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  • Behind The Scenes: Getting The Shot
  • jivehoneyjive
    Free Member

    Ah, fair play, that is pretty much the exact situation we find ourselves in now, so I’m happy to dismiss the Forde report and the evidence showing Joan Ryan’s collaboration with a foreign power.

    Free Member

    “actors off stage” and “conspiracies in the corridors of power”

    Aye, sound…

    Free Member

    The Curtis will be a fine choice; I’ve had a couple of single pivot steel full sussers; a prototype SWD 6 gun… struggling to find pics of my bike after being hacked and banned on Facebook, so here’s a similar one:

    swd 6 gun

    and a descendence vox:


    Both had steel swingarms, which may not be the best for unsprung weight, but more than made up for that with sublime ride quality, providing levels of damping on frequencies that normally elude the abilities of suspension and tyres.

    Couple that with supreme tracking (many attribute this to flex, but it’s worth remembering steel is 3x stiffer than alu, albeit with thinner tubes) and a very intuitive nature that makes you feel at one with the bike and I daresay you’ll be in for a treat

    Free Member

    Could it be that the reason that some people are so venomous when Jeremy Corbyn is mentioned is that for many he represented hope…

    Instead we witnessed the lengths the powers that be will go to to crush those that threaten real change to the system

    Free Member

    Great man that Joe Biden, always liked him and the military industrial complex he represents 😄

    Free Member

    It’s a bit of a shame… was hoping that everything we went through during lockdown would’ve pretty much put an end to traditional colds and flu

    If only they could dedicate the same resources to developing suitable vaccines

    Free Member

    Here’s a fun little thought experiment…

    If you just targeted top level arms manufacturers and those in whose interests it is to perpetuate war for personal gain, how many people would have to be assassinated to prevent any further war?

    Free Member

    Stuff like this is always handy for approval ratings (certainly far better than raising the fact that Biden was vice president when the US effectively created ISIS via the Timber Sycamore program, much like they’d previously spawned Al-Qaeda from the mujahideen with their long time allies the wahabi loving Saudi Arabia and ahem, noble UK)…

    Let’s just hope the nasty man was sufficiently conscious to feel the wrath of one of the rare drone operations that hits their target without killing and maiming civilians…

    Free Member

    I heard the ancestors of Lidl’s founders were responsible for Baby Jesus’ ride to Bethlehem when he was still in his mummy’s tummy…

    Free Member

    Can you explain how the facts reported are anti-semitic?

    And for bonus points, do you think that Monster Girls provide any benefits to events and the promotion thereof?

    Free Member

    Look at them: Wheels

    My 1st thought was how you could further the benefits of a mullet with a 36er front wheel, but on balance we must be getting to the stage where wheel size evolution stagnates; it’d take some pretty fancy engineering if you wanted gnarpoon levels of suspension travel without noodle forks and chopper riding position

    Free Member

    Nah, those anti-semetic conspiracy theories have been doing the rounds since Jesus booted the lenders out of that temple.

    Huh, so Jeffrey Epstein used to whisk world leaders around in his jet back when Jesus was around?

    Who knew!

    Now, I’d prefer not to derail the thread, but these matters do all have a common thread; lets just hope that being a Monster Girl is an enjoyable and fulfilling role, as opposed to having to keep schtum about being exploited by some of the world’s most powerful figures for the purposes of political coercion.

    Free Member

    Teehee, made you think!

    Free Member

    My how time flies…

    7 years since the moral horror of sockgate!

    4 years since F1 grid girls became obsolete

    and yet, it’s only now that the links between victoria’s secret and the network surrounding Jeffrey Epstein are coming to light…

    During the 1990s, both Epstein’s and Wexner’s profiles grew on the world stage. In 1991, Wexner cofounded a philanthropic organization of Jewish billionaires known as the Mega Group, which uses some of its vast resources to shape Middle East policy. In 2003, Wexner’s foundation commissioned GOP messaging guru Frank Luntz to advise American Jewish leaders on how to rally support for Israel. “For a year—a SOLID YEAR—you should be invoking the name of Saddam Hussein and how Israel was always behind American efforts to rid the world of this ruthless dictator and liberate their people,” Luntz’s recommendation stated.

