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  • jivehoneyjive
    Free Member

    Oh bloody hell, don’t encourage him to breed!!

    Free Member

    So Jamby, what do you think is the root cause of scenes like this;


    and this?:

    Free Member

    Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Merlot in the back bar?

    You know how it is…..

    Steady on, that sounds a lot like a conspiracy theory 😉

    Free Member

    After what selection process?

    Free Member

    He has a new lucrative job lined up – 49% chance

    By what means would this have happened?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Libya has little to do with ISIL, it’s much more Syria and Iraq ie the Levant. The clue is in the name.

    Apart from the fact that the weapons that bolstered their creation were imported by western intelligence services from Libya:

    Now where did the ideology that fuels their cause come from?

    David Cameron defends flag tributes to late King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia

    Odd then that Prince Bandar Bin Sultan, the same guy who helped provide US support to Osama Bin Laden,

    (Transcript here if video now blocked:

    set up the Al-Yamamah Arms deal (with £billions being unaccounted for)

    and was in contact with the 9/11 hijackers (including financial ties via CIA linked Riggs Bank)

    was also charged with leading the Saudi contingent in Syria:

    Prince Bandar to Lead Saudi Extraterritorial Military Force for War in Syria, Yemen

    Of course, much of this pre-dates Cameron’s tenure as Prime Minister of Her Majesty’s Government, but nonetheless, it raises questions as to just what compromises the intelligence services are prepared to make to bolster arms sales.

    Free Member

    So David Cameron’s government bear significant responsibility for the rise of ‘The so called’ Islamic State?

    Free Member

    I’m crap at trawling all the threads these days, so dunno what’s afoot…

    always got time for this one though

    Free Member

    Y’all be jealous, but don’t be hatin’

    Might cobble together some mudguards from a detergent bottle or something.

    Free Member

    Hmm… there’s a whiff of irony in the air.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Linked: We all live on the 3rd rock from the sun
    Backstory: Fabrication

    Are you suggesting you can provide evidence of another planet? Might explain where you’re from

    Failed to prosecute: There was no evidence to warrant a prosecution, ie there was no case to answer

    Care to elaborate on what you’re referring to?

    Free Member

    Not sure Starsky would approve of your detective skills hutch… can you provide a bit more backstory?

    Free Member

    Industrial washing machines indeed!!

    Free Member

    This blog makes for interesting reading[/url]:

    Following allegations made in the Sunday Mirror that Keith Vaz had engaged in sexual activity with male prostitutes, one has to wonder how far in advance The Sunday Mirror had planned this sting operation on the now disgraced MP. Judging by internet blogs, rumours and Vaz’ history of deceitfulness, journalists in the media must have known for a while about the MPs sordid affairs. This leads to the question: how susceptible to blackmail are MPs.

    Prostitutes, both male and female are often linked to criminal gangs that are able to blackmail their high profile customers. It would be naive to think that Keith Vaz is new to the sort of behaviour he has been accused of. Surely others were aware of it before this week’s leaks were published. What would Keith Vaz have done in order to stop this story from coming out? (no pun intended) How do we know that Keith Vaz – a married man and father of two children – has not been threatened in the past to the outing of his preference for male prostitutes? As chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee Vaz was a powerful man.

    Reverting back to Keith Vaz, as chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee one of his main responsibilities should have been to inquire into and put an end to child exploitation and child grooming in the UK. With the advantage of hindsight, however, would anyone truly believe that this was high on Vaz’ priority list? Vaz paid male prostitutes for sex, what are the chances those same male prostitutes were groomed as children, hooked to drugs and forced to become prostitutes to pay for their drug addiction? Of course, the allegations against Vaz have nothing to do with child abuse or even anything that is illegal, but as aforementioned, many prostitutes come from broken families and are forced to sell their bodies from a young age. Surely Vaz knew this? At best Vaz is a hypocrite. Are parliament hiding something in regards to the protection of children? Whilst he was Prime Minister David Cameron called the allegations of a VIP paedophile ring within Westminster a ‘witch hunt’ labelling VIP child abuse whistleblowers as ‘conspiracy theorists’. Clearly, investigating itself is not particularly high on the Westminster to do list.

    On the other hand, let’s say that Vaz as chairman of the Select Committee did want to do all that he could to put an end to child sexual abuse in the UK. Sorry to put you in so many hypothetical situations but here is another one. Say Vaz starts preparing protocols for investigating paedophile rings across the country – he makes inquiries across England from Leeds to London – but then gets a phone call from a mysterious figure from GCHQ. In recent years, due to advancements in technology intelligence agencies have become extremely powerful -we all know about the Edward Snowden files- and GCHQ is no exception. It has been reported that GCHQ is ‘out of control’ in terms of the amount of spying it initiates in. Furthermore, recent laws have allowed GCHQ to be able to spy on MPs whilst files have proven that GCHQ have and continue to spy/monitor the actions of MPs.

