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  • Fresh Goods Friday 719: The Jewelled Skeleton Edition
  • jjprestidge
    Free Member

    I’ve noticed that there are many STW members who have unrealistic expectations, or won’t use a company because of some piffling issue. There’s often a nasty whiff of self entitlement.

    Let’s note a few things: online retailers are very busy at the moment (I know, as I run one, and we’re roughly 80% higher on turnover since the lockdown). You can’t employ more staff, for obvious reasons, many suppliers are running behind schedule and couriers are short staffed. In short, it’s difficult to manage.

    So, I guess I’m saying – use your brains, people, and don’t expect the f***ing moon on a stick every time you make a (highly discounted from RRP) purchase.


    Free Member

    Look – that subjectivist argument is obviously nonsense. It’s analogous to saying that Eastenders is high art to some people, therefore I can’t say that it’s objectively of no artistic value.

    There are objective measures of what makes something good – or are you so perverse that you’d argue that instant coffee is as good as a flat white made by a skilled barista?


    Free Member

    I’ve got a few used basses in stock at the moment. What’s your budget?


    Free Member

    Single boiler machines struggle to produce enough steam power to make decent milk drinks. This said, I’ve trained people on Gaggias and had them pouring latte art tulips by the end of the sessions. It’s bit more hit and miss than a dual boiler or HX machine, though.

    Pressurised baskets are absolute rubbish – you’ll never get decent coffee with one. If you claim you can then I’d question your ability to discern good from bad.


    Free Member

    I lived in Greece during the late 90s. One of my ex-pat friends became retty much fluent in around 6 months. The main thing that seemed to help her was confidence – she wasn’t afraid to make mistakes.


    Free Member

    I got a Superstar V6 rear hub for a bargain price on their site, then found a half price Spank 33 rim (28 internal) on CRC and got them built into a wheel by my local shop.

    Total cost was about £180 for the rear wheel. Front could be done on a similar basis for about £130.


    Free Member

    The WHO has been hopeless for most of this. I don’t mean this as some sort of Trumpesque statement; just look at everything they’ve said from the beginning, note where they’ve been inaccurate, and make up your own mind.

    Then, look at their leader: someone who has been a minister in a dodgy, repressive government and is not a medical doctor. Ask yourself how he got there and what sort of lobbying went on to achieve that and you’ll probably have a little bit less faith in them as an organisation.


    Free Member

    This is treating people like children. It’s funny how other countries, like Sweden, have taken a more adult approach.


    Free Member

    Germany did have huge investment after the war. The fact that the U.K. got more from the Marshall Plan is a complete red herring, as there was a huge war debt to pay off, so the net effect was quite different.

    Aside from all this, on what basis are people stating that Germany is more successful than the U.K.? Most measures show them as being fairly similar.


    Free Member

    Pikes for that sort of bike – plenty of good deals to be had.


    Free Member

    There’s a simple answer to any question on here that starts with ‘Am I being unreasonable’ – it’s invariably ‘yes you are’ with an added dose of self righteousness.


    Free Member

    In my experience as an online retailer, about half eventually turn up at some point. Others probably have a damaged or lost label and go into a big pile of lost property at the courier, and the rest are nicked.

    What I don’t know is what happens to orders sent to Mexico. I have never had a successful delivery there, so have excluded it as a country to which we deliver. I assume there’s some thieving **** somewhere over there sitting on a massive pile of things he can never use or even sell.


    Free Member

    That was the reason given, but that sort of thing is that easiest way to start conspiracy theories.


    Free Member

    I know of several cases where deaths have occurred and cause of death has been reported as Covid-19 despite the patients testing negative for it.

    I don’t think this is some sort of conspiracy, but it is odd.


    Free Member

    It’s not interpreting the rules, it’s using common sense. Is there a greater risk of my infecting myself or others if I drive for 10 minutes to some deserted woods, or ride in the woods opposite my home, where I’m likely to encounter far more people? I think you know the answer.


    Free Member

    It was always ok unless you were some brainless rule-obsessed drone or a police officer with delusions of being in the Stasi. Just use common sense and don’t take the piss. It’s really not that difficult.


    Free Member

    Whilst I think Trump is an awful president and human being, I think all of this does ignore the fact that the WHO suffers from the same problem as many organisations of its kind, namely corruption.

    Look at how its leaders have got to their positions and you’ll see what I mean.


    Free Member

    I’m not moaning about them; just pointing out that they’re not very good by modern standards.


    Free Member

    I’ve got a garage full of stuff from that era. There’s a Merlin titanium from 1991, a Rockhopper Comp from the same era, and a Cannondale M400 (I think – it’s my wife’s old bike) from when they were built in the US.

    They’re all terrible to ride on anything remotely technical.

    I’ve even got some original Maguras and a very rare Campagnolo MTB groupset, which never shifted anywhere near as well as Shimano, but looked great.

    Bikes are much better now.


    Free Member

    As a former English teacher myself I’d rather eat my own liver than endure any Depression era American novels.

    Brave New World is a much better novel than 1984. Huxley is also a vastly superior and more interesting author than Orwell.

    Other classics that are actually readable: Don Quixote, most novels by Graham Green, The Woman in White, Frankenstein.

