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  • jivehoneyjive
    Free Member

    Bloody hell, what is it with me and dreams about MTB celebrities…

    I had this mad dream about Hannah Barnes, who’d use her pinkie to cast evil spells and help the ghost of Jimmy Savile to escape from his concrete grave.

    They’d lock me in a cage and subject me to re-runs of crappy 80s TV shows, editing in subliminal messages to try and brainwash me into joining their cult.

    Weird thing was, once again, the squids were involved.

    Free Member

    We’ve always been born from meat and destined for compost, so that’s not really a prediction for change in the future…

    Course, I could harp on about the past and how Tesla had wireless power transmission, before it was scuppered by those with large investments in the copper industry, or how the fibre and oil in hemp (a sustainable crop) led to the demonization of reefer, but that’s all in the past.

    The future however is there for the moulding and it’s down to us all…

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    If it’s any help to anyone, I’m selling an Exotic Monocoque Rigid Carbon Fork, Disc Only with Post Mount QR dropouts, 425mm Axle to Crown, 190mm Tapered Steerer

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    PM leads the largest party with support, MP’s have the option of a vote of no confidence. Our head of state is purely a ceremonial position which avoids the even more complex idea of having a head of state who is elected to run the country in a different direction to the rest of the elected representatives.

    You forgot the bit about Her Majesty’s Party whips…

    And Rupert Murdoch n chums…

    (Funnily enough, Rupert Murdoch was a big player in the Aviation industry)

    Free Member

    Dogs by nature get up to all sorts of mischief… seems to me it’s the responsibility of the owner to ensure they’re adequately trained (without resorting to inhumane treatment like electric shock collars) and to deal with any unfortunate interactions civilly.

    Course, the world being what it is, there’s plenty of arseholes who take the piss…

    Free Member

    Bit ironic that often the security staff are provided by the same firms who are also running mercenary private military contracts overseas, which no doubt leads to radicalization and terrorism, not to mention the mass migration of refugees escaping conflict, which was a big factor in Brexshit.

    Free Member

    I dream of a day when JHJ tells us what he really thinks

    First and foremost I think you’re a cheeky dickhead; the very nature of your post (and all posts for that matter) is attention seeking…

    But when you think about it, attention seeking often comes about in the pursuit of dreams and can take many forms, both negative and (more preferably) positive:

    From fork manufacturers making their slippery bits slippier and overhauling their suspension damping to get rave reviews, to tyre companies making their knobs bigger and smaller, or harder then softer for ultimate satisfaction.

    From rising stars driven by dreams of sponsorship deals and adoring fans risking life and limb to get a sick instagram edit (didn’t speed the footage up toooo much, honest), to boy racers popping a big bore on a Fiesta and cruising around town (or smug middle aged men with deeper pockets in Porsches and Ferraris doing much the same), not forgetting the young ladies who pout and show off their latest yoga pants and bikinis for likes and comments; don’t knock it, Kim Kardashian and pals have made a pretty penny from such vanities…

    At the other end of the scale, we have those who seek to avoid excessive attention; the arms dealers, the ‘secret’ services, the child pornographers, the fraudulent bankers, or indeed Prince Charles in his recent grilling over Bishop Peter Ball.

    Then of course we have attention seekers with a cause, the Suffragettes, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, the Standing Rock Protestors or the people of Gaza.

    Much of the attention received in these instances is far from positive; from intimidation and death threats, to actual full on death administered by assassination. It’s an unfortunate reality that only through struggle and sacrifice does the world become a better place. The ultimate achievement is to have a legacy that lives on long after you’ve died; taking us back on topic, in the words of Martin Luther King Jr, ‘I still have a dream’.

    Certainly better than nightmares…

    We’ll save what I think about squids hiding behind cameras for another day

    Free Member

    Going by the time, were you dreaming when you posted that?

    Either way, perhaps it’s a projection of your subconcious desires…

    Free Member

    Honeymoon must’ve been a blast…

    Free Member

    Probably a shotgun affair, so their preconceived pups aren’t born bastards…

    Free Member

    How odd, I’ve just had a quick nap and sure enough there was a weird dream involving an inbred school of squid, who’d hide behind cameras and keep trying to wrap their tiny slimy tentacles around my head…

    Of course, they couldn’t speak, but from their sign language, they seemed to be suggesting something about entrapment and blackmail techniques.

    Then there was a metal city that had once sparkled, but was now getting a bit rusty and this talking pigeon with a puffed up chest that looked like Steve Peat; the poor thing ended up falling in a sausage maker…

    Ironic really, as just before it’d lost it’s footing, aside from shitting, it’d been mumbling something about ‘feed him to the pigs’

    Shame really, sure things would’ve ended much better if it’d been a dove of peace…

    Free Member

    A frog on your back and prison showers?

