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  • Reverse Base flat pedal review
  • jivehoneyjive
    Free Member

    What’s with the diversion?

    I thought we were talking about civil servants…

    Free Member

    Well, aside from the fact that there was a nigh on 20 year time period in between…

    (during which time ££millions was spent with Chilcot and Pals doing their utmost to muddy the waters get to the truth)

    Rather than being sacked, or even disciplined, they were constantly promoted, to the extent that Mark Sedwill was the most powerful man in Government, what with not being elected.

    Sedwill Cabinet

    As they tend to remain in place regardless of who is elected, who vets civil servants and their career paths?

    Free Member

    Not being rude, but…. So what?

    Exactly… without all the drama that comes from a media frenzy, a huge scandal can be swiftly dismissed and forgotten and business can continue as usual

    Course, all the lives lost don’t matter, they were brown people

    Still, at least we got the Chilcot report…

    Free Member

    The main problem I see is a lack of curiousity and excessive acceptance of the status quo…

    Free Member

    Posting the Google image results of “Jimmy Saville and” isn’t a scoop

    Chortle, guffaw…

    I got out of the game when I realized that no one was going to publish details of how Mark Sedwill and Matthew Rycroft, the guys behind the Iraq dossier were 2 of the most senior permanent members of Her Majesty’s Government.

    Sedwill has since moved on mind, to Chair a Panel of the G7 after nomination by none other than our dear Prime Minister and man of the party people, Boris de Pfeffel

    Free Member

    but you’re not “delving deeper” either. You’re just uncritically reposting alternative sources that feel truer to you because they happen to align with your own biases.

    Oh that that was true; I spent years investigating matters, uncovering many scoops along the way and doing my utmost to ensure that information was available to the wider media.

    Free Member

    Whilst there is undoubtedly many folks being misled by fringe groups with a whole lot of batshit nonsense sprinkled on, it’s equally worrying to me just how eager everyone is to accept official stories, when time and again the authorities have lied (and continue to lie)

    Perhaps it’s just easier to accept the information you’re fed, rather than going to the effort of delving deeper…

    Free Member

    Great news, though it often amazes me how long these things can take to come to fruition; I was sat at a table with the guys from Cairngorm discussing MTB potential 10 years ago!

    Free Member

    Often the facts speak for themselves… however, by sticking to the facts, you can find yourself in an alternate reality.

    There are many stories the media will never investigate, whether for legal, financial or political reasons.

    In many instances, even when stories are investigated, there are all sorts of goings on behind the scenes when folk have the wealth to bring in reputation management services who will plant false info and misdirect for a fee.

    Free Member

    All very easy for folk who aren’t under the constant threat of an eager ban hammer

    Keep it on topic JHJ.

    Suffice to say, the 1st time I heard of Bellingcat in it’s infancy, was via Tom Watson…

    back then, I was well impressed by Watson’s apparent gusto and willingness to take on the status quo, not only in terms of apparently wanting to get to the bottom of ‘allegations of a paedophile ring leading all the way to no 10’ but also fresh from his work putting a chink in the armour of the Murdoch Empire, with his trusty sidekick, Peter Jukes…

    That’d be the same Bellingcat that continually claimed to be THE source for all things relating to the Syrian Conflict, whilst failing to mention the source of the arms flooding into the region…

    Timber Syk 1

    Timber Syk 2

    No big surprise there though

    Cadwalldr can often be found singing Bellingcat’s praises, no big surprise given her links to the Integrity Initiative.

    In essence, I was previously impressed by the work of Tom Watson, Peter Jukes and Carole Cadwalladr, however, over time, their actions revealed they were far from trustworthy; ‘controlled opposition’ if you will.

    But back on topic… do I condone the actions of a bunch of misguided souls, stirred into action by relentless propaganda?

    Hell no, and those conspiraloons mentioned at the start of the thread don’t sound too savoury either…

    Free Member

    I was unaware of Jay Beecher’s allegations against Peter Jukes; my main concern is that whilst on the face of it both Jukes and Carole Cadwalladr are investigative journalists, exposing scandal, when it comes to it, they generally promote the establishment narrative.

