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  • Fresh Goods Friday 695 – The Enduro Beckoning Edition
  • jivehoneyjive
    Free Member

    Blimey, I do hope Hannah of Singletrack towers isn’t tied up in this in some way or another… the pinkie pic on the front page makes me wonder mind.

    Still, could be worse, the Michael Jackson doc, not to mention the Child Abuse Inquiry hearings into Westminster abuse this week make me realize how lucky I am.

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Just remembered another episode of sleep paralysis…

    Really odd sensation of pulsating energy, with a f*cked up kind of static feedback that felt like my head was gonna explode; it was combined with a lucid dream that was like a messed up TV signal from a 1st person perspective of a surgeon, some civil servants and Theresa May tapping into my mind.

    There was footage being played back of nuclear explosions, then they gave me a button and asked if I was gonna push it,

    bear in mind this was an immensely high pressure situation with all the dark noises and throbbing pain

    When I wake up, I can’t help but wonder about microwave weapons…

    Anyhoo, back to real life:

    Now, the weird thing was, without ever discussing it, the next morning, my mum presented me with a Raditech neutraliser that she just happened to have lying around.

    Free Member

    I had in once, probably about 20 years ago, but remember it clearly… it was like being tied down to a railway track, then being run over by a train; course, the good thing was I was unharmed, but it was far from pleasant.

    ‘course, I have plenty of lucid dreams and it’s certainly a real part of my life; had a funny one about Joe Barnes and the Dudes of Hazzard the other day, but I’m a bit busy to go into it now:

    Weird Dreams

    Free Member


    Free Member

    You’re all amateurs:

    Once our dog went missing for a few hours, all the whistling and calling out with the passion of concern for a loved one came to nowt… eventually, just before nightfall she slinked back with that guilty won’t meet your eyes look.

    No biggie, just standard canine sense of adventure and a love for exploring the countryside.

    Sat down in front of the telly, dog seemed pretty content and relaxed at a day well spent…

    Cue the next morning and what can only be described as vomit and bile infused rotting sheep guts, like a grey and lifeless boa constrictor steaming in the sunlight cast through the roof window on the landing outside my bedroom door.

    Smelling salts and eye bleach please nurse!!

    Free Member

    All this talk of rodents and balls is a bit Richard Gere for my liking…

    However, the mention of mice and motorcycles gives me a mad flashback to the puffin club:


    Free Member

    Damn, next you’ll be asking for evidence for such outlandish claims…

    Free Member

    Again, the actions of the current Israeli government could only be interpreted as being done in the name of all Jews if you’re thick and/or prejudiced.

    This is a totally valid comment…

    However, the problem here is we’re not talking solely in terms of anti-semitism, but in terms of it’s apparent hold of the Labour Party; to do that without taking into account the very real influence of Israel in dark political manipulation behind the scenes is deceptive.

    Free Member

    Perhaps the best bet is for Jeremy Corbyn to express his unwavering support for Israel, demand air strikes against Syria and Iran and pledge to develop ‘even closer ties between Britain and Israel’ if he becomes PM…

    Free Member

    The average man on the street is not responsible for the actions of a foreign government, even if he has the temerity to wear a yarmulke, and it is unacceptable to pretend that he is.

    Wholly agree on this point, however, for fairness and balance, given demands being placed on the Labour Leadership, surely as chief rabbi, Ephraim Mirvis should make every effort to root out those within British and Commonwealth Jewry who support the more extreme elements of Zionism and military colonialism that blight the reputation of the Jewish faith.

    (something that his predecessor Jonathan Sacks clearly failed in)

    Such actions would show a strong sense of leadership and goodwill restoring faith that this is not just cynical political exploitation.

    Free Member

    You are a cheeky knobber and I claim my hollow victory…

    Free Member

    Oh and since the Hope Singlespeed hub has a steel freehub, you can use cheap cassettes, which are far easier to butcher for that ‘check me n my custom gear ratios’ vibe

    Free Member

    Ossify has a good point… imagine if British folk were to face abuse for the ongoing crimes against humanity carried out in the name of Her Majesty.

