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  • Video: Innes Graham In Da Jungle
  • jivehoneyjive
    Free Member

    Haha… swear filter changed clusterf*ck to bit of a mess

    Free Member

    Tell me about it, combatting the amount of bullshit we’re immersed in these days is no small task…

    The way things are going, I’m tempted to let the bit of a mess go ahead and just do rad shit that makes me happy.


    Free Member

    You’re a knowledgeable chap mike…

    wasn’t ISIS based on wahhabi/salafist ideology?

    Free Member


    and I’ve never been to Llantrisant either officer…

    Free Member

    Perhaps this is part of the reason the royal mint doesn’t use ferrous metals in coinage…

    Free Member

    Perhaps the intelligent thing to do is steer entirely clear of politics, as it tends to attract a certain sort of people, who for the most part, have vested interests in militarized geopolitics and accruing profit, aided by corporate infrastructure in place to cover their backs.

    Of course, there is the alternate view that they are sweetening the bitter pill that our planet can’t sustain current population and consumption levels and are taking the necessary action, albeit still with healthy profits and investment in the very industries which speed the planet’s decline.

    Free Member

    Evening gents… thought I’d take a little break to give everyone a little while to calm down.

    I think it’s kinda funny how thanks to John McCain’s funeral, people are now rallying round the likes of George W Bush and whitewashing his similar legacy, thanks to the power of the media and a small gesture like giving a cough sweet…

    This is down to the the likes of pantomime villian Trump (also dodgier than Roger the Dodger eating Jammy Dodgers on the Dodgems), who does a wonderful job of casting the media and the security services (anyone pretending the CIA as a whole is anything other than a nasty propaganda outfit specializing in regime change, war and even Nazi mind control experiments has been misled) as the good guys and taking attention away from what’s really happening.

    Now, I appreciate, everyone expects me to provide extensive evidence regarding John McCain’s role in the rise of ISIS, which is really not hard with the wonder of internet search engines and a bit of deduction.

    However, not sure I can be arsed given the horrendous way you see fit to treat me, when my primary concern is the safety and wellbeing of people the world over.

    That being the case, I’ll leave you with this snippet; you’re already aware of Timber Sycamore, so here’s another piece of the puzzle:

    Free Member

    Terribly sorry chaps, been digging new trails all day and have to bung some stuff on ebay tonight before the offer on selling fees ends…

    However, I take your criticisms on board; I’m probably guilty of assuming everyone is already up to speed on these matters, when for the most part, it’s only through actively researching these matters that you begin to fill in the gaps to get the bigger picture…

    As a case in point, lets take jonnyboi’s claims regarding 9/11; if you were to find the thread in question, you’ll find I provide vast amounts of evidence for my claims; which mainly regard Bandar Bin Sultan’s proximity to not only the hijackers, but also the president at the time, George W Bush.

    On that note, it may be worth refering to this thread, where you can see that Ali Soufan, the FBI agent who could potentially have stopped 9/11 if not for obstruction by the CIA, appears to approve of my work in that field (which also strays into the realms of CIA and MI6 torture… Ali Soufan got the majority of the information out of Abu Zubaydah, prior to the CIA resorting to torture)

    As for John McCain, I thought the video that started this thread was funny and in fact still do…

    Of course, I sympathize with the family of John McCain, just as I sympathize with the families of thousands of British and American soldiers, and tens of thousands of innocent Iraqis, Afghans, Yemenis, Syrians, Palestinians & others who might be alive today were it not for John McCain’s voting history and actions.

    As for my distaste at John McCain, Timber Sycamore and how it all fits together, I’m afraid you’ll have to be patient; not always easy in these times of instant anonymous internet communication, but so be it, I’ve taken enough shit, considering all the work I’ve put in over the years trying to keep everyone safe.

    In the meantime, if you still feel I need to justify myself, have a read of this, which though I appreciate isn’t written from a neutral stance, nonetheless covers much important ground that will be absent from fawning obituaries:

    Free Member

    Truth be told, I reckon we’re all being trolled by politics in general…

    It’d be all very well if they were just a bunch of ****, but the unfortunate truth is, they’re **** us all and the planet to boot

    Think of the dolphins…

    Free Member

    It won’t really matter what’s written on my gravestone because it’ll be obscured by millions of letters of adoration (and crusty knickers) from my adoring fans, obvs

    Free Member

    With the given figures, I’d say your reach is at least 18-20 months short…

    Your current bike is not bringing in any where near enough revenue to the bike manufacturers, so you need to gain AT THE VERY LEAST 50mm on the front centre ASAP, lest your bank balance becomes too healthy.