    Now, as terrifying as this may sound, how easy would it have been for someone who knew about Vaz and his tendencies for male prostitutes to blackmail him? There is no question that GCHQ would have known. The ‘out of control’ intelligence agency will know about all the sordid affairs of every high ranking public official in the United Kingdom. Therefore, even if Vaz did want to investigate child sexual abuse what if other officials didn’t want him to and thus threatened to leak his secrets to the press if he continued to dig? Would Vaz simply say no and allow his secrets to come out thus ending his political career whilst embarrassing himself and his family at the same time or would he begrudgingly accept and continue living a multi-millionaire lifestyle as a high ranking politician?

    Clearly, it is difficult to tell exactly what happens within Westminster and within each MPs individual lives when you are on the outside looking in. But with each passing month the malevolent affairs of high ranking public officials are made public. Did Vaz simply get his comeuppance for being a disloyal husband and hypocrite or are there far more foul and terrifying occurrences in motion behind the scenes in Westminster.

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    Free Member

    It’s certainly going to be interesting to see how he accounts for the £4m of property he’s reportedly managed to accrue on his back bench MP’s salary plus the £60K his wife reportedly earns a year.

    Last year the pair of them bought two properties totalling c£850K – in cash.

    How many people have £850K in cash to hand when it would take many lifetimes of full time employment on £130K joint incomes to save that?

    Hard to know exactly where his money has come from, but there’s no doubt he’s been involved with some very questionable businesses…

    Sure there’s much to be told of his links to Nadhmi Auchi and General Mediterranean Holdings, but doubt it will make it to the media past the lawyers.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Well, that picture is Nadhmi Auchi, with Archbishop Eugenio Sbarbaro…

    Both have big back stories, but for now, back to Keith Vaz:

    (Pictured here defending Greville Janner after allegations of child abuse in carehomes 1991)

    Don’t forget that in his capacity as head of the Home Affairs Select Committee, it was Vaz who was charged with cross examining the Heads of the Child Abuse Inquiry during their recruitment…

    First up we have Lady Butler Sloss, who was not only conflicted due to being the sister of Michael Havers (Havers failed to prosecute high ranking MI6 official Peter Hayman for child abuse offences):

    Butler Sloss also hid allegations of abuse by Bishop Peter Ball, a close friend of Prince Charles and Jimmy Savile (see previous page of this thread for further details)

    Next to go was Fiona Woolf, who resigned due to links to Leon Brittan, not forgetting her correspondence with the Home Office was edited multiple times

    Worth noting that Keith Vaz was perfectly content with her reply she had no establishment ties whilst being interviewed… the photo above was taken the morning of the interview!!

    Also worth noting that despite extensive propaganda to the contrary, Leon Brittan was being investigated for multiple allegations of raping kids and has also been caught in the past with extreme kiddy porn when returning from Europe< Long read but very revealing, from a top expert in the field.

    There are also Home Office files linking Leon Brittan to child abuse

    So, on to #3, Lowell Goddard, who claimed she was not part of the establishment… according to Goddard, there’s no such thing in New Zealand:

    Bit of a porky, what with this being her nephew:

    Note mention of her 1st Husband being a close friend of Camilla:

    Could this be relevant?

    Dirty laundry, washing machines and Jim fixing it… all part of the job:

    I’ll leave it there for now, but have no doubt, it goes far deeper than that…

    Free Member

    I’ll start with this Pic… more soon:

    Free Member

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    Free Member

    Free Member

    Hullo ladies, you’re looking in fine spirits today I must say; if you’re good I’ll get things spic and span, so you can smell pretty n stuff. Guaranteed to eradicate the germs that other’s can’t get to.

    I may have some information to divulge regarding dirty laundry, washing machines and Jim fixing it…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Hmmm… daresay I could hazard a guess~ have a creamy time yo!

    Free Member

    Sometimes, to get healthy, you have to cough out all the yucky stuff:

    Free Member

    Like the rhythm, but the lyrics are a bit soft and all too often that can mean being taken for granted, cos unfortunately a lot of people are like that, so, being my usual generous self…

    Free Member

    Shepherding the weak…

    dogs are handy for that kind of thing so I’m told…

    Free Member

    ****sake, you lot are a right lazy bunch when I’m not furnishing you with dope beatz

    Get it together you fannies

    Free Member

    Curious how much of an impact a drivers emotions have on road safety…

    Is a calm driver safer than an angry driver for example?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    It’s a damn shame all round…

    In a way, you can see why it happened, but all it’s going to do is escalate tensions further and lead to more bloodshed.

    The solution?

