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  • The First Women’s Red Bull Rampage Is Underway
  • jj55
    Full Member

    Bregante – I have no knowledge of what your wife does and therefore cannot comment on her worthiness for her award, from your comments it appears it was richley deserved. My comments are directed towards the Civil Servants who are awarded gongs for literally just doing their job. I spent over 30 years in the Civil Service and came across many instances of people receiving awards for doing nothing out of the ordinary other than doing the job they were paid for.

    Full Member

    More civil servants being awarded just for doing their job!

    Full Member

    Adventure before dementia ……

    Full Member

    Perfect ending – probably going to be the only programme that I’ll buy the box set and watch again.


    Full Member

    Just one left :cry:

    Full Member

    Yep, looks like sound advice – thanks
    I used to attend lessons for about 3 years delivered by a native speaker and found them very useful. She’s now gone ‘back home’ to Spain so i was really just looking for an on-line service to brush up my rusty skills.

    Full Member

    Looks like it’s going to be quite this year :|

    Full Member

    Tried for three years to recruit unemployed ‘local’ people for fruit picking jobs as part of a national gov programme which gave free training courses to ensure they would be able to pick strawberrys (seriously!). Unsurprisingly, other than a very few successes, the programme failed to live up to the political fanfare that was spouted when it started and it was quietly scrapped.

    Full Member

    Why do these people submit themselves to trial by Kev? Do they get paid by Channel 4?

    Full Member

    Great weekend again in Llanwyrtdd Wells for the Summer Cider ride. Very well organised over outstanding route. Neuedd lived up to its party reputation. Can’t understand why there were so few entries!?

    Full Member

    Thanks I will give it a go, although the vine is looking pretty dire at the moment and maybe on its way out. Shame as it’s taken me over 20 years to grow it.

    Full Member

    Thanks guys! Myself and a couple of mates are off to the TT for 4 days so these suggestions will come in handy (Mr Overshoot – we are leaving on the late ferry so probably not the right timing for your very generous offer – but thanks!)

    Full Member

    Made it to retirement! No money, but I don’t have to be at the beck and call of a*se licking idiots climbing the greasy pole of their career via the efforts of others.

    Full Member

    when is the true midday? The winter one or the summer one?

    Full Member

    They seem to be a bit of an unknown

    Full Member

    There is a very vocal local posting half truths on a FB group page and getting people to sign up to a petition to stop this Velo because he doesn’t see why the roads should be closed by his house. The FB group is Bromyard Info. Be good to get alternate views from cyclists on this FB group!

    Full Member

    Shattering news, it’ll take some time to sink in. You are at the bottom of the biggest climb you’ve ever tackled, looking up is daunting but just like those climbs you thought impossible but conquered on past rides you will put your head down and using your Granny ring you’ll climb to the top and one day find yourself looking back down the hill and thinking that despite the doubts you had at the start you did it!

    Full Member

    Sounds like It’s not your age that’s the problem, it’s your job. I’m a 61 yo retired empty nester. My 50s were my best decade yet! But I hate not having my kids at home anymore, however I am determined this year to build a better new life for myself and my wife. Enjoy your life, it goes in the blink of an eye!

    Full Member

    Speak to the local planning officer for advice

    Full Member

    My nephew was caught sleeping in his car after a night out drinking, he got many points on his licence after being found over the limit but escaped a outright ban. What does the law say about drinking whilst sleeping overnight in a camper?

    Full Member

    After having two great sons I had mine done about 23 years ago by a very nice lady called Dr Ball, very successfully with little or no swelling or pain. Just like going to the Dentist except the Dr is a bit further away from your face! Then … wife started throwing up about a month later, didn’t give it a second thought until the Doc phoned my wife up with ‘the results of your test’

    He’s 22 now and a wonderful person.

    The moral of the story is to get the all clear before resuming activities.

