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  • What’s The Cheapest Way To Watch Mountain Biking Now GCN+ Is Closing?
  • jivehoneyjive
    Free Member

    Wonder what odds the bookies would offer on the Queen being the Whore of Babylon…

    Free Member

    Well, got that out my system… no point dwelling on the past; seem to have picked up quite a fan club in the meantime. Some of these loons are obsessed I tell ya.

    Admittedly, the link here is a bit niche: Operation Northwoods was related to CIA activity in Cuba, as was Lee Harvey Oswald.

    We’ll leave Barry Seal, Trinity Energy and the Rose Law firm of Little Rock, Arkansas, for another day

    Free Member

    For some reason, talk of swimming reminds me of the time I almost jumped off the Forth Road bridge because I felt like I’d been set up for something I didn’t do and was convinced no-one would believe me. Even more twisted, the person I turned to then used that situation against me

    Not a great place to be…

    Free Member

    I don’t come here to be taken advantage of!!

    If you can’t do French and you’re unfamiliar with Mogwai, that’s your problem, not mine.

    Bloody amateurs!

    Free Member

    Parlais vous Francais?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Searching for voyeur on youtube, you’d think it was only blokes with beady eyes…

    More likely that it’s only blokes who admit it.

    Anyhoo, this vid is so 80s it even has random nunchuck toting ninjas

    Free Member

    Psy-ops? Honey traps? Facebook a tool of the military industrial complex?

    Blatantly the tin foil hat brigade having a laugh…

    What right do these journalists and investigators have to meddle with the democratic system we’ve come to know and love.

    Keep power hidden in the hands of those with the deepest pockets by the foulest of means I say!!

    Free Member

    That judgement was probably made by the UK’s most senior career intelligence officials (Joint Intelligence Committee?

    Charles Blandford Farr, who heads the Joint Intelligence Committee has an interesting history…

    There again, so does David Lidington…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    We were doing a refurb after the forestry clear cut it in 2011/12… sure enough, the top of the forestry section was insanely boggy~ did the best we could, getting loads of big rocks (being the biggest, I was expected to carry the majority of them… after a few weeks of that, I probably could’ve wrestled a bear) to build a base, but I wouldn’t be surprised if the muck just swallowed them like smarties, laughed and let out a big methaney belch.

    That wouldn’t have been more than 50m though… however only did work within the boundary of the forestry, so can’t comment on any horrors further up

    Free Member

    Out and back or a circular from WHW and around the North side of Am Bodach?

    Out and back… wanted to check if it was ridable on the way up…

    That said, from what I saw, a circular route from the WHW should be doable.

    Not into Glen Nevis I’m afraid munrobiker… you could try the route down to Steall falls, but best option for Glen Nevis would probably be Sgurr an lubhair down.

    Another option for Glen Nevis, although streetmap doesn’t show it, the path from Mullach nan Coirean goes all the way down to the fire road in the forestry (I should know, I helped build it), from where you can link up to the trail next to the burn that comes out at Achriabhach.

    Free Member

    Aye, that’s the one… it’s a bit boggy in places and there was a fence or two to cross, but the majority is pretty darn schweet, you can go right from the summit down to the Grey Mares tail path into Kinloch, which gives you 40+ minutes of drool inducing descent.

    Free Member

    Hiked up to ride down a few years back… from what I remember, we were gonna go to the summit but sacked it off a bit above the Lochan as it was fairly clear the riding above there wouldn’t be that great.

    It might have been something to do with there still being snow here and there, but that’s not the way I remember it.

    Below the Lochan was pretty sweet though… looking at the map I remember riding both descents… the one closer to Kinlochleven was better, the other was overly technical in places.

    Stob Coire a Chairn towards Na Gruagaichean is worth a pop.

    Free Member

    if we suffer an anthrax terror attack like the Americans did in 2001?

    Everything went a bit quiet on that after the majority of evidence suggested it’d come from a US military installation…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I feel the pain of everyone…

    Then, I feel nothing

    Free Member

    Stolen from twitter:

    In all the briefings about the spy poisoning from the Government, why no updates on the search for the individuals who carried out the attack and their chemicals stash?

