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  • jivehoneyjive
    Free Member

    You could almost achieve the aims of the original post by doing the old honda trick of bunging a mech and cassette in a box, then plopping it down somewhere near the bottom bracket.

    Free Member

    However, the reason I chose to revive this thread is due to a statement from a group who lost loved ones in 9/11, who’ve been battling for years to get the evidence they hold regarding Saudi involvement in 9/11 heard in court:


    JANUARY 17, 2018

    On the eve of the 9/11 Families’ arrival to the Southern District of New York (ever mindful that the courtroom is located a scant ½ mile from Ground Zero), in order to answer the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Motion to Dismiss, we are heartened and hopeful to proceed on our 17-year path of justice to hold the alleged murderers of our husbands accountable in a court of law.

    First and foremost, in anticipation of the Saudis hackneyed defense that the 9/11 Commission found no evidence implicating the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the 9/11 attacks, as former 9/11 Commission Family Steering Committee members who fought for and oversaw the 9/11 Commission’s progress, we can unequivocally state that the 9/11 Commission’s Final Report did NOT in any way exonerate the Saudis.

    In fact, regarding the alleged Saudi role in the 9/11 attacks, the 9/11 Commission wrote an entire supplemental monograph on Terrorist Funding entitled, 9/11 Commission Monograph on Terrorist Funding.…/911_TerrFin_Monograph.pdf

    Notably, the Saudis are mentioned nearly 450 times in this 155-page 9/11 Terrorist Funding report. Parenthetically, the UAE is only mentioned approximately 86 times; Pakistan is mentioned 25 times; Iraq is mentioned 3 times; and, the Republic of Iran, is not mentioned at all.

    In short, anyone who’s taken the time to read the 9/11 Commission Monograph on Terrorist Funding for its probative and evidentiary value, will find that there’s plenty of “there, there” regarding the alleged Saudi role in the 9/11 attacks.

    Nevertheless, should the information provided in the 9/11 Commission Monograph on Terrorist Fundingnot be sufficient evidence to support the allegation that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia played a role in the 9/11 attacks, the declassified 28 Pages of the Joint Inquiry of Congress, also provides a wealth of information regarding the alleged Saudi logistical and financial role in the 9/11 attacks.…/2016/07/28-pages-saudi/491552/

    And, if reading the 9/11 Commission’s Monograph on Terrorist Funding, and the 28 Pages of the Joint Inquiry of Congress aren’t enough evidence to support the allegation that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia played a role in the 9/11 attacks, then, perhaps, you can simply listen to the words of the 9/11 Commissioners, themselves:

    “Contrary to the view advocated by the Kingdom, the 9/11 Commission did not exonerate Saudi Arabia of culpability for the events of September 11th, 2001 or the financing of al Qaeda in the years leading up to the September 11th attacks.” Former 9/11 Commissioner, John Lehman.

    “We certainly didn’t pursue the entire line of inquiry in regard to Saudi Arabia. As far as I’m concerned, we do not have the whole truth. As an example, the Saudi government and its lawyers repeatedly assert that the 9/11 Commission on which I served concluded that it and the royal family had nothing to do with 9/11. That is just untrue.” Former U.S. Senator and 9/11 Commissioner, Bob Kerrey.

    “We certainly did not exonerate the Saudis…That’s why we need to continue to get to the bottom of this.” Former Congressman Tim Roemer who served on the Congressional Joint Inquiry, the 9/11 Commission, and The 9/11 Commission Review Panel.

    “Clearly, the central moving figures in the 9/11 scandal were Saudi, and clearly that wasn’t a coincidence,” he said. “The fact that there is a particularly militant and extremely conservative form of Islam that is, in effect, the state religion of Saudi Arabia – well, there has always been tension between the United States and Saudi Arabia over that.” Former U.S. Senator and 9/11 Commissioner, Slade Gorton.

    “Among the areas warranting further investigation was the relationship between the hijackers of Saudi Arabian national origin and certain other Saudi individuals and entities—particularly, whether knowing assistance, aid or comfort was provided to the hijackers while they were in the United States, and, if so, whether any official representative or entity related to the government of Saudi Arabia either authorized or knew of the provision of any such assistance, aid or comfort.” Former 9/11 Commissioner Richard Ben-Veniste.

