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  • Review | Ti Hard – Nordest Bardino Ti
  • jivehoneyjive
    Free Member

    Ouch, thats just reminded me of a picture I saw during my engineering apprenticeship…

    in which case

    ‘Bench Grinder Accident’

    is unlikely to aid digestion

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Florence and the Machine:

    Free Member

    Smart thinking and I bet she hasn’t paid income tax on the profits.

    I’d say that’s a very fair bet considering how many Offshore Tax Havens she presides over…

    what might be the best method she could use to generate funds?

    Perhaps she could skim a small slice of the illicit investments on the worlds no.1 Tax Haven, Jersey:

    Free Member

    Sorry, there’s a missing link 😉

    Free Member

    Jivehoneyjive – didnt Brad Pitt stick him with a blade quite easily? and Bard Pitt is a rubbish martial artist!!

    Oh yeah, silly me 😆

    He was pretty impressive in fight club though 😉

    Free Member

    I’ve done alot of freeganism in my time, getting a great deal of quality food that was perfectly edible… Marks and Spencer Lobster, Whole legs of Lamb, Strawberries aplenty: the problem lies in the Best Before Date legislation, which makes it illegal to sell perfectly good food.

    It is a tricky system to improve, as the manpower and training required to check the safety of foodstuffs would probably be economically prohibitive, but it’s really not acceptable the mind-boggling amounts of waste that occur in one City, let alone across the planet.

    Once Marks + Spencer realized people were cottoning on to it, they started ripping open the packaging and covering the food in blue dye, which in itself requires additional manpower and wages. Some branches also built large secure compounds to prevent ‘theft’ of what had been deemed as waste…

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I’ll mention this while I can then…

    Jersey Worlds no.1 Offshire Tax Haven (and dodgy with it)

    Doubly interesting since the author got into a spot of bother with the home secretary for no apparent reason:

    In 2012, UK politician John Hemming tabled an Early Day Motion regarding the withdrawal of McGrath Goodman’s UK visa, because she had been prevented from entering the UK after declaring her intentions to investigate allegations of a cover-up regarding the Jersey child abuse investigation, despite having a clean immigration and travel record.

    Free Member

    No, never 😀

    Free Member

    That reminds me, still haven’t got round to watching the James Brown Episode of Soul Train… should be a classic:

    (anticipates someone unleashing the Hoff…)

    Free Member

    Damn, I’ve heard of dirty tricks campaigns, but this is sub-human, stay strong Binners

    Free Member

    That government are a right bunch of cheeky kittens… wonder what the compensation scheme will be like when peoples homes start falling into sink holes[/url]

    Probably be locked up for sullying the name of the energy companies

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I can’t compete on the car front… nonetheless, I would like to note

    ‘Argh, my eyes’

    Free Member

    I’m throwing this fella into the mix:

    Free Member

    ^ Aye, like the rave scene… who split that up again? and why?…

    Sampling vocals from the classic Urban Shakedown track, Rough Justice:

    Free Member

    Anyway why are we going into massive detail about Jet Li’s supposed level of badass-ness? The question was which out of Jackie or Bruce, to which there is an obvious answer – Arnold Schwarzenegger

    There is a great deal of evidence to suggest Arnie may indeed have a bad ass…


    ‘Arnold Schwarzenegger Jimmy Savile’

    Free Member

    If we’re bringing current badassery into the equation, I’m thinking Tony Jaa is a likely candidate:

    Free Member

    Free Member

    The song is Japanese 😉

    Anyhoo, check out the bass on this:

    Also check out the number of songs Jackie Chan has sung himself;

    Which leads to the question…

    Free Member

    (Dons flak jacket and makes a cuppa)… this is going to get UGLY

    Free Member

    Made one of these a few weeks back… does a fantastic job:

    highly recommended!!

    Free Member

    Artist is Mari, I found it on a compilation CD called Sushi 3003 I bought in a Hong Kong charity shop

    (Yes I know Hong Kong is not Japan) 😀

    Free Member

    Damn, and I thought it was going to be an opportunity to mock your spelling 😉

    Anyhoo, a cheeky mention of a global petition to help secure the man mountain Snowden’s future in safe hands:

    Avaaz Petition

    Free Member

    The biggest clanger of all…

    Free Member

    Much of it is doubtless due to the history of plunder and pillage which set the scene for the current trends in global wealth and power… a massive headstart which makes it very hard for developing countries to compete, especially since…

    Within recent history

    Evidence points to it being based on the work of famed Bildeberg group member:

    Henry Kissinger

    and especially:

    National Security Study Memorandum 200

    which is basically a framework for utilizing intelligence services to destabilize competing countries to ensure the continued dominance of the Western Powers.

    Similar to industrial espionage, but more like global espionasty

    Free Member

    Raging!! They forgot to credit Zack de la Rocha 😉

    Free Member

    Never Shout Never…

    Free Member

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    Free Member

    I daresay you know, but tune is…

    Flying High Now, Bill Conti

    Free Member

    Free Member

    What you have to remember is the valve is feeding that same cancerous gunk into the inlet…

    I recently had to change the turbo on a Pug 2.0 HDI, so had to take the inlet manifold off anyway and it was somewhat constricted by all the carbon build up, which means efficiency is going to suffer.

    Cleaned it out with a blowtorch… remember it’s all combustible waste, otherwise recycling it through the engine wouldn’t end well.

    All said and done, I’d say there is a strong case for blanking… if you go to the trouble of cleaning the inlet as well as the valve, you’ll probably even get a few extra mpg.

    Free Member

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    Free Member

    Something that rare is a quite a find!!

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