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  • Who won the Surly Grappler in 502 Club Raffle?
  • jivehoneyjive
    Free Member

    German royal families seem to be fairly successful…

    Founded in 1826 by Ernest Anton

    The House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (German: Haus Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha) is a European Royal House. It takes its name from its oldest domain, the Ernestine duchy of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, its members later sat on the thrones of the United Kingdom and its realms, Belgium, Portugal, Bulgaria, and Mexico.

    Free Member

    So from what I can gather, most people believe the monarchy has had no significant political influence in these matters?

    Free Member

    Probably an inside joke on the unlawful killing of Diana (and Jamal Khashoggi’s cousin, Dodi)

    Free Member

    You can thank Putin for this, he has done more for the global arms trade than any living person.

    All bolstered with the support of Saudi Arabia, as I previously mentioned…

    Ostracized by the West, Russia Finds a Partner in Saudi Arabia

    The two oil-producing countries have extended their partnership even as the United States and Europe have sought to punish and isolate Russia for invading Ukraine.

    The Saudis are in turn supported by the UK and US in their constant bombardment of Yemen amid the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.

    Perhaps war is closer to human instinct than we’d prefer to admit…

    We’ll have to see how the situation between Azerbaijan and Armenia develops, but if Russia are supplying the majority of arms to both sides, it may be that such a conflict ultimately benefits the Russian economy…

    That said, you’d imagine the RAND corporation had factored in such matters when suggesting exploiting the situation

    Free Member

    Hats off, I stand corrected; perhaps I can be a touch eager to criticize western powers due to the constant propaganda we’re fed as regards a history of conquest, colonialism and resource stripping… clearly Russia are every bit as manipulative when it comes to the shadowy world of arms deals

    In this instance, it seems my energies were misdirected, though there is a worrying trend of increased global investment in the arms industry;

    Global Arms spending

    This is once again data supplied by SIPRI, who in fairness, do seem to have comendable aims

    What role NATO’s influence has in increasing global defence spending may be best left for another thread…

    Free Member

    Since that’s your specialty, I’ll let you answer…

    Free Member

    Wonder if they’ll auction the potatoes off on ebay after; could be a great way to own a piece of history!

    Free Member

    How odd, no mention of war crimes, just leaping to the defence of the world’s largest military, who lest we forget, are spread around the globe:

    Map of US bases

    Are you suggesting the US doesn’t have a long history of invading countries on the other side of the globe and wreaking havoc?

    Who can join NATO?
    How much is directly contributed to NATO?

    How many people have been killed as a result of NATO interventions, which are all too often a cover for corporate resource grabs?

    What is NATO’s carbon footprint…

    a) In terms of infrastructure and operations?

    b) In the wider context of the resources exploited as a result of their invasions?

    Of course, there’s no guarantee this is the way the situation in Armenia and Azerbaijan is headed, but it’s worthy of discussion; after all, let’s not forget Venezuela, mentioned in the graphic which has stirred so much controversy has the world’s largest oil reserves.

    Where the money is

    Would if be so far fetched to suggest resources and geopolitics may play a role in how outside agencies interact in the ongoing conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia… not only in terms of covert support, but also in terms of media spin?

    Free Member

    And fair play to sky news…

    Free Member

    I am very aware of the pre-2001 history of the region thanks.

    Glad to hear it, if we are to reduce the level of conflict in the world (and it’s vast enviromental impact) a wider awareness is key…

    The US military recently released a report analysing the Department of Defense’s climate risk. The Pentagon thoughtfully acknowledged that rising temperatures are “reshaping” the world with “more frequent, intense, and unpredictable extreme weather conditions caused by climate change”, but they failed to analyse the Defense Department’s own contributions to climate change.

    This came as a surprise, as ample evidence has been published before the report detailing how dangerous the US military’s climate change contributions are. In 2019, a report released by Durham and Lancaster University found the US military to be “one of the largest climate polluters in history, consuming more liquid fuels and emitting more CO2e (carbon-dioxide equivalent) than most countries”. It established that if the US military were a nation state, it would be the 47th largest emitter of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the world. These figures were from taking into account the emissions from fuel usage alone.

    This report did not come as a shock. The US military is a vast infrastructure and relies upon an extensive global network of trucks, cargo planes and container ships to supply its operations. These operations can range from anything – to humanitarian aid, to bombs and hydrocarbon fuels.

    Gathering data about the US Armed Forces can be difficult. With their decision to withdraw from the 1997 Kyoto Protocol, the US is exempt from reporting their military emissions. However, gathering statistics from their negligent actions can be obtained through local news organisations, NGOs, lobbyists and Freedom of Information requests.

    Now I’m not for one moment suggesting the US is the only antagonist here; obviously Russia plays a major role in stoking global conflict, as do NATO, whose very existence relies on continued conflict and a lucrative arms trade.