    Notably, former 9/11 Commission Chairman Tom Kean served as Director of Amerada Hess, an oil company that formed a joint venture with Delta Oil in 1998. Delta Oil had a financial backer by the name of Khalid bin Mafouz.…/fortune_archive/2003/02/03/336… Mafouz was allegedly implicated in the financing of al Qaeda through the connections put forth in the infamous Golden Chain documents.

    Former 9/11 Chairman Lee Hamilton was appointed to the Board of BAE systems in 2004.…/BAE-SYSTEMS-Appoints-Lee-Ham… BAE systems was implicated in the al-Yamamah arms deal in 2007 wherein BAE was accused of paying $1billion pound sterling to Prince Bandar bin Sultan.

    Former 9/11 Commissioner Jamie Gorelick is a partner and attorney at WilmerHale. WilmerHale has among its clients Prince Mohamed al Faisal al Saud—who was once a defendant in the 9/11 Families case against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

    Former 9/11 Commissioner Fred Fielding, President Ronald Reagan’s White House Counsel, approved of a $1million payment to Nancy Reagan by Saudi King Fahd in the 1980’s. The payment was allegedly arranged by Saudi Ambassador to the United States Prince Bandar bin Sultan.…/84f4c6f7-3609-47e6-bc8d-…/…

    Moreover, for a defendant who spent millions of dollars in hiring more than 20 high-powered and influential Washington D.C. lobbying firms to fight for years against the 9/11 anti-terrorism legislation, JASTA (Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act), it is quite preposterous for that same defendant, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, to now sustain that JASTA does not apply in this case. Even by Saudi Royal spending standards,…/saudi-prince-mohammed-bin-salman-own…/ that’s an awful lot of money, time, and energy thrown around on legislation that is now deemed by them to be irrelevant and unfit.

    It has been nearly two decades since the murder of our husbands and 3,000 others on the morning of September 11th 2001. No American family should ever have to wait this long to receive justice for the murder of someone they loved on U.S. soil by terrorists.

    We very much look forward to the Honorable Judge George Daniels rejecting the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Motion to Dismiss so that the 9/11 Families can finally receive our long-overdue and painstakingly-awaited day in court and the world can bear witness to the facts surrounding the murder of our loved ones.

    * * *

    September 11th Advocates

    Kristen Breitweiser
    Monica Gabrielle
    Mindy Kleinberg
    Lorie Van Auken

    Free Member

    Google does of course have it’s down sides, what with GCHQ, NSA, Data mining and entities like Ark Data Centres (you know, mentioned in this video)

    and Booz Allen Hamilton (yep, you guessed it, a Carlyle Group Subsidiary) and targeted advertising and propaganda which becomes ever more sophisticated as AI progresses…

    Anyhoo, back in the day, people didn’t have google and a lot of research would’ve involved books and old newspapers in libraries. Not forgetting that old gem of corresponding with and talking to people.

    Google offers access to many of the books and old newspapers, along with a wealth of other information that prior to the internet would’ve been nigh on impossible to compile. Of course, it’s not the be all and end all and often you have to buy books and correspond with and talk to people to get a deeper understanding.

    Free Member

    The man’s a genius…

    Laundering drug money from all the LSD he’s sold, whilst using his artistic talents to realize his darkest perversions.

    Going to collect it would be the equivalent of meeting banksy.

    Free Member

    Being as the Pentagon and it’s global operations are the number 1 consumer of fossil fuels on the planet, reckon I’ll stick it to the military industrial complex good n proper.

    Free Member

    Leaves fall off in the winter…

    Whilst I’m here, learnt something new the other day…

    Virginia (as in CIA, Pentagon etc etc) rather than being a state, is called

    ‘The Commonwealth’ of Virginia…

    Bloody weirdos

    Free Member

    Whoa there, this subject is way too controversial for me I’m afraid.

    This is how wars start…

    Free Member

    You wait, come 2025, we’ll all be rocking lefty derived needle bearing dual leg single crown USD forks with oleo strut damping.

    Boosh, back of the net!!

    Free Member

    The plot thickens…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Odd… These characters have appeared in my dreams before, but it was much more vivid last night.

    the same eerie twisted tree as before; a rat crawls in one of it’s rotten bits and possesses it…

    The tree becomes power crazed, tears up it’s roots and goes on the rampage, with no concern for any of the fluffy woodland creatures or the soft and gentle mosses.

    The tree escapes the woodland and travels across the country, tearing up big divets of turf and leaving a right mess.

    It has a dark rage and keeps muttering in a woody grumble ‘underground, the underground’

    Finally it comes to a house… my house and starts tearing the roof off, as if it’s searching for something.

