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  • Review: The Specialized Stumpjumper Expert Carbon 29 rides well beyond its spec sheet
  • jivehoneyjive
    Free Member

    It’s playing like a real time, real life Jason Bourne Thriller

    In the meantime, this is funny:

    Free Member

    You mean the repair string right? I get the stuff for cars off ebay then chop it up with scissors or a penknife to get a reasonable size.

    In the majority of cases it works, but it’s not infallible ~ I’ve used it with maybe a 70% success rate, but you have to carry the needle tool with you if you’re going to use it.

    Used superglue to repair some holes as well, though you have to make sure all pressure is released from the tyre… I forgot this once and got an eye full of superglue. 🙁

    Probably obvious, but worth making sure you keep the hole at the top, as if all the sealant leaks out, you’re stuffed. 😆

    Free Member

    With all those words to choose from, I like to focus on the small things 😀

    Free Member

    What was it like when you went there ?

    Did you stay to help ?

    Though there is friendly people on both sides, the hostility and oppression displayed by the military (national service means all Israeli’s will be in the army at some point) at checkpoints was abhorrent~ along with building the barrier, settlers are also taking the water supplies, slowly choking the Palestinian villages. The Palestinians I met were warm and welcoming people, if a little weary from an uncertain future.

    I helped as best I could and still contribute to humanitarian causes in the area, but short of deposing the current Israeli regime, there is only so much that can be done~ Israels murderous raid on the Freedom Flotilla bringing aid to Gaza typifies the double standards the western powers show for human life… who are the real terrorists?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    The last time I went to Israel I met plenty of nice amiable people and generally had a good time, I didnt see any summararily executed locals being dragged through streets by screaming fanatics though !

    Did you visit the West Bank or Gaza… did you see the barrier up close?

    How about Israeli bulldozers destroying Palestinian homes?

    Free Member

    Russell Brand got some good points in; since political parties are funded by bankers where do their loyalties lie?

    Watching Boris fumbling over the bullsh*t of affordable housing was quality.

    Melanie Phillips seems to forget that throughout history, Iran has been a relatively peaceful country~ they haven’t attacked, invaded or occupied any other country for well over 200 years; if only Israel could say the same.

    I feel it was a shame that no-one raised the point that portraying Syria as a humanitarian intervention is blatant propaganda~ if it was truly about peoples welfare, then why has there been no intervention in Palestine or the Congo.

    Free Member

    I had a Mongoose Khyber for a few years and loved it… though the configuration is changed slightly (for the better by the looks of it, as the main problem with the Mongoose the bearing longevity) it is essentially the same system and comes highly recommended…

    In theory, the moving BB might seem odd, but when you think about it, the BB on a conventional bike is also mobile around the motion of the suspension~ generally arcing forward the deeper you go into travel, which will make the bike less stable when the opposite is preferred.

    Reckon the styling is pretty fly too.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Have you ever seen the documentary of the making of Sympathy for the devil? Its good.

    Anyhow, though the link here may not be immediately obvious, I have my reasons:

    Free Member

    I can highly recommend short cage road mechs for 1×9… have them on 2 of my bikes and they are crisp and sleek.

    Free Member

    If dogs evolve and the human race remains stagnant, we best flush the archives 😐

    Free Member

    Jesus F*ck, Englebert?? 😆

    Free Member

    I once overtook a horse drawn gypsy buggy with alloys uphill… I was riding a pedal powered rickshaw.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I like the cut of your jib…

    Free Member

    Creative use of Machines…

    Free Member

    Though there may be some question if the sources of the email that forms the basis for this article is reliable, considering a senior member of a UN commission of inquiry also echos these claims, it seems to hold gravity:

    US Backed Plan for Chemical Weapon Attack in Syria to Be Blamed on Assad:

    Free Member

    This video provides some compelling points, lets hope it doesn’t escalate, but it pays to be aware:

    Free Member

    Was about to comment, then remembered my ISAs. Damn, I am immoral as the rest of them!! How very dare I shelter some of my savings legitimately from the tax man?

    Are you going to preach to us about austerity, whilst changing the laws in your favour as well?…

    sure that will make you popular until the next election, so the cycle can repeat

    (struggles not to mention Bilderberg)

    Free Member

    Cher-Ching… it’s not about left and right, it’s about up and down:

    Free Member

    It relates to oil… the petrodollar:

    Look at the map and you’ll see, in addition to other benefits, like a game of RISK, the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan were a means of flanking Iran… Russia and China’s support for Syria and Iran is in part to try and break the dominance of the dollar, which weighs the world economy in the favour of the U.S.

    Free Member

    Great stuff, you must be proud 😀

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Boo… in that case, my apologies~ I daresay you rock anyhoo 😆

    Free Member

    I remember when you were in the MBUK slopestyle challenge

    There is another davidtaylforth???

    Did you once have a Balfa minuteman?

    Free Member

    In the long term, it is bound to make us as a nation richer… slowly but surely the western alliance is working towards sufficient power in the region to re-take Iran.

