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  • Gunn-Rita Dahle ‘Most Successful Mountain Biker Of All Time’ Decides To Hang Up The Cleats
  • jivehoneyjive
    Free Member

    What did I tell ya, that bloody bond is at it!!

    Free Member

    I think this might be relevant:

    enfht – Member

    House in north London I lived in was built on railway sidings where they would unload dead soldiers, local lads from both world wars, always at night. Never felt weird living there though tbh.
    Posted 1 week ago # Report-Post

    Free Member

    What’s your point caller?

    Looking to get a world perspective from a learned defender of peace and human rights such as your good self.

    Free Member

    I have one of those watches. Should I be very, very worried?

    Definitely… you’ve already admitted you’re guilty and no doubt there is extensive CCTV footage of you being all trendy retro n that.

    Free Member

    Can I enquire as to your views on drone casualties enfht?

    Free Member

    Thank you Mr Lynch, finally something we can agree on 😀

    These are the reasons I have such contempt for ‘official’ stories, especially in cases which further the polarizing of opinion and fuel the false perception of a terrorist threat in order to justify wars and weapons sales.

    Free Member

    Haven’t the majority of them also suffered torture deemed illegal under international law in order to coerce statements?

    Free Member

    Are people generally sedated whilst having it done in hospital?

    Also, is it against their will?

    Wonder how many Muslims have been killed by drones today…

    Free Member

    There’s alot of assumed guilt in this thread… wonder if that has anything to do with conditioning by the media?

    You are more likely to be killed by the police or a bee sting than a terrorist, yet somehow thanks to aforementioned media coverage, terrorists are a constant perceived threat.

    Yep, thats hate week and newspeak covered and thanks to Snowden, we know Big Brother is for real… Orwell was on the money.

    Free Member

    That’s one big bong, is the mouth peice in the house?


    Maybe the mouthpiece is the house; brings a whole new meaning to ambience.

    Anyhow, has your house always been a house or was it once a commercial property?

    Free Member

    The vast majority of these people will have been picked up in situations which called for their detention in the first place.

    What, like being framed by a financially motivated informer, before being tortured until you’ll say anything to make them stop?

    Or maybe just wearing a watch

    Free Member

    I recommend a monarch as they are completely user servicable… you can even buy the shim stacks for the various tunes.

    Free Member


    That is not the earth flag I support, you must be my sworn enemy

    this is the only true earth flag and anyone saying otherwise is a heretic!!


    Free Member

    Is there a flag representing the whole planet?

    Free Member

    Surely the LEZ is a step in this direction; doubtless in cities and built up urban areas, cars are not needed to the extent they are currently relied upon for personal transport, though access would still be required for deliveries and services such as rubbish collection.

    The thing is though, it’s big business and has a vast impact on the economy, albeit at the detriment of the environment.

    That said, the refinement of traffic regulations over the years is probably a good thing: 😀

    Free Member

    Free Member


    Aliens must exist~ anything else is sheer arrogance on our part given the scale of the universe[/url]

    The rest of that list is open to conjecture and where possible proof, though when it comes to the lizard bit, maybe this is the culprit:

    Free Member

    Not sure about the fancy axe, but well impressed with the tyre concept 🙂

    Free Member

    Occam’s Razor – is it more likely that there was a massive government conspiracy which worked perfectly and still hasn’t been leaked or uncovered, or that a few deluded men did it on their own?

    And what’s the motive?

    You only have to look at the labyrinthine legislature to see the tangled complication which shows that though doubtless Occams Razor is a grand method of design and logic, somehow the establishment chooses to circumvent simplicity with lunacy. (much like my overly verbose description thereof)

    It wouldn’t require an intricate network of insiders to get the job done; just a few chosen agents… the vast majority of authorities would be none the wiser and be part of the audience, not the theatre.

    I wholly agree that a distinct motive is hard to find, however, the synchronicity with the drills and the lack of investigation thereof is doubtless a cause for alarm bells… the other avenues mentioned in the original link which have escaped official explanation are worthy of further exposure to categorically bring the truth to light one way or the other… it could all be as described in the official story, but that being the case, why do they neglect to bring closure on outstanding issues?

    A tangible motive is simply divide and conquer, much like hate week in 1984~ Muslims are an easy target to perpetuate the them and us scenario.

    Free Member

    Now if there is one secret intelligence agency who you should choose to believe i am sure we will agree its MOSAD

    Given the propaganda constantly coming out of Israel, I would think if there is any intelligence agency who you should immediately question on every level, it would be MOSSAD.

    There is a wealth of conspiracy theories out there on all sorts of incidents, many proven after initial mass scepticism, some the subject of ongoing investigation and admittedly, some total batsh*t lunacy… however given the track records of governments over the ages and the blatant avoidance of a number of key avenues of investigation where official enquiries are concerned, I’d prefer to take the red pill than be another cell in the battery.