    I rush out, to get a chainsaw, but it’s too late; the tree has spotted it and sprints off, stirring up a flurry of roost in it’s wake.

    The tree kills the chainsaw dead and I’m left in a state of shock.

    All the while, there’s a blonde girl who’s giggling uncontrollably.

    When she calms down, I ask her what’s so funny

    The rat she says, the rat, it only went to the tree because my cat bit it.

    Free Member

    You wait, come 2025, we’ll all be rocking lefty derived needle bearing dual leg single crown USD forks with oleo strut damping.

    Free Member

    Ataris rule… one of my earliest memories is playing Missile Command on an old skool woodgrain VCS at my uncle’s house in Manchester and wiggling my toes in excitement.

    The reason I remember wiggling my toes in excitement is because my uncle’s dog would bite my toes whilst I was playing.

    I ended up buying a 7800, which was competing with the Sega Master System and Nintendo NES.

    Hindsight is never kind…

    Free Member

    If you have any FACTS to present then please present them. If you make another rambling bollocks post about completely off-topic and unrelated people who are evidently guilty of “something” on the strength of little more than the fact that they were once photographed in the same room together, I’m going to give you a week off. It’s disruptive.

    So everyone else can do conjecture and rambling bollocks, but since I do my best to deal in FACTS, then I get the short straw…

    sounds fair.

    Brian Crozier = Founder member of Shield Committee and ‘the 61’, Instrumental in Thatcher’s rise to power, European Head of Le Cercle, which has several ties to child abuse networks the world over.

    Julian Lewis = Named by Crozier as the most prominent UK player in ‘the 61’ the international private intelligence network set up by Crozier in collaboration with other Le Cercle Members. Played key role in original cover up of North Wales Child abuse and trafficking.

    Wholly relevant given the origins of Nick Clegg’s political career under Leon Brittan, who despite extensive propaganda to the contrary was never cleared of child abuse… Like Jimmy Savile, Cyril Smith and Greville Janner, he was never charged, but that’s a whole different kettle of fish.

    The people who have ‘cleared’ Leon Brittan are of the same ilk as Crozier… after all, like many journalists with ties to the intelligence agencies, Crozier was still welcomed to the fold even after Forum World Features was exposed as a CIA propaganda operation.

    Speaking of propaganda, Crozier was also closely associated with Rupert Murdoch, to the extent that Murdoch bailed out Crozier’s publishing company, Sherwood Press[/url].

    Also in the United States there was strong circumstantial, if not conclusive, evidence that he helped fund the clandestine activities of Brian Crozier, an anti-communist campaigner with connections to the British and US intelligence services. Crozier had a long history of anti-communist activism, including running a CIA-sponsored operation called Forum World Features, which syndicated right-wing articles to newspapers. In his autobiography, Crozier acknowledged his financial backers, including “Rupert,” subsequently identified as Murdoch by one of Crozier’s associates. In December 1990, the Guardian reported that Crozier’s publishing business, Sherwood Press, was bailed out by News International, Murdoch’s British holding company. News took a half-stake in the business and assumed liability for its debts, then said to total £90,000.

    Murdoch, like many media moguls, has been known to publish propaganda on behalf of the intelligence services,

    ‘the link between the security services and the whip’s offices in parliament’

    Well, that goes some way to explaining why Special Branch intervene when VIP abuse is reported…

    May also give us some background why Julian Lewis, known to have played an active role in covering up abuse in North Wales, was elevated to the Privy Council, under the supervision of Nick Clegg… who is now being knighted for his services.

    Final note for now… both Clegg and Cameron were mentored by members of the Cambridge Mafia: Clegg by Leon Brittan and Cameron by Norman Lamont (who like Crozier, was also European head of Le Cercle)

    Free Member

    So, under Nick Clegg, in his role as Lord President of Her Majesty’s Privy Council:

    Dr Julian Lewis was sworn in to the Privy Council…

    Now, Julian Lewis has a long and murky role in dirty tricks, having been Brian Crozier’s key UK operative in ‘the 61’

    (in a strange twist, Crozier and Lewis were 1st introduced by none other than Norris McWhirter, who played a surprising role in getting Thatcher elected in the 1st place)

    Norris McWhirter winning our hearts and minds:

    Norris McWhirter giving Farage a run for his money back in the day as regards immigrunts and the like with the NAFF (Freedom Association), after playing a role in setting up the Shield Committee, with Crozier:

    Back to Julian Lewis:

    In 1976, with secret funding from The Freedom Association, he posed as a Labour Party moderate and briefly won control of Newham North East Constituency Labour Party, in an eventually unsuccessful attempt to reverse the deselection of the sitting MP, Reg Prentice, and in order to highlight Militant Tendency entryism in the Labour Party. Prentice himself later joined the Conservatives.