    Rushdie is worth reading, but not The Satanic Verses, which is a work of opaque pretentiousness.


    Free Member

    There’s plenty of research in peer reviewed journals on grinders and particle distribution. It’s not pseudoscience.

    Positing that a blade grinder would produce anything but terrible results is nonsensical; they give no control over grind size and the uniformity of particles is terrible. If you don’t understand why this wouldn’t produce awful coffee then it may be better to stay away from coffee threads.

    To return to the original question: better grinders produce better tasting coffee. In fact, the grinder is more important than any other piece of equipment in determining how good your coffee is.


    Free Member

    There really are a lot of virtue signalling, sanctimonious bellends on this forum aren’t there?

    Government advice does not sanction some elements of the police to live out their fantasies of being part of the Stasi in East Germany.

    It’s worth remembering that Orwell’s 1984 was inspired by the measures put into place in the U.K. during WW2, not just the Soviet Union, as many people think.


    Free Member

    People I ride with have had just as many problems with SRAM brakes as any other. Mainly pistons jamming on Guides and Codes.

    I’ve got Deore 4 pots and they’ve been totally reliable. Ditto the XTR 4 pots on two of my mates’ bikes and the Saint brakes on other friends’ bikes.


    Free Member

    We had a PE teacher who used to join us in the showers (naked, of course).

    The run back from the games fields to the changing rooms was faster than any running we did during the lesson (stick head under shower and get fully dressed before the teacher got there).


    Free Member

    The eco nutters don’t want the world to look like this because they don’t seem to understand that the consequences of their demands would be exactly that.

    Let’s just take the example of what is going to happen to all of the countries that rely on tourism for a large portion of their GDP. What is happening now is exactly what would happen if we reduced global flights to the levels demanded by extinction rebellion.

    I have friends whom I would describe as eco nutters and they have yet to offer a satisfactory answer to this simple problem. Perhaps you have a solution?


    Free Member

    Nukeproof Reactor in 275 guise.


    Free Member

    If we listened to all of the eco nutters the world would look very much like it does right now – ruined global economy and no one travelling anywhere.


    Free Member

    Lazer Phoenix Plus is ASTM rated for downhill, quite light and only £60 if you shop around. I have one and use it all the time.

    Quite a few people wear open face helmets for enduro (I don’t think many events in the U.K. stipulate full face) but I’d much rather be a bit hotter but have the added protection.


    Free Member

    This pandemic has really given STW members a chance to be self-righteous in a whole new way.

    You could quite easily apply the logic on this thread to everyday life outside of the current situation, and never do anything vaguely dangerous, like riding a bike, or driving a car, because it might burden the NHS.

    I really wish people would STFU. If you want to be sanctimonious and judgemental about what other people do, perhaps you should join one of the more puritanical religious groups.

    That is all,


    Free Member

    I’m making a note of all the spurious predictions, assertions and other nonsense on this thread and will be reminding everyone, when this is all over, of their stupidity. You have been warned.


    Free Member

    100 psi is too much. I run 80 on my Lyriks and I’m only a bit lighter than you. Different air spring doesn’t make 20 psi difference.

    Is your shock pump pressure gauge working ok? Have you tried a different pump?


    Free Member

    I’m around the same height as you and don’t get on with 29ers.

    I know people will point out that there are pros who are shorter than us who love 29ers, but I really think they work better for taller riders.


    Free Member

    It’s a non adjustable OPV on your machine (didn’t realise that originally).

    There’s not a lot you can do really that doesn’t involve spending quite a bit (adjustable OPV, better grinder, etc).

    Increasing the dose will slow things down, but will reduce extraction (but increase strength).


    Free Member

    @tomd Well said.


    Free Member

    Much cheaper to change the damper.


    Free Member

    Changing the damper and spring is dead easy. Some people think the Yari chassis is heavier, but I think the weight difference is due to the Yari being an open bath damper with loads of oil floating around.

    You can get the cheaper Charger 2.1 damper without the high speed compression damping control for about £150. If you’re a fairly average weight I’d argue that the high speed compression control is probably not sort the additional money.


    Free Member

    Why do do many people on here with zero qualifications or experience relative to the issue think that they know what’s best, or believe that they have some sort of magical ability to predict the future?

    Please realise your own limitations and biases and STFU, unless you have something useful to add (and ‘millions will die’ is not something useful in case anyone was wondering).


    Free Member

    Pressurised baskets are useless. Buy yourself a VST or IMS basket. Try dropping the pressure on your machine and using a lower dose and coarser grind. Also, go longer on your espresso – eg 15g in, 40g out in 15s.

    This is all based on some recent peer reviewed research by Chris Hendon et al. You can easily achieve a good (ie 20%+) extraction yield with this recipe, even though it sounds counter intuitive.


    Free Member

    Schools aren’t being closed (yet).


    Free Member

    Get him a full size one unless he’s got particularly small hands. A used Squier of some kind is your best bet.

    I’ve got trade accounts for Fender and some other brands, but when I’ve looked for friends the wholesale price has been pretty much the same as the cheapest online price, so there are also some new bargains out there too.


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