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  • jivehoneyjive
    Free Member


    Interesting you should choose that example, why would you think it ties in with 9/11?

    Worth noting that Nicholas Soames, who was instrumental behind the scenes in putting pressure on Operation Midland is chairman of Aegis Defence Services, who profited massively from the invasions of both Afghanistan and Iraq.

    Do you know who Robert Baer is?

    Yes. I’ve met him, along with many in the intelligence world.


    Small world 😉

    Free Member

    Already answered…

    Bear in mind it’s standard procedure for journalists not to burn their sources.

    Free Member

    Why don’t you ask incisive questions like this when you’re fobbed off with bullshit from Saudi Ambassadors?

    Free Member

    That’s a fair and objective point…

    Bit more background since you’re too lazy to click the source link I’ve provided 😉

    Craig Unger knows how to get the big story and this one is his most explosive yet. Through scores of interviews with figures in the Christian Right, the neoconservative movement, the Bush administration, and sources close to the Bush family, as well as intelligence agents in the CIA, the Pentagon, and Israel, Unger has assembled the most comprehensive, provocative, and dramatic account of how and why George W. Bush took America to war in Iraq.

    Free Member

    Ah fuggit, the answer to:

    who one of George W Bush’s earliest advisors on Foreign Policy was, before he even ran for president

    it is none other than Bandar Bin Muthaflippin’ Sultan…

    Fall 1997: Former President Bush Calls on Saudi Prince Bandar to Educate His Son on Foreign Affairs

    Former President George H. W. Bush calls on his longtime friend, Saudi Prince Bandar bin Sultan, and asks him to meet with his son, Texas Governor George W. Bush. His son has an important decision to make, the elder Bush tells Bandar, and needs the prince’s advice.

    Bandar flies to Austin, Texas, planning on using a visit to a Dallas Cowboys game as a “cover” for his visit. He lands in Austin, and is surprised when Governor Bush boards the plane before Bandar can disembark.

    Bush comes straight to the point: he is considering a run for the presidency, and though he already knows what his domestic agenda will be, says, “I don’t have the foggiest idea about what I think about international, foreign policy.”

    Bandar runs through his experiences with various world leaders, including the USSR’s Mikhail Gorbachev, Britain’s Margaret Thatcher and Tony Blair, the Pope, and former US President Ronald Reagan.

    Finally, Bush says, “There are people who are your enemies in this country who also think my dad is your enemy.” Bandar knows Bush is speaking of US supporters of Israel, and wants to know how he should handle the Israeli-Jewish lobby as well as the neoconservatives who loathe both the Saudis and the elder Bush.

    Bandar replies: “Can I give you one advice?… If you tell me that [you want to be president], I want to tell you one thing. To hell with Saudi Arabia or who likes Saudi Arabia or who doesn’t, who likes Bandar or who doesn’t. Anyone who you think hates your dad or your friend who can be important to make a difference in winning, swallow your pride and make friends of them. And I can help you. I can help you out and complain about you, make sure they understand that, and that will make sure they help you.”

    Bandar’s message is clear: if Bush needs the neoconservatives to help him win the presidency, then he should do what it takes to get them on his side.

    “Never mind if you really want to be honest,” Bandar continues. “This is not a confession booth.… In the big boys’ game, it’s cutthroat, it’s bloody and it’s not pleasant.”


    You know, this Bandar Bin Sultan:

    The very same Saudi Ambassador mentioned in the 28 pages for multiple payments that found their way to the hijackers via the Rigg’s Bank account set up for him by the UK Paymaster General, for transfer of funds relating to the Al-Yamamah deal…

    Just don’t mention Abu Zubaydah

    Free Member

    (Wonders quietly if Drac has ever ridden a Cove G Spot)

    Free Member

    I’ve had a 2016 rune (geometry changed in 2016, with longer reach and lower BB, same as current model, but without slimmed down hydroformed top tube) for a couple of months and so far and I’m well impressed… pedals and climbs far better than it has any right to, the adjustable geometry and dropouts (ideal for a #26forlife diehard like me) gives it the versatility to shine in the vast majority of situations you’re likely to encounter and it’s burly enough to give my 17st frame the confidence to hit stuff I’d only attack on my DH bike before… that might be down to the wheelbase being longer than any bike I’ve had before (it’s an XL) the added stability means you can go silly fast and still feel in control, whilst giving you more room (and time) to weight correct when you’re drifting.

