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  • Video | Dudes of Hazzard – STEALIN’ axles and HOOKIN’ turns!
  • jivehoneyjive
    Free Member

    Remember this in New World Disorder 6?

    Free Member

    What, like Jersey?

    Being as it’s a crown dependency of Her Maj, we’ll all be sharing in the wealth, right? 🙄

    What about the banks that we the taxpayers bailed out?

    Free Member

    2010 called. They want their campaign back.

    Fair play, I felt like a wally for a mo there, but thankfully, they’re still plugging away…

    it’s no brainer really, especially as the banks are effectively holding the world to ransom with ridiculous debt on currency that they conjured out of no-where

    Free Member

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    Free Member

    Naye! Dumb idea, as bokonon points out it’d be rule by Mail, and the lobbying budget would just go directly on tv advertising campaigns.

    At the end of the day, the vast majority of the media these days is propaganda in some shape or form…

    By allowing everyone to decide on things, people would feel more involved and as a result do more research for themselves, empowering the masses…

    People could also suggest their own policies, which could then be developed for the good of all.

    Nothing will ever be perfect, but it’d be a damn sight better than being bum raped by a network of public school inbreds, who’s conflicting interests as business moguls and need to maintain their inherited manors blight their policies somewhat.

    The current system whereby parties are funded by outside interests completely devalues any concept of democracy and is tantamount to corporate fascism.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    In these days of technology, true democracy could be achieved by completely disbanding parliament as it stands:

    paid policy makers could then present bills, laws and spending proposals in a public online format, with say 90 days voting period for each to give everyone time to discuss their merits and otherwise, before tallying the votes of the tax paying public whose money is funding the system… true power to the people, rather than a blurry choice based on ideals preached by toady lies of self serving officials running up for election.

    By removing the middlemen, the savings made would be phenomenal and we wouldn’t have to worry that decisions were really being made due to who has the biggest lobbying budget…

    All those in favour say aye!!

    Free Member

    In a past life, I was a Honey Badger, spending my days striking fear into every damn thing in the Kalahari…

    now obviously, I couldn’t read the thoughts of the other animals, but if they had one iota of sense, they would’ve worried about their mortality in my presence.

    That said, despite my projection of badassery into the habitat around me, in the tender recesses of my soul, I was actually quite an artistic type, carving intricate scenes of inspiring beauty into bits of bark n stuff.

    Many was the time when hallucinating after being bitten by yet another cobra that I’d ponder the meaning of my existence and whether it was finite, whilst spinning colourful shapes and strange soothing noises bombarded my limited intellect.

    Those were wild times and I’m not sure how I died, but I certainly don’t remember any rocking chairs or thermos flasks.

    Seriously though, I would imagine if an animal is getting into old age, then indicators such as loss of teeth, or in the case of the family dog, failing back legs, would trigger some recognition of the limited lifespan of the body…

    That said, do animals, and indeed humans, have souls?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Catchy little slogans, that’s what they need… us fatties love a bitesize mantra:

    Too much cake, belly shake

    Less butter, more buffer

    Overdone the sugar, ooh ya bugger

    Free Member

    Thoughts from the hive?

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    As owls go, this must be superb in the eyes of some…

    big bugger too!!

    Free Member

    CountZero in drowsy Scientologist shocker!!

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    Free Member

    Can’t help but feel your doing more harm than good to your cause

    Thinking about it, you’re probably right;

    No matter what your beliefs

    Scientologists probably aren’t going to enjoy the documentary as much as many of the open minded free thinkers who frequent this site 😀

    Free Member

    Free Member

    No matter what your beliefs, this documentary about the anonymous movement is well worth a watch…

    Free Member

    Canfield Jedi; not just the name either, a groundbreaking design to go with it.

    Evil Sovereign ditto

    (By coincidence, I happen to own these 2 😉 )

    Going back a long way:

    Off Road Toad… one of which was the 1st bike I ever saw with disc brakes.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Free Member

    That’s the spirit!!

    Avaaz[/url] and are like 38 degrees, but global

    The extent of child abuse has truly shocking implications and it seems they are doing their damnedest to bury it for fear of the PR fallout on the whole system, from the Childrens Homes, the Police, the Intelligence services, MPs and even members of the Royal Household.

    This soundbite is Ken Livingstone discussing orchestrated abuse overseen by the intelligence services in Kincora, an Irish Care home.

    There is plenty of evidence to suggest the same went on in a number of locations across the UK, including Elm Guest House

    (I daresay many folks are already aware of the case, but if not, google ‘Elm Guest House’)

    Free Member

    I’m sorry to shove it down your throat, that is not my intention, however, I find the implications pretty upsetting, as I’m sure anyone sane would.

    Such similar obsessions with spurious conspiracy bullshit.

    Check the facts, then get back to me;

    Leon Brittan, the Paedophile Information Exchange and the ‘missing’ dossier[/url]

    the site in the link has a huge amount of archived material that certainly provides enough basis to warrant a great deal of further investigation by the authorities… not sure about you, but I would certainly consider this of a great deal more importance than plebgate.

    As for the Jersey thing, Jimmy Savile actually tried to sue the Sun when the story 1st broke of investigations into Haut de la Garenne in 2008, only to retract his case when a photo showing he was there surfaced.

    Leah McGrath Goodman is writing an ongoing series on Jersey in Newsweek, after she was finally granted a visa following the intervention of MP John Hemming.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    In many respects, in this day and age, Party Politics is obsolete; almost a means of divide and conquer in itself…

    throughout history, the majority of high ranking politicians have proven themselves to be self-promoting self-serving liars and the current government is no exception…

    given the swathes of evidence to support a high ranking paedophile ring, why is it that so much media attention and police resources were focused on the comparatively tiny Plebgate?

    So, disregarding party politics for a moment…

    Do you think organized paedophilia is tolerable?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Certainly the distribution of medical records for funds is questionable, however, secret courts demanding journalists destroy information has far more sinister implications; the investigative media is already far too constrained…

    for example, why would the home secretary revoke a journalist with an unblemished record’s visa, when her attention to investigate Jersey became apparent?

    Looking at the bigger picture, I can only imagine much of this is due to the unresolved whitewashing of systematic child abuse on Jersey, in which Jimmy Savile is heavily implicated… for some reason though, the subject doesn’t get much coverage in the UK mainstream media…


    Free Member

    Think it’s got beyond the letter writing stage… 😐

    How do all these infringements make you feel?

    Free Member

    Not even joking, I actually find going to the dentist relaxing 8)

    Free Member

    Lovely job… liking the detail around the chainstay bridge.

    Must be pretty damn stable with the BB so far below the axles n all 😀

    Free Member

    Whoa there buddy 😀

    Liking your work, but I’m not sure about this whole 1 man spree thing; it’s out of my comfort zone 😆

    Free Member

    Fair play, brilliant work 😀

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