    It may be that as an orthodox Jew, Ossify has distinguishing characteristics that highlight his religion and lead to association with the crimes of Israel… in much the same way that many Muslims come under fire as a result of extremists led astray by Saudi funded wahhabism.

    On the flipside, being an average citizen of the UK, due to lack of distinguishing characteristics, you’re unlikely to face abuse for your apathy at the crimes of Her Majesty’s Government and it’s allies.

    Free Member

    I used to run a Hope Trials hub (of the old 48 POE variety) on my do it all bike, with a custom 6 speed cassette… I remember farting about with the ratios, adding a MASSIVE 30T cog on the back to give me a better climbing gear to do my MBL.

    The main reason was cos I wanted a dishless wheel (something 150/157mm hubs have had since way back before BOOST bollocks came on the scene) allowing me to fart about with 360 bunnyhop attempts and suchlike without having to true my wheel every 5 mins.

    Led to believe that since there’s more gears on offer these days, you may be able to squeeze a solid 7 cogs em these days, allowing plenty of ratios for all occasions

    Free Member

    Would it be anti-semitic of me to mention Israel’s non ratification of the Chemical Weapons Convention?

    Or Netanyahu’s deep involvement in Timber Sycamore, the covert program flooding Syria with weapons?

    Hope not, as I’m equally happy to criticize the Saudi involvement in Yemen (and Timber Sycamore), or indeed widespread child abuse within the Catholic Church… not forgetting the involvement of Her Majesty’s Government in all these issues.

    I’d stop short of comparing the apartheid regime of Israel with Nazis, though of course, Nazis are a deep part of Israel’s history (click through for thread):

    Free Member

    Olympics is for amateurs right?

    It’s just that I’ve started break dance battles in every continent I’ve been to…

    Free Member

    Cor, that Diane Abbott though eh…


    Who’da thunk that she’s still mates with Jonathan Aitken (Key player in the Al Yamamah deal and Oman Affair (not forgetting his role at BMARC), who headed Le Cercle in the 90s) after all these years…

    Worked with Adam Boulton and Kay Burley at TV-am too, before they joined the Murdoch Empire.

    Free Member

    This thread gives me a raging nostalgia boner…

    Back in the day I had a 1999 full build Orange Patriot that came with V brakes and QR Manitou X-verts with Elastomers; the tyre would rub when cornering with a sound like a drunken maybug bouncing off everything in it’s path and the damping had a similar quality to trainers before all that air pocket thing in the 80s.

    I bagged a deal for some brand new Z1 CR QR20’s from Canada, complete with wheel and disc mount, man I miss that exchange rate.

    (Not my bike, just nabbed these pics of t’internet for nostalgia value)

    Raging boner


    Hubba Hubba

    Anyhoo, beyond the plush world of marshmellow wonder that actual damping circuits provided, the reduction in flex meant I could rag it and my bling Continental Vertical Pros wouldn’t even think about all that noisy knob gubbins.

    Later on I had some 66 RC3s and some 55 RC3tis and I’m still convinced nothing has ever achieved quite that same level of plush support… if you had damping like that in your face and suchlike, Bruce Lee wouldn’t have a hope of landing a blow.

    Free Member

    Wonder how many of the points raised in that twitter thread are covered by this documentary series on the influence of the Israel lobby in UK politics:

    Including ‘diplomats’ based in the Israeli Embassy talking of taking out UK politicians, not forgetting the vast sums of money available for such activities:

    Still a bit perplexed how Joan Ryan (featured in the video above) can leave the Labour Party, yet remain as chair of Labour Friends of Israel…

    Free Member

    focus group reaction

    Free Member

    Bloody totalitarian dictators and their loyalty pledges!!


    Members of both the House of Commons and the House of Lords are required to take an oath of allegiance to the Crown before they take their seats in Parliament after a general election or by-election and after the death of the monarch. Any MP or Member of the House of Lords who objects to swearing an oath can make a solemn affirmation instead. This process is known as swearing in.

    The form and manner of administering the oath are set out in the Oaths Act 1978.

    An MP takes the oath by holding the sacred text in his or her uplifted hand and says the words of the oath.
    English wording

    I (name of Member) swear by Almighty God that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God.

