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  • Fizik Terra Ergolace GTX Shoe review
  • jj55
    Full Member

    I see one regularly on the road, you literally can't see him until the last minute! Brave man to ride that in todays crazy traffic!!

    Full Member

    denplan……. end of!

    Full Member

    I also heard the prog on radio 4, and she talked an awful lot of sense. They offer to reverse the op later on if the person wished to change their mind, but they have not had one take up the offer. On the face of it it is bordering on right wing eugenics, but when you heard this passionate & very caring person talk about the affects of drug addiction on unborn & totally unwanted babies, and how these children suffer terribly when born and have to be weaned off the drugs it was heartbreaking. and if all that didn't make you think again, they had done a study and 'costed' how much it took to look after one of these children from birth right through until he died of neglect at the age of 3 – $4m! I know we should not put a price on life, but c'mon someone has to say it!A very difficult subject, but one that needs to be discussed

    Full Member

    Going to finish off my Black Bun tonight!! :P

    Full Member

    its Welsh Water

    Full Member

    good info 'drain' (apt!) – but its now not looking good for a big rebate :( – bummer – how do you cancel chainreaction orders………………

    Full Member

    well its NOT, its your mind!! Disgraceful behaviour!

    Full Member

    Councils aren't crap they are being prudent and saving your council tax money – if they put enough resources into clearing everything you would have a real stinker of a council tax bill. Clear it and ignore the neighbours they are obviously feeling very guilty!

    Full Member

    Nice recipe….. that should bring them flocking

    Full Member

    I always knew that the STW forum contained sound ornithological advice.

    Full Member

    Herefordshire – a few schools re-opened for those who can walk to them but the rural schools bus transport suspended at the moment. My local High School is open, but pupils banned from going outside @ break time due to ………… H&S :roll:

    Full Member

    Miss Crappe

    Jenny Taylor

    Dusty Springfield Smith

    Full Member

    So, is it only Weymouth in the UK that hasn't got snow?

    Full Member

    This is the best winter we've had in years.

    It's OK if you are not infirm with no-one to help you shop, its ok if you have enough money to heat your house, its ok if you haven't got to go out & lamb 300 sheep, its ok if you live on or close to a main raod that's gritted, it's OK if you just want to play… etc etc

    Full Member

    Yep – Blue skies & snow in Herefordshire :0)

    Full Member
    Full Member

    Give them a ring tomorrow their advice is free and usually very good

    Full Member
    Full Member

    'mental note' – before posting check every post to ensure no duplication

    yea but, no but, my picture is better, and this is the 4th year in a row I have posted this same message & picture. blahh!

    Full Member

    ooo ….. some good suggestions here! Thanks

    Full Member

    Drac – the answer has always been 'nothing, I've got all I need' :|

    Full Member

    The Beatles when they played a local pub in Tenbury Wells!
    Mott the Hoople when they played in the ballroom of a local hotel
    Queen, when they played Worcester and the many top acts that used to come to the Winter Gardens in Malvern!

    Full Member

    ….. me to :cry:

    project – i didn't see you standing behind me

    Full Member

    2001 Space Odyssey

    Full Member

    In which case – who should it be?

    Full Member

    We are……. beware!

    Full Member

    One of Wogans' favourite sayings

    Full Member

    IA – no! Tried it but it's only f**king up the hollowlink

    Full Member

    OK – thanks for the offer anyway!

    Full Member


    Full Member

    rockhopper – Tried some heat ……… they are firmly stuck!

    Mike_check – thanks for the suggestions they sound good – but I've not got any of that kit & I need the bike for Friday

    Looks like its the LBS tomorrow – and risk the hollow laughter as another amateur cocks it up & comes in with his tail between his legs!

    Thanks all for your suggestions!

    Full Member

    mike_check you are right! I also can't get into the back of the outer edge as it is set into the hollowlink.

    Full Member

    just pray one doesn't overtake you on a country 'A' or 'B' road. Imagine the 'back draft' from it as it passes by!! Then imagine it trying to overtake you on a road that doesn't have many long straights to allow it to!

    Not good!!

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Full Member

    Saturday night in the Neuadd Arms was great …. as ever! – my only concern was that the floor was going to give way! Very sad to see the town slowing declining with the shops all closed! Obviously hard times in Llanwrtd

    Full Member

    'relatively minor thing' – think about that statement when you are approaching 60 years of age and some clown knocks you straight off your bike – you don't bounce as well as you used too!!

    Full Member

    I don't think they were pished – just ignorant!

    Full Member

    Yes – barged! Yes – physical contact! They were basically all trying to keep up with their mates in front. More than once I had to slam on the brakes and slew to a halt blocking the way for riders behind when I was cut up by these 'gentlemen'! The first you knew they were coming by was when they appeared very quickly at your elbow!

    Not pleasant!

    Full Member

    Judging by the weather forecast for Llanwrytd Wells I think the wobble should be canceled & substituted with the bog-snorkling event

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