    See also another of Peter Juke’s pals Tom Watson, which of course leads us back to Exaro News

    Free Member

    News to me, though I suppose there’s a lot of folk on the lam(b) when it comes to the truth

    Free Member

    health issues that unfortunately the NHS weren’t much help with (CFS/ME type stuff – I remember because I am a fellow sufferer)

    For what it’s worth I can fully sympathize; my dad has been a sufferer for many years; in his case, it’s almost certainly down to organophosphate poisoning; for some reason though, the government chose not to pursue the approx 30,000 cases of ill health due to the sheep dip that they ruled mandatory at the time

    As the Guardian revealed last year, at least 500 farmers across the UK were left with debilitating health problems after using organophosphate-based (OP) chemicals to protect their sheep against parasites, under the government’s compulsory dipping programme which ran up until 1992.

    Based on a more recently released survey, campaigners estimate more than 30,000 were likely to have suffered some form of ill health from using OP dips.

    It is now known that officials had evidence of the danger that using the chemical was having on farmers’, their wives, children and even the local officials ensuring that sheep were properly dipped, yet at the time ministers publicly rebuked farmers not using it.

    Some figures who have spoken very prominently about other cases of organophosphate poisoning had surprisingly little to say when it came to HM Government’s involvement in such matters

    Free Member

    I can’t really see how crisis actors would fit into this scenario…

    Agent provocateurs however are a well known tactic used by Police and Intelligence agencies to derail political protest

    Free Member

    bigger bellend than usual JHJ

    Don’t get jealous about the size of my bellend… 😉

    Free Member

    Surely the only way we can gauge whether or not it’s OK is Rachel Riley’s reaction… after all, she is the grand adjudicator in these matters and seems to make a pretty penny deciding what people can and cannot say

    Free Member

    It’s a sad fact but in the vast majority of cases, anyone who makes it to prominence in these circles is likely spreading every bit as much misinformation as the mainstream media.

    Whilst Alex Jones and David Icke are 2 clear examples, there’s evidence to suggest more credible sources such as Carole Cadwalladr and Peter Jukes are not all they seem

    Then of course we have the very shady outfit behind the once oft cited Exaro News…

    Free Member

    It’s not unreasonable to ask questions of Keir Starmer’s record at the CPS…

    or his role in the cover up of HMG’s role in CIA torture and going for drinks with Jonathan Evans the head of MI5

    Or indeed his role in the Assange case

    However, given the background of those involved in this altercation

    it doesn’t seem too far fetched to suggest this is a convenient avenue for those that would divide us to trivialize all of these matters as folk passionately rush to the defence of a man who is apparently opposing a highly corrupt and immoral Prime Minister

    Free Member

    A very good friend of mine is a well regarded professor of Middle Eastern culture and has written a hugely well received work on the representation of Palestinian people in film

    The extent of gaslighting and propaganda we’re all subjected to when it comes to the apartheid state of Israel is bound to result in a healthy distrust for media and the warped view of history which is continually being churned out

    Does that of itself justify considering the moon landings were faked? Perhaps not, but right or wrong, perhaps your friend is a perfectly reasonable and intelligent person who has seen enough to convince her of that scenario.

    Of course, this is a whole different area to the worrying number of extremist groups coming into being as a result of the swathes of misinformation we all wade through on a daily basis; many of these groups tap into the (not unreasonable) discontent at the knowledge you’re being lied to and magnify it with all the vigour and passion that has traditionally been the reserve of religion.

    Free Member

    You should capitalize on this opportunity and wear it with pride!



    Free Member

    There’s bound to be a concerted effort to distract and divide; after all, it is our system of governance we’re talking about…

    Beyond that, this is a key point; many will be doing all they can to defend Boris, so as to protect themselves down the line

    A lot of people knew about the parties and kept stumm, methinks it’s more than him that’s riding you.

    Free Member

    Reminds me of the irony of the Nightingale Hospital using the Excel centre (whose Abu Dhabi owners only stopped charging £millions in monthly rent after public outcry), which also hosts one of the worlds largest arms fairs… probably fair to say throughout it’s history the venue has taken more lives than it has saved

    Considering what their cargo holds are usually used for, could the same be said of the planes used for PPE?

    Free Member

    please resist the urge to trash the thread.

    Gladly, please follow the urge to ask questions of not only your elected representatives, but also the entire apparatus of Her Majesty’s Government

    Incompetent leader with bad hair quoting QAnon bollocks….seems familiar….

    All too true… QAnon have done a wealth of bad in muddying the waters on getting some very serious matters investigated

    Much like the repeating of flawed accusations, could that be by design?