    However me and the wife frequently thank our lucky stars for the best accident we ever had

    Full Member

    Thanks for the info! It’s not clear is it?

    Full Member

    Check your local councils planning portal to see if planning has been applied for in the past and if it has, and it was refused, you will be able to see the reasons for refusal. Speak with your Parish Council to gauge their views, no doubt they will be fully aware of this land and the potential for development. Speak also with your County Councillor, they should be able to tell you if there is a neighbourhood plan for the area, and if so where you can see it. This will set out the aspirations of the local council for the land in that area. Its not usually a guarantee that this is how it will work out, but gives a fair indication of the wishes of the local community. Your local council planning officer will also be able to offer advice. However, at the end of the day the decision is usually down to a planning committee comprising of local councillors, who can be notoriously unpredictable, sometimes even going against the advice of their local planning officer.

    Full Member

    She’s on her way back!

    (Beaten to it this year!!)

    Full Member

    revs1972 ~ You do need that second qualification! My nephew did it and it cost over £100 for a day’s course with a certificate guaranteed at the end of it. You then need to take the second CSCS test (£19:50), for which the revision books/DVD’s are a little cheaper on Amazon than on the official CSCS site. Once you have the two certificates you can then apply on-line for your card

    There is a lot of useful info on the CSCS official website[/url] Particularly which card you need for which occupation, which second qualification you will need, and where to find the training companies offering it. The website itself is a little difficult to navigate but with some patience you can find out all the info you need there. Beware of the commercial companies offering to take you through the CSCS card application process, there are the inevitable mark up’s that these commercial enterprises charge for a process which you can do yourself on line.

    Good Luck!

    Full Member

    Any more suggestions? TIA

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Yes you are right, the Health, Safety and Environment test does have to be taken in an official centre. However it appears that the other qualification (of which there are a range) can be taken away from these ‘official’ test centres and I believe ‘on-line’, but trying to find one on-line is proving difficult

    Full Member

    About 2 years ago DWP arranged training courses for unemployed people to learn how to pick fruit, they were guaranteed a job at the end of the 2 week course. Sounds a bit daft I know as what’s so difficult about picking strawberries that you need to be trained? but the courses covered the high standards required by fruit pickers to meet the supermarkets expectations, the inevitable H&S, how the farms operate and what the opportunities were, what the accommodation being offered was. The earnings of many of the experienced pickers was surprisingly high, but should a new picker not pick sufficient fruit their pay was bolstered by the grower to ensure it met minimum wages. However this was only done for a short period after which, if their picking didn’t improve, the picker was ‘let go’. For those who made the grade there was work guaranteed for most of the year as the soft fruit these days grows under polytunnels where it can grow almost all year round. There was also basic accommodation available in the form of old static caravans. What was the outcome? Only a very small percentage of the successful trainees took up the offer of work, and of those only a few remained after a few weeks. The growers were not surprised! If the migrant labour disappears then the fruit market in this country will collapse!

    Full Member

    We went round the lake on the Saturday, up the road by the waterfalls (what a climb!) then down an immense downhill forest roadway to bring us back to the dam with many smiles per mile. Sunday did the Gap, stopping at the tea rooms for endless cups of tea (free refills!)

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    Full Member

    Thanks all!
    Sorry Frank – but we don’t agree! Only problem is we’ve a tour of the Distillery booked before a ride…. its going to be interesting!

    Full Member

    Order/pay via touch screen terminal in France, take a seat and they bring it over!

    Full Member

    Mrlebowski I have maps, compass and a rough sketch of the route already. Was looking for suggestions of a better route or confirmation the route we did last year in this area was the best one. I even have a survival bag!

    Full Member

    Used my inbuilt homing system and headed roughly in the direction of Brecon until I picked up a road, then followed the signs back to Brecon. 8)

    Full Member

    Thanks guys for all the offers, unfortunately the GPS is not GPS’ing hence the request for actual real maps. Old skool!

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