    But what does any of this have to do with David Steel, Keith Vaz, Norman Lamont, Child Abuse, Arms Deals and Le Cercle’s Nadhmi Auchi?

    Or indeed Nick Clegg’s mentor; Leon Brittan

    Free Member

    who’s been implicated in child abuse at Dolphin Square


    So, when are you gonna tell us more about all the people you’ve met in the intelligence community then Flashy?

    Surely you’d know that the allegations relating to David Steel were made long before Nick came on the scene.

    But thankfully, after extensive police investigations we can rest assured that there was no organised Paedophilia involving the Paedophile Information Exchange, or active member Keith Harding, who would meet with Jimmy Savile, Cyril Smith and Leon Brittan among others.

    And of course, Edward Heath’s involvement with the Paedophile Information Exchange adds no credence to organized networks…

    All those times Savile, Smith and Janner and their chums were let off by the police was undoubtedly down to their charming personalities.

    Well, wouldn’t want to be accused of straying off topic, so, back to Nick Clegg and his time as Lord President of the Privy Council…

    Free Member

    I call bullshit.
    Everyone knows Santa Carla is the murder capital of the world.

    That was the 80s you dingbat… the vampires became considerably more peacful after the stakes were raised.

    Truth be told, I didn’t know that Flint was set to be the most violent city when I bought the house; I used a zip code search engine which showed a massive amount of statistics, from percentages of people who finished high school, to average rents and standards of sanitation.

    The Zip Code I ended up with wasn’t particularly violent, but in my inebriated state, I forgot to check google streetview… the next day when I’d sobered up and the Ebay Auction had finished, I discovered the homies in gang colours I refer to in my original post.

    Sure enough, if you type in ‘906 East York Ave, Flint, MI’ into google maps, then do the time slider thingy with streetview, you should what was for a while at least, my very own crackhouse.

    Free Member

    Sometimes you have to look a little deeper behind the scenes to see what’s really going on…

    For starters, let’s not forget it was Leon Brittan who started Nick Clegg on his career ladder in politics.

    Worth noting at this stage Clegg’s time at Cambridge[/url]:

    The walls of the Union Society groaned with photographs of then Tory ministers in their younger days: Kenneth Clarke, Norman Lamont, Michael Howard and Nick Clegg’s sometime mentor Leon Brittan. Yet only one Cambridge Tory of my time has made it into parliament: Fulham MP Greg Hands, who is also credited for recruiting Nick Clegg into CUCA (although there is no evidence that Clegg ever attended a CUCA meeting)

    So, Nick Clegg, Leon Brittan, Cambridge…

    Remember our friend Nadhmi Auchi?

    Close associate of Labour’s Keith Vaz, Tory Norman Lamont and Lib-Dem David Steel (who’s been implicated in child abuse at Dolphin Square)

    I notice mention of the 2008 financial crash; BNP Paribas was the 1st domino that set the stack tumbling.

    And who pray tell held among the largest investments in BNP Paribas?

    Nadhmi Auchi of course, via General Mediterranean Holdings, which Keith Vaz, David Steel, and long time head of Le Cercle in Europe, Norman Lamont were all involved in.

    One of the largest private shareholders in BNP Paribas, the French bank that holds more than $13 billion in Iraqi oil funds administered through the United Nation’s oil-for-food program, is an Iraqi-born businessman who once helped to arm Iraq in the 1980’s and brokered business deals with Saddam Hussein’s government, according to public records and interviews.

    Mr. Auchi, who declined to be interviewed for this article, holds his stake in BNP Paribas through a Luxembourg concern he controls called General Mediterranean Holdings. As recently as 2001, General Mediterranean Holdings described itself in an annual report as one of largest single shareholders in BNP Paribas.

    I’ll be back later with how all this relates to Clegg (and the knighthood)

    Free Member

    Pff, amateurs; I bought a house in US Murder Capital, Flint Michigan, complete with a bunch of homies in gang colours looking casually dangerous

    A snip at £700

    Free Member

    Just remembered another hint for the finest ghetto mulled wine…

    Some recipes include infusing a rooibos tea bag, but for that experiMENTAL edge, you can add hippy tea bags of your choice, which given the wondrous world of infusions available these days opens up a whole new world of flavour and gunk you can put in your body.