    Did notice one of the pivot bolts was loose when I got it, but loctited and no worries since.

    The only decent pic I have (too busy building trails):

    And the caption that goes with it:

    Just back from maiden voyage on my new (to me) bike, glad to say it’s none too shabby; pedals like an e-bike, descends like a hungry peregrine falcon and drifts like Japan’s finest. Dripping with choice components, highlight is the wheels, with class leading stiffness and acceleration unheard of since 26″ was the norm

    Free Member

    No you numbnut, there was Ambassador’s Sauna on Lothian Road in Edinburgh and Ambassador’s club in a basement just off Oxford Street near the American Embassy.

    Anyhoo, that’s enough clues…

    You’ve already had your last clue and there’s actually 34 of them as it stands… you won’t have to read between the lines in this instance.

    Free Member

    Having being a rickshaw rider in both London (Soho) and Edinburgh, you tend to know about these things, truth be told, it’s normally the Irish blokes who request you take them to a brothel… whether that is something to do with a Catholic upbringing, I couldn’t say.

    Prior to being a rickshaw rider, when I lived in Roath in Cardiff, a trip to the Spar on City Road would take you past the Ambassador suite.

    Anyhoo, that’s going a bit off topic really, though this is of course relevant…

    the inherent links between the diplomatic services, embassies and the intelligence services.

    So, any advances on this small matter?

    who can guess who one of George W Bush’s earliest advisors on Foreign Policy was, before he even ran for president…

    Free Member

    On a side note, have you ever noticed how ‘massage parlors’ often have ambassador in the name…

    Takes on a whole new meaning when considering the inherent links between the diplomatic services, embassies and the intelligence services.

    Brings to mind that whole hidden camera/blackmail thing.

    Free Member

    Saudi Royal Family!

    Saudi Ambassador!!

    Takes us back to this…

    who can guess who one of George W Bush’s earliest advisors on Foreign Policy was, before he even ran for president…

    Free Member

    Show me what news you can find about the 28 pages (i.e. ‘facts’) and we’ll work from there…

    Free Member

    Can you lot show me the front page news regarding the 28 pages?

    Free Member

    What do you think?

    Don’t ask him what he thinks. He only deals in “facts” not opinions.
    He won’t offer an opinion Ffs.

    despite everyone trying to crowbar an opinion out of me

    An opinion really shouldn’t be something to be ashamed of.

    Unless it’s complete bollocks of course.

    In that case, avoid letting anyone know what it is at all costs . [/quote]
    We’ve already established my opinion…

    9/11 was a factual event, with many anomalies and direct links between those involved in supporting the terrorists and those in the highest levels of US and UK government.

    Back on topic please, so as to avoid accusations of this kind of behaviour

    no doubt many people are scared to speak out because of the venom and disdain aimed at anyone ‘foolish’ enough to question such things.

    Free Member

    Can you lot show me the front page news regarding the 28 pages?

    Did they for example receive nearly as much coverage as announcement of a royal wedding?

    Free Member

    Why is it that serious news outlets aren’t interested in any of this?

    Why didn’t they make more of a fuss at the 28 redacted pages of the 9/11 Commission report?

    Free Member

    9/11 was a factual event, with many anomalies and direct links between those involved in supporting the terrorists and those in the highest levels of US and UK government.

    The build up of the Nazi war machine, with the support of UK and US finance and industry is established fact.

    Flat earth theories are bullshit.

    Free Member

    That’s exactly it though, despite everyone trying to crowbar an opinion out of me, I try to stick to facts.

    It’s clear I’m not entirely satisfied by the official story and it’s also clear that there are many other like me that feel the same way… no doubt many people are scared to speak out because of the venom and disdain aimed at anyone ‘foolish’ enough to question such things.

    No one questioned what the Nazis were up to until it was too late, so I’m more than happy to speak out and take the flak on the off-chance I can do something to prevent such attrocities being repeated.

