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  • Trek SuperCaliber | The 60mm travel World Cup race bike
  • jivehoneyjive
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    Free Member

    How much does the machine cost that tests whether the audio quality is improved and more importantly, how much additional fun you’re having?

    Free Member

    I heard the £1600 cables conduct so well that if you snip a couple of little bits off and attach 1 to your shifter and 1 to your derailleur (after removing the conventional gear cable) you have Di2… apparently the sweat from your thumb forms a crude battery, which is sufficient to power the system… being as it only takes about an inch an end, with a metre of cable, you’re quids in.

    The £75k ones can actually be used to create free, clean energy for a small town, but they can’t market them as such for fear of the formidable power of the oil industry.

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    Free Member

    My Gran goes wild for fat balls; she reckons all the birds love em!

    Free Member

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    Free Member

    Buggered if I know, but boys will be boys.

    Free Member

    Karma is a tricky one…

    On the one hand, it’s nice to think that the universe is doing it’s bit for equilibrium, but often as not, it’s the good guys that get squashed, whilst the likes of Tony Blair, Call me Dave, the Queen and Jimmy Savile, all parade around with mucho dinero and the power to crush mortals.

    That said, a good slice of sneering at self inflicted dickheads is a fine sport

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Seems Russia Today is actually quite a force for free speech~ can’t see this happening on the BBC (or any other Mainstream UK network) without serious repercussions, but Abby Martin is free to speak her mind and has apparently not had any discipline imposed, which is nice:

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Been a while… haven’t had enough computing power to post on here after a moist accident with my laptop (no sniggering at the back)

    Free Member

    Funny how the Russians and Chinese are never mentioned always it’s World Bank and CIA

    At the end of the day, in the western world, we aren’t hugely influenced by media from the Russians and Chinese, so we have less points of reference by which to prove we are being told warped truths and outright lies~ no doubt there is manipulation and atrocities carried out by parts of all societies, however, the worrying aspect of the western powers is just how much influence they have.

    That said, it shouldn’t be forgotten that in addition to the colonizing of inhabited lands and slaughter of indigenous peoples all over the planet, Britain has a history of meddling in the affairs of China; what with the opium wars.

    Anyhoo, here is another well researched factual video, which includes China and Russia:

    Free Member

    I wouldn’t call 1 hour 42 mins a summary….

    Fair point… it’s only 6000 years after all

    Here is your bite size attention deficit summary:

    Naughty people encourage and finance wars, backing both sides to ensure profit and influence once war is finished.

    Free Member

    This is a pretty good summary of the history of the illuminati and goes a long way to showing just why it is that governments are so powerless when it comes to the manipulations of the banking industry…

    you have to remember that the history we are taught is all subjective

    Free Member

    As a teacher, the illuminati are a very valuable resource; thanks to their extensive operations, you can cover a great many subjects in depth…

    Science, History, Economics, Politics, War, Media, Culture

    Here is a bitesize education in Science, History, Politics, War and Economics:

    And here we have some Culture which reflects many of the subjects mentioned:

    Of course, this is just skimming the surface, there is enough material to fill a high level academic career… believe it or not, even Napolean had a role to play in the long game 😉

    Free Member

    Over time, surely there’ll be a trend for lighter, stronger, stiffer frames and forks that use less materials for the benefit of the environment.

    If you could combine that with lighter, stronger, stiffer wheels that accelerated better and required less rubber for tyres of a given profile surely you’d be onto marketing gold.

    If you combined the bigger tyre theory with my futuristic proposals, my godless, you’d be raking it in.

    (Has sudden eureka moment and rushes to patent office at thought of large volume tyres designed to convert 26ers to 27.5)

    Oh and maybe a resurfacing of the mystery magic behind the Millyard bike with it’s enclosed drivetrain and special tank shock.

    Free Member

    Far too much emphasis is being put on the Daily Mail here…

    P.I.E. was a group with extensive influence throughout the political elite, who were campaigning to lower the age of consent to 4…

    they even received public money through the Albany Trust[/url]

    and lets not forget the Tory Monday Club’s involvement with Spartacus Magazine and Elm Guest House

    So much of this information has been in the public domain for ages, so why only now are they choosing to publicise it?

    Free Member

    Seems they were angling to hook some comedy footage, but as I sea it, they made a gaff… sharking can be funny, but they should’ve put this on ice; poaching someones dignity like that is below parr childish behavior and just a pisc-take… still, I suppose it could’ve been worse; with a roe of spectators egging-on the abuse.