    This gives you the opportunity to bring about new levels of tongue stimulation and precisely tune the characteristics of your hangover to work in harmony with your chi.

    Free Member

    Thanks again mc… hooked up my diagnostic thingy today and though it said it wasn’t communicating, the nearside now inflates; whether those two are related is another matter, but saves me building a shrine to Solomon’s temple complete with Boaz n Jachin.

    As for these luddites suggesting normal metal springs, I don’t want a van that bounces around corners and shakes my fillings, besides which, being able to drop the back is handy for levelling when I’m getting my camp on, not to mention emptying the shower tray.

    Free Member

    My best tip when making mulled wine is rather than farting about with all the faff of making syrup with citrus zest, just wang in marmalade to taste.

    Beyond the cinnamon and cloves, you could add muscovado sugar for more depth and a pinch of black pepper to give it more body and a tangy kick.

    Free Member

    Thanks for that mc, that’s a lot of help; think I’m going to have to revise my jacking strategy to get under it with the compressor running… if I jack it under the axle, it should still attempt to inflate the bags without the wheels touching the ground.

    Having said that, I’ve been jacking it on the nearside, with the wheel off the ground, and the system doesn’t kick in when you turn the ignition on, which suggests it’s still getting feedback from the sensors.

    When both wheels are on the ground, the offside seems to be sitting higher than normal, though I guess that’s to be expected when the weight is being transferred to the nearside; also there’s not the normal ticking sound as the sensor feeds back and finds its level…

    It’s a factory system, it’s even mentioned in the Renault Handbook and it’s made by Dunlop.

    Pretty sure the same system is available on Movanos, so I’d be very grateful if you can help with any more details.

    In the meantime, Merry Crimbo 😆

    Free Member

    That said, there could be some kind of electronic shizz required to set it up when you swap ECUs… when I mentioned calibration, I meant in terms of physical position, rather than technogubbins.

    Free Member

    Could it be the ‘tyre jizz’ has blocked something?

    Forgot to mention, when the courier delivered the replacement axle and ancillaries, one bag was inflated and the other was deflated and to my suprise, on releasing one of the quick release collets, the system was still pressurized.

    But being as I’ve changed everything except the compressor itself, which only has a single outlet which feeds into the valve block, I’m struggling to work out what’s going on…

    Free Member

    its probably a conspiracy.

    Hmmm… now you mention it, it was paid for by the Freemasons and is called a Crusader.

    St John’s Ambulance is part of the Venerable Order of St John

    Queen Elizabeth II—the reigning monarch of the Commonwealth realms since 1952—is at the apex of the Order of Saint John as its Sovereign Head, followed by the Grand Prior

    The Alliance of the Orders of Saint John of Jerusalem is a federation of European Protestant chivalric orders that share inheritance of the tradition of the mediaeval military Knights Hospitaller

    The Protestant constituent orders of the Alliance, together with the Roman Catholic Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM), form the “Mutually Recognised Orders of Saint John”

    ‘Knights of Malta’ if you will… which is of course also a high rank within the Freemasons, associated with the Order of Mark Master Masons.

    The current Mark Grand Master, HRH Prince Michael of Kent, is the younger brother of the Craft Grand Master, HRH Prince Edward, Duke of Kent.

    Probably fix it by building a shrine to Solomon’s Temple and sacrificing a few innocents…

    But a more practical solution would be preferable.

    Free Member

    Hmm, that’s a good point, but I think it probably flows both ways, so the solenoid controlled valve block can regulate and level both sides, along with letting the air out when you push the badman lowrider button.

    Free Member

    jhj, does your athletic endurance come anywhere near that displayed in your forum performances ?

    Well, I was a bike courier in London and rode a Rickshaw from Canterbury to Edinburgh for the hell of it…

    Absolutely nothing JHJ has posted so far shows or proves any US involvement whatsoever.

    From a man troll who finds fault in accounts of longstanding links between the Bush Family and Bandar bin Sultan, but avoids asking questions of Saudi Ambassadors…

    There’s a bonus for anyone who can pick out which of the people mentioned so far in this thread was mentor to Colin Powell (seen in last pic)

    Free Member

    Pff, I could go 42 more without any interruption from the haterz, fakerz n denial loons.

