the lines “What can I do for you? Not much I hope” …

    Free Member

    The two or three times I’ve had packages via Yodel have all arrived when expected and were left in the requested place & with a note posted through the door.

    It seem’s that Yodel need to be more thorough with vetting who they employ to do the local deliveries.

    Free Member

    I know a couple of years ago when I was a student I got a fe of those charges for going over my overdraft, but that was 4-5 years ago. I now have a letter saying they are refunding me the best part of £300!

    Maybe they believe you are one of the customers affected by their massive cock-up last month and have somehow calculated what they owed you by way of compensation?

    Free Member

    Or what the headline actually meant:

    “Old people refuse to admit they’re old”

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