    I’m going to push the boat out and say I think a Manta man duel is in order, the scales redressed with the victim armed with a prize catch and the antagonist like a fish out of water with minnow-mal weaponry.

    Perhaps then justice would come out on tope as the victim was basking in the glory, mako-ing the porbeagirl have a great white whale of a time, while the perchpetrator just looked like a moby dick on youtube.

    Free Member

    I think the solution here might be to buy a good condition used Mega mk1 frame and use the money you’ve saved for component upgrades to save the 1lb that seems to be the issue for which you’re prepared to go a bit bonkers.

    It’s guaranteed to ride exactly how you want it and you’ll gain 5mm extra travel into the bargain…

    I would like to end this saying I have one for sale, but unfortunately, my motives are simply to save you from masses of work and every likelihood of disappointment even if you do bodge it together.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Just found you can download a free app that allegedly scares them off with ultrasound… wonder how long it’ll be before you can set your phone to stun…

    Free Member

    You can get plug in repellers which emit a high frequency noise that does their tiny nuts in.

    Cat wee is also supposed to put the frighteners on em

    Free Member

    She sounds like a right slapper, no doubt she’ll get in a flap and try to wriggle out of it when the net tightens.

    Either that or she’ll make anenome of the judge by spouting something like ‘your face my wrasse’

    Free Member

    Sorry to carp on, but the thought of a stinking fish across the face makes me feel eel.

    Free Member

    Its all a bit wild this existence lark… Even in our immediate surroundings we only see a minute slice of the full spectrum of the composition of the world around us; a bit like our sensory equipment is hardwired to receive just that which our limited processing potential can efficiently interpret.

    Wonder how quick your brain would fry if we were exposed to the full depth of the matter that surrounds and binds us.

    Blimey, I’ve gone all Jedi

    Free Member

    Might make you feel small to start with, but when you think about it, we are not only composed of the same matter as the universe; we are also pretty much the most dynamic part so far discovered!

    Free Member

    Blimey, the problem is far worse than I realized, you’re all working for them!

    This isn’t realy about conspiracy theory… Though doubtless some of you would accuse Edward Snowden of wearing a tin foil hat to avoid confronting some uncomfortable truths

    Free Member

    Well they certainly seem to think it’s worthy of an extensive investment of time and (our) money

    (those north face holdalls don’t come cheap )

    (Wonders how much Junkyard is being paid) 😉

    Free Member

    Never liked Glenn Greenwald anyway… don’t like his dress sense; Obama’s wardrobe is far superior and that call me Dave is such a humble and well groomed chap.

    Free Member

    Though the mail do dish out far more vitriol than is healthy, given the objectives of P.I.E. , there is certainly a case to answer…

    a bit of research reveals their influence was not just confined to members of the labour party

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Lets not forget Cameron is also deeply embroiled in this whole twisted web… if anything, it is just further proof that party politics is an outdated relic of times gone by; the whole system is fed on corruption, from party funding, to MPs nest eggs from their corporate ties.

    All we have the choice to vote on is which gimp we can blame for skimming all the cream for their own ends.

    Now, I’m not saying there is an overriding and perfect plan of conspiracy, however, the networks in which they all mingle will doubtless lead to some fairly heinous conflicts of interest.

    Free Member

    I remember them doing a solid state ‘walkman’ that you selected tracks on by pushing a keypad.

    It was an April Fool’s joke apparently. Well, the jokes on them.

    Are you sure that was Tomorrows World?

    Going Live did that as well…

    who’d have thought where Phillip Schofield would end up…

    Anyhoo, tomorrows world wise:

    Sinclair C5

    Am I right in thinking Keith Chegwin did a stint (or was it because he was shacked up with Maggie Philbin)

    And that guy Fred with the afro

    Free Member

    I’d go with progressive meaning increasing spring rate, which would at the same time mean reducing leverage rate.

    i.e. the longer the lever, the less the effort… as the lever gets shorter, the effort (spring rate) increases.

    As for pop, my favourite is unicorn wee, but I sometimes settle for Irn-Bru

    But yeah, with a progressive system as mentioned above, the more force you compress it with, the more energy it will return to you for gnartastic reverse g shrednanigans, damping permitting.

    Free Member

    One for the smoochers…

    Free Member


    can also recommend the daft punk mashup of war pigs on youtube…

    Free Member

    I am Alice Carter, but I like Simon Brown’s the best… as for you Ben Towell, you are a very naughty boy and I’m telling

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