    Epstein kept close in that circle of influence. U.N. ambassador Bill Richardson and Middle East envoy George Mitchell allegedly participated in Epstein’s sex ring, according to a lawsuit filed by Giuffre. (Richardson and Mitchell adamantly deny the allegations.) Israeli prime minister Ehud Barak was an Epstein confidant. Epstein invested $1 million in one of Barak’s business ventures; Barak reportedly visited the East 66th Street condo building. Dershowitz told me he once arrived at Epstein’s town house as Epstein and Barak were wrapping up lunch. On a chalkboard, Barak had drawn a map of how the West Bank should be divided. (Barak could not be reached for comment. In 2019 he denied any wrongdoing related to the condo visits.)

    During his time as Wexner’s financial guru, Epstein’s holdings grew tremendously—sometimes by acquiring properties formerly owned by Wexner such as the town house on East 71st Street, one of the largest private homes in Manhattan. While it has been reported over the years that the home was transferred to him in a $1 transaction-—and Epstein may have led people to believe that—documents show he paid Wexner $20 million for it. In Columbus, Epstein owned a 10,000-square-foot house next to Wexner and, according to Merritt, paid a below-market price for one of The Limited’s private jets. (Epstein also reportedly oversaw construction of Wexner’s superyacht, Limitless.) Merritt recalled once asking Wexner why Epstein was so well compensated. “Les just said, ‘Because I got more money than I can ever spend,’ ” said Merritt. “Les gave him free rein over his checkbook.” In 2019, the Wall Street Journal reported Epstein earned $200 million from Wexner. Merritt puts the number at $400 million.

    Free Member

    naffness of the x games for providing them

    It’s probably out of the X Games hands; it’s more down to one of their major sponsors, Monster Energy

    Free Member

    The man is a true battler!

    Free Member

    With a bit of luck, many of those on the forum will encourage their kids to follow the athletes, helping swing the balance…

    At the end of the day, investment is generally related to promotional value and advertising revenue, so it all boils down to a numbers game

    As it stands, it’s clearly a strategy that works for Monster Energy

    Free Member

    Though not as much of an issue with petrol, thanks to all the associated gubbins on modern diesels (EGR, DPF, VNT Turbos etc) though you can generally ride the torque, it’s probably better to keep revving a little longer, so as not to end up with everything choked up in carbon like that galactic rogue Han Solo

    In fact, of late my car has been more economic, but that’s probably down to limp mode cutting boost and fuelling due to a coked up turbo, which makes for some particularly hairy moments when pulling out from junctions

    Free Member

    So I take it this is about the monster girls:

    Going by the amount of yoofs you see buried in their phones, it’s a fair bet that most of those watching the X games are gonna be on the ‘gram.

    So, let’s take a quick look at some instagram following figures… here’s the top five medallists from the Women’s BMX Freestyle Olympics: 26.1K followers 67K followers 69.2K followers 73.5K followers 17.5K followers

    Added together that tallies up to a combined total of 253.3K followers

    By comparison, the monster girls have…


    However, not all is lost; Skateboarder Sky Brown has 1.3m…

    Just don’t mention the record breaking X games athlete Leticia Bufoni, who despite her achievements, still parades around in a bikini at every opportunity, gaining 4.3m followers in the process…

    Free Member

    Well, like the UK’s continued support for Saudi operations in Yemen;

    despite evidence of Saudi’s not only supporting wahhabi extremism and indeed terrorist efforts:

    But also ties between the very highest levels of Saudi Intelligence and the 9/11 hijackers:

    Though a newly declassified and heavily redacted FBI memo from 2017 stated, “In the late 1990s and up to September 11, 2001, Omar al-Bayoumi was paid a monthly stipend as a cooptee of the Saudi General Intelligence Presidency (GIP) via then Ambassador Prince Bandar bin Sultan….”

    The memo continued, “Allegations of al-Bayoumi’s involvement with Saudi Intelligence were not confirmed at the time of the 9/11 Commission Report. The above information confirms these allegations.”

    you remember Bandar Bin Sultan:

    and the Al Yamamah deal that Prince Andrew got very antsy about when it looked like the Serious Fraud Office were going to investigate

    not forgetting the murder of Jamal Khashoggi, who in the 80s regularly met Bin Laden as Saudi Intelligence’s (GIP) go between, before going on to work in the London Embassy with the long time head of Saudi Intelligence, Turki Bin Faisal (pictured with the aforementioned Prince Andrew)

    That was the perspective Khashoggi took to Afghanistan when bin Laden invited him to come cover the conflict. The CIA — with the financial assistance of Saudi intelligence — was backing the mujahedeen for strategic Cold War purposes: to counter and weaken the Soviets. But for Khashoggi, the time he spent with bin Laden and his fellow warriors was a personally moving experience.

