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  • Did you forget how to get Fat? Eddy Masters didn’t
  • jivehoneyjive
    Free Member

    Thanks for the feedback… it’s not my blog though 😆

    I have a questioning nature~ if you choose to believe what you are fed, whilst the scandals keep erupting time and again to prove otherwise, so be it…

    (cough) denial (cough) 😉

    Free Member

    Reading the thread would help…

    which makes you wonder about the whole Jimmy Savile thing, especially as he was a suspect in the Yorkshire ripper case

    Five seconds’ googling would suggest that’s nonsense. Seemingly he offered to be a liaison, which is weird but doesn’t make him a suspect.

    So having a cast made of his teeth to compare with bite marks on the victims makes him free of all suspicion does it?

    Definitely nothing that would’ve been picked up by any intelligence agencies working within the BBC…

    So, we have Jimmy Savile, who was evidently a suspect of the Yorkshire Ripper investigation and has struck up a friendship with Peter Sutcliffe, who was charged with the crimes… is that not a touch strange, especially considering Saviles access to Broadmoor, granted through government channels (Edwina Currie reported to Ken Clarke funnily enough). Frank Bruno’s role remains a mystery, though Phil Collins certainly seems to have an expressive face…

    I’m not saying I know exactly what went on, because I don’t, but I do know there is plenty in this world that stinks… I doubt you’ll dedicate the time to read this, but if you do, I’d like your opinion:

    Free Member

    As you didn’t make any comment and simply posted a picture I can only assume the reason you posted it is to demonstrate guilt by association.

    So Frank Bruno is a Murderer, Rapist and Peadophile then.

    That was your point right ?

    It is a sinister and suspicious photo; come to your own conclusions~ the full meaning of it is as much of a mystery to me as your hostility.

    Lets gauge your reaction to this one:

    Free Member

    In moments of sophistication inspired by my older brother, these would taint my breath:

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    For some eye opening revelations which appear to have significant basis in fact, but insufficient conclusive evidence as yet, google (or your chosen non invasive search engine) ‘kengate’

    Anyone have any thoughts on KENGATE? 😀

    Free Member

    I always tried to find this tune, but ended up with Liquid Sweet Harmony and knew something was missing… this is proper:

    another gurntastic banger:

    and already mentioned, but linked for everyone to enjoy:

    Free Member

    No one else ever remembers Benji, Zax and the Alien Prince. I wonder if I dreamt it…?

    I remember Benji Zax and the alien prince, and so does youtube:

    Free Member

    I remember being pretty excited by the short lived centurions:

    Free Member

    oops, double post… brakes on indeed

    Free Member

    Free Member

    😆 This thread is sooo full of win, jumpers for goalposts etc etc

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Anyone remember these?

    Free Member

    Watch out spooks, you’re in trouble now…

    Adam Hart Davis is gonna wipe the floor with you punks:

    Free Member

    For some balanced, reasonable and amusing conspiracy fact, try this:

    For some eye opening revelations which appear to have significant basis in fact, but insufficient conclusive evidence as yet, google (or your chosen non invasive search engine) ‘kengate’

    And just so’s you know, I’m happy to drink out of the tap 😀

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I know nothing much about valves, however, what you’re describing put me in mind of an Iris like a camera shutter or indeed the human eye… googling “iris valve” looks like it might be what you’re after:

    Free Member

    Shadows = Dark

    Free Member

    Followed by my mum coming back from a car boot one day with one of these:

    Free Member

    jivehoneyjive – Member

    Free Speech, putting nutters where you can see them…

    Oh aye, I’m cuckoo…

    Free Member

    Five seconds’ googling would suggest that’s nonsense. Seemingly he offered to be a liaison, which is weird but doesn’t make him a suspect.

    So having a cast made of his teeth to compare with bite marks on the victims makes him free of all suspicion does it?

    Definitely nothing that would’ve been picked up by any intelligence agencies working within the BBC…

    Free Member

    Is the BBC also part of the global conspiracy ?

    Well, The BBC have a history of links with Mi5 (which makes you wonder about the whole Jimmy Savile thing, especially as he was a suspect in the Yorkshire ripper case) not to mention:

    (Marcus Agius who resigned from Barclays over the Libor Scandal and is a senior director of the BBC is one of the 3 trustees of the Bilderberg Association along with Kenneth Clarke)

    Free Member

    Fair play… in light of that, I concede, Alex Jones is more of a tool than a prophet~ that said, my previous evidence stands, there is some filthy dealings that we need to address to progress and the owl should not be hastily forgotten 😆 …

    Free Member

    As we have seen, Alex Jones is no saint, but he is not solely responsible for the output on the website bearing his name, much as the citizens of this country are not responsible for atrocities committed in our name.

    Now, about appropriate hate figures…

    how many peoples deaths have occurred in the name of Alex Jones?

    Compare that to the deaths under the administrations of just the current leaders of the UK and US… then expand further taking into account all casualties including George W and Blair…

    who really needs holding to account?

    Are drones really an acceptable tool of removing the human element (and accountability) from war?

    Free Member

    Should I be shocked ?

    And disgusted of course

    Free Member

    There’s a bit of this in there somewhere:

    but more of this:

    Free Member

    So what ?

    What point are you trying to prove by posting a link to some random paperwork related to Bilderburg Assoc ?