    You’d hope governments had cottoned on to it by now, but alas, there is too much money to be made and resources to be plundered for any scenario beyond a forever war.

    It’s hard to imagine that these latest escalations aren’t just another cynical exercise in a very real and very dangerous game of RISK by world powers

    Free Member

    So it was the US indiscriminately bombing civilian areas in Syria was it?

    To some extent, yes, and let’s not forget Timber Sycamore and covert support of extremists.

    interesting to learn that Afghanistan under the Taliban in 2001 was a liberal paradise where women could go round with uncovered hair

    Good to know you’re interested in learning; perhaps you could educate yourself on the wider history of Afghanistan and the role of Operation Cyclone in the Taliban taking power

    (and the formation of Al-Qaeda)

    Free Member

    Just the tip condom applicator

    Free Member

    Reckon I could do that scraggy puss no worries… poor bugger probably just needs a stroke mind

    Free Member

    Between bordering on Iran and being key to the continued flow of oil and gas, it comes as no surprise NATO has interests in the area…

    (How come sanctions were never placed on ISIS trading the oil they seized? Or on Saudi Arabia for not only funding Al Qaeda and ISIS, but also trading in Russian oil and gas…)

    Where the moneys at

    But surely they’ve learnt that previous missions haven’t done a great deal for the peace they always pretend to pursue…

    Before n after

    Free Member

    Clearly the people of Azerbaijan are in dire humanitarian peril, and need vast amounts of highly profitable weaponry to have any chance of fighting back against their oppressors:

    Free Member

    Queue’ll surprise…

    democratic rights

    Free Member

    speaking of bleach…

    ‘Hey mate, what’s your ringtone?’

    Never had a chance to look, but I reckon it’s brownish

    Free Member

    To be fair, the brave commoners of Muir of Ord were probably defending the honour of their local dignitary, the Earl of Inverness:


    Oops, apologies, that was simply some dignitaries associated with the actual Earl of Inverness:


    Free Member

    I think his valet(Toothpaste squeezer and bum wiper) will still be in employment

    Did his selfless mother also have the good grace to employ those less fortunate than her?

    Free Member

    and its the same people creating the lies and smokescreens that are conning you.

    So Boris was a republican all along? The plot thickens… 🤔

    Free Member

    Some hugely touching tributes to such a selfless woman…

    (errr, not that kind of touching 😳)

    Free Member

    I am still not convinced shes in that box though

    Well, if it came to it, there’s plenty of places she could hide…

    Buckingham Palace, London
    Clarence House, London
    Kensington Palace, London
    Wren House, Kensington Palace, London
    St. James’s Palace, London
    Windsor Castle, Windsor, Berkshire
    Palace of Holyroodhouse, Edinburgh
    Hillsborough Castle, County Down, Northern Ireland
    The Royal Lodge, Windsor, Berkshire
    Bagshot Park, Surrey
    Thatched House Lodge, Richmond, London
    Barnwell Manor, Barnwell, Northamptonshire
    Gatcombe Park, Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire
    Sandringham House, Norfolk
    Balmoral Castle, Aberdeenshire
    Craigowan Lodge, Balmoral, Aberdeenshire
    Delnadamph Lodge, Balmoral, Aberdeenshire
    Highgrove House, Gloucestershire
    Birkhall House, Balmoral, Aberdeenshire
    Llwynywormwood, Myddfai, Llandovery, Carmarthenshire
    Tamarisk, Isles of Scilly
    Castle of Mey, Thurso, Caithness

    Most of em look fairly comfortable n all…

    Thinking of similar National Trust properties, how many staff does it take to keep them all spick n span; e.g. make sure the heating is serviced and working to keep the damp out, keep an eye out for nesting rodents, keep the gardens in good order and sweep away cobwebs to ensure sufficient reverence for Royal visits etc?

    EDIT: Assuming they’re left empty that is; do we really know what goes on there?

    Free Member

    Business as usual?

    Two Princes

    Free Member

    Oops, perhaps he has more pressing issues…

    Free Member

    It feels like weeks since Mrs Windsor died 😕

    Perhaps now would be a good time for Charles to reinstate the Saxe Coburg Gotha moniker?

    Free Member

    Ultimately, many seem to be mourning the passage of time…

    One things for sure, change is coming in one form or another

    Free Member

    Next time JHJ starts a topic on Middle Eastern arms sales I might flood the thread with quotes on the obscure and ancient rights of the privy council. I’m assuming it’s as relevant and appropriate as what is happening here

    Don’t sweat it bro, got you covered…

    all present remained standing throughout the meeting, as is the custom.