    The Act also permits the oath to be taken in the Scottish manner, with uplifted hand but not holding the sacred text. Members who want to do so may also take the oath as prescribed in the Promissory Oaths Act 1868, by kissing the book and using the words:

    I (name of Member) do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, her heirs and successors, according to law. So help me God.

    Free Member

    Goodness me!

    and to think, they chose the very day that a Commons Committee report into Cambridge Analytica and Facebook was published… 🤔

    Free Member

    Don’t come on here peddling your outrageous conspiracy theories mike…

    My Grandad wasn’t scarred for life by WW2 just so you could come on here and express an opinion!

    Next you’ll be waffling on about Venezuela and oil and how we could all live in some kind of peaceful, clean air, low cost utopia with solar and tidal energy if not for all the shady buggers who seek to divide us for power and profit.

    Free Member

    Nah mate, just the kids on strike…

    Extinction crises or something, nothing to worry about.

    Free Member

    OK, got it, so that’s why CIA/MI6 supported Saddam in 1963 Coup of Iraq, then continued to arm and support him to help fight Iran (the same Iran destabilized by a 1953 CIA/MI6 coup) until shortly before Gulf war…

    If a nasty pasty serves the interests of HM Government/US State Dept/Oil Industry then nasty is good.

    Guess that’s why Saudi Arabia gets away with so much.


    Free Member

    So at what point did Hitler become a villian?

    about September 1919 when he wrote to another DAP member about his views that Jews “must be removed”

    How’s that?

    Sounds like reasonable justification to consider him a villian…

    but if that’s the case, why were key financiers in the USA and Great Britain aiding his efforts?

    Free Member

    So at what point did Hitler become a villian?

    Free Member

    Nothing whatsoever to do with Carole Cadwalladr’s twitter feed and Andrew Neil’s extensive links to the Brexit/Trump scam, honest.

    Free Member

    Jimmy Savile…

    Eccentric childrens entertainer and charity fundraiser extraordinaire, loved by the nation and embraced by the political elite and royalty, or prolific paedophile engaging in organized abuse of children across the country, protected from prosecution by the same elite?

    Perhaps this whole nuance thing isn’t just historic; going by media coverage and HM Government policy, how would you rate the following:

    Vladimir Putin; Hero or Villian?

    Mohammed Bin Salman; Hero or Villian?

    Kenneth Clarke; Hero or Villian?

    Bashar Al Assad; Hero or Villian?

    Jeremy Corbyn; Hero or Villian?

    Boris Johnson; Hero or Villian?

    Nicolas Maduro; Hero or Villian?

    Free Member

    I get the feeling that the vast majority of professional politicians are a bunch of self serving charlatans…

    and that very much includes Diane Abbot And Ken Clarke

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Free Member

    Aye, thinking about it, it’s not really any weirder than Jill Dando’s fiance becoming the Queen’s gynaecologist and helping deliver all of the recent Royal offspring.

    Or Brian Rice, a social services director criticized in the trials of both Frank Beck (which involved allegations against Greville Janner) and Fred West being a director of the Cheltenham Freemasons lodge, linked to both GCHQ and the Paedophile Information Exchange.

    The reason I bring up these apparently not so odd cases are that Clarence Mitchell was heavily involved in both the Jill Dando and Fred and Rosemary West stories…

    Not forgetting the unlawful killing of Princess Diana

    Free Member

    Beyond all the anomalies presented by that link I posted on the last page, is it not a bit weird that Clarence Mitchell

    (ex BBC Royal correspondent, who was working as director of the Government’s Media Monitoring Unit, controlling the flow of information to newspapers and broadcasters before becoming the McCann’s spokesman)

    ended up being the mouthpiece for Cambridge Analytica?

    Free Member

    Interesting theory that… would it tie in with these facts?

    The blog above provides the other side of the story seldom reported in the media and as such isn’t entirely neutral, however, I encourage anyone to thoroughly fact check everything stated in the link, as in this day and age, it’s hard to know who to trust.

    Free Member

    Stop talking about this, you’re supposed to be distracted by Brexit!!

    At this rate someone will mention the Gaspar Statement…

    Free Member

    The ones you can’t wake up from are the worst…

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