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  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    he decided to spend the night in a pirate ship

    Well there’s a sentence I never expected to ever hear …

    Free Member

    ride assertively (e.g. jumping a red light

    Is “assertively” the new word for “illegally”?

    I hadn’t realised. Must keep up.


    Free Member

    My wife knows my PIN numbers, and I often leave my cards lying around.

    I guess this is a good incentive to keep her happy, or I’ll come home one day to an empty bank account & maxed out overdraft 😀

    Free Member

    Cheers all. Some helpful stuff.

    I’ll advise him to go to his branch and not be fobbed off.

    Free Member

    I still wouldn’t care ?

    Don’t see why I should, it’s not like the sponsors were the ones that were cheating is it.

    And what if Nike were giving millions of dollars to international criminal gangs trading in sex slaves?

    It’s not like Nike are directly responsible, so it’s ok to let them carry on ‘funding’ it?

    I think people should care a bit more about these issues, then they might not be so prevalent.

    Any business, large or small, national or international, should be responsible & accountable for what they’re connected with otherwise everything gets eroded to the lowest common denominator.

    Free Member

    Dont know why so many people slated this film

    Probably because different people have different opinions on what makes a good film

    I’ve not seen the film, although I have been put off watching it by all the hype.

    I don’t know if it’s just me being difficult, but the more hype something gets the less interested I am in it.

    Free Member

    Sounds like some of these wives/partners need to grow up.

    The last time I remember anyone arguing about who was friends with who and what not was at primary school.

    I don’t expect my wife to like all my friends, but she does at least respect me and them enough to let us get on with stuff, and be polite/friendly when we/they visit and so on.

    Free Member

    “the job of the PCC will be to oversee the police and ensure they prioritise what matters to you”

    Actually, I’d prefer the Police to be able to prioritise their work, not have all the locals interfering.

    The Police will have a far better overview of the issues in an area than residents who will generally have a very limited picture.

    The PCC sounds like some kind of interfering busy-body position.

    Free Member

    Not so fussed about Nike sponsoring rich boys using drugs. It would be best if they didn’t though.

    I’m more concerned about whether Nike use (abuse) cheap labour in Eastern/Asian sweat-shops.

    I’ve not bought anything branded Nike for years purely by coincidence, but I would specifically ‘boycott’ the company if they were exploiting adults and/or children.

    Free Member

    All these quaint people still physically going into a shop. How very 20th Century.

    Home delivery is the way to do it.

    Save loads of money too as you’re not walking along the aisles going “ooh, that’s nice, we’ll have some of those” and flling your trolley with stuff you never thought of or intended to buy.

    Free Member

    I’ve no interest in trying to convince anyone that balloon jump man isn’t the bees knees, if you think he’s great and are inspired by his actions then that can only be a good thing. My post was prompted by my genuine surprise at how many people thought his achievement was awesome and that I clearly hold a minority view regarding the scale of his achievement. Nothing more.

    I kind of get your point.

    The 1969 moon landing was totally uncharted territory, creating stuff from scratch to meet a never-before attempted goal.

    This Austrian bloke falling out of a capsule is impresive, but the technology is probably not as breakthrough/cutting edge/pushing the envelope.

    I think we’ve also become a bit numb to these kind of achievements due to the number of things we’ve seen over the past few decades. I think we now expect things to be successful as we’re so technologically proficient.

    Free Member

    Of course, we’re all jiggered now that car ownership in China and India is escalating to crazy levels … all the good we do by recyling our Marmite jars and shopping bags will be anihilated!

    Free Member

    It’ll be £2000 because the council has a contract with preferred suppliers of paint, brushes, ladders, etc etc … so whereas they could just pop down to B&Q and get it done for £150, they’re forced to pay £200 for a paintbrush, £750 for a tin of paint and so on …

    Free Member

    anyone pushing a bicycle … is not “riding” it

    Pushing is not riding

    Excellent work!

    It’s a good job we have lawyers with their massive brains, years of intense studying and extortionate letter-writing charges to work these things out otherwise we’d never be able to distinguish between two incredibly different actions.