    The government should punish the cops who take peoples lives, then this would never have happened…

    Under the circumstance, surely they will start making rogue police more accountable, to prevent further escalation and loss of innocent lives on both sides.

    Free Member

    Bloody hell, didn’t know they had ninja stars too!!

    Free Member

    That’s not proof, it’s a fairy story.

    Bit like the basis of the invasion of Iraq… people still died though

    Strange thing is, the 28 pages were published before the invasion of Iraq and classified by the Bush Administration.

    That means they knew of extensive Saudi involvement, but chose to censor it, to pursue war in Iraq.

    Some very interesting discoveries in here:

    On August 24, 2001, a foreign intelligence report was issued with the title: “Consideration by Abu Zubaydah to attack targets in the United States”.

    President Bush has been widely criticized for ignoring the warnings before 9/11 and not taking appropriate action.

    Zubaydah was captured on March 28, 2002. On October 14, 2002, Bush called Zubaydah “one of the top three leaders” in al-Qaeda.

    An alternate spelling of Zubaydah is Zubaida. This is the spelling most used in the 28 pages.

    Abu Zubaida is mentioned on pages 418, 419, 428, 437, 438, 441, and 442.

    I found the video by accident. It’s a sidewalk interview between two independent researchers and Robert Baer, the well-known former CIA case officer who was assigned to the Middle East. He has appeared on CNN as an analyst. He’s written two best sellers, including “Sleeping with the Devil”, revealing a convenient relationship between the Saudi royal family and the United States. His book was censored by the CIA. He has the credentials to know a lot of secrets.

    After answering several questions, Mr. Baer said something no one had ever heard before. This was years before the 28 pages were released.

    He said “Look, Abu Zubaydah, one of the key guys, called Bandar in Aspen right up until the tenth of September, and then started calling him again on the sixteenth of September.”

    Robert Baer wrote an article for “Time” in 2007. He said CIA Director Michael Hayden has admitted the CIA destroyed interrogation tapes of Abu Zubaydah. Also in the article, Mr. Baer said Zubaydah had two ATM cards on him when he was captured. One was issued by a bank in Saudi Arabia, with ties to the royal family. Telephone records found in Zubaydah’s house included calls to the United States. The calls stopped on the tenth of September, and resumed again on the sixteenth of September. Those are the same dates he mentioned in the sidewalk interview.,8599,1692518,00.html

    As far as I knew, Mr. Baer had never revealed who Zubaydah was calling in the United States, until that moment on the sidewalk. The Bandar he was referring to is Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the Saudi ambassador to the United States from 1983 to 2005.

    Prince Bandar is a longtime friend of the Bush family, nicknamed “Bandar Bush”. He tutored George W. Bush on foreign affairs. He was very involved with the official business of the Bush administration.

    There is a famous photo of Prince Bandar relaxing at the White House on September 13, 2001. He is sitting next to Dick Cheney, across from Condi Rice and President Bush. He has his legs stretched out and looks relaxed. And, according to Mr. Baer, he had just received a phone call from Abu Zubaydah three days earlier, one day before 9/11. The evidence in the 28 pages supports Mr. Baer’s statement and explains how the phone calls occurred.

    A 2008 New York Times op-ed, titled “Stonewalled by the CIA”, written by 9/11 Commission Chairmen Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton confirmed that interrogation tapes were never given to the 9/11 Commission. They wanted to question Abu Zubaydah directly, but CIA director George Tenet told them point blank that they would have no such access. Zubaydah’s interrogation tapes were destroyed by the CIA in 2005.

    An April 15, 2004 CBS article revealed that Prince Bandar was shown the top secret Iraq war plans.

    Here are excerpts from the article:

    Journalist Bob Woodward calls his new book, “Plan of Attack,” the first detailed, behind-the-scenes account of how and why the president decided to wage war in Iraq.

    “Saturday, Jan. 11, (2003) with the president’s permission, Cheney and Rumsfeld call Bandar to Cheney’s West Wing office, and the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Gen. Myers, is there with a top-secret map of the war plan. And it says, ‘Top secret. No foreign.’ No foreign means no foreigners are supposed to see this,” says Woodward.

    “They describe in detail the war plan for Bandar. And so Bandar, who’s skeptical because he knows in the first Gulf War we didn’t get Saddam out, so he says to Cheney and Rumsfeld, ‘So Saddam this time is gonna be out, period?’ And Cheney – who has said nothing – says the following: ‘Prince Bandar, once we start, Saddam is toast.'”

    After Bandar left, according to Woodward, Cheney said, “I wanted him to know that this is for real. We’re really doing it.”

    But this wasn’t enough for Prince Bandar, who Woodward says wanted confirmation from the president. “Then, two days later, Bandar is called to meet with the president and the president says, ‘Their message is my message,'” says Woodward.

