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  • Shimano GF8 (GF800) Gore-Tex Shoes review
  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    Politely and without violence, in a manner that allows him to reflect on what he did without thinking of it as “defeat”.

    Be careful playing fast and loose with the word “thinking” in reference to motorists


    Free Member

    My 5yo son brought home a page of sheet music from his recorder lesson. A basic rhythm, 3 or 4 bars, all played with one note.

    My wife asked him what the tune was.

    He started humming the Star Wars theme.

    Wy wife was well impressed that he could read music so well after only 2 or 3 lessons.

    I had to explain.

    Free Member

    Engaging in conversation with a motorist?

    Brings to mind:
    “Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.”

    I usually just think to myself “well done, you’ve just confirmed my assumption that you’re a massive penis” …

    Free Member

    ditto ignore the claim companies – your bank will (should) have a perfectly good claims process in place.

    The claims companies are just an extra (unnecessary) link in the chain as they have to pass your claim to the bank anyway.

    And some take a % of your ‘winnings’.

    Free Member

    Claim you’re a devout Atheist, then it can’t be an ‘Act of God’ 😀

    Free Member

    This only adds weight to my “assume every motorist is a penis” self-preservation technique when riding on the roads.

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t mind so much but the ‘election’ is a gross pantomime, those really in charge have decided the result already and the votes will be adjusted to suit.

    Someone’s been reading too many keasae threads 😀

    Just lacking the mandatory cast-iron Youtube evidence …

    Free Member

    speed kills

    No, crashing kills.

    Free Member

    Felix Broomgardener’s next jump – from the edge of space, ending with a pike into the sea.

    Free Member

    Caked in mud and bikes on the roof..

    Plod “You boys been biking then?”

    Stunning piece of police work!

    Free Member

    Are the Fox 34 spacers available yet? They’re not listed on the Mojo website (yet) …

    I asked a similar question a month or so ago – officially the 34 160’s can only be reduced to 150mm

    Free Member

    I’m not sure when paying 3 quid for a pint became considered good value for money

    Beer is like petrol – most people will not consume less regardless of the rising price.

    Also, try telling someone they should stop their smoking or drinking ‘habit’ – they’ll generally react like you’ve just vomitted all over their children and accused them of being a paedo.

    Free Member

    His own little bubble, safe as anything, where he could make his own rules – until he gets caught!

    Bit like those peni on bikes who decide they’re allowed to RLJ because it suits them, in their self-righteous little world …


    Free Member

    Anywhere I don’t shop at deserves to go bust.

    No real logic to that, other than they’re superfluous to my requirements so may as well not exist.

    There are too many businesses to list that should ge bust in this country, consdiering that the prevailing idea of customer service here is along the lines of “what can we do for you? not much I hope”, and too often customers seem to be a necessarily evil to be tolerated.

    Free Member

    why does anyone feel the desperate need to have a cup of coffee in the middle of a town or city?

    Blame the generation brought up watching “Friends”.

    My Sister & BiL seem incapable of going anywhere without ending up in a coffee shop. Weirdos. 😀

    My wife can make much better coffee & cake than Starbucks and the rest of those grotty little places.

    Starbucks is where you progress to once you’ve out-grown McDonalds.

    Free Member

    I’m all for firing selfish lazy people into space from a cannon

    The world would be a very empty place if this happened …

    Free Member

    How would you defend New York then?

    Being Americaland, the solution will involve guns, wieners & a baseball bat.

    Free Member

    We’ve an international reputation for a stiff upper lip and getting on with it, the Blitz spirit, cleanups after the riots etc etc

    I thought we had an international reputation for endlessly whining and complaining?

    Although, this would come in to its own in the event of a super storm surging floody thing.

    Just think of the complaining that could be done if it happened here!

    Free Member

    My local Tesco has a talking sign in the middle of all the P&C spaces, that spouts a polite message about them being reserved for customers with children bla bla.

    I’m amazed at the number of people who still physically travel to an actual shop 😯 .. how very 20th-Century 😀

    Properly important/lazy/middle-class people get their food picked, packed and delivered directly to their mouths by slaves.

    I heard of one force that was trying to decide what Police should in spare moments.

    Find my stolen bike please!

    Free Member

    I’m undecided about ‘ghosts’ and figures appearing etc etc, but I definitely belive in the supernatural.

    Free Member

    Sometimes STW dissappoints.

    Usually by now some odd person has come along and berated us all for being immature and referring to Facebook as ‘Faceache’.


    Also, if using Twitter is ‘Tweeting’, what’s the euqivalent for Facebook?

    Free Member

    The problem with FaceAche is that there are too many odd people who take it all really really seriously, and too many people who seem to spend their time putting stuff up just to get a nice warm feeling when all their ‘friends’ ‘like’ their posts (and get massively offended if they don’t get enough ‘likes’, or certain people don’t comment).

    My wife and I have a shared Facebook account. Well, I say ‘shared’. I never use it, and have no interest in it whatsoever. I just talk to my actual real friends by phone and even (unbelievably) face-to-face.

    However, looking at what HRHs ‘friends’ put on Facebook, most of it seems to be links to “things I found in the internet that I think are funny/thought-provoking/interesting” (YouTube, pictures with superimposed soundbites etc) that they then expect everyone to ‘like’, thus justifying their humour/music preference/etc … there are very rarely any original thoughts from their own brains, just an endless copy-&-paste exercise.

    Oh, and pictures people holding drinks at parties.

    No facebook page is complete without many many pictures of people holding drinks at parties.

    I suspect Facebook would be ideal viewing for people who suffer from insomnia.

    Free Member

    Ok, cheers all.

    I’ve had fox forks with the pump provided in the past, when buying fork-only off-the-shelf, or as a Rr shock on a frame-only purchase.

    But that was several years ago.