    Free Member

    There’s good arguements for either, so I’m personally not convinced one is necessarily ‘better’ than the other

    The biggest thing to focus on is correct form/technique

    Free Member

    Cat owns you now

    Free Member

    Report it.

    Mainly because it’s the right, responsible thing to do, next time it could be a childs face etc etc.

    But also because any opportunity to get one over a motorist should be savoured. 😀

    Free Member

    we choose to remember the dead so they arent forgotten, so maybe just maybe we can stop this kind of thing happening again

    It really works too. There haven’t been any wars anywhere in the world since.

    Free Member

    This thread feels like I’ve stumbled into the BBC’s Grumpy Old Men brainstorming session …

    Free Member


    Free Member


    the transition period won’t last 10 years and the coop did have systems to migrate the Lloyds customers onto but the alternative migration plan was agreed by the joint boards and the regulator on a risk mitigation basis


    not sure what info you’ve been fed, but it’s very different to what a friend of mine relayed to me. He works in their service delivery IT area or somesuch so I would expect him to know what’s really going on rather than what any business or press releases say.

    Free Member

    Selfish people

    That’s just another way of saying ‘everyone’ isn’t it?

    Free Member

    Sunday. Excellent. Perfect. Because everybody knows there’s never ‘a bit of wind’ on a Sunday.

    Free Member

    I keep my bike in the kitchen.

    I recently swapped my Fox Float forks, that were WHITE, for Fox VAN’s, that are BLACK.

    HRH didn’t notice.

    I don’t think I need to worry about stealthing my purchases.

    Free Member

    I think we need strict guidelines for use of the word ‘celebrity’ in mainstream media

    OED : “a famous person, especially in entertainment or sport”

    Unfotunately, 99% of ‘famous’ people these days are just famous for being famous, having no recognizable talent or reason for their fame other than high media exposure

    If we could remove the obsession with ‘celebrity’ from the news then we’d lose most of the drivel and be left with stories with actual substance and significance.

    Another pet hate of mine at the moment is lazy reliance on social media for ‘stories’ and ‘reaction’

    Absolutely agree with this. Especially the ‘reaction’ bit.

    Often catch some of BBC Breakfast News – “in response to our report about xyz, Alan from Watford has tweeted ‘bla bla yada yada'” … I don’t care what Alan from Watford, or Clare from Newcastle, or anybody else for that matter, thinks about the news.

    Just report the news, stop reporting peoples opinions about the news!


    Free Member

    Joao – that’s the shittest analogy I’ve ever heard

    Sorry. I nicked it from elsewhere, so unfortunately can’t claim any credit for it’s shittiness.

    Joao, if a load of others at the party were also tested and shown not to be drunk, then all admitted to having been boozing heavily all night… what conclusions would you come to?

    I’d conclude their statement to be unreliable at best, blatant lying at worst.

    If never failing a drugs test can be trumped by some blokes saying “he did it”, then what’s the point in all the drug testing.

    Anyway, I’m clearly out of my depth amongst all the doping & legal experts here. I didn’t realise STW was populated with so many globally-renowned lawyers & scientists 😀 … unless we’re all just repeating stuff we found on the internet & agree with?

    Free Member

    Joao – that’s the shittest analogy I’ve ever heard

    Sorry. I nicked it from elsewhere, so unfortunately can’t claim any credit for it’s shittiness.

    Joao, if a load of others at the party were also tested and shown not to be drunk, then all admitted to having been boozing heavily all night… what conclusions would you come to?

    I’d conclude their statement to be unreliable at best, blatant lying at worst.

    If never failing a drugs test can be trumped by some blokes saying “he did it”, then what’s the point in all the drug testing.

    Anyway, I’m clearly out of my depth amongst all the doping & legal experts here 😀

    Free Member

    I think it’s important to be aware of what’s going on in the world, in terms of social & economic issues/events. You just have to filter out the drivel.

    The media seems to be obsessed with giving a profile to stuff that I wouldn’t personally consider to be real ‘current affairs’ … i.e. saville, lance, muslim hook bloke … they may be worthy of a mention, but not to the massive extent that they get covered – we don’t need a blow-by-blow account of every little development.