    You know the usual sort of thing that goes on after a serious crime. And, why no media questions about this?

    Of course, there could be plausible explanations, but questions need asking…

    Free Member

    The real solution is to clone the planet and ditch all the war mongering knobends, whatever their creed, colour or politics…

    Free Member

    People are nuts… the more I learn of human nature, the more I wonder what hope there is for our long term survival in the distorted world that’s been created around us.

    Free Member

    An assortment of lilypads… you could dress up as a frog and fashion a spring loaded tongue out of flypaper to catch your meals.

    If that hasn’t whet your appetite, you could go all ben hur, deadly axle adornments n all.

    Free Member

    [OldSkool Forum Tongue in Cheek] What if ISIS did it and are laughing to themselves as the Christian Nations are working their way towards mutually assured destruction, just as more weapons are secured for the Wahhabi faithful via Saudi Arabia [/Oldskool Forum Tongue in Cheek]

    More likely a concotion of Tim Bell(end) mind, unless Putin snuck in in disguise and administered it himself for the bants

    Free Member

    Quality insight there… regardless, go on a night out in Salisbury and you’ll bump into plenty of squaddies… it’s the hub that serves all the satellite towns.

    Remember from when I used to visit some mates who were seconded to Boscombe Down… there’s military installations dotted about all over the joint around there

    Free Member

    I’m under no illusions of Putin (or any world leader) being an angel, but this blog certainly raises some interesting points:

    Free Member

    Is the joke that there’s no sound on the vid?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    All this waffle and diplomacy achieves nothing FFS, not only have the vodka swilling, red flag waving, gulag loving Russians (who barely smile in public) endangered our civilians with nerve agents in a squaddie town just a few miles from Her Majesty’s world leading nerve agent facility, but they also inteferred in our media led decision to separate ourselves from our neighbours due to all the poor blighters seeking asylum and drowning in the mediterranean to flee a proxy war which was seeded by allied support of rebels as far back as 2006, (the rebels who went on to become ISIS (what happened to ISIS after Boris withheld that report on Terrorist funding anyhoo?) that and errr, sovereignty.

    Anyway, as I’ve already said, the only sensible thing to do is a full scale thermonuclear attack on Russian civilians (and everything east of Israel for good measure)… if you’re gonna commit to trident, commit to it properly I say.

    And if a lady’s not up to the job, then maybe old Trumpy pants can vaporise the pee stains he left in Moscow…

    Free Member

    Damn, rumbled… after all the work I’ve put in through the years, it was kinda inevitable that Woppit would be my undoing.

    Chapeau sir, as you folks with english as a 1st language say

    Free Member

    Of course, we could just replace wars with forum abuse, but it wouldn’t do much good for the arms trades of any of the nations involved, whose rulers regardless of nationality, religion or ethnicity all bear culpability for inhumane acts and the continued escalation of conflict in their strategic and economic interests, whilst playing political pantomime to engage and confuse the masses.

    Free Member

    Oops, in all the excitement, I actually meant Mr Woppit, but that name goes more with a tired old historian, with a moth eaten tank top, who stinks of pipe smoke, with stained teeth, thumbs and mad staring bloodshot eyes, magnified by his thick horn rimmed spectacles. His nasal hair is quite something.

    The right arm of his armchair is collapsed due to his propensity to bash it with thunderous force each time he makes a point, celebrating the good old days of bayonets, blunderbus and the colonies.

    The acrid stench of tobacco is further amplified by the unmistakeable tinge of urine.

    Free Member

    (Pictures Count Zero as a blustering old colonel, with a gammy leg, a well polished monocle and a greying waxed moustache that adds theatric poise every time he speaks… (LOUDLY (Through his arse)))

    Tell you what though, it’s bloody good of those Ruskies to dabble in chemical weapons just as another attempt at pushing the old faithful chemical weapons in Syria narrative is in progress.

    There again, Her Majesty’s Chemical Weapons experts helped with Saddam’s arsenal…

    Then there’s the small matter of Thatcher wanting to threaten Iraq with Chemical Weapons

    Of course, that would never happen again, after all, Her Majesty’s Government has a different head of state now, doesn’t it?