    Seriously though, on plucked from arse figures, I’d say 480-500ish mm of reach would see you right until the next big thing.

    Free Member

    JHJ is a known provocateur who’s statements are usually completely devoid of facts

    Well, I’ve got an open mind; explain how your statement relates to the facts I’ve provided here

    isn’t George Osborne, Editor of the Evening Standard and Tory Chancellor who set austerity in motion, involved with the Saudi funded McCain institute…

    Free Member

    ‘Oh, dear Rupert’

    Free Member

    Keep imagining all the way to the vinegar stroke if that’s what floats your boat…

    Free Member

    Thankfully, I’m more likely to tell the truth rotting at my keyboard…

    Free Member

    It’s true… I seek attention…

    attention to causes that for what ever reason are under-reported by the media.

    Speaking of which, isn’t George Osborne, Editor of the Evening Standard and Tory Chancellor who set austerity in motion, involved with the Saudi funded McCain institute…

    Free Member

    No no, must respect the dead, all will be revealed at a more appropriate time…

    Free Member

    YOU do the legwork

    Come off it, Netanyahu and his cronies’ll end up calling me anti-semitic or some shit.

    After all, Seumas Milne was one of the 1st to bring what has since been discovered about Timber Sycamore into the mainstream…

    Free Member

    OK, I get it, so even if someone’s got a few oil tankers worth of blood on his hands, it’s best to keep schtum for a few days, so everyone can reflect on the good they managed to achieve in their life (who knows, perhaps reducing the global population through seeding eternal war and conflict, then reaping the profits is key to the survival of our species and the planet), then once it’s all died down, let the truth filter out slowly ala Jimmy Savile.

    Got it.

    Free Member

    If you could provide actual evidence of that whole claim, linking CIA/MI6/Saudi in a conspiracy to transport weapons through Libya, and the subsequent rise of ISIS as a result of said conspiracy

    Do your own legwork… a quick google of ‘Timber Sycamore’ will set you on your way, though of course, being officially set in motion under Obama, it does put a somewhat unsavoury spin on this:

    When 2 people from opposite sides of politics can respect each other and deal with that the world is a better place.

    Free Member

    So you reckon Tony Blair is gonna be buried with a bunch of crusty socks…

    How very odd.

    Free Member

    Why would Tony Blair have that on his gravestone?

    Free Member

    I wholeheartedly agree, we can’t have an inconvenient truths seeping in and shattering the bullshit fest that floods our manufactured perception of the world around us…

    Free Member

    Just gauging the difference in public opinion between overt and covert warmongers…

    Free Member

    it’s going to take some extraordinary evidence to convince me

    Oh, you mean regarding the CIA/MI6/Saudi Ratline of weapons through Libya (known as Timber Sycamore), that was pivotal in fuelling the rise of ISIS…

    Free Member

    Steady on, there’s no need to be so snide towards Flashy and his pals in the intelligence community, they’re keeping us safe from ISIS…

    Free Member

    Still, at least we’ve got McCain to thank for the Trump Pee tape…

    Free Member

    So the grown up thread will be to celebrate a great man who had the strength and devotion to stick it to the dark forces that are threatening democracy and our shared values? (i.e. propaganda)

    Free Member

    On a more lighthearted note…

    Free Member

    Guess there’s 2 sides to every story…

    Free Member

    It was mainly because I thought it was pretty funny…

    but it seems there may be a bit much military industrial media hypnosis going on round here to have fun.

    Free Member

    Heroes are often heroes because the media tells you they are…

    of course, there’s a lot the media doesn’t tell you.

    Free Member

    So, errr, just what kind of love does the pope have in mind…

    Free Member

    Seems legit…

    Free Member

    Steady on, we’ll be going off topic in no time at this rate…

    Free Member

    Good thread this…

    for some reason, it reminds me of the Supreme Governor of the Church of England…

    Free Member

    Of course, it doesn’t have to be that way…

    Free Member

    Well, I suppose that people living the high life and exploiting others, using their friends in the media to cover their backs and deceive could be considered greedy.

    So you reckon perhaps I feel threatened by people, who for whatever reason, are manifested as squid hiding behind cameras?

    Free Member

    Oil lobby keeps lobbying, Arms Manufacturers keep arming, temperature keeps increasing, sea level keeps rising, coastal nuclear reactors keep reacting.

    Everyone lets it happen and pays the price

    Free Member

    So let me get this straight, you guys think your great grandkids are gonna prance around in robot suits on Mars, eating insects in the wake of a government initiated mass extinction event?


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