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  • Singletrack World Issue 154 Editorial: Let’s Get Lendy
  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    How do those of you who do this every day cope?

    For most people, they cope by being massively lazy.

    Streangely, many of them are also members of expensive fitness centres (posh word for ‘gym’) … that they also drive to, & try and park as close to the door as possible. Most of their time there is spent in the sauna and posing in the wall-length mirrors.


    Free Member

    I’m hoping I can get one with the same valve spacng (not measured it yet).

    It’s 10mm pipe, and there seems to have a bit of movement available, although I’ll think about this a bit harder once I know what the possible options are.

    If it ends up needing pipework moving/altering I’ll leave it until the spring when it’s a bit warmer.

    Free Member

    Though to be honest, I don’t really get this at all. How its ‘cheaper’ to buy pre-packaged, processed crap than make decent meals with fresh ingredients? Does not compute

    You’re right.

    But if you factor in “too lazy to cook”, then it all makes sense 😀

    Free Member

    These days I rarely edge above limit at all, and have noticed a decent proportion of other drivers doing the same recently.

    I’m cynical, so put this down to people driving more conservatively to save on the extortionate price of fuel 😀

    My theory is that most people get caught speeding as the result of a one-off (or very rare) event, and are not generally dangerous drivers.

    It’s the repeat offenders who habitually drive too fast that are the problem, but they obviously couldn’t care less otherwise they’d have the sense to moderate their driving themselves. And if they couldn’t care less before, I don’t believe they’ll care much more after a training course.

    Free Member

    And has been pointed out, its a long, long way short of being the worst!

    Yes, but as long as people can blame something/someone else for being fat rather than themselves then that’s the important thing.

    Free Member

    Ideally, insurance contracts should contain a ‘Car Cruahed to the Size of a Satsuma’ clause for any at-fault accident/incident

    None of this namby-pamby ‘ahhh, you were driving too fast? here, go on a cosy little course’ 🙄

    Of course, after having their vehicle crushed they should still attend the course otherwise nothing’ll ever improve

    And they should also need to re-take the driving theory & practical test.


    Free Member

    I assume there is a difference between falling down a natural hole (or one that has been there forever) and falling down one that a man with a high vis vest and a digger has made in his spare time.

    The only difference is that in the latter case there’s someone to sue and get free money from, just by being a moron and falling into a massive hole.

    Hooray for the compensation culture!

    Free Member

    The Mighty Boosh

    Comedy? Load of dribbling cobblers more like. But not as bad as Noel Fieldings Luxury Comedy show or whatever it was called …

    There’s not a lot after about 2001 that’s much good when compared against what came before. A lot of the ‘modern’ stuff seems very dumbed down and formulaic.

    Free Member

    – Hyperdrive
    – Spaced

    Not so good (imo):

    – The Thin Blue Line

    Free Member

    I’d tend to agree with your suspicions, I’ve never seen a stiffee frame with those tube profiles … unless it really is an old old incarnation

    Free Member

    this is what we need to put more money back into local businesses and workers??

    True, but most people don’t care much about this, or can’t be bothered due to being used to the convenience.

    Much like the nimbyism when Tesco proposes a new out-of-town store, but when it opens most of the outraged locals end up shopping there.

    Apathy is everywhere.

    Free Member

    My wife’s from Brazil.

    After 3 years in the uk she’s still not got used to most places closing at 5 or 6 in the evening, and not being open at 7am.

    She thinks the British are just lazy 😀

    Last time I was in Brazil, most shops were open from 7/7:30 through to 7/8pm. Many places will let you in to shop despite having just closed.

    I suspect their customer service motto is not “What can I do for you? Not much I hope!”, like it is in this country.


    Free Member

    Think of the ‘internet’ that could be saved if FB vetted updates to only include witty, pertinent remarks

    Maybe that’s the problem – the facebook wit filter’s been coded backwards.

    At least that would explain why at the moment only utter dribble appears.

    Atually, this applies to most of the internet, not just facebook.

    Free Member

    I’m just grateful to all the impressionable suckers taken in by the Red Bull ad’s etc, buying the revolting beverage, and consequently allowing them to fund stuff like the cliff diving, fmx, space-jumping, f1 team, rampage etc.

    They work an experiential marketing model rather than a traditional inventory based one

    Are you in marketing, because that sounds like marketing guff?


    Free Member

    I’m happy with the Gabby Yorath upgrade

    What’s she been upgraded to? Someone who knows what she’s talking about I hope …

    Free Member

    I just don’t get all this FB/Twitter/Social Media stuff being friends with someone who I will never know stuff.

    I prefer my friends to have flesh & blood and perhaps an actual pulse.

    Someone nutter will be along in a minute to tell you to get with the times and that twitter’s really important


    Free Member

    My god what a load of inane drivel spouted on there!

    This statement applies equally & consistently to every single facebook page that has ever existed, exists today and ever will exist


    Free Member

    I used to work in a chippie. It was 50/50 between folk wanting a fast turnaround and those who were determined that everything had to be cooked individually for them.

    “If you want an individually cooked meal, go to a restaurant you testicle”

    That’s what I would have (wanted to have) said.


    My local chippy is pretty damn good. My other even local-er chippy is pretty damn disgusting. The former regularly has queues out the door, the latter rarely has more than two customers at any one time. Surprised they’re still in business.