    Free Member

    Marconi was key to the formation of BAE Systems… some of the things they do are Monstrous, just don’t mention the children 😉

    Free Member

    Tell you what I find strange…

    We all know politicians lie, we all know thousands of innocent lives are lost due to the decisions made by politicians, but when I produce a wealth of interconnected facts, people seem more concerned by attempting to deconstruct every fact presented, rather than assemble the bigger picture for themselves.

    Why is that?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    If it makes you feel any better, I once had an emergency root canal (removing the nerves) done by a dentist in a seaside town in Costa Rica and due to the language barrier, didn’t really know anything much about what was going on and was left with some wooden splints sticking out of my tooth.

    It was only later when I went to a dentist in the capital to get it reinstated that I got a run down of what the procedure entailed. The dentist in San Jose was a cool dude with good banter and well into his mountain biking.

    During the course of the treatment, my eyes sealed shut with gunge and I went blind in one eye for a few days due to viral conjunctivitis leading to a corneal ulcer where I’d been sleeping with my contact lenses in when pissed.

    Ah, fun times…

    Free Member

    Got a cupboard full of codeine / Tramadol and Co-codamol, though they’re past their expiry between three to one year (all provided at different times in recent years for various bike injuries )

    Aye, same, mine were 3 years out and they did a grand job a few days back. Get em down ya 😉

    Free Member

    Go to Budapest and get it on the cheap.

    Probably better to get the root canal, as then at least the tooth remains, otherwise, if you pull the tooth, over time the others will start to shift like gravestones above the zombie tunnels and no one wants a mouth that looks like a graveyard.

    Pain killer wise, clove oil and hard liquor can provide immediate relief, and a cocktail of Ibuprofen and Co-codamol should give you some comfort.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    You’re putting more spin on it than GW and Blair did on Weapons of Mass destruction…

    LR: The 3rd skyscraper that fell on 9/11

    Rumsfeld: Oh my gosh, sure, now I remember

    Why are you insinuating a false flag and cover up?

    Free Member

    Well I’ll be…

    Free Member

    Look forward to what george w glover can come up with as regards Donald Rumsfeld and Frank Carlucci…

    In the meantime, here’s a video of another occasion 9/11 Defence Secretary Rumsfeld was confronted about the collapse of a 3rd skyscaper on the WTC site…

    (Standard disclaimer for 3rd party content and external websites etc)

    Free Member

    If you say so old chap…

    Let’s not forget as Defence Secretary in charge of the US Department of Defence, among many other departments, Rumsfeld was was top in the chain of command of NORAD and the NSA (you know, the NSA tied in to GCHQ, as revealed by Edward Snowden, who have been blanket monitoring calls on the sly since before 9/11).

    As Special Envoy to the Middle East under Ronald Reagan he also had long standing relations with the Saudi elite who have been linked to Al-Qaeda funding.

    For the Defence Secretary to visit Ground Zero, with the Mayor of New York Rudy Guiliani, whose $13 million crisis center for the New York City Office Of Emergency Management was in WTC7 (The Salomon Smith Barney Building) (other tenants included the CIA, NSA and Department of Defence) whilst being ignorant of WTC7 in any shape or form is really quote something.

    That’s before you factor in his relationship with Frank Carlucci…

    Free Member

    If you say so old chap…

    Let’s not forget as Defence Secretary in charge of the US Department of Defence, among many other departments, Rumsfeld was was top in the chain of command of NORAD and the NSA (you know, the NSA tied in to GCHQ, as revealed by Edward Snowden, who have been blanket monitoring calls on the sly since before 9/11).

    As Special Envoy to the Middle East under Ronald Reagan he also had long standing relations with the Saudi elite who have been linked to Al-Qaeda funding.

    For the Defence Secretary to visit Ground Zero, with the Mayor of New York Rudy Guiliani, whose $13 million crisis center for the New York City Office Of Emergency Management was in WTC7 (The Salomon Smith Barney Building) (other tenants included the CIA, NSA and Department of Defence) whilst being ignorant of WTC7 in any shape or form is really quote something.

    That’s before you factor in his relationship with Frank Carlucci…

    Free Member

    It’s no use George, I’ll not negotiate with terrorists 😉

    Free Member

    nealglover is keen mountain biker, G Dubyah and I claim my billions in dirty money, whilst saving the world from war related climate change.

