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  • jivehoneyjive
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    All told, I’ve found backer rod inserts to be nigh on miraculous… not only do they protect the rim and prevent burping, they also let you ride with a flat tyre… couple of months ago got a flat on the front towards the end of the ride and after a few tentative moments, learnt that in a stituation where I’d normally get off and push back to the van, there was still plenty of grip to be had; that was with 30mm, so I’d imagine if you go full girth with the 50mm, it’d be better still.

    Might even start marketing them~ just need to come up with a name;

    Foameo’s rim jobs seems pretty catchy

    Free Member

    Weird… though I’ve never heard it before, your track gives me a flashback of driving past Jimmy Savile’s house on the way to snowboard at Glencoe for the 1st time with a chick I’d just met and getting a gut feeling that I should not get involved and get the hell outta there.

    Anyhoo, life’s a bitch:

    as is hindsight…

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    Quick search of twitter shows it’s a nationwide issue

    Shit like this makes me think that maybe a 3rd world war to reduce global population isn’t such a bad idea…

    (As long as someone else cleans up the mess)

    That or Soylent Green…

    Regarding bins, a good solution would be the French style Poubelles, with a massive underground sack that’s lifted out by crane.

    Anyhoo, enough about my anatomy…

    Free Member

    Well I never… today is the anniversary of the election of Margaret Thatcher as the UK’s first female Prime Minister.

    How wonderful!

    Chris Patten must still be proud of his role in all that to this day, safe in the knowledge that Cambridge Analytica and all their dodgy data mining (not to mention honeytraps and hidden cameras) weren’t about back then

    That said, questions still remain as to what role Julian Lewis’ mentor, Guinness World Record holder, Brian Crozier played in such a historic result…

    Free Member

    Well, it does get a bit tricky when we talk of the BBC… for example, one time head of the BBC Trust, Chris Patten, was Chairman of the Conservative Party in the early 90s, (at the time, John Bercow’s best man Julian Lewis was deputy Director of the Conservative Reasearch Department… Patten himself had been Director of the Conservative Research Department in the 70s, during the period Margaret Thatcher was leader of the opposition)

    Of course, further questions remain about the recruitment of Rona Fairhead to chair the BBC Trust, which involved the new Home Secretary, Sajid Javid, but that is probably a bit outside the scope of this thread.

    That said, strange as it may seem, the 1987 firing of BBC Director General, Alasdair Milne (father of Jeremy Corbyn’s Director of Strategy and Communications, Seumas Milne) is actually relevant here.

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    Have to give him his due, seems pretty good at covering his mates backs…

    John Bercow and Sally Illman were married on 7th December 2002, at St Margaret’s Church in Parliament Square.

    His best man for the occasion was Dr Julian Lewis, a long time friend and colleague of his since way back in the 80s.

    From 1989, Julian Lewis and John Bercow spent several years working together running advanced speaking and campaigning courses for Conservative activists the world over, bestowing wily political skills upon over 600 Conservatives (including many current MPs) by the time they wound up their operation in the early 2000s

    It was in 1994, during the time that Bercow and Lewis were nigh on inseparable that Julian Lewis helped cover up organized child abuse…

    He even brags about it on his website:

    Thanks to Julian Lewis, in 1994 North Wales Police Superintendent Gordon Anglesea managed to rake in £375,000 from libel cases relating to allegations of his involvement in organized abuse of children from North Wales Care Homes.

    However, on October 22 2016 a court found Police Superintendent Gordon Anglesea had in fact been abusing kids from care homes in North Wales

    Care homes run by a certain John Allen:

    Though its welcome that a degree of justice was served in the end, there is much more to this story than it 1st appears.

    And both Julian Lewis and John Bercow are right in the thick of it…

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    Ignorance is bliss…

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    Oh come on, surely you guys know about the whole John Bercow Keith Vaz thing…

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    When you’re looking to place the blame, ask yourself who benefits…

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    Beyond his days in the Monday club with Proctor, Bercow certainly has an interesting history

    Aside from Lambeth Council and his role with the Saudi favourite Jonathan Aitken, there’s the several years he spent training over 600 Tory activists (many of whom are now MPs) with Julian Lewis (who went on to be his best man).

    Probably best not to probe too deeply in these matters though, never know what you might find…

    Free Member

    Well I never… turns out it was Harvey Proctor who launched John Bercow’s political career…

    (funnily enough, Keith Vaz is mentioned on the next page)

    For some reason, that’s not trending though *innocent face*

    Free Member

    Reminds me of the time I gave a couple a lift back from the speigel tent on my rickshaw… the guy had mad bants and invited me in when we arrived… went in and was amazed by how swanky his house was, then saw a few BAFTAs hanging about.

    Turned out it was Leslie Benzies, the dude behind GTA and Red Dead Redemption. He’s a super cool and generous guy and the only customer I ever let ride my rickshaw with me as a passenger

    He was jamming on the guitar and telling me about a new project that was set to be released soon; turned out it was the original Red Dead Redemption…

    Free Member

    This is blatantly the answer you’re looking for:

    Full custom for peanuts…

    Either that, or check how off the shelf options stack up when you mess with the axle-crown length (bearing in mind a lot of bikes are designed for longer travel, so you may end up with a mad low BB)

    Doubt you’ll achieve the weight you’re after with steel mind.

