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  • We Predict The Future: What will 2019 hold for mountain biking?
  • jivehoneyjive
    Free Member

    I quite like the idea that a well to do posh bint is currently in sweaty pain, though not sure she should be scrounging benefits for her sprog.

    Telling JFK to duck would probably be quite a world changing moment in history and complete and thorough check of the twin towers on Sept 10th 2001 might help clear some things up.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    That’s not fear, it’s just under-developed anger, he’ll come good in the end

    Free Member

    I second the immersion theory, ultimate motivation and the best teachers you could hope for.

    Free Member

    I’m no scientist, but to some extent, is immigration not the basis of evolution… if for example the protozoa in the primordial soup had disputed the ingress of spicy new organisms messing up their monotonous flavour, would we be here now bitching about stuff with sentient consciousness n that?

    Free Member

    I know, they are just NWO puppets with the strings ‘shopped out, but I didn’t want to spoil it for everyone 😉

    Free Member

    If no-one ever ‘invaded’ anyone, would that make for a population of inbred mutants?

    Free Member

    Eek, a violent radical muslim:

    on this whole invasion thing, can we count the colonies as evidence of who is doing the invading? Then we have hundreds of millions of invaders to take into account.

    Free Member

    So which of those organisations started off as pathetic as EDL?

    Does being a government funded database count?

    Free Member

    No way would i buy my electricity from them!

    They are actually better value as angry electrons give more energy.

    Free Member

    You’re still more likely to be killed by a bee sting or a police officer than a terrorist though (if this did qualify as a terrorist act?), despite the fear mongering… maybe that’s why the bee population is mysteriously dwindling, to rig the stats 😉

    Free Member

    I’m sure Jonathan Creek could tell us how it was done.


    The motive is still not obvious at this stage~ at the time, I thought that since troops were being withdrawn from Afghanistan, it was a means of stirring up sufficient public support for re-deploying them to Syria; however, at this stage, it seems that avenue has flopped.

    Time will tell…

    Free Member

    I like some radical muslims…

    Free Member

    Jive, I will put this question to you. Quite simply what do you think happened that day?

    Thats a fine question and one which stumps me to some extent~ I’d far prefer to believe the official story, but, that said, there are so many factors which bring it into question that I struggle to believe things went exactly as portrayed.

    The concept that there was actors involved and it was a staged event is pretty far fetched and would surely unravel over time as someone came forward.

    Prior intelligence services involvement is certainly a possibility~ at the end of the day, it’s not as if soldiers don’t regularly die in vain in unjustified wars, so what is one more life to feed the system which fuels a hugely profitable weapons industry, with additional benefits from resources.

    Whilst I don’t necessarily go with this account of events, there is some interesting points raised here:

    Free Member

    To be honest, I’m still a bit confused by the lack of blood on the attackers clothes and the lack of damage to the sign post the car crashed into… their swift appearances in court after being repeatedly shot was also worthy of note.

    What this means, who knows?… it certainly doesn’t prove anything, but there again, neither does your argument.

    Free Member

    I have a theory… we all get our kicks from some kind of adrenaline… be it on a bike, at a football match, in the cinema~ historically people attended church for the excitement of the preachers passionate sermon.

    At the end of the day, we as mountain bikers, pursue adrenaline and excitement through a positive and progressive medium.

    Guys join the EDL for similar thrills via adrenaline, but their path is negative.

    Whether this is to do with braincells, upbringing or indoctrination, who knows, but it does kind of suck.

    My cunning theory would also tie in with the lack of females, as testosterone and adrenaline are more abundant in blokes.

    Free Member

    You offer that as if it is a startlingly new revelation that hasn’t already been given extensive media coverage.

    Or are you darkly suggesting that MI5 did in fact recruit Adebolajo, and that he carried out the alleged murder under the instructions of his MI5 handler ?

    A revelation which for the most part appears to have been swept under the carpet and forgotten about, with no further need for investigation.

    Going on previous form of the dark arts of manipulation, blackmail and falsification, it wouldn’t be too far fetched to imagine that intelligence services are capable of such dire feats.

    Free Member

    Are you sure it has a transformer? The vintage on that, looks like it could be wind up 😀

    Nice find, I’d be tempted to get goggles and a scarf for the true racing experience.

    Free Member

    Perhaps I am but a naive and foolish young thing, but could it be there is more to this story than is readily portrayed in this age of D notices and secret courts (in the interest of national security of course old boy)??

    Free Member

    Well, depending on how open minded you are, I could be providing a degree of informed insight into how the media skews perception of some of the darker realities of western politics, or alternatively, I could be a fruitloop, who is away with the fairies…

    Frankie Boyle is a good un:

    Free Member

    As you would expect, when MI5 is in the mix, the water goes cloudy… bit of a bitter taste though; pretty exclusive too.

    Free Member

    I wonder why it is the opium trade has constantly been on the increase since the invasion of Afghanistan… it’s not as if the CIA has any history of involvement in the drugs trade. 😐

    Certainly no evidence to suggest both the CIA and FBI have at the very least prior knowledge of the majority of ‘terrorist’ attacks, or in many instances have encouraged and aided violence.

    Are all the guantanamo detainee’s angels? Perhaps not, but I’m happy to bet there is a large number who’s only crime is being born on the wrong side of the world whilst hate and misrepresentation is being portrayed by powerbrokers with an agenda.

    Free Member

    It sucks to be an MI5 patsy.

    Free Member

    I’ve managed to get away with 2nd hand cheapies of ebay before~ I paid £15 for one once that lasted a good 30,000 miles and was still going when the bodywork died. You can also get recon kits with all the bearings etc need for a rebuild for £30-40 as long as you are a patient tinkerer.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I see a entrepreneurial enterprise brewing~ I’m going to get a warehouse full of reverse compasses.

    Free Member

    Hora, I thought better of you, but you are blatantly a tin foil hat wearing fruitloop!!

    Don’t you need 3 hands to make the most of 3 boobs?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Rachel – it’s almost impossible to overdose on cheese.

    Conclusive evidence to the contrary:

    Free Member

    I think if you made a concerted effort with a huge entry hill and a specialist lake, it might be possible on a chunky tyred mtb, or better yet a fatbike, but road tyres are just too skinny to offer enough resistance to give sufficient lift.

    We need these fellas to try it:

    Free Member

    Unrepeatable here, but your mum would not approve (unless you family is highly unconventional!!)

    Free Member

    I don’t know the extent of your injuries, but maybe you could repeatedly turn the washing machine onto spin cycle whilst gripping the corners to replicate unholy arm pump… though I’ve heard there are other ways to achieve similar effects.

    Free Member

    Don’t get me started on the plight of the indigenous!!

    Free Member

    A list is being compiled of the riders who will miss out on the ever expanding trail network which makes Wales not only the best in UK, but in proximity terms, amongst the best in the world.

    You made your choices gentlemen, rest well with them. 😉

    Free Member

    BORING!! If you want to live on the edge, try one of these puppies:

    Google it…

    Free Member

    Y pobl yma siarad llawer o cachi… reidio yn cymru syn y gorau

    Free Member

    That reminds me, I recently watched we are legion… a very inspirational documentary about the beginnings of anonymous and their battle with scientology.

    Highly recommended

    Free Member

    Ce Bon, je aime tartiflette avec marmot

    Free Member

    Duw Duw, mae hi’n poeth iawn heddiw. Fy troed syn drewi fel pwrs camel.

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