    Blatantly some kinda deviance going on there…

    Free Member

    It sometimes seems like renewables are sabotaged by the established players in the fossil fuels industry… surely that couldn’t extend to the press though, could it?

    Free Member

    I do it because if people like me didn’t volunteer, events wouldn’t happen.

    That’s a very fair point; have to remember that British Cycling commissaires are voluntary… though I’ve distanced myself from British Cycling since HSBC got involved, BC do nonetheless do great things for the sport, albeit generally more biased towards the leg waxers and blood-swappers.

    Free Member

    Possibly the best payment I’ve had for a weekends marshalling was the 1st DH Ffest at Antur Stiniog… 5 Uplift passes, with lunch provided.

    Also have to give Si Paton his due… when he was running the BDS (before the UCI started farting about and stopped awarding points to qualify for the world cup), in addition to money and food, there was also prize draws with some decent stuff to be won, including holidays and carbon wheelsets if I’m not mistaken.  On top of that, he got J-tech to service my shock for free, which was great.

    I was also lucky enough to be start marshall for the Legends race, when the creme of the UK downhill scene scattered Jason McRoy’s ashes.

    At the same event, Rob Warner had a bet on with his old rival, Berty (Lee Bertram) that the slower rider of the pair of them would have the other’s winning time tattooed onto their skin…

    Free Member

    Thinking back, what if these dreams were in some way related to real life events…

    Have you ever been the victim of an 'unwanted/inappropriate sexual advance'

    Hmmm, all very odd

    Free Member

    To be fair, I think everyone on here does have some valid points on both sides of the argument; I’m more concerned that the planet is going to shit as a result of the energy policies of Her Majesty’s Governments around the world, the majority of which are decided in pursuit of short term profit, rather than long term sustainability of the climate situation and the environment as a whole, regardless of any sugar coated PR.

    Free Member

    I used to quite enjoy marshalling and the banter that went with it, chatting line choices with the pros, shouting support and keeping everyone safe, but in the end, there was too much bullshit politics and power games going on, so I sacked it off.

    Free Member

    Waffle as in blah blah blah, renewables aren’t a viable solution

    It’s totally viable and highly worthwhile, however:

    Free Member

    There’s a hell of a lot of waffle here… meanwhile, Costa Rica ran on 100% renewable for over 300 days last year.

    Free Member

    Wot-eva pal, you’d just go all Soylent Green on us…

    On which note, Charlton Heston has to be one of the tragedy greats, Planet of the Apes, Soylent Green, The NRA…

    There again, speaking of the NRA, Oliver North has a somewhat more real world record of tragedy engineering…

    Free Member

    I just wouldn’t risk it to be honest, there’s enough tragedy in this world…

    Free Member

    Tidal flow isn’t very appealing to the vast lobbies that you never hear about in the news…

    Free Member

    I approve of this thread wholeheartedly…

    Of course, being made of the same stuff as the universe itself, surely in some way or other we can interact with space time n shizzle; shit, who knows, with a bit of training, we may even be able to get the whole unicorns and rainbows thing working a treat.

    In the meantime:

    Free Member

    I was gonna suggest everyone go vegan and live off grid, but even then we’d all perish from the farts and hidden resentment

    Free Member

    One thing I don’t get in all of this is how mentioning the Rothschild’s role in the creation of Israel is antisemitic;

    surely, it’s just a part of history, just as Louis Mountbatten’s role in the foundation of Pakistan, or St John Philby’s role in the creation of Saudi Arabia (and Israel for that matter).

    I can however understand why people like Jacob Rothschild, who has shared business interests with Rupert Murdoch, may want to derail Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour.

    And that’s before you consider Jacob’s father; Victor Rothschild’s role in getting Alasdair Milne fired as BBC Director General back in 1987.

    (one thing worth noting is that Patricia Hodgson, the secretary mentioned in the video description was until recently the chair of Ofcom, having replaced Colette Bowe, who was chief information officer at the Department of Trade and Industry under Leon Brittan when the Al-Yamamah deal was set in motion)

    Alasdair Milne was the father of the Labour Party’s current Executive Director of Strategy and Communications, Seumas Milne

    Free Member

    I have a Renault Master ambulance and though it’s off the road at the mo (long story), I’d still highly recommend them.

    The pros:

    Windows with fitted blinds (but not too many)
    Lights, switch gear, heating, ventilation (the climate control system you’ll find in ambulances would run in excess of £2K new)
    Often have auxillary battery with split charging and top quality 240v inverters already in place
    Top quality latched cupboards and lockers, which you can reconfigure for your build.
    Air suspension
    Very well maintained
    Often Bargaintastic
    It’s got a frickin’ spoiler!!