    Now, where were we…

    You’re conveniently forgetting what the 28 pages revealed about Saudi Ambassador Bandar Bin Sultan and Abu Zubaydah, not to mention that Turki Bin Faisal, (mentioned above) became Saudi Ambassador to the US after 9/11…

    So, in addition to:

    But the most infamous guest was Osama bin Laden, who, for many years, made annual visits to the royal falconry camps in both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates during a time when he was already wanted around the world for mass murder. Former Saudi Ambassador, Prince Turki bin Faisal hunted with bin Laden often

    If Turki and Mir were cutting deals with bin Laden, were they acting at the behest of their governments or on their own? Posner avoids any direct statement, but the book implies that they were doing official, if covert, business.

    Now, we already have the link between Bandar Bin Sultan (who was thanked personally by Bin Laden for helping secure CIA aid during Operation Cyclone) and Turki bin Faisal

    it was Turki bin Faisal’s sister (Bandar Bin Sultan’s wife) who was involved in money finding it’s way from the Riggs account set up by the UK paymaster general to the hijackers support network

    A bint no less!

    Haifa bint Faisal

    So, where does Abu Zubaydah fit into all of this?

    Let’s go back to this for a moment:

    Yet when Zubaydah was confronted by the false Saudis, writes Posner, “his reaction was not fear, but utter relief.” Happy to see them, he reeled off telephone numbers for a senior member of the royal family who would, said Zubaydah, “tell you what to do.” The man at the other end would be Prince Ahmed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz, a Westernized nephew of King Fahd’s and a publisher better known as a racehorse owner. His horse War Emblem won the Kentucky Derby in 2002. To the amazement of the U.S., the numbers proved valid.

    So that’s one phone number that proved handy to him… but there’s more:

    The telephone book of Abu Zubaida was retrieved by coalition forces on March 28, 2002. One of the numbers in Zubaida’s book is unlisted and subscribed to by the ASPCOL Corporation in Aspen, Colorado. ASPCOL is the umbrella corporation that manages the affairs of the Colorado residence of Prince Bandar. The number is not listed in any phonebook and is not easily locatable. Due to the sensitivity of the matter, the FBI decided to hold their investigation in abeyance until they received guidance from FBI headquarters.

    I’ll let that sink in for a while…

    Free Member

    Your waffle is, but I’m right on topic…

    You’re conveniently forgetting what the 28 pages revealed about Saudi Ambassador Bandar Bin Sultan and Abu Zubaydah, not to mention that Turki Bin Faisal, (mentioned above) became Saudi Ambassador to the US after 9/11…

    Free Member

    So no conclusions no evidence no facts ?

    Well, you waited long enough for the Chilcot report and you were paying for that… much like you were paying for the war that led to it and the contractors Her Majesty’s government chose.

    How would you feel if you were paying Turki Bin Faisal’s wages?

    Bandar Bin Sultan’s?

    Osama Bin Laden’s?

    Free Member

    You’re conveniently forgetting what the 28 pages revealed about Saudi Ambassador Bandar Bin Sultan and Abu Zubaydah, not to mention that Turki Bin Faisal, (mentioned above) became Saudi Ambassador to the US after 9/11…

    Free Member

    It get’s tricky though… impartiality of those that contributed to the Chilcot report is questionable at best; for example:

    The military advisor to the Chilcot report General Sir Roger Wheeler[/url], aside from being paid massive amounts in his work for the inquiry, also happens to be on the board of Aegis Defence Services, who were involved in all kinds of dodgy business during the invasion of Iraq (you can find further mention of Aegis Defence Services earlier in this thread)

    That is but one example, questions remain about Chilcot himself.

    As for conclusions, as GWglover keeps demanding, I have to refer back to Max Cleland of the 9/11 commission for now, as there is far more to come:

    “I’m not going to be part of looking at information only partially. I’m not going to be part of just coming to quick conclusions. I’m not going to be part of political pressure to do this or not do that. I’m not going to be part of that. This is serious.”

    That said, I can give a brief summary:

    There’s some dodgy business that hasn’t been adequately investigated…

    Free Member

    As a matter of interest, would you take the Chilcot report as corroborated documentary evidence?