    Prince Bandar enjoys easy access to the Oval Office. His family and the Bush family are close. And Woodward told 60 Minutes that Bandar has promised the president that Saudi Arabia will lower oil prices in the months before the election – to ensure the U.S. economy is strong on election day.

    On April 25, 2004, an Associated Press article outlined the importance of Saudi Arabia in the Iraq war. This article also states that Bandar was shown the war plans. According to the article, some lawmakers have demanded to know why a foreigner (Prince Bandar) was brought in on private war planning.

    Here is what can be proven.

    President Bush and Vice President Cheney tried to stop the 9/11 Congressional investigation before it started. They wanted NO investigation into the events of 9/11. I documented this on my blog page titled “No Pages”. Their efforts were unsuccessful and there was a Congressional Inquiry.

    The 28 pages linking Prince Bandar with Zubaida and Bassnan were redacted from that Inquiry by President Bush in December 2002.

    Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Myers would have read or known what was in the 28 pages. They would have known about the Prince Bandar allegations.

    A month later, in January 2003, knowing what they knew, they invited Prince Bandar to review the top secret war plans.

    It is possible that some of the allegations had innocuous explanations.

    It is impossible that all of them could have been thoroughly investigated and explained in such a short time.

    It would have been hard to explain a $15,000 check from Bandar to Bassnan. It would have been hard to explain how Zubaida got the unlisted private number to Bandar’s corporation in Aspen.

    No one has ever asked Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Myers why they trusted Bandar after reading the serious allegations in the 9/11 Congressional Inquiry.

    They weren’t just protecting the Saudis because they needed them to launch the Iraq war. They trusted an individual 9/11 suspect, Prince Bandar, enough to show him the war plans.

    Free Member

    Given that Saudi Arabia are pivotal in spreading the wahhabist/salafist ideology which is the basis of both ISIS and Al-Qaeda, why don’t they under more pressure from western governments?

    Especially given their role in 9/11:

    Explosive Declassified Report Details Saudi Ties to 9/11

    Members of the Saudi royal family were sending money to a woman connected to the 9/11 hijackers

    Prince Bandar, who served as the Saudi Arabian ambassador to the United States from 1983 to 2005, and his wife allegedly sent money to the wife of Osama Bassman. Bassman is suspected of having provided assistance to Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar, two of the terrorists involved in the hijacking. Bassman’s wife reportedly received a monthly stipend from Bandar’s wife of $2,000, and the F.B.I. found cashier’s checks totaling $74,000 in the couple’s residence. According to the document, Baseman also cashed a check from Bandar for $15,000.

    A suspected Saudi agent provided help to two hijackers

    Omar al-Bayoumi, a suspected Saudi intelligence officer, co-signed a lease and provided the first month’s rent and security deposit for hijackers al-Hazmi and al-Mihdhar, and helped the duo find flight schools, according to the report. Al-Bayoumi also received a monthly salary from a company called “Erean,” which the report claims has ties to Saudi Arabia and Osama Bin Laden, even though he only showed up for work on one occasion and was “known to have access to large amounts of money from Saudi Arabia, despite the fact that he did not appear to have a job.”

    Two men conducted a “dry run” on a flight to D.C., with tickets paid for by the Saudi government

    In 1999, Mohammed al-Qudhaeein and Hamdan al-Shalawi reportedly asked flight attendants a handful of suspicious questions and tried to enter the cockpit of the airplane twice. Al-Qudhaeein and al-Shalawi were flying to Washington, D.C., where they planned to attend a party at the Saudi Embassy. The two claimed the embassy also paid for their tickets aboard the flight.

    The U.S. phone number of the Saudi ambassador was found in an al Qaeda operative’s possessions

    Abu Zubaida, a senior al-Qaeda operative who was captured in Pakistan in 2002, had a telephone number in his phone book that could be linked to that of Prince Bandar’s Colorado residence. The telephone number of a bodyguard at the Saudi Embassy in Washington, D.C., was also found among Zubaida’s belongings.

    A man on a U.S. government watchlist snuck into the country with Prince Bandar

    An unnamed suspect who was on the State Department’s watch list was reportedly “able to circumvent the Customs Service and the Immigration and Naturalizations Service because he was traveling with the Saudi prince.”

    Surely there couldn’t be any truth that Prince Bandar was recruited by British Intelligence whilst attending RAF Cranwell where he made good friends with Prince Charles?

    Or that he was pivotal in channeling money from the Al-Yamamah deal to help Al-Qaeda?

    What role has Prince Bandar played in the conflict in Syria which has led to so many of the recent terror attacks?

    Free Member

    Still don’t understand why Iran are made out to be dangerous warmongers…

    Wonder what radicalizes people to commit terrorism in the 1st place?

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