    Free Member

    Like Santa, I just keep giving, now where’s my brandy 🙂

    Free Member

    are to be exposed in a new BBC series

    Doh!! I’ll give you that one 😆

    it is fair to say we live in a police state.

    of sorts… I’m not suggesting we are under a totalitarian regime, but all too often the police pop up in huge numbers when democratic protests are happening… paid for by the people to oppress the people.

    Free Member

    I’ve had my share of dark times and as has already been said, rest assured that no matter how bad things seem, there is always a future and things will ultimately get better~ often surprisingly quickly.

    You’ve made a brave 1st step by mentioning the subject on here; sharing the burden is the best thing you can do~ talk to someone so it isn’t just swimming around in your head and your load should lighten.

    Also try to keep exercising regularly, as the endorphins released will raise your spirits.

    Hang in there and stay cool… I remember when you were in the MBUK slopestyle challenge 😉

    Free Member

    Bloody Sheepsh*ggers!! They’re keeping the rams separate until it’s time for the ewes to be serviced… must be a big farm.

    Free Member

    Yeah we know that Tony Blair took us to war on a lie. It’s not a secret, everyone knows there were no WMDs. So what has that got to do with Bilderberg ?

    It may have nothing to do with Bilderberg… but why the secrecy and why the multiple accounts of intimidation from investigating journalists?… and why did Tony Blair lie in parliament about his attendance to the group in 1993… check the body language at the mention of a conflict of interests:

    And what has it got to do with Alex Jones’s rant on Andrew Neil’s politics programme that Bilderberg was behind, quote : “nazi german plan to take over countries economically” and that, quote : we are in a police state” ?

    Alex Jones rant was pretty wild; however, there is documented evidence that the Nazi’s did formulate the original plan for the EEC (search ‘red house report’)… also, considering recent revelations of GHCQ and PRISM, not to mention the police raid on G8 protesters, it is fair to say we live in a police state.

    Actually Alex Jones doesn’t shut up, he responds by saying “I’m here to warn people, you keep telling me to shut up, this isn’t a game,our government is building FEMA camps …..” and so the conspiracy rant goes on.

    I daresay Alex is talking about the US government:

    And if the BBC is part of the global conspiracy with “a history of links with Mi5” as you claim, why didn’t they just edit out the bits they didn’t want people to hear, instead of telling Alex Jones to “shut up” ? The BBC aren’t very good at this conspiracy stuff are they ?

    The BBCs links with Mi5 are documented fact and as I’ve already shown with the charity comission’s documents of the Bilderberg association, one of the 3 members of the trust is a senior executive of the BBC.

    Also, Sunday politics is broadcast live, and in the event, Alex Jones’ rant was such that it was a good tool to discredit not only him personally, but by association the so called ‘conspiracy nuts’ who are working to ensure the transparency the government so falsely promises.

    Free Member

    As the population constantly increases, house prices are likely to continue to rise in the long term…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I have a questioning nature

    No you don’t.

    You seem to have the exact opposite in fact.

    You immediately dismiss the “mainstream” view, and immediately and blindly accept anything else.

    OK, so returning to what bought this thread about in the 1st place, Alex Jones on the Bilderberg Group~ remind me of the historic “mainstream” coverage of the meetings?

    How about the multiple accounts of intimidation and being followed from the majority of journalists who have tried to investigate it… is it crazy to question why that is?… and more importantly, why elected ministers who are funded by the tax payer not only attend, but also run the damned show, media n all.

    Is it so far fetched to suppose that governments who are prepared to fund and train the people they then cast as their enemies and lie about motives for war (go on, show me the weapons of mass destruction)are not working in the public interest, but in the interest of those who will line their pockets, especially when the worlds most powerful bank is a private concern?

    Go on, shoot me down, all you have to do is regularly say ‘why’ like a sugar filled 6 year old.


    P.S. Did you notice that Andrew Neil told him to shut up just as he was mentioning Porton Down and nerve gas… as if the peace loving honest UK would ever concoct such evil. How terrible of Syria to allegedly use such heinous weapons… wonder where they came from?

    Free Member

    (Ps, where was this “emotive outburst” you mentioned ? I’d be grateful if you could point it out so I can moderate my behaviour )

    Come come, don’t be coy, you just need to relax… I can sense your clenched fists from here 😆 … unwind, it’s the weekend 😉

    Would you like to provide conclusive evidence to prove that Elvis didn’t serve me fish and chips last night, and that there isn’t a WWII Lancaster bomber on the moon?

    I’d love to… but I can’t 😆 ; however, I’d have to question the motives for faking Elvis’ death as well as how you recognised him since he will have aged 35 years since he was last seen.

    I’d also wonder how it is that a Lancaster Bomber got to the moon, since it lacks the necessary propulsion to break away from the earths atmosphere and even if it could somehow fly in a near vacumn, it wouldn’t be able to carry sufficient fuel.

    Free Member

    If only you did question any of the crap evidence you have posted,

    Would you like to provide conclusive evidence to counter the assertions presented?

    Anyway, how about that Frank Bruno / Water Rats picture ?

    Why did you post that ?

    Well I had to give you something to cling to, so you could poo poo it in an emotive outburst didn’t I? 😆

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