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  • Issue 157: Busman’s Holiday
  • joao3v16
    Free Member

    Who sets the bar for what is deemed tasteful and what isn’t..?

    It usually seems to be those daft people who’ve made it their sole purpose in life to find offense in everything, and then instruct everyone else that they are supposed to find it offensive too.

    Free Member

    “Murdered Out”?

    It’s one of those many many phrases that twits use so that everyone knows they’re into a particular ‘scene’.

    Also acts as a kind of mating call so that anyone else in the vicinity into the same ‘scene’ instantly recognises like-minded twits.


    Free Member

    I like the way folk use “do gooder” as a derogatory term as if soing good is a bad thing

    I thought ‘Do-gooder’ was usually referring to someone sticking their nose in where it’s not wanted or needed, thinking they’re helping but actually being a pain in the arse. Simialr to a ‘busy-body’.

    ‘Doing good’ on the other hand is highly commendable.

    Free Member

    are some of you riding around in a state of simmering aggression, waiting for someone to turn up the heat..?

    Yes – those people who film all of their commutes then post them up on youtube.

    They all seem to get themselves into an inordinate number of scrapes/incidents.

    It’s almost as if they’re deliberately looking for it.

    Free Member

    Isn’t modern society designed almost entirely to make everyone feel unhappy/inadequate, then sell us (usually expensive) things to make us feel happy/adequate?

    Free Member

    I don’t think 520 to 540 is worth it in cost terms.

    I was using a pair of 520’s for a couple of years with no problems whatsoever, until my bike was pinched.

    I spec’d 540’s on the insurance replacement simply because the valuation allowed it, but I can’t say I’ve noticed any difference.

    I wouldn’t have paid for 540’s out of my own pocket considering the quality and reliability of the 520’s.

    Free Member

    Could be worth a 3mm spacer under the stem

    That would mean the steerer tube ends 6mm below the stem – is that really okay? Where would you draw the line?

    Ah, yeh. Probably too much of a difference then.

    Free Member

    It’ll be fine.

    Although it’s worth checking whether your brake levers and/or shifters smack the crossbar when your bars are turned past 90 degrees. Could be worth a 3mm spacer under the stem if you think damage could be done if your bars get spun round that far.

    Free Member

    Don’t worry about what people think, they don’t do it very often.

    Free Member

    I’d like to know why it isn’t mandatory/normal for schools to provide parents with an itemised ‘bill’ for school trips that involve an overnight stay.

    Because teachers are very busy and these trips are things they organize over and above their “job”.

    I wouldn’t get away with doing a half-arsed job just because I was busy or doing it ‘above and beyond’ my expected hours … if you’re going to do something (especially that’s costing other peoples money) then you should do it properly.

    Or, ask for help from parents.

    Not really read all of the thread have you? Get off your own arse and cost the trip I outline above cheaper. Why don’t you make a stand and refuse to send any of your kids on a trip as you feel the teachers are lazy?

    I didn’t say they were lazy.

    Teachers must know what constitutes the cost of any given trip to be able to specify a cost, so they must very easily be able to break it down between x number of pupils. It’s not rocket surgery.

    The most expensive trip my 6yo’s been on is a day out at Chester Zoo for £10, so I’ve not yet had the opportunity to be ‘Daily Mail’ about the cost of anything.

    Free Member

    I’d like to know why it isn’t mandatory/normal for schools to provide parents with an itemised ‘bill’ for school trips that involve an overnight stay.

    This would maybe make them a bit more attentive in finding cheaper/better prices rather than just choosing the same providers over and over again because that’s who they used last time.

    Free Member

    Kids Picnic

    Free Member

    Alcohol is not a necessity, nor is it a required taste.
    Access to alcohol is not a basic human need/right.

    Sadly there are too many people who have no discipline, self-control or whatever when it comes to moderating their consumption. EDIT: Then, of course, there are those with a real alcohol addiction.

    Therefore, as with cigarettes, tax it massively. This might act as an elastoplast in the short term.

    In conjunction with this alcoholics need proper help/support to deal with their dependency.

    Ultimately there needs to be a major culture change in attitudes toward alcohol otherwise it’ll never improve.

    Free Member

    Wow. This again?

    Talk about making a mountain out of an (avoidable) molehill.

    Jeez 🙄

    (quietly hoping it’s all a troll)

    Free Member

    as i say countless times its not the highways fault its not the councils fault ITS PEOPLES FAULT

    One of the foundations of modern society is that everything is always someone elses fault. 😉

    At least, that seems to be the prevailing mentality.

    Free Member

    I have regularly heard snoring coming from one of the traps in the gents in my office 😕

    Free Member

    Sadly, I believe this:

    somewhere in manchester tonight a dealer happily took that in exchange for a rock of crack

    is more likely than this:

    That stuff must turn up on eBay

    If the thief knows what they’ve got, they’ll not be stupid enough to flog it in public on an interweb.

    More likely it’ll be sold fund a drug habit or just so a scrote can get some cash …

    Free Member

    My line manager starts most of his sentences with ‘So…’ during team meetings.

    I think it’s just an alternative to ‘Um’ or ‘Erm’ whilst he’s formulating what he’s going to say next.