    He told Wright in those taped interviews about the “many, many times” he spent with bin Laden, traveling with him, staying in his camps, even sleeping with him in the same cave. What was moving about all this? Wright asked him.

    “It was moving because we were in a cave,” Khashoggi replied. “It was dark at night, on candlelight. He had a sentiment of Muslims, a concept of jihad, and of being close to God. Knowing that you’re doing the right thing … fighting those bloody Soviet infidels. It was a beautiful thing to me, particularly at that age.”

    Now… with (now Lord) Sedwill’s years in a variety of permanent (i.e. non-elected) roles across the upper echelons of Her Majesty’s Government concerned with high level intelligence (especially as regards Afghanistan) culminating in the triple whammy of National Security Advisor, Cabinet Secretary and Head of the Civil Service (along with President of the Special Forces club), how did he not pick up on these things?

    Free Member

    Wonder who was overseeing the foreign office’s operations in Afghanistan (and Pakistan, whose ISI were a key proxy during Operation Cyclone) when all this happened?

    Huh, isn’t that the president of the Special Forces club?

    UN weapons inspector eh?


    Oh my…


    Free Member

    Might be worth looking into a Nationwide flexplus account; which includes full european breakdown cover… not sure if cover would be immediate, but may help in terms of the vehicle already being in Europe

    Free Member

    It’s all very well for us in blighty to tut at those pesky foreigners getting in the way of our soldiers bullets again; I mean, if it wasn’t for their inability to keep a stable country and acquiesce their resources for Western consumption, HMG wouldn’t need to keep investing taxpayers money in training killers and sending them thousands of miles overseas with arms and munitions to supress any protest.

    Hard to imagine how the Taliban could be so ungrateful; after all, neither they nor Al Qaeda would exist if we (and our staunch allies in the US, Saudi Arabia and Israel) hadn’t flooded Afghanistan with AK47s (in an attempt to point the finger at Russia) and stinger missiles in a vast covert war which is still barely mentioned, probably in no small part due to it’s role in the rise of Osama Bin Laden.

    Of course, things get a bit weird when it comes to covert wars and the intelligence services; between diplomatic immunity and the law allowing undercover operatives to indulge in illegal activity, they basically have a free reign to continue our long history of empire building and intervention on foreign soil.

    Still, at least we won’t have anyone busting the door down and shooting our families…

    Free Member

    Not that I’m suggesting anyone should do any thinking when they could be enjoying cake n whatnot…

    Free Member

    I’ve got a Zerode Taniwha with the older P12 (aluminium housing, about 1/2 lb heavier) gearbox and really rate the bike as a whole; the weight distribution makes for brilliant dynamics, one moment allowing you to plough through whatsoever is in your path with the confidence of an angry rhino, the next allowing you to pop playfully into the air like a highly relaxed startled grasshopper; on top of that, there is sublime suspension performance that ensures the only oscillation you feel is your heart pumping joy around your body.

    The gearbox itself is a mixed bag; would prefer a trigger shifter (though the ability to grab most of the gears in one go without turning a crank is a goodsend); was previously struggling to shift to higher gears on trail, but since reversing the gripshift cables things have been far more ergonomically friendly and intuitive, with the bonus of emulating a motorbike throttle; also had more than my share of woes with the chain tensioner after offsetting it to accomodate a spider mounted narrow wide ring on the front, but generally speaking, the gearbox just gets on with the job with a very healthy range of gears that puts all these new fangled fancy cassettes to shame.

    Only major problem is every bugger wants to chat to you about it; between that, all the attention from the opposite sex and having to chisel off the thick film of caked on drool from over eager onlookers, you tend to get less time on the bike overall

    Can’t comment on the comparison between 9spd and 12spd, but all told, the gearbox experience has been a good one

    Free Member

    The DMBinS post mentioned Back on Track putting the new trails in, is that Rowan Sorrell’s firm?

    Yes indeed; was originally supposed to go ahead in the spring of 2021, before the contract collapsed due to issues between the Scottish Government and the overarching contractor who had apparently become somewhat greedy (Balfour Beatty if I remember correctly?)