    The cons:

    Generally very high mileages, though keep an eye out and you can often find em with about 150K, which considering they often make 350-400K means there’s plenty of life left
    Likely to have been ragged, but less of an issue considering maintenance schedule
    Coachbuilt wide body ones usually above 3.5t
    Adapting existing wiring for your needs can be a bit fiddly, but there’s a massive relay box that has the full circuit diagram printed on the lid.
    Air suspension (though when bags go, you can fix them with tubeless jizz; similary, if compressor goes, you can bypass and pump em up)

    Bear in mind that not all ambulances are NHS emergency ambulances; in addition to PTS (Patient Transport) vehicles, there’s also St John’s and other private providers which will likely have seen less intense use

    Also worth bearing in mind that Masters and Movanos (same van) don’t generally rust.

    Here’s a sexy pic of my interior to get your drooling:

    Free Member

    I’m always on topic… but for whatever reason, some are keen to stifle debate 😉

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    Free Member

    This makes for interesting reading…

    Raises larger questions about who’s choosing the narrative (and why) and how long the world we live in has been shaped by subtle propaganda…

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    Free Member

    I’ll throw Bourg St Maurice in the mix… Funicular access to Les Arcs, which in addition to a lift served bike park with a good bit of variety, has sooooo many singletrack gems hidden away.

    On top of that, it’s a good centre to explore from; Tignes and Val d’Isere (free lift pass!!), Sainte Foy and La Rosiere are all just up the road and La Thuile (absolute gem with scenery to die for and probably the best enduro trails I’ve ever ridden) and Pila (drools) are just over the hill.

    Though I’ve not used them myself, I’ve heard good things about Cool Bus

    Free Member

    Has the BBC also admitted an anti-Nazi bias?

    I’ll happily admit I have an anti-Nazi bias, even if the Nazi war machine was funded by many concerns who are still powerful today. (Not forgetting The Bank of International Settlements, the US State Department, Bush family links, the war money laundered via the Dutch Monarchy and the roots of the Bilderberg group)

    It remains to be seen whether the Nazi-Zionist meeting that got Ken Livingstone in such Hot Water is relevant here

    Free Member

    And to think, our brave and noble future monarch, who’ll soon be head of state for several of His Majesties Governments the world over was in Salisbury recently!

    Democracy in PERIL!!

    Shut down the world cup, fly our boys home n bomb Putin and his cronies back to the Tzar age!!

    We can’t tolerate the indiscriminate killing of cats and guinea pigs!!!

    Free Member

    The full list of charges…

    Yet by contrast, Jimmy Savile, Cyril Smith, Peter Morrison, Peter Hayman, Greville Janner, Enoch Powell etc etc were never even brought to court…

    And Tom Watson never brought Nicholas Soames up on being Prince Charles’ equerry back when Charles, Mountbatten and Savile used to hang out together…

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    Free Member

    Expanding on the above for the weekday crew…

    Ali Soufan is the ex FBI agent the Looming Towers is based on, who could’ve stopped 9/11 if the CIA hadn’t been so shady:

    Shortly after the attack, Ali Soufan, a twenty-nine-year-old Lebanese-American, was driving across the Brooklyn Bridge when he received a page from the New York office of the F.B.I., where he was employed as a special agent. He was told to report to work at once. At the time, Soufan was the only F.B.I. agent in the city who spoke Arabic, and one of only eight in the country. He had joined the New York office in the fall of 1997, and his talents were quickly spotted by John O’Neill, the head of the F.B.I.’s National Security Division, which is devoted to combatting terrorism. The following February, when bin Laden issued a fatwa declaring war on America, Soufan wrote a trenchant report on Islamic fundamentalism that O’Neill distributed to his supervisors. After the 1998 embassy bombings, Soufan helped assemble the initial evidence linking them to bin Laden. Soufan’s language skills, his relentlessness, and his roots in the Middle East made him invaluable in helping the F.B.I. understand Al Qaeda, an organization that few Americans were even aware of before the embassy bombings. O’Neill, who had joined the F.B.I. twenty-five years earlier, referred to the young agent as a “national treasure.” Despite Soufan’s youth and his relatively short tenure, O’Neill placed him in charge of the Cole investigation. As it turned out, Soufan became America’s best chance to stop the attacks of September 11th.

    If you want to know more about John O Neill, have a look for that 9/11 thread that caused so much kerfuffle.

    He’s also the guy who questioned Abu Zubaydah…

    Just to clarify, this was in the tweet he liked:

    Not forgetting Bandar’s Rigg’s bank account which his wife (Turki Bin Faisal’s sister) used to send money to some of the 9/11 hijackers support network.

    The bank account was set up by the UK Paymaster General as part of thevast slush fund created for the Al-Yamamah deal:

    To avoid being accused of spoilers, I’ll let you work out how this relates to the current APPG on Extraordinary Rendition…

    And the Child Abuse Inquiry…

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