    Free Member

    That Denise Rodman’s got some explaining to do after meeting hiw new bff last week.

    Free Member

    get the bloke who narrates ‘come dine with me’ to do it

    I’d agree with this. Graham Norton is pants.

    My wife watches CDWM – the sarcastic voiceovers are the only thing that make the programme vaguely tolerable.

    I’d also like to hear Jeremy Clarkson’s attempt at the Eurodrivel singing abomination. Millions of people intent on finding offence in everything would explode with faux-rage at his daft remarks about the different nations.

    My favourite Eurodribble viewing ‘experience’ was watching it in a bar in Bruges with a few mates. It was almost better in a foreign language.

    Free Member

    Are you planning a career change to drug dealing or becoming a ‘gangster rapper’?

    Free Member

    I’d like the food nazi’s to spend more effort telling us what we ARE allowed to eat rather than tutting and frowning at us for eating all the ‘bad’ things.

    I suspect if we compiled a list of all the foods that are (allegedly) life-expectancy-reducing, it would cover 80% of all our diets.

    These people must be absolute bores to eat out with too.

    Free Member

    £80 for an hour and no materials used? 😯

    Is that the going rate for a tradesman these days?

    No wonder the OPs curious/suspicious …

    Free Member

    My current favourite fish dish is one HRH does at home.

    She uses Tilapia or Haddock fillets, although the Tilapia is nicer.

    First, she cuts the fillets into larg-ish pieces.

    Then marinades the pieces in lime juice with a bit of water, for several hours if poss.

    When ready to cook, take each fillet out of the marinade and coat in plain flour (with grated lime zest mixed in with it), then drop into pre-heated oil and deep-fry until golden brown.

    Nice eaten with chilli dipping sauce.

    Free Member

    “Over the past few months I’ve been invited to fill in various forms to declare my ethnicity (at least I think thats the term used). White Scottish, White European, White non-English etc.
    What’s the purpose of these types of labels?”

    It’s a subtle way to maintain the mentality amongst the population that they’re part of a particular ethnic group, rather than just being ‘a person’, thereby highlighting ‘differences’ and entrenching/encouraging a racist mentality …

    EDIT : why are my

    not working

    Free Member

    I offset my carbon emissions from owning a bicyccle by not have children.

    And I have two children – one to cancel out the ‘green’ benefits of my bike usage and one to cancel out yours 😀

    Free Member

    I once gave someone a lift up the A6 to Disley, it was late at night, winter, raining, cold, he’d missed his bus.

    I asked him to pop 250ml of Shell unleaded in a bottle and send it to me but nothing ever appeared.

    The swine. Some people eh. 🙄


    Free Member

    Lose = opposite of win

    No, it’s the opposite of “Find”

    So, if Find is the opposite of Lose, and Win is the opposite of Lose, then Find = Win

    Free Member

    Is this thread another case of STW trying to quantify something that’s purely personal/subjective?



    Free Member

    It’s already lasted infinitely longer than it should have.

    The world has Youtube to thank hate for being exposed to cack like this.

    Free Member

    They do what they do, take it or leave it.

    But this is not the STW way!

    On here it’s “Take it or make-a-massive-issue-of-telling-everyone-how-sh1t-they-are-and-anyone-who-disagrees-is-wrong-and-an-arse it”

    Free Member

    Because everyone’s permanently confused by the difference between “different opinions” and something actually being “right” or “wrong”

    Free Member

    At the end of it all my beliefs have no impact on anyone, live and let live etc. Theirs really do and in many ways very negatively.

    … because atheists/non-religious people have never done anything to negatively impact anyone


    Free Member

    Simple fact is that most people equate ‘exercise’ with something costing money.

    The simple fact is that a lot of people are bone idle 😀

    I can understand people who just don’t like exercise, don’t get any pleasure from it etc.

    What I don’t understand are the people who’s health is at risk or deteriorating but still won’t do anything to help themselves lose weight or get fitter.

    Nobody’s expecting you to become an athlete, just look after yourself a bit.

    Free Member

    It’ll be pretty hilly.

    Free Member

    You are dealing with utter morons!!!

    We’re used to that on STW – daily exposure to motorists on our commutes 😀

    I’ve recently swapped my mortgage to take advantage of a preferential staff rate. I’m currently awaiting the aforementioned “utter morons” to completely screw up the benefit-in-kind tax code re-calculation.

    Free Member

    i’d want to know they’ve been properly tested that they can handle being machine washed and tumble dryed a good couple of hundred times

    I’d just label them up as handwash only & not suitable for tumble drying, problem solved.

    This is what a lot of clothing manufacturers seem to do as a “catch-all” approach, despite the fact that machine washing and tumble-drying their stuff is perfectly ok.

    Free Member

    A bit of research would have clearly told you that the roadies on here are a very defensive lot

    Why? Are they that insecure about their preferred choice of cycling? 😀

    Free Member

    I raised my voice to my son yesterday and threatened him with an early bedtime.

    I immediately contacted the police & social services.

    Free Member


    Any investigation should actually be looking at the offending child & why they behaved as they did, not condemning the teachers for preventing a knife-wielding kid from causing physical harm to any number of teachers & pupils.

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