    Free Member

    Hmm, now where were we, last I remember no-one was disputing the facts presented here… speak now if you find any errors

    Just a quick recap…

    Over the last month, Al Waleed Bin Talal and Bandar Bin Sultan have both reportedly been detained as part of the Saudi Purge; there have also been suggestions of further investigation into the Al-Yamamah deal

    Still no word on Turki Bin Faisal though…

    Feathered Cocaine

    With some of the richest and most powerful men in the world visiting these falconry camps, the camps also attract some of the world’s most undesirable — like weapons smuggler and the inspiration for the movie, Lord of War, Viktor Bout, who was frequently a guest at royal falconry camps. But the most infamous guest was Osama bin Laden, who, for many years, made annual visits to the royal falconry camps in both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates during a time when he was already wanted around the world for mass murder. Former Saudi Ambassador, Prince Turki bin Faisal hunted with bin Laden often, and bin Laden was a VIP guest at the falconry camp organized by the former foreign minister from the U.A.E. bin Laden was so involved in falconry during the ‘90s and 2000s, that during the time he lived in Kandahar, Afghanistan, he stole most of the falcons from the surrounding tribes for his own personal use, giving the best birds as gifts to royal sheiks in the Emirates, and princes in Saudi Arabia.

    Not forgetting of course that it was Turki bin Faisal’s sister (Bandar Bin Sultan’s wife) who was involved in money finding it’s way from the Riggs account set up by the UK paymaster general to the hijackers support network.

    Though it’s not a direct mention of the falconry camps, there is this Time Article:

    Yet when Zubaydah was confronted by the false Saudis, writes Posner, “his reaction was not fear, but utter relief.” Happy to see them, he reeled off telephone numbers for a senior member of the royal family who would, said Zubaydah, “tell you what to do.” The man at the other end would be Prince Ahmed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz, a Westernized nephew of King Fahd’s and a publisher better known as a racehorse owner. His horse War Emblem won the Kentucky Derby in 2002. To the amazement of the U.S., the numbers proved valid.

    Zubaydah, writes Posner, said the Saudi connection ran through Prince Turki al-Faisal bin Abdul Aziz, the kingdom’s longtime intelligence chief. Zubaydah said bin Laden “personally” told him of a 1991 meeting at which Turki agreed to let bin Laden leave Saudi Arabia and to provide him with secret funds as long as al-Qaeda refrained from promoting jihad in the kingdom.

    Zubaydah said he attended a third meeting in Kandahar in 1998 with Turki, senior isi agents and Taliban officials. There Turki promised, writes Posner, that “more Saudi aid would flow to the Taliban, and the Saudis would never ask for bin Laden’s extradition, so long as al-Qaeda kept its long-standing promise to direct fundamentalism away from the kingdom.” In Posner’s stark judgment, the Saudis “effectively had (bin Laden) on their payroll since the start of the decade.” Zubaydah told the interrogators that the Saudis regularly sent the funds through three royal-prince intermediaries he named.

    Posner told TIME he got the details of Zubaydah’s interrogation and revelations from a U.S. official outside the cia at a “very senior Executive Branch level” whose name we would probably know if he told it to us. He did not. The second source, Posner said, was from the cia, and he gave what Posner viewed as general confirmation of the story

    There’s another unanswered question. If Turki and Mir were cutting deals with bin Laden, were they acting at the behest of their governments or on their own? Posner avoids any direct statement, but the book implies that they were doing official, if covert, business.

    (To clarify, that’s the same Turki Bin Faisal… his full name is actually Turki bin Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud )

    If there’s any gaps you need filling in of the details provided within that post, do tell. [/quote]

    Free Member

    I’ve bent a few cranks and stripped a few pedal threads in my time, but the only cranks I’ve managed to completely snap were mk1 SLXs (the double and bash model with the meaty axle and pedal inserts)

    This is more down to an anatomical issue than anything, the issue in question being girth. Not girth in the sense of barrel chest and tree trunks for thighs (though I am thus endowed), but girth in the ankle region.

    Whilst the cranks perform admirably for a long while, over time, those with particularly manly ankles will wear down the raised spine on the outer face of the hollowtech structure, to the point that cracks will start to appear in the shiny, Mankle polished, surface, then one day when just riding along* (*doing abubacas n tree ride fakies etc) they’ll just fold, all backwards origami like.

    Thought it was a one off, then discovered cracks forming in a 2nd set, once again, due to girth.

    This only applies to the original SLX cranks with the raised spine on the outer face, the newer ones, in all their sleek flush glory should be fine

    This valuable insight into anatomy has been brought to you by the Manly ankle association of Great Britain.

