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  • Podcast Making Up The Numbers – Mid Season Review
  • jj55
    Full Member

    I just wonder at the comments regarding ‘us and them’ where ‘us’ the private sector workers are thinking they are really hard done by, and they are looking over the fence to see ‘them’ the public sector workers allegedly basking in Gold Plated pensions and excellent terms and conditions. If that was really the case why didn’t they join the public sector when there were vacancies?? and do you REALLY think that once this Government has slashed the Pensions, wages and terms and conditions of Public Sector workers they will reduce the Income Tax for the ordinary tax payer, if you do then you are a fool. Stop being taken in by the propaganda machine and give the Public Sector workers the credit and pay/pensions they deserve.

    Full Member

    There has to be savings made to pay for the mistakes of the Financial world, but don’t be fooled by the very slick Tory propaganda machine. Those savings do not have to come from the pockets of some of the countries most loyal servants, those who make the public services of this country the envy of the world – the public sector workers.

    I’m off the Mountain mayhem to de-stress!

    Full Member

    A Jobcentre manager with responsibility for literally millions of Pounds of taxpayers money, managing anything up to 70 staff earns less than a Manager of a small MacDonald s outlet (No disrespect to managers of MacDonald’s) The outright lies being bandied about by the media under the Tories control is an absolute disgrace, it’s nothing more than propaganda being put out by the Government so that the vast majority of the public will not support the Public Sector workers and that will leave the Tory millionaires free to kick the sh!t out of them until there is nothing left.

    And anyway, why shouldn’t there be well paid jobs with good pensions? Wouldn’t you like one??

    Full Member

    If public sector workers have got it all so cushty, why isn’t there an avalanche of applications every time a clerks job is advertised in Jobcentre’s, Benefits offices, NHS offices etc. I’ll tell you why because the jobs themselves are low paid! The figures being bandied about by the Government on Pensions, and financial advisers commisioned by the government are total fiction. Some of them are based on someone drawing a pension until they are over 100, others are being based on Senior Civil Servants pension, of which there are very few compared to ‘the masses’ The Government will win, they will cut pensions, and they will reduce public sector pay and pensions even more. It will make marvelous headlines in papers like The Daily Fail, and whilst this is going on the farce of moving the services to the Private Sector will increase. I have seen a lot of Public Services move to the private sector, it costs more, produces worse results, particularly for customer service, but it all looks good politically. Soon you will get the public sector service you pay for!

    Full Member

    Ken Dodd’s Dads’ dog’s dead

    Full Member

    Don’t forget the Three Counties Show is also taking place in Malvern and they are expecting 100,000 visitors to arrive at the show. From Junction 7 on the M5 to Malvern will be very slow tomorrow and probably on Sunday. Both in the mornings and in the evenings. Maybe if you are coming up the M5 from the South get off at Tewksbury and come up to Eastnor from there

    Full Member

    There were also some wholly inappropriate bikes, I saw one that looked like it had just been dragged out of the shed, complete with tyres as smooth as a babies.

    After what I saw in future I shall be carrying one of those silver blankets to wrap up in.

    Full Member

    I think I was one of the last around the short trail, (I wondered why the motorbike was following us down!) I believe it was closed after the feed station just after I left 8O

    Just found out one of our riding companions was treated in A&E for a broken rib after he drove himself to Hereford!

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Well……….. that didn’t go well! 8O

    That has to be the most brutal ride I have done for many years! Hope all have got back ok, saw the guy down just before the halfway water stop. Hope you are ok fella! Heard tales of many down on the long route before it was closed, again I hope all are ok.

    Many thanks to the organisers, marshalls and helpers along the route today, you looked as cold as I was. It couldn’t have been easy sorting that lot out today!

    Still, the surreal wheelbarrow races Saturday evening just about made up for the weather.

    Full Member

    Ah! Happy memories of the RAC! :-)

    Full Member

    Rough Ride[/url] :-)

    Full Member

    Forecast could be better for Sunday!

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Thanks for the serious responses, looks like poor old Bun was just unlucky!!

    Full Member

    I sat in a Jobcentre today, firstly a man literally jogged in wearing shorts and trainers to enquire where his disability living allowance was. Whe told he had to go and phne the processing centre he again literally jogged out 8O This was followed by a woman screaming at the poor old JC staff that her father was going to freeze to death (her words not mine) as his cold weather payment hadn’t come through (bearing in mind it is now summer and the sun was beating down outside). it turned out that he turned 60 2 months too late to qualify for it last winter. satisfied with the answer they left. Surreal!

    It was surreal!

    Full Member

    12 months benefit… then it stops. They’d soon find a job! Simples

    Full Member

    Yea, because they couldn’t fit me in during normal hours and saw me 5 mins after the surgery officially closed I’m going to be charged £40 extra, not sure what it will all come to yet. :evil:

    Full Member

    Is that by Stourport?

    Full Member

    bonk ………… :-)

    Full Member

    I’ve been married 31 years! I’m very proud to say that :-)

    It’s was not the reception and all the baloney that went with it, for us it was that ceremony in a church we love in front of our family and friends that counted.

    IMHO Marriage is VERY underrated, and has spawned a great unnecessary industry around the reception and honeymoon. A simple ceremony with a few friends and family, and a quiet reception is all that’s really needed if you love each other.

    Full Member

    No worries! :wink:

    Full Member

    deadlydarcy – I’d love to, but being a ‘public sector worker’ with no pay rise for the last 3 years things are looking bleak in JJ towers this year.

    Full Member

    It’s when you are following a car and you realise the driver in front has their Sat Nav right in front of their eye’s!!! How the **** do they see the road???

    Full Member

    JEngledow – Just makes me angry to see the waste of life, and to have one of those feckers scream past me at god knows what speed makes me REALLY angry!

    Full Member

    The same as every weekend, scores of idiots (mostly middle aged men having a mid-life crisis) on high powered motorbikes screaming along the A44 up into Wales (& back) every sunny weekend, overtaking everything in sight in the most stupid of places (saw 3 go by a lorry on a blind bend yesterday 8O – feckers) So far this year we have had one killed and one seriously injured. There will be more, there are every year! That’s why I avoid cycling on the A44. All along the road are big yellow signs asking us to watch out for bikes! It’s almost as though the bikers want to clear the A44 for their own use as a **** race track. It’s making me more and more angry as the years go by and the death toll inevitably raises.

    Full Member

    looks like it may be quiet then ……………………

    Full Member

    There’s a small coppice nearby you may be interested in called The Royal Forest of Dean!

    Full Member

    Isn’t Donovan’s daughter called Astrella Celeste ……….

    Full Member

    So right for a summer evening!

    Full Member

    Full Member

    He may be 70, but he ain’t …..

    Full Member

    ……………… 8O it didn’t end!

    Full Member

    I’m a Town Councillor…….. it’s part of the job description!

    Full Member

    Full Member

    What a night to win the lottery, all the shops are now shut and wont open again before the end of the world …………………. 8O

    Full Member

    thank you uplink for patrolling the forum and warning unwary second posters of the horrendous error they have made :roll: this should cut down on time wasters like myself who don’t go back over the last few weeks posts in case they make this basic blunder.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    Thanks for the advice……. it just seems I’m throwing good money after bad at the moment!

    Full Member

    This is how much I have been paying in since it started, but I’ve been slowly paying off the capital as well – it’s painful!

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