    The loss of the contract had a major impact on Back on Track; not only had the company invested vast amounts of time and effort into surveying and designing the trails and negotiating the details, but had scheduled in the work and bought additional plant in preparation, the fallout left staff without work (or updates) for months on end.

    However, hopefully lessons have been learned and the newly rebranded On Track can put their experience and expertise to good use

    Free Member

    Does anyone know how things are going with the campaign to improve access in Wales?

    This is the last update I could find:

    After a long two-year process and several delays due to the pandemic, the recommendations for how to proceed with access reform in Wales have finally been published. The results are disappointing, but there’s still more to do, explains Cycling UK’s campaigns officer, Sophie Gordon

    Natural Resources Wales has just published its report outlining options for improving access in Wales, which the Welsh Government committed to do in 2019 following Cycling UK and OpenMTB’s long-running Trails for Wales campaign.

    At the time, Hannah Blythyn (then deputy minister for housing & local government) stated: “I will progress significant changes to access rights and facilitate an assumption of non-motorised multi-use on access land and the public rights of way network. This will provide users such as cyclists and horse riders with many more opportunities to access the outdoors near to where they live.”

    Unfortunately, this bold vision risks being watered down. Instead of making clear recommendations on the best way to progress with access reform, the report from Natural Resources Wales merely outlines the options and kicks the decision back to government.

    Looks like they could do with a bit of help from the community to nudge things along…

    Free Member

    Pretty sure that’s a sedated salmon

    Free Member

    These are the 1st 2 that came to mind…

    Deltron 3030 is an excellent shout; only thing is it’s anything but forgotten as it’s up there with my all time favs!

    Free Member

    Didn’t Scott Ritter mix in the same circles as one of the most powerful unelected figures of HM
    Government in recent memory, Sir Mark Sedwill (Baron Sedwill)?

    Hard to say who is the most trustworthy…

    Sedwill a

    Sedwill b

    Free Member

    So where does NATO expansion fit into meeting the net zero targets planned by COP26?

    After all, there are instrinsic ties between the arms, aerospace and fossil fuel industries…
    so much so that the US military (i.e. just one of NATO’s member states) is the world’s #1 individual polluter:

    The only good thing to come out of any of this so far is the arms industry is apparently now becoming a charity case…

    the not so good thing is that despite vast sums of taxpayers money already going towards the arms trade, people seem to be more than happy to splash the cash for killing machines that perpetuate conflict

    Still, good for the shareholders I suppose…

    Free Member

    Rumour has it that in addition to the Reaper, there’s a wealth of sweet enduro trails (mainly blacks, with a couple of reds) with killer views nearby

    Free Member

    It’s hardly just a UK problem. Watch the documentary about Gillain Maxwell and see how Epstein got away with much the same in Palm Beach, Florida for years with absolute impunity for much the same reasons. He was part of ‘The Establishment’ so blind eyes were turned across the board, and when he was eventually collared things mysteriously just ‘went away’

    It’s hard to conceive that Savile was in such a position of influence as to act as an
    intermediary between Royals…

    Surprised further questions have yet to be asked about his dealings with Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson

    Savile Royals

    Epstein Royals


    Free Member

    Define ‘them’

    Free Member

    Hang in there buddy, when I 1st clicked this thread, I figured it was gonna be someone with a weedburner and some crazy flame activity, but boy was I mistaken.

    All handy to know and wish you the best with your recovery

    Free Member

    Certainly a tricky one… if any group was sufficiently subversive to pose a legtitimate threat to government, it would swiftly be infiltrated and led astray

    Free Member

    I’ve provided way more facts than you… i.e. the source documents, which show clear involvement

    I could further the debate with Mark Sedwill’s background as a UN Weapon’s inspector:

    Sedwill NATO

    I don’t pretend this subject matter is pretty, but that doesn’t stop it being true, however much you try to derail.

    Free Member

    Nope, I think it’s better to let the facts speak for themselves

    Free Member

    Not sure why you say supposed involvement; it’s plain to see:

    Sedwill Iraq

    (scroll down to page 7 for the source document)

    Sedwill Rycroft
    Source document

    That said, it’s a good question; either scenario doesn’t sit well…

    (EDIT: I see you’ve edited and asked all sorts of questions, which is a good thing; we should all be asking questions of how this was allowed to happen)

    Free Member

    Get back to me on the civil servant question and I might think about it 😉

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