    Right, off to browse interweb shops for shock pumps then …

    Free Member

    Either the law is an ass or there is a lot of bigotry about

    More likely both these things are true

    Free Member

    gay men and straight men can both marry women

    And, neither gay men or straight men can marry a man.

    Therefore, where’s the discrimination?


    Yes, yes, I know, this isn’t the actual issue etc etc …

    Free Member

    On air, the presenter often refers to her as “The Female”.

    Heh. Quite amusing this.

    Mostly because he’s being deliberately sexist and knows that “what some bloke on the telly (that we could just ignore if we chose to) said” makes many many over-sensitive, easily-offended people massively angry and outraged.

    Free Member

    I’ve just been through a cycle insurance claim with Wheelies.

    It was a custom build, so I told them the parts my stolen bike was comprised of and we agreed on a near-as-possible equivalent spec.

    It came to over £3k 😯

    Wheelies contacted my insurer (I’m with M&S, who are underwritten by AXA I think), who agreed the replacement value & we were clear to go ahead with the replacement build.

    The claim included accessories that were also taken with the bike (Camelbak, pump, trail tools, inner tubes, gloves etc).

    At the end of the day, once Wheelies had agreed a claim value, then I could have chosen anything I wanted up to that price (and got 25% off anything above).

    It all took about 3 months in the end due to me taking time to decide on the spec, then it turned out the frame I’d first chosen was going to take 2 months to source due to the 2013 model range not being introduced yet, so I changed the frame & some other items.

    When it finally arrived, everything was spot on though.

    Took a while, but fairly painless.

    Should I have just asked for a cheque & bought all my own stuff? Who knows…

    Free Member

    Apple fans are hilarious.

    “The fanfare of Apple’s announcement of two new iPads Tuesday quickly gave way to backlash from consumers who say the short life span of Apple products is becoming wearisome — and expensive”

    Twits. Nobody’s forcing them to buy anything.

    “Many were irked that they had just dropped $500 on what they thought was a cutting-edge tablet, only to watch it fall to near obsolescence Tuesday.

    Boo. and Hoo.

    “I bought a iPad 3 in August and definitely feel cheated,” Phillip Briseno posted on this newspaper’s Facebook page.

    How absolutely awful for you.



    Free Member

    Can the Citizens Advice Bureau be of any help?

    Free Member

    dammit, i’ve only got £31.45

    Free Member

    Seems to be mainly an excuse for blokes to watch young girls falling over flashing their underwear.

    Although I suppose the same can be said about female beach volleyball.

    Other than that, it all looked a bit shambolic, and more like a game thought up during a drunken night out than anything resembling a respectable ‘sport’.

    Free Member

    how many of us are still breaking the law by not having pedal reflectors and rear red reflectors then?

    Hear Hear! (Here Here! ?)

    I don’t listen to anyone telling me I must use lights if they don’t have pedal reflectors!


    Free Member

    On the plus side, asking everyone “what do you do?” makes it really easy to jump to many assumptions about them based on our perception of the sort of person who does that job, and allows us to put them in a certain box.

    Plus, I assumed Doctor’s unsurance was low because they spent most of the time in hospitals etc and not actually driving anywhere.

    Free Member

    On the plus side, asking everyone “what do you do?” makes it really easy to jump to many assumptions about them based on our perception of the sort of person who does that job, and allows us to put them in a certain box.

    Plus, I assumed Doctor’s unsurance was low because they spent most of the time in hospitals etc and not actually driving anywhere.

    Free Member

    reported by one of those self-important superior doctor types

    Free Member

    reported by one of those self-important superior doctor types

    Free Member

    I find the whole “so, what do you do?” line of questioning both amusing and quite sad.

    It seems to be mostly a bloke thing though.

    Women seem to be able to find all sorts of things to chat about, but blokes seem to get stuck after the usual “what do you do?”, “what do you drive?”, “did you see the match last night?” nonsense.

    I think men prefer a bit of an ‘arguement’ rather than a chat. STW kind of proves this – the longest & most interesting threads are the more contentious ones.

    With unemployment so high these days, a lot of blokes get offended by the “what do you do?” question if they’re not working. Bit of a pride thing going on maybe.

    Free Member

    I find the whole “so, what do you do?” line of questioning both amusing and quite sad.

    It seems to be mostly a bloke thing though.

    Women seem to be able to find all sorts of things to chat about, but blokes seem to get stuck after the usual “what do you do?”, “what do you drive?”, “did you see the match last night?” nonsense.

    I think men prefer a bit of an ‘arguement’ rather than a chat. STW kind of proves this – the longest & most interesting threads are the more contentious ones.

    With unemployment so high these days, a lot of blokes get offended by the “what do you do?” question if they’re not working. Bit of a pride thing going on maybe.

    Free Member

    are you suggesting the Old Testament is irrelevant to Christians then? If so why is it frequently quoted by Christians seeking to justify certain arguments? Wasn’t it meant to be the direct word of God?

    The OT is not irrelevant or to be ignored, however many elements do not apply in the same way after JC & the new covenant (New Testament basically).

    For example, Christians are no longer required to sacrifice animals to cover for their sin etc.

    There are also many elements of the OT that need to be interpreted/understood in the context of the culture of the time, hence why the Bible should not always be taken literally.

    Some “christians” will use the Bible out of context to argue a point. As with many things, it is quite easy to twist things without trying very hard or ignore the context of a verse which means it completely loses it’s intended meaning.

    The thing with the Bible is that it is not intended to be read as a purely intellectual exercise – Christians believe it is the ‘living word’ of God, and full/true understanding comes through the Holy Spirit.

    Free Member

    Voting should be dictated by intelligence, not whether you’re locked up or not.

    I’d prefer intelligent criminals to vote rather than stupid people.


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