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    Just remembered when I was in Russia and the situation was reversed… the people behind the counter would avoid smiling and acknowledging you at all costs, to prevent betraying any emotion; apparently as a result of conditioning in the aftermath of Stalin’s purges…

    Bloody grim to be honest, not to mention a right pain in the arse when it comes to buying train tickets.

    There again, as becomes clearer every day, we’re all living in a surveillance state, but the beauty is, rather than cowing down and licking boots, no-one really gives a shit.

    Free Member

    Junkies need their fix… no time for manners until the caffeine has been administered.

    Not to mention the practicalities of queuing… all those “morning”s add up, reducing the overall efficiency of the operation and increasing frustration levels as nanoseconds turn into microseconds.

    If I was her employer, I’d think about docking her pay.

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    This is superb!!

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    Maybe it’s just me that thinks it’s a bit odd that current UK National Security Adviser Mark Sedwill (himself an ex UN weapons inspector),

    was heavily involved in Iraqi WMD scandal, along with UK’s recently departed UN representative, Matthew Rycroft.

    Just don’t mention the 114 child abuse files that went missing under Sedwill’s watch as Home Office Permanent Secretary with Theresa May

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    Anyway, back to Matthew Rycroft, who until January this year was Her Majesty’s representative to the UN:

    In 1998, he joined the British embassy in the United States, where he served for four years. In 2002, Rycroft was appointed Private Secretary to Prime Minister Tony Blair, to advise him on matters related to foreign policy, the European Union, Northern Ireland and defence.

    During this time Rycroft wrote a letter to Mark Sedwill, private secretary to the foreign secretary, Jack Straw. The letter reveals that “we and the US would take action” without a new resolution by the UN security council if UN weapons inspectors showed Saddam had clearly breached an earlier resolution. In that case, he “would not have a second chance”. That was the only way Britain could persuade the Bush administration to agree to a role for the UN and continuing work by UN weapons inspectors, the letter says.

    Sir Mark Sedwill mentioned above is now the UK’s National Security Adviser;

    He has previously been a UN weapon’s inspector… spookily, he was also drafted in as the Permanent secretary to the Home Office shortly after the Jimmy Savile scandal broke… remember the 114 missing files?

    Small world…

    Free Member

    Not sure how relevant this is…

    But it may go some way to help explain…

    Free Member

    So OP how did you manage to do that. Forgot to let the air out first?

    Knew a guy who did similar and it went through his jaw!

    Ouch… I can well imagine, it was like a frickin crossbow bolt.

    I pushed down the valve core and to the best of my knowledge had let all the air out, though that said, I had tried modifying them to reduce the travel, so it could be that air was trapped by my custom spacer.

    Looked in the mirror after I’d posted this and there was a tiny spot of blood on my forehead, so it must’ve literally skimmed my face.

    Worked out alright in the end though, there’s some classic stories here…

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    Sitting on a cold slab, feeling my warm stab…

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    ‘Bout time too, it’s the perfect situation for the Saudis and Israelis to put their vast arsenals to use and reduce the desert to a desert.

    But how did we get here?

    Allied support of Syrian rebel groups since at least 2005, ultimately leading to the creation of ISIS via Saudi ideologies, along with supply of CIA/MI6/Saudi ratline of weapons via Benghazi will of course be forgotten, as will the fact that until recently, one of the key players in the WMD bollox, Matthew Rycroft, was Her Majesty’s representative at the UN

    Matthew Rycroft now works in the DFID with Alastair Burt,

    Alistair Burt, who was effectively responsible for overseeing the UK’s role in the ratline of weapons (also known as Timber Sycamore), along with his US and Saudi counterparts

    (including Bandar Bin Sultan, who you can read a bit more about in this thread:

    Then there’s Adam Smith International, whose role in funneling UK taxpayer funds to extremists was covered by the BBC’s jihadis you pay for strangely though, no mention was made of Malcolm Rifkind’s role at Adam Smith International despite that being the period when he was heading the Parliamentary Intelligence and security committee.

    Just to clarify, I don’t suggest that Assad or Putin are angels… though there is certainly much propaganda, much like the babies in incubators that started the Gulf War

    (not forgetting that Saddam was originally supported by the CIA, then armed with both conventional and chemical weapons by the UK and US)

    Seems to me WW3 or no, we’re in a constant information war, though there are of course countless casualties and refugees, torn from their homes as a result of the bollocks we’re fed.

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    Flower of Carnage…

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    There is only one suitable name for a trail dog…


    That way, you have a legitimate excuse to make motorbike noises as you speed merrily down the trail;

    It’s also an uplifting way of dealing with other doggy scenarios, be that sniffing another dogs bits, picking up dead stuff or rolling in poo.

    Braaap, BraAAP BRAAAP!!

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