    Free Member

    Always love the welcome I get when I chose to make an appearance here!

    Free Member

    We were staying home quite relaxed, at the request of scientists who know how diseases work.

    That being the case and considering Johnson himself apparently spent time in a fairly serious condition in hospital it brings into question not only how those that make the rules could be so stupid as to have mass gatherings, but furthermore, how they can be trusted to ensure the safety of any of us, in any scenario…

    Unless of course, they knew something we didnt?

    Free Member

    I’m sure it all makes sense to you too, but it hurts too bad to admit it, so you fall back on cheap insults and try to trivialize huge issues that effect us all and will continue to do so, regardless of who anyone votes for.

    It’s a shame, because like it or not, unless things change, the future of the entire planet is dire.

    Free Member

    And in so doing, let’s perpetuate the status quo that allows these travesties to continue unabated, whilst we cower in our homes at the behest of the media.

    Free Member

    Say Keir Starmer nailed Johnson and became Prime Minister… how much do you reckon would change?

    Not only in terms of quality of life for us commoners here in the UK, but in terms of foreign policy and such…

    You would’ve thought someone would bring these things up so Her Madge could have a word in their weekly meetings!

    Free Member

    Hmmm, well, apart from the fact that Bercow’s best man Julian Lewis (current chair of the intelligence and security commitee) was the man key to the cover up of organized abuse in North Wales children’s homes…

    Or that Sir Roger Gale, the man who stood in for Hoyle when Brexit was passed:

    was in charge of BBC Children’s programming when this was was filmed:

    Course, Boris was Mayor of London when the shady dealings around Elm Guest House and Dolphin Square were deftly swept aside with the help of top brass in the Met…

    For some reason, I get the feeling that we won’t be hearing a peep from (leader of Her Majesty’s most loyal opposition) Sir Keir Starmer about that though

    Free Member

    So anyway, you know how the universe is expanding…

    If the space between everything is getting larger, does that mean in relative terms, everything is getting smaller?

    Or in time, will the vacuum effect of deep space stretch everything so the relative scale remains the same, just the overall volume increases…


    Free Member

    Well it certainly felt like censorship at the time…

    Free Member

    Of course I’ve been banned on several occasions for discussing uncomfortable truths and I don’t hide that fact.

    I don’t pretend to know the ins and outs of it all, but I have no reason to make false claims; whatever the mechanisms involved, human or otherwise, there was an occasion where I was no longer able to post in a specific thread.

    Free Member

    If you say so… it hasn’t been a regular occurence and only happened (repeatedly) about 5 months back on one thread about Afghanistan, but regardless it’d worth doing a bug check to ensure it doesn’t happen again

    Free Member

    No you haven’t.

    I certainly have… my disgust at this situation was a big reason of why I haven’t been active for a long while

    Free Member

    Who knew?

    Every day is a s̶t̶o̶o̶l̶ school day!

    Cat lightening apparatus

    Free Member

    Prevents others thinking…

    Free Member

    Interesting theory, but from what I recall, that was not the case

    Free Member

    I guess when it boils down to it, the main aim of the initial prototypes which have evolved into the models offered was to afford a platform to Atherton Racing so

    a) They actually had bikes to race on


    b) They could prove the concept with race results and death defying doolallyness

    If that is indeed the case, then it’d make sense for the initial focus to be a DH bike, followed by a hard hitting all rounder that could lend itself to Enduro races if necessary.

    Obviously, now they have a production facility and are beginning to find their feet, there is now scope to diversify and show the true potential of this exciting technology across a range of models for all abilities and riding styles…

    That said, my lusting for a schweet 26er 100mm 4x bike might be some way off yet!

    Free Member

    For what it’s worth, in this instance there does seem to be a tangible reason for this; however, in the past, whilst still being able to access to forum I have been censored from posting in certain topics in which I have already posted for reasons unknown;

    Perhaps on occasion the truth is too unsavoury for general consumption?

    Free Member

    the overall story remains the same:

    Really? That was a hundred and fifty years ago.

    Clearly abuse of power is of no great concern to you…

    Perhaps I misunderstand here; are you suggesting that girls of varying ages being recruited by questionable means into a life of international trafficking and sex slavery involving Politicians and Royalty leading to police investigations being shut down bears no similarity to the Epstein case simply because it was a long time ago?

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