    Since media coverage became 24×7 & more accessible through an interwebs it’s become more and more Daily Mail-ish, almost like gossip.

    I suppose they’ve got to find something to fill 24 hours of every day with.

    20 years ago we pretty much just had daily newspapers and the 10 0’clock news, so only the really newsworthy stuff was covered.

    Now, every little piffling bit of information is suddenly a ‘news’ item.

    Free Member

    Let us say that you went to a party and on the way back home you were stopped by the police for speeding. Then the cop made you take an alcohol test. It showed that you were not drunk. He took another one and it showed the same thing. He took you to the hospital and their test showed you were not under the influence of Alcohol.

    The cop then goes to the party and thay say “oh, he was drunk”. So now you are pronounced GUILTY.

    Armstong had hundreds of test and he passed them all, but now (just because some people who don’t like him or have already been caught and are just determined to drag him down with them,) he’s guilty?

    It’s a good job that at the end of the day it’s just about riding a bicycle around the place, so pretty insignificant in the scheme of things.

    Free Member

    Should the term ‘Jeremy Kyle’ be regarded as offensive?

    No it shouldn’t. But it will be.

    Free Member

    They are also acquiring a big chunk of Lloyds so again must be well placed

    Well placed? 😯

    The Co-Op are migrating all their accounts onto the Lloyds system, then Lloyds are running the Co-Op part of the Bank on their systems for the next 10 years because Co-Op didn’t actually have the money to purchase the divested customers & provide a banking system to run the accounts on …

    Free Member

    The usual stuff … eat well, stay hydrated, keep warm, don’t over-exert yourself physically, plenty of rest, good nights sleep etc

    If it were me I’d abort the Thursday ride plans.

    Free Member

    understand what is acceptable to others and how to expressed my opinion in a way that doesn’t become unacceptable or offensive to them

    And on the other hand, sometimes people just have to learn to cope with being offended occasionally.

    Nothing happens when you’re offended.

    You don’t go to sleep at night being offended, and wake up in the morning with leprosy.

    After a point, all this tip-toeing around trying not to ‘offend’ anyone is just a consequence of an immature/insecure mentality where people can’t cope with other peoples opinions being different to their own.

    (Although I’m not saying it’s ok to go around being deliberately and overtly offensive. This is also an immature mentality.)


    Hmmm. Reading that back, it might or might not come across very well… Ah well, I know what I meant 😕

    Free Member

    Does the Co-Op use the same business model for their banking as they do for their groceries?

    If so, banking with them must be the most expensive on the high street.

    Much like buying food from them is more expensive than anywhere else (at least, it is where I live).

    Free Member

    millions of years worth of evolution

    Hmmmm, yes, a lot of people have been ‘nudged’ into this belief 😀

    Free Member

    All the banks are much of a muchness to be fair. You’ll hear stories of massive problems with all of them.

    I’ve no idea what criteria I’d use if I was choosing a new bank.

    I’ve been with LloydsTSB since 1997. Not a single negative experience in all that time (current acc, mortgage, loans, credit cards).

    My parents have been with NatWest since what seems like the dawn of time. Not a single negative experience either.

    Free Member

    I thought everybody already knew that most of ‘polticial correctness’ is just a way of controlling what we think and say, and that most of health & safety is just a way of controlling our actions and movements?

    Free Member

    The only question I have is “Why?”

    Free Member

    Phoned the bank but fraud team only work 9 to 5

    Yes, that’s because it’s a well known fraudsters ‘code of conduct’ to never operate outside normal business hours.

    Seriously though, which comedy bank are you with where fraud can’t be reported and/or dealt with 24/7 ??? 😯

    However, if you’ve initiated a payment to another person as payment for something from the classifieds unfortunately I don’t think any bank would be interested in recovering it for you.

    Being ‘scammed’ on the classifieds of some niche tin-pot mtb forum will not be classed as fraud.

    Free Member

    Why has Youtube suddenly become overrun with them

    Because 13-year-olds are impressionable and will be the next generation to have disposable income – brainwashing them early 😀

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