    Free Member

    If I were selling Reindeer meat at this time of year I’d at least print the reindeer’s name on the packet, maybe include a ‘red nose’ shaped piece of something 😀

    Free Member

    What chojin said. Read or listen to music instead of watching tv/internet.

    And as a short-term/occasional thing, what zippykona said.

    My wife doesn’t sleep well. I don’t really like the idea of relying on ‘drugs’ to aid sleep but as an occasional last resort they at least help her get a decent rest. She uses Kalms tablets.

    My mum also has a very active mind and takes a while to wind down before bed – in the end she started using a notepad to write things down so that she could stop thinking about them until the morning.

    Free Member

    we have the concept of free speech in this country

    Provided you toe the line of popular opinion and don’t write anything contentious on FaceAche.

    How many people have been arrested/investigated for stupid comments they’ve put on an internet page?

    Free speech? pfffft.


    Free Member

    Banned from travelling on the Tube, or by train, car, motorbike or bus

    Excellent rule!

    So he can only travel by van, lorry, coach, quad bike, aeroplane or ferry …

    Free Member

    and **** the rest =(


    What a giant testicle


    Free Member

    “Humans reached a peak of intelligence more than 2,000 years ago”

    Aha! So all those people saying GCSEs & A-levels have been getting easier were correct


    On the plus side, we’re now all really good at prodding at a small screen.

    Free Member

    I can’t really get into the Christmas spirit until the wall-to-wall discounted sofa’s adverts are rolling …

    Free Member

    So is Everest ‘fitted’ or ‘built-in’ ?

    Free Member

    Bit like prayer, then…


    Free Member

    If the title is true, and I am nice to people all day at work, why is it I get stressed and feel so miserable the whole time?

    From your description, I can only assume you work in London. It’s the only place I’ve ever been that never fails to ruin my mood 😀

    Free Member

    This is some more research from the Department of the Bleeding Obvious isn’t it?

    Although it’s a sad state of affairs when we need a special allocated day and guidance on how to be nice to people … “today on 13 November (also World Kindness Day) spend a day being nice to people”

    Even sadder that someone has felt the need to actually print a list of ‘nice’ things to do … “Pay someone a compliment”; “Send a thoughtful text”; “Buy someone lunch”; and “Smile at people on public transport”

    My faith in human nature was restored by the fact that they’ve had to put a selfish spin on it to make people take notice – “be nice to someone and you will be happier”


    Free Member

    The current crop of students and graduates … are going to … end up worse off than their parents

    I never realised it was a competition?


    Free Member

    I’ve never looked at a landscape anywhere, before and after their arrival and thought to myself, “I knew that view was missing something”.

    Let’s be honest, there’s not a single man-made thing that has ever improved any natural landscape. We’re very good at charging all over the place ruining things.

    Free Member

    One key element of my winter preparation is to make sure I start leaving my laptop at the office.

    Then, if it snows & I can’t get to work, I get a day off rather than having to work from home.


    Free Member

    This year’s ice melt has broken the 2007 record by an an area larger than the state of Texas.

    I thought Wales was the SI unit for large areas.

    Not if you’ve got Americanist readers – most of them don’t realise there’s a world beyond America

    Free Member

    I can’t be bothered reading any of the previous 8 pages, however I am intrigued that anyone thinks there are actual hills is Surrey. Unless they’re only 8 inches tall. Then I can understand how some of Surrey might look “hilly”.

    Free Member

    I would have more appreciation for golfists if they weren’t so damn lazy … little electric carts to drive around on, slaves to carry their bag of bats around … if you’re going to do a hobby you could at least be bothered to put the effort in


    Free Member

    The question is: other than the life-changing experience watching the ad, did any of you get an inexplicable urge to shop at John Lewis?

    If not, it’s an utter waste of £6m.

    Free Member

    Does everybody somehow forget the John Lewis exists in the 11 months since the previous Christmas?

    I can only assume we do seeing as they spend £6m reminding us they’re there.

    Christmas occurs exactly every 12 months, so it really shouldn’t come as a surprise.

    Free Member

    And speaking of fines; a £60 fine for using a mobile phone whilst driving seems to have had very little effect indeed, judging by the numbers of people (including police!) I’ve seen.

    That’s because it’s very unlikely you’ll get caught. Same as speeding really. Most people are happy to accept the relatively tiny risk of being seen by anyone who can penalise you for it.

    Free Member

    The problem with bike theft is that it’s flipping difficult to find a bike.

    I had my bike stolen overnight, and reported it as soon as I found out.

    But it’s too easy to move/hide/break-up a bike, so unless the police are going to search every property/shed/outhouse/garage/van within a 10 mile radius of my house, they’re realistically never going to find it other than by accident/stroke-of-luck.

    Free Member

    Primark for cheap clothes? pffffft

    2 years ago I bought a dozen heavyweight cotton Fruit of the Loom t-shirts from for around £2 each.

    They’re all still wearable and in decent condition.


    Bet a Primark t-shirt wouldn’t be £2, and certainly wouldn’t last 2 years.

    As you can probably guess, I couldn’t give a monkeys about clothes. Provided I’m not cold and naked in public then that’s all that’s required.

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