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  • This is Caminade’s Ti, Asymmetric, Chilleasy a.k.a. “Pleasure Machine”
  • jivehoneyjive
    Free Member

    The link here may be a touch controversial, but I hope it doesn’t make you sad.

    Artist is Machine Gun Fellatio:

    Free Member

    JHJ, well you seem to be suggesting that in the UK since the crisis that the rich have got richer and the poorer have got poorer. Just checking if that is what you mean?

    My main suggestion is essentially down to the concept that there are some very bad and deceptive people in this world, who pretend to be good, yet shit on the rest of us, that we may do their dirty work and the stinking lumps they deposit from their battyholes for us to clean up have been becoming more putrid and frequent of late…

    Imagine a composite of something like this:

    with something like this:

    and include the words ‘Whore of Babylon’

    Free Member

    Given that the origins of this topic are regarding a ratio far beyond fifths, lets take this snippet from a report matching your criteria:

    However, extremely high pay, such as that earned by Chief Executives of FTSE 100 companies, is still increasing rapidly. In 2010, FTSE 100 Chief Executive pay rose by 49% on average(The High Pay Commission, 2012), even while the economy is still in recession

    I trust you have ample sources to make a sneering mockery of my figures?

    Free Member

    Depends, how much do you earn?

    Gazillions, thanks to savvy investments in Rio Tinto Uranium Mines, Lockheed Martin, General Electric, Monsanto and Goldman Sachs to name but a few… trends indicate the most lucrative element is the weapons trade with Israel, especially as the currency used is often blood diamonds.

    JHJ – which quintile of the UK population have seen the biggest increase in incomes and which the worst since the crisis?

    Is that Quintile, or Quentin… and furthermore, reported by whom?

    Free Member

    All the people that call for a redistribution of wealth are calling for a redistribution of other people’s wealth.

    In much the same way that the banks now holding the wealth redistributed other peoples wealth and caused financial meltdown…

    or the way the Eton Chums Government redistributed the wealth invested in Royal Mail (on the crooked banking advice of Chums)

    Or the Royal’s and MPs recent pay rises

    If the banks have been bailed out with public money and the debate is still ongoing as to whether there should be a cap on Million pound bonuses on Million pound Salaries, is it not reasonable to chime in with a modicum of discontent m’lord?

    Free Member

    Can I just clarify… to name but a few, there are banks which have taken people’s homes away and continue to plunge the planet into further debt, weapons manufacturers who work in league with oil giants such as Halliburton to promote and sustain war, and Monsanto, who are attempting to monopolize global food supply and you turn your attention to Oxfam, because they have a couple of quite well off folk within their hierarchy?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    This Oscar winning documentary should be mandatory viewing
    (especially as Matt Damon is an MTBer 😆 ):

    not only did the banks knowingly instigate the 2008 collapse and it’s global fallout, but they were bailed out and rewarded; they now continue their deeds, as governments spiral further into debt.

    Diverting the negative attention onto charities is not really suitable, as for the most part, they are working to fix the ills that many of the richer and more powerful financiers and organizations are causing and perpetuating.

    Free Member

    Clergy of all religions… even if there is a god of some kind, none of them has provided proof, even with millenia of opportunity;

    global peace and harmony is also somewhat lacking

    and what about the choirboys?

    In their favour, some religious organizations have done well at accumulating vast sums of money and power…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    All the best buddy… stay positive and focused and no doubt you’ll be back on top in no time; there is a lot of evidence to show the healing power of the mind, so hang in there with mind over matter and you’ll kick it’s butt good n proper.

    Also, if you do decide to begin a Crystal Meth Empire due to your natural levels of genius, try to avoid becoming overly greedy.

    Free Member

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    Free Member

    In the same way that we are effectively related to not only all life on earth, but the entire universe, by merit of our being just an animated collection of the building blocks thereof…

    Free Member

    In the midst of all this, remember that these 2 are related… not to mention CMD’s links with the Chipping Norton Set and Murdoch Empire to name but a few; is it any wonder that disparity is growing in such a climate of nepotic and incestuous manipulation.

    Lets not forget, despite the generally publicized belief that the Royals have little influence on the running of the country, the passing of laws is ultimately in their hands:

    Ultimately, through the ages, the buck stops with Britain; the legacy of our invasion and plunder of other continents is the basis of modern global powers and the inequality therein

    Free Member

    Think fast Schrick, you iz sandwiched 😆

    Free Member

    Free Member

    The foundation of much modern wealth dates back to the plundering of the new world, with genocide and slavery giving rise to a vast influx of resources and funds into both the aristocracy and the churches…

    Thanks to the already vast divide, with continued investment, the rich get richer and the disparity increases; in spite of this, it’s not all bad, with improved quality of life for the majority of us, however, as the bank hustle of 2008 has shown, those already harbouring wealth are not content, and want to ensure public money continues increasing the bulging private pockets of the select few.

    Even if an individual such as Bill Gates accumulates vast wealth in his lifetime, the combined wealth of many families who’s links and allegiances go back centuries means he doesn’t hold that much power by comparison.

    Free Member

    I blame Dem Babylon:

    I’m afraid I’m going to have to get biblical on yo asses:

    17:3 …I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

    17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

    17:5 And upon her forehead was a name written a mystery: Babylon The Great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the Earth.

    17:6 And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

    And lets not forget:

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I think it’s time for an infographic:



    Free Member

    Free Member

    I know a lot of people don’t like the present government but evil?? Seriously? Try living in some other parts of the world and I think you’ll see what evil is.

    Alot of the evil in other parts of the world is funded by the present (and past) UK Government… from drone strikes, to weapon sales, to funding of ‘private military contractors’ to destabilize countries, there is a wealth of tax funded nasty business going on.

    What have I done about it? What little I can as an individual by trying to inform others, in the hope that sufficient impetus causes a change in societies perception of the propaganda which we are fed.

    Oh, and I started using to mess with those cheeky underhanded peeps in GCHQ/NSA

    Free Member

    When I was a kid, used to go to parties at Dave the Stranglers keyboard dude’s house. (that one is true)

    Free Member

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    Free Member

    Produced by Adam F

    Free Member

    Marlon Brando’s Horror Speech From Apocalypse now… tried getting it on youtube, but not available in this country!!

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    Free Member

    DJ Quest & DJ Shadow:

    Free Member

    Is it that no-one has anything more to say, or are you scared of the implications of the world around you being rife with manipulation and skullduggery, fuelled by the all too powerful oil barons and banks that finance them, with the politicians and their executive consultancies tying in for healthy scraps of profit…

    Free Member

    Old chum of mine from the Bullingdon club 👿

    Free Member

    This guy has some interesting theories:

    Failing that, honey and garlic have well deserved reputations for boosting the immune system.

    Free Member

    Where’s Nikola Tesla when you need him…

    Have a number of technologies been suppressed in the pursuit of profit?

    Is the energy market manipulated to the detriment of the consumer (and planet)?

    Free Member

    Former doctor of mine 😐

    Free Member

    Channel 4 seem to have a fairly balanced perspective on what is currently known of the wider picture, but fail to mention the vested interests of much of the cabinet…

    furthermore, some folk have already raised the points and I have to agree that our focus should be on

    a) reducing our use of energy

    b) seeking sustainable, non fossil (or nuclear) alternatives, although in sustainable employment and profit terms, these may not be so attractive…

    in our terms of our children’s children having a similar quality of life to that which we currently enjoy, these factors are paramount

    Free Member

    So what does everyone think about clean drinking water and the abundant supply thereof?

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