    Nice troll… on the off chance you can’t read and have yet to watch the oscar winning documentary, inside job

    As for the banking industry, who are heavily represented in the Bilderberg Group (Marcus Agius who resigned from Barclays over the Libor Scandal and is a senior director of the BBC is one of the 3 trustees of the Bilderberg Association along with Kenneth Clarke)

    I’d recommend this as essential viewing (don’t worry, no Alex Jones and plenty of evidence):

    ‘Inside Job’ provides a comprehensive analysis of the global financial crisis of 2008, which at a cost of over $20 trillion, caused millions of people to lose their jobs and homes in the worst recession since the Great Depression, and resulted in a global financial crisis, the affects of which continue to this day.

    Through exhaustive research and extensive interviews with key financial insiders, politicians, journalists, and academics, the film traces the rise of a rogue industry which has corrupted politics, regulation, and academia.

    Given the track record of corruption displayed throughout the upper echelons of society and the conflict of interests of having Marcus Agius as a trustee of the Bilderberg Association, accepting their nicey nicey golf and skipping through meadows explantion is a touch naive.

    Free Member

    You asked for it…

    Free Member

    I guess what I’m really trying to put across is despite Alex Jones being over hyped and in your face, he certainly raises some relevant issues…

    Considering the ongoing lobbying scandal and Cameron’s claim of transparency, how is it that we are to quietly swallow the taxpayer funding of a secret meeting of tax avoiding elites? Whilst we pay them to spy on us…

    Tony Blair openly lied in Parliament about attending a Bilderberg meeting:

    whilst Kenneth Clarke conveniently ‘forgot’ he was a trustee

    I’m certainly not confusing Bilderberg with Bohemian Grove, merely showing Alex Jones has every right to raise suspicions when questionable owl business is occurring.

    At the end of the day, having travelled extensively and seen the disparity between what is reported in the western media and what has actually been happening, I’m open to the concept that the pretty picture painted by state propaganda doesn’t account for the meddlings of the secret services in Foreign and domestic affairs… extending that to the corporate interests who run the show, beyond the confines of democracy is only logical.

    Alex Jones is by no means infallible and can come out with some guff, but I’d wager he has more integrity than David Cameron, Barrack Obama or legion other figureheads who indulge the military industrial complex, killing for profit.

    As for the banking industry, who are heavily represented in the Bilderberg Group (Marcus Agius who resigned from Barclays over the Libor Scandal and is a senior director of the BBC is one of the 3 trustees of the Bilderberg Association along with Kenneth Clarke)

    I’d recommend this as essential viewing (don’t worry, no Alex Jones and plenty of evidence):

    Their sense of truth is generally broken.

    It is fun however

    And the liberal use of YouTube “evidence” is always good for a laugh too.

    I’m sorry, how foolish of me, backing up my arguments with “evidence”… click the links and you’ll find it goes way beyond some youtube goons speculating with conjecture~ I’ve even got the official documents from the Charity commission for the Bilderberg Association

    (that one is sooo good I had to use it twice) 😆

    Free Member

    I’ve still got my atari. along with about 50 games, man it’s going to be fun seeing the disgust on the grandchildren’s faces in years to come.

    Also had one of these;

    though I scored bigtime and got stereo too:

    Free Member

    You also have to factor in that the upper body will be far more active (if the trails are sufficiently technical) on the mtb, as well as more time out of the saddle meaning you’re suspending more of your weight, rather than relying on the saddle so overall energy expended is likely to be higher off road.

    Free Member

    I’m sensing OWL denial:

    So your not saying they are inaccurate then ?

    I’d say overall they are inaccurate, since although they pick up on specific points that can be manipulated to spin the story, they fail to come up with satisfactory explanations for:

    a) The whole owl deity sacrifice thing

    b) The illicit gathering of well known fat-cats which is a blatant conflict of interests, especially when there is some freaky owl stuff going on.

    Here is Alex in a more relaxed scenario… check the facts.

    Now, what are your thoughts on the owl?

    Free Member

    No doubt, Jones is a showman and can sometimes embellish between the facts, however, the vast majority of his claims ring true~ both of those links you posted are specifically formed to discredit him; the video in particular mentions there is no proof of the elite (even good old Tony Blair[/url] wants a piece of the action) attending the ceremony; all things considered couple the extensive evidence of their attendance to the site, with the presence of said gigantic owl and one way or another, some weird shit is happening.

    In his rant on the BBC, he mentions the Lockheed Scandal which forced the Bilderberg founder to resign… that also rings true.

    Have you ever been to Bohemian Grove nealglover? 😆

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    They always say there is no such thing as bad publicity and doubtless, this has put his name on the map~ if he had just presented himself calmly with some boring (albeit provable) facts, would the media have picked up on it or anyone be talking about him… nope.

    Whether his finances are ploughed into personal gain or furthering the cause for exposing the sickness at the core of the system, who knows, but good on the guy for having the balls and passion to present an alternative view on a blinkered corporate agenda driven media.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    On further investigation, Alex Jones has every right to be a bit mental… google ‘Bohemian Grove‘ … world leaders burning effigy’s in front of an owl god…WTF

    The ceremony is called cremation of care (i.e. conscience?)

    Twit-twoo mofos

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