    Free Member

    At the end of the day, its just the same as getting trollied and slurring “I loves ya I does” to everyone within stumbling distance, which is always good for a bit of ribbing but really does no harm after a few days have past… the only difference here is that it is written down on record and can be retrieved for merriment and joshing purposes forever more.

    All told, it’s affectionate and funny, rather than vitriolic nastiness, so all is well in the cosmos 😀

    Free Member

    Its a very tricky one to call~ given the vastly increased potential for mechanicals, there is more to it than outright talent.

    I think given Nico’s past domination in DH, he may be finding his form again and could yet take the mantle~ that said, anyone in the top 5 is still in with a chance.

    T-Mo probably has it in the bag this year, though with Anne Caroline Chausson still recovering from injury, she may yet get on the pace.

    Free Member

    In order to show respect to the victims and their families, take off your blinkers, show some respect for your own intelligence and realize that survivors and families wanted a public enquiry, and only gave up when they realized the government would not allow it.

    Free Member

    I have the utmost respect, which is why I’d prefer the true perpetrators were bought to justice.

    Free Member

    You did the right thing… there is plenty of it going on and if they want respect and authority, they should lead by example:

    Free Member

    Seems some folk remember it more accurately than others:

    7/7 London Bombings


    Free Member

    Glad you’re walking and talking… though there is some comedy value, that could’ve been proper nasty.

    Free Member

    so, the emergency services are completing a drill based on intelligence that if an attack happened, then the attack happened like the intelligence predicted?

    Doesn’t that mean we have good intelligence in this country?

    I like your logic 😀 … hats off to them, they do an exceptional job~ too exceptional even; though it would seem they aren’t so hot at identifying that the 7.40 train was cancelled that day.

    Free Member

    Well that escalated quickly… the referee’s a w*nker doesn’t seem quite so harsh now.

    Free Member

    can I have a CCTV picture of you doing this – complete with both your legs?

    Should I wax?

    Free Member

    Arguments and evidence are what it’s all about; the official evidence is severely flawed.

    Lizards or no, there is some heavy **** in the pursuit of power and profit from war.

    Free Member

    The instant relief when they get the shoulder back in its socket is incredible isn’t it!!

    I just leant against a tree and popped it back in lethal weapon style 8) … however, for obvious reasons, relief was not forthcoming… still hurts like a bastard now if I take it out of it’s limited range of motion.

    Free Member

    To some extent it’s luck of the draw… I did mine at the end of April and have since discovered that I’ve detached a tendon in the process, which means I’m waiting on an op to staple the tendon back in place.

    Best case is 4-6 weeks til you’re back at it.

    Free Member

    Having just seen the £50 marin in another post has reminded me of their dominance of the market back in the early noughties… not sure on pricing, but you should be able to pick up the newer shape for not too much… something like this:

    or if you’re feeling the need for swanky suspension linkages:

    Free Member

    Perhaps you misunderstood… I’m wholly on your side~ there is sooo much bollocks around in order to sell people overpriced tat, whereas you are keeping it real.

    I salute you… no sarcasm, mocking or disrespect~ in a world gone mad for consumerism, it’s nice to see someone rise above the brainwashing… choose wisely and you have more fun than someone who has shelled out 10x as much and is worrying if the designers are busily crafting something cooler with a proven 0000.1% performance advantage.

    Free Member

    It’s only a matter of time until a teachers dog grooms a pupil and they elope together.


    the dog gets put down (but the pupil has his babies)

    Free Member

    I have 3 super bikes, but being as I bought them 2nd hand and swapped the spec over time, the total outlay is less than £3k (for all 3!!)

    Buying a new big money bike is for poseurs and the weak willed.

    Free Member

    I like your style… this guy managed fine:

    ebay and pinkbike classifieds should hopefully bear some fruit which you can shove righteously up the marketing mans jacksy… if they’ll fit, you could follow with a side-dish of some funny sized wheels. 😀

    Free Member

    Though there is plenty in the Cairngorms along with Laggan nearby, I’m not sure Glencoe would be the best place to base yourself as although you have Kinlochleven nearby, there is not any worthwhile riding in the Glen itself and the trails and accommodation at the ski centre don’t justify a trip.

    Fort William has far more extensive trails, with a mix of marked mtb trails, quality routes on walkers paths and plenty of cheeky local trails (if you can find them). Fort William is also more central if you decided on a cheeky mission to Torridon or Skye and is also where all the decent bike hire shops are.

    Nevis Cycles [/url] do hire bikes and can help you out with a bit of local knowledge

    Alpine Bikes[/url] are another option for bike hire.

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