    Free Member

    Just a quick recap…

    Over the last month, Al Waleed Bin Talal and Bandar Bin Sultan have both reportedly been detained as part of the Saudi Purge; there have also been suggestions of further investigation into the Al-Yamamah deal

    Still no word on Turki Bin Faisal though…

    Feathered Cocaine

    With some of the richest and most powerful men in the world visiting these falconry camps, the camps also attract some of the world’s most undesirable — like weapons smuggler and the inspiration for the movie, Lord of War, Viktor Bout, who was frequently a guest at royal falconry camps. But the most infamous guest was Osama bin Laden, who, for many years, made annual visits to the royal falconry camps in both Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates during a time when he was already wanted around the world for mass murder. Former Saudi Ambassador, Prince Turki bin Faisal hunted with bin Laden often, and bin Laden was a VIP guest at the falconry camp organized by the former foreign minister from the U.A.E. bin Laden was so involved in falconry during the ‘90s and 2000s, that during the time he lived in Kandahar, Afghanistan, he stole most of the falcons from the surrounding tribes for his own personal use, giving the best birds as gifts to royal sheiks in the Emirates, and princes in Saudi Arabia.

    Not forgetting of course that it was Turki bin Faisal’s sister (Bandar Bin Sultan’s wife) who was involved in money finding it’s way from the Riggs account set up by the UK paymaster general to the hijackers support network.

    Though it’s not a direct mention of the falconry camps, there is this Time Article:

    Yet when Zubaydah was confronted by the false Saudis, writes Posner, “his reaction was not fear, but utter relief.” Happy to see them, he reeled off telephone numbers for a senior member of the royal family who would, said Zubaydah, “tell you what to do.” The man at the other end would be Prince Ahmed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz, a Westernized nephew of King Fahd’s and a publisher better known as a racehorse owner. His horse War Emblem won the Kentucky Derby in 2002. To the amazement of the U.S., the numbers proved valid.

    Zubaydah, writes Posner, said the Saudi connection ran through Prince Turki al-Faisal bin Abdul Aziz, the kingdom’s longtime intelligence chief. Zubaydah said bin Laden “personally” told him of a 1991 meeting at which Turki agreed to let bin Laden leave Saudi Arabia and to provide him with secret funds as long as al-Qaeda refrained from promoting jihad in the kingdom.

    Zubaydah said he attended a third meeting in Kandahar in 1998 with Turki, senior isi agents and Taliban officials. There Turki promised, writes Posner, that “more Saudi aid would flow to the Taliban, and the Saudis would never ask for bin Laden’s extradition, so long as al-Qaeda kept its long-standing promise to direct fundamentalism away from the kingdom.” In Posner’s stark judgment, the Saudis “effectively had (bin Laden) on their payroll since the start of the decade.” Zubaydah told the interrogators that the Saudis regularly sent the funds through three royal-prince intermediaries he named.

    Posner told TIME he got the details of Zubaydah’s interrogation and revelations from a U.S. official outside the cia at a “very senior Executive Branch level” whose name we would probably know if he told it to us. He did not. The second source, Posner said, was from the cia, and he gave what Posner viewed as general confirmation of the story

    There’s another unanswered question. If Turki and Mir were cutting deals with bin Laden, were they acting at the behest of their governments or on their own? Posner avoids any direct statement, but the book implies that they were doing official, if covert, business.

    (To clarify, that’s the same Turki Bin Faisal… his full name is actually Turki bin Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud ) [/quote]

    If there’s any gaps you need filling in of the details provided within that post, do tell.

    Free Member

    Heaven forbid I provide you with evidence before coming to any conclusions…

    Free Member

    Yep… I’m as fallible as any, but thankfully, I don’t have the raw destructive power of the Pentagon, or Her Majesty’s Government(s).

    Nor do I provide anyone with Weapons of Mass destruction, before using the idea of Weapons of Mass destruction for an invasion which wreaks horror on people not so different from you and I to this day.

    Anyhow, back on topic, due to some of my earlier mistakes, thankfully my facts are more reliable these days:

    Now aside from the obvious parallels with western support of ‘moderate rebels’ in Syria and ISIS ideology being based of Wahabist/Salafist beliefs actively spread by Saudi Arabia, where do Turki bin Faisal, Bandar Bin Sultan and Abu Zubaydah fit into all of this?

    Free Member

    And yet you believe those who obscure information from you…

    (and have a known track record of lying)

    Life’s probably simpler that way

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