    Jokes aside though, I was clearly sozzled last night because we mentioned WW2 and the Nazis and though I mentioned Prescott Bush, I didn’t get in anything about Allen Dulles, Operation Paperclip or MK-ULTRA.

    But nonetheless, something in my memory must’ve been ticking over nicely…

    Pff, I’m a bit tipsy right now and can’t remember off the top of my head, maybe it was something to do with Donald Rumsfeld…

    Reckon I’ll try googling ‘Donald Rumsfeld Salomon Smith Barney’ or ‘Donald Rumsfeld WTC7’ and see if it jogs my memory…

    Now let’s not forget, as US Defence Secretary:

    Rumsfeld played a central role in the planning of the United States’ response to the September 11 attacks, which included two wars, one in Afghanistan and one in Iraq.

    Donald Rumsfeld has made multiple claims of ignorance regarding WTC7 or indeed any building collapsing at the World Trade Center site without being hit by a plane.

    That’s despite having been chair of the advisory board of Salomon Smith Barney (WTC7: The Salomon Smith Barney Building), and visiting Ground Zero in November 2001.

    Probably too busy trying to deny his involvement in helping build up Saddam Hussein’s military arsenal and chemical weapons program in the 80s.

    The story of U.S. involvement with Saddam Hussein in the years before his 1990 attack on Kuwait — which included large-scale intelligence sharing, supply of cluster bombs through a Chilean front company, and facilitating Iraq’s acquisition of chemical and biological precursors — is a topical example of the underside of U.S. foreign policy.

    There’s all sort of other interesting stuff out there if you google ‘Donald Rumsfeld Salomon Smith Barney’ or ‘Donald Rumsfeld WTC7’, but I wouldn’t want to bore you 😉

    Free Member

    Remember I read in the Daily Mail that Tony Blair’s Labour Government were offering grants for these to people on the dole… it’s to get your taxpayer funded crates of Special Brew upstairs to your bedroom without agitating the cans excessively.

    Free Member

    Oh my!

    Free Member

    Pff, I’m a bit tipsy right now and can’t remember off the top of my head, maybe it was something to do with Donald Rumsfeld…

    Reckon I’ll try googling ‘Donald Rumsfeld Salomon Smith Barney’ or ‘Donald Rumsfeld WTC7’ and see if it jogs my memory…

    Free Member

    If it’s a steel frame and an Alu BB, soak it in Coke (or Pepsi).

    Free Member

    There’s another story here, but I haven’t got that far yet:

    Salomon Smith Barney (SSB), the company that occupied all but ten of the 47 floors in WTC building 7

    Free Member

    Why, what are Baer‘s views on Prescott Bush’s involvement in WW2?

    Free Member

    Who’s to know… truth be told, I haven’t researched it sufficiently to come to any conclusions, I saw something recently in the mainstream media to suggest Hitler may have survived and escaped and of course, I’m aware of the Catholic Church’s involvement in Ratlines to South America and the like, but when all is said and done, much like Jesus, the fate of Hitler is a case of folklore.

    The Bank of International Settlements and US State Department support of Nazi industry during the war is however established fact.

    Steering back on topic, I’m well aware of Prescott Bush’s involvement in WW2, but that’s another story, although there are parallels with the Bush family involvement in the Carlyle Group…

    Free Member

    There really isn’t

    So you doubt Robert Baer’s credibility, despite this quote?

    “For the record, I don’t believe that the World Trade Center was brought down by our own explosives, or that a rocket, rather than an airliner, hit the Pentagon. I spent a career in the CIA trying to orchestrate plots, wasn’t all that good at it, and certainly couldn’t carry off 9/11. Nor could the real pros I had the pleasure to work with.”

    And despite his extensive coverage in the mainstream media:

    Robert Booker “Bob” Baer (born July 1, 1952) is an American author and a former CIA case officer who was primarily assigned to the Middle East. He is Time’s intelligence columnist and has contributed to Vanity Fair, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post. Baer is a frequent commentator and author about issues related to international relations, espionage and U.S. foreign policy. Currently he is a reality television host on the History Channel’s program “Hunting Hitler.” He is an Intelligence and Security Analyst for CNN.

    Really makes you wonder who you can trust…

    Guess sometimes you just have to let the facts speak for themselves

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