    Free Member

    OMG, Parliament has now been cordoned off!!

    Apologies for Sun link, but they seemed to be the 1st to provide news on such a worrying affront to Her Majesty’s Government and our democracy

    The only sensible thing to do is a full scale thermonuclear attack on Russian civilians (and everything east of Israel for good measure)… if you’re gonna commit to trident, commit to it properly I say.

    Free Member

    Wait, what, so I can just rock up and plonk this here without all the faff and bother of yore?

    (Stick to the roads, stay off the moors…)

    Free Member

    You rang…

    Well, it’s certainly convenient timing to deflect media attention from the Saudi visit and the continuation of Al Yamamah, slush fund n all, along with the floating of Aramco (arranged via HSBC)

    Hats off mind, whoever’s behind it, it’s a bloody good psy-op…

    Reminds me of Tim Bell (who played a key role in the election of Margaret Thatcher)…

    Lord Bell, a friend of Russian tycoon Boris Berezovsky, handled the media attention behind poisoned Russian ex-spy Alexander Litvinenko

    He and his company, Bell Pottinger were also involved in propaganda during the Iraq war:

    The Pentagon gave a controversial UK PR firm over half a billion dollars to run a top secret propaganda programme during the Iraq war, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism can reveal.

    Bell Pottinger’s former chairman Lord Tim Bell confirmed to the Sunday Times, which worked with the Bureau on this story, that his firm had worked on a “covert” military operation “covered by various secrecy agreements.”

    Bell Pottinger reported to the Pentagon, the CIA and the National Security Council on its work in Iraq, he said.

    In December 2006 Lord Bell successfully lobbied on behalf of the Saudi government to discontinue the Serious Fraud Office investigation into alleged bribes in the Al Yamamah arms deal.

    More recently:

    A senior British diplomat is working for a firm at the heart of a multimillion dollar Saudi public relations offensive whilst still employed by the Foreign Office (FCO), the Bureau can reveal. The news comes as the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia prepares for a trip to London, where he will be greeted by demonstrations against the civilian death toll in Yemen caused by Saudi bombing.

    Jolyon Welsh, whose roles at the FCO have included Deputy Director of Middle East, and Head of Government to Government Contracting, was given special unpaid leave in 2014 to become a senior director of Consulum. This London and Middle East-based communications firm was founded by former executives from the scandal-hit agency Bell Pottinger. He has remained there ever since.

    Still, no doubt the the incident in Salisbury is doing much for Amber Rudd’s reputation…

    Thank goodness for all the experts at Porton Down!!

    Free Member

    It’s great that these links are being put under the spotlight; the only way anything has ever changed is through scrutiny and pressure.

    By the same merit, I stopped renewing my British Cycling membership due to HSBC’s involvement.

    The NRA is grim enough, but HSBC takes it to a whole other level…

    From corruption at the highest levels in the City of London and the Crown’s Offshore network, to gun running, drug trafficking and indiscriminate slaughter on a wholesale scale.

    Not to mention their role in the surveillance state…

    Of course, change takes time, but there’s certainly a lot more awareness these days, even compared to 4 or 5 years ago.

    Free Member

    You’re right that both chainstay length and BB height are key factors in a bike’s manuability (how easy it is to pop sick manuals for the babes)

    The trend for steeper seat angles should mean you can have shorter chainstays.

    Shorter chainstays should improve the ability to get the front up, allowing designers to get the BB as low as possible, for a low centre of gravity giving optimal cornering and fore-aft stability whilst taking into account crank clearance.

    A steeper seat angle should also result in a longer virtual chainstay during seated climbing, improving traction and reducing the tendency for the front of the bike to lift during seated climbing.

    Given the trend for longer, lower, slacker bikes, the question is, does a longer front centre/reach and the ratio between reach and chainstay length give you more leverage to heft the bike up?

    Perhaps more important than all of this is the fact that the potent combination of short chainstays and a low BB is best for generating rad roost.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I was just about to suggest the same… when I was a kitchen god slave in chalets in the alps, I’d just use the rim on the bottom of a plate and in no time the tomatoes would be cowering.

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