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  • Fresh Goods Friday 698 – Up To No Good Edition
  • jj55
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    I think Brown got it tonight, with Cleggy a close second … poor old Dave is on the bench!

    Full Member

    Brown is stronger this week …………

    ……… Dave is looking lost

    Full Member

    Politics – its theatre but its better than a dictatorship or communism :wink:

    Full Member

    The 'ref' is very weak!

    Full Member

    Clegg is definitely rattling camerons cage!! Dave's worried!!

    Full Member

    Cleggs looking good again!

    Full Member

    why should the airlines pay for what is essentially nothing to do with them – seems a bit harsh

    Full Member

    Clegg wins!

    Full Member

    Labour has swamped every single area of our public services with mountains of paperwork cascading in every day taking armies of bureuacrats to deal with it………..

    Full Member

    Now here is a man that would have livened up any debate

    Full Member

    Brown is a robot spewing out pre-recorded bullsh*t :?

    Full Member

    Politics! What a glorious system :lol:

    I wouldn't do it!

    Full Member

    Brown is starting to look a bit …. shiny – who will be the first to show beads of sweat!

    Full Member

    Their ties are boring

    Full Member

    Here is a link to the auction catalogue


    The entire contents of a good old fashioned bike shop are being auctioned off in Ledbury this Saturday.

    Full Member

    I have been up there and seen some very dangerous & ignorant riders so I can empathise with some of the 'red socks'

    Access for all……. but not the grumpy ones ;0)

    Full Member

    its better than a dictatorship!

    name me one country that has a better political system than ours!

    Full Member

    like I said …… ignorant idiot! and you have just proved it!

    Full Member

    stand yourself!

    Full Member

    JoeBones – I take great exception to your racist language – my wife is of Romany descent and has suffered for years from ignorant idiots like you.

    Full Member

    You'd miss them if they weren't there. A few years ago news leaked out in my little hometown that there were going to be no wardens for about 2 months. It turned into absolute chaos in a very short space of time, to this day I still can't believe how people parked! Pavements were blocked, road junctions became impassable – i never thought i'd say it but I was relieved when the wardens came back!

    Full Member

    Hamilton is an absolute disgrace and brings motor racing into disrespect, it was never like this a few years ago when drivers knew how to behave


    Full Member

    55 this year – feels like everyting is now going into hyperdrive and my life is whizzing past me at an ever increasing speed 8O

    Life has never been so good – each decade so far has had its good points – now i'm moving towards the 'third age' and its great

    (except for mornings when things that used to be stiff ain't, and things that weren't stiff now are :roll: )

    Just forget about what age you are and enjoy yourself

    Ancient Sanskrit Poem

    Look well to this Day
    For it is Life…
    the very Best of Life!
    In its brief course lie all
    the Realities and Truths of Existence
    the Joy of Growth!
    the Splendour of Action!
    the Glory of Power!

    for Yesterday is but a memory
    and Tomorrow is only a vision
    but Today IF LIVED WELL* makes
    every yesterday a Memory of Happiness
    and every tomorrow a Vision of Hope

    * Be and Give the best you can in all your tasks and relationships

    (and drink whisky!)

    Full Member

    Don't watch it – simple as :|

    Full Member

    Very sorry for your loss, exactly the same thing happened to me at your age (over 30 years ago!), only it was my dad who departed very suddenly and unexpectedly for the far shore.

    You are now in a different world and have to learn to live in this new place. Give yourself time to do this, don't rush it and as said above defintely don't bottle it up, talk to family, friends and professionals and gradually you will come to a peace with what has happened. But your Mum will never leave you, throughout the rest of your life she'll always be just a thought away.

    Biking helps!

    Full Member

    ……. i have my reasons – who are you? why are you speaking to me? what do you want? – can you hear them? they are telling me to do things i don't like. Mother…. is it you, i'm coming Mother, i'm coming ……………….. 8O

    Full Member

    I dread to think what that disgusting pack of wolves who waited outside the court when the 2 lads were sentenced would have done if they had caught them. They were far worse than the 2 lads because they were 'adults' and knew what they were doing.

    Virtually all we know about this case is from the media, and we should never forget that they aren't giving us this info from the goodness of their hearts, they only print what sells and we all know the more it makes 'angry of Tonbridge Wells' spit out their Early Grey and shout this is unbeleivable the more money it makes

    There is far more to this story than we were led to believe. Very interesting the way the Norweigens handled a similiar case

    Full Member

    channel 990 on sky

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    so is the secret formula – Fire/Garden, 'welcoming' Barmaid (man), good beer, good grub?

    Full Member

    Many relevant comments on here ! Seems to me that pubs are failing for a variety of reasons.

    Full Member

    bit of a theme starting to develop!

    Full Member

    seems to me that a whole range of factors have conspired to close many of our favourite old haunts. There's nothing so sad than an old favouriate with boarded up windows.

    Full Member

    yunki I think you are right, we are spawning a whole new generation of people who just sit on their own tapping on keyboards (looks down for a minute!) and twiddling joysticks but never really speaking to anyone!

    Full Member

    We had one pubco pull the plug on a succesful local pub because they sold too much food and not enough beer. The pubco put the rent up until the tennants left, then brought in some real 'villans' who sold gallons of beer, but had fights every weekend – nice!

    pomona – maybe you are right with real ale being seen as an old mans drink and the younger generation looking for something more 'hip'

    Full Member

    We saw the decline start before the smoking ban

    It brought home to me what our pubs used to be like and how much they have changed when I did the round of pubs at the Real Ale Wobble in Llanwrtydd Wells last November. They were bursting with people all p*$$ed but having a great time, ah! happy days!

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    Full Member

    Typical of this government – all spin and headlines and no substance behind it all. Its going to get worse in the lead up to the election.

    Full Member


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