    There were many matters to be covered, from specifications of 50p coins celebrating the life of Stephen Hawking, amendments of the charters of a number of universities and societies including the Royal Scottish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, orders preventing further burials in a number of Churchyards across the country, sanctions on Eritrea and even an amendment to the Outer Space act for the Isle of Man!!

    But just how is it that this particular meeting of Her Majesty’s Privy Council takes us back over 40 years, to 1976?

    Privy to what

    I even went so far as to correspond with the Privy Council office to try to get to the bottom of it all…

    Privy to what?

    Free Member

    Couldn’t they just send a drone or some such and dispense with all that archaic due process… that said, with all the imperial history that’s been dragged up by the former colonies, maybe the optics would be better if our friends on the other side of the pond handled the mission!

    Of course, we could still profit what with all the contacts Charles and Andrew have amassed in the industry over the years… might even be a good demo of BAE’s new systems, ready to sign a lucrative contract

    Free Member

    If the energy crisis continues, everyone will be saying ‘abolish the monarchy’, so they can live a life of subsidized comfort at HM’s pleasure…

    (not quite the same as a pleasurable life of subsidized comfort mind 😁)

    Free Member

    the Government to sneakily push through anything that does not benefit the public

    Might be a bit late for that…

    (edited with fresh tweet, as the one with the uncensored pic was apparently too spicy for the sensitive folk of this family forum)

    let’s just hope they’re lenient, given the powers available for prosecution…

    A 165-year-old law that threatens anyone calling for the abolition of the monarchy with life imprisonment is technically still in force – after the Ministry of Justice admitted wrongly announcing that it had been repealed.

    The Treason Felony Act 1848 has been the subject of repeated legal confusion this century. It was the subject of a high court challenge by the Guardian in 2003. This week, in a footnote to a list of new offences, the MoJ said the powers in section 3 of the Act had finally been swept away in a belated, legislative pruning of unwanted laws.

    The act – which makes it a criminal offence, punishable by life imprisonment, to advocate abolition of the monarchy in print, even by peaceful means – has not been deployed in a prosecution since 1879.

    The Ministry of Justice said: “Section 3 of the Treason Felony Act 1848 has not been repealed. The Ministry of Justice has removed this publication and is reviewing its contents.”

    That means in theory that to “imagine” overthrowing the Crown or waging war against the Queen, as the wording of the act describes, could still result in a life sentence.

    Sprinkle a dusting of the recent Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022 in for good measure and blame Orwell for inspiring the python of state to new levels of constriction

    Free Member

    Speaking of big whiffs, how will Charles manage to reconcile his position as an environmental warrior with his position as an international arms dealer of some repute?

    Not that I’d suggest for a moment that the monarchy should be disbanded, just think how many jobs are at stake…

    Free Member

    Thank goodness the authorities of Norwich had the wherewithal to observe the correct protocol in these tragic times…

    can’t have folk releasing endorphins, which may raise the mood and prevent the statutory bowed head and blubbering

    Free Member

    Gawd bless er, even in passing her magical cloud ghost unites the country in peace…

    Will Wills carry on where his father has left off as regards keeping the arms flowing to the Gulf dictatorships?

    Free Member

    Perhaps it’s not just the daily mail straying into fantasy…

    for the sake of balance and contrast:

    looking at the numbers, have to wonder how much longer the facade will hold!

    Free Member

    The clue is in the thread title

    Thoughts with the Queen and her family

    One of my thoughts is if the remaining monarchy had to sell off the crown jewels to pay their (far from insubstantial) energy bills, who would be the highest bidder and why?

    Free Member

    The Queen died shortly after meeting Liz Truss, who wouldn’t have been PM without Brexit.

    Makes you think.

    OMG, conspiraloon!

    Free Member

    I have a mate who worked at a high level for a charity which supported homeless prostitutes and trafficked sex workers.

    One of their biggest supporters used to turn up and do a couple of shifts a month, unpaid, just sorting out admin and making brews.
    Donated a shit load of cash too.

    Peter Mandleson.

    You just never can tell.

    Did Mandelson ever give an explanation for this?

    Free Member

    I’m not a monarchist, but nonetheless find it outrageous some of the things people are coming out with on twitter…

    Free Member

    Police mate has had all leave cancelled and been warned to expect 12 hour shifts.

    Shame that Her Majesty’s constabulary are so selective with how their resources are dedicated…


    Free Member

    My hot tip would be to train em to escape the rat race early and get a schweet off grid camper, then park it at the layby at the top of Penglais Hill!

    Failing that, as others have said, try widening your search, though bear in mind public transport can often be pretty sparse if you venture away from the coast road or railway (not the Devil’s bridge line ;))

    If they wanna ride some schweet local trails with some of the best views in Wales, they’re welcome to give me a shout, though best wait a few months as I’m out of action with a torn rotator cuff at the mo.

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