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  • Issue 150: Limestone Cowboys
  • jimster
    Free Member

    Kojak, dig out Achtung Baby and give it a go, as said earlier that’s their pinnacle IMO.

    Runaway from POP, that’s their Kid A album.

    Free Member

    I’m just waiting for the first Eastern European candidate to be named. :D

    Free Member

    5th July sounds ideal.

    Wouldn’t mind doing Monday too, but Mrs J has granted one pass out this weekend, two would be pushing it.

    Free Member

    Ok if I tag along for the July date so long as it isn’t the 18th?

    I’ll try and bring a couple of others along too if that’s ok.

    Free Member

    Yes – Starship Trooper, Survival
    Led Zeppelin – Physical Graffiti
    The Waterboys – The Whole Of The Moon
    U2 – Achtung Baby

    Free Member

    Have to agree with duckman, there are a lot of parallels with 1920 Germany – especially with the right wing media having a pop at foreign workers/muslims and the economic downturn.

    A lot of people are pi$$ed off with the main stream parties over the expenses crap and this would be an ideal time for the BNP to target the areas where they could make the most grounds.

    I wouldn’t mind betting alot in Germany in the ’20’s said “It’ll never happen” and just carried on their merry way until it was too late.

    Free Member

    I know in Cornwall they put ornamental owls on gable ends etc etc to dissuade Sea Gulls from nesting on houses – may work with Swallows.

    Free Member

    To throw my legover –

    DeKerf 853 Team
    Rock Lobster handbuilt by Paul Sadoff
    Il Pompino.

    Free Member

    Take the Registration Document, MOT and insurance cert to the Post Office, they read the bar code on Registration Document and issue the tax disc there and then. And you do your bit for the local Post Office.

    IIRC the earliest you can get a new disc is 5 days before the end of the month.

    Free Member

    Probably using the Giro to get his weight down.

    Free Member

    ’96 Kona Cindercone, absolutely thrashable – think I descended as quickly as some folks on the Marin FSer which were the bees-knees at the time. :-)

    Was fine until rear drop-out broke and was replaced with a Pahoehoe under warranty. :cry:

    Now run a Giant NRS Carbon fibre frame, and an On-One In-Bred SS, which reminds me so much of the Cindercone.

    Free Member

    A & E Dept’s up and down the country will be bracing themselves then.

    Free Member

    Time to worry is when you slip seamlessly from yer Levi’s with the knee out to M & S “Slacks” – you’ve missed the MLC and are settled into a TOG without knowing it and doing anything to mark the occasion.

    Free Member

    Led Zeppelin – In My Time Of Dying.

    Volume set at 11. :-)

    Free Member

    I think this is laughable – Ferrari this season seem to have moved back to the pre-Schumacher/Brawn/Todt years, and Luca Montez(whateverhisnameis) can’t see how they can rescue this season. As they have unlimited funds but restricted testing this season, next season would be the opposite and they/he realises it’ll be “Same Sh*t, Different Day”, unless Brawn rejoins and Schumacher comes out of retirement.

    Don’t forget this is the “team” that let Irvine loose the championship with a couple of dodgy tactical decisions.

    Free Member

    Chicken Dansak

    Jacket Potato and beans

    Free Member

    Lootenant – Member
    What would happen if we had a general election and no-one voted?

    As I understand it, they’d hold onto their “seat” and their “job”.

    Free Member

    Has anyone the power to dissolve Parliament?

    What’s really p*ssing me off is the fact they say to us – tighten yer belts, it’s going to be a difficult couple of years – most of us will be lucky to get a pay rise this year, and those b**tards vote through their own pay rise and then claim for this that and the other because “they’re allowed to!!”

    As for people not voting in elections – what’s that going to achieve?

    Free Member

    Even Tebbitt is putting the boot in.

    I like his reference to the “welfare junkies”.

    Free Member

    Love that TVR, but nowhere to put bike/surfboard etc etc :cry:

    Free Member

    Another Maxi owner here too – they were workhorses.

    Hate to admit this but – one of these –

    Because you could fit a bike in the boot and all the camping equipment on the back seats.

    One of these –

    As it was like sh*te of the proverbial shovel.

    Loved my old 205 Diesel, only sold because it started getting expensive to repair every few months.

    But I’ve always wanted one of these –

    Free Member

    surfer – Member

    Yeah, sitting the kids in front of a tv is easier than entertaining/educating the little lifestyle accessories

    Facepainting at 70mph is always a bit tricky.

    I leave that to the wife, I just drive – wearing my i-pod so I can’t hear the screams. :D

    Free Member

    mogrim – Member
    You obviously don’t have kids, CFH! The in-car DVD is one of life’s greatest inventions

    Yeah, sitting the kids in front of a tv is easier than entertaining/educating the little lifestyle accessories.

    Free Member

    When I left it was 99-4 at tea!!

    Free Member

    Waste of time to bring in any new legislation – when was the last time anyone was done for not obeying old legislation regarding reflectors, bells etc etc?

    The feds around here are too busy sitting in car parks doing undercover surveillance on a nice Saturday afternoon too worry about cyclists.

    Free Member

    Watching the race on telly, whilst stripping the paint off the woodwork after having a couple of lunchtime sherberts. Not a good combination!!

    Free Member

    Will they be restricting the amount of sets of tyres that can be used over a weekend or during a race?

    Free Member

    Imagine the front rows of the grid all getting to the first corner, with 200kg more fuel than normal???

    Thats why they do a “warm-up lap” 8O

    Free Member

    I can remember when they banned refuelling back in the 80’s(?), the races were as dull as dishwater because the drivers had to ensure they’d finish the race and were braking earlier, cornering slower accelerating slower.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    I blame Sir Ralph Ramsey – after 1966 things haven’t been the same :-)

    Free Member

    All I know about politics is this…Labour aren’t doing a very good job, the Conservatives point this out all the time but don’t seem to offer any solutions, and the Lib Dems lack the confidence to kick the other 2 out of the way and have their turn.

    Think thats Politics in a nutshell – only you forgot to mention they have the ability to vote their own pay rises through and not to have to answer to their peers who put them in the postition in the first place.

    Free Member

    brant – Member

    Last post- little toddler hits you, you hit it back harder. What do you think will be reinforced/happen later?

    It’s a toddler, not a dog. Dogs are different.

    Depends if the toddler wielding a machete I suppose. :-)

    Free Member

    Whenever she starts to chew you – shove a teething ring in her mouth.

    If she starts chewing drawer knobs, whip them down with antisceptic.

    You may also want to run away – that dog has got the devil in it’s eyes!! :twisted:

    Free Member

    Where’s Bigfoot trail?

    Free Member

    Stone Roses – I Am The Resurrection
    Led Zeppelin – In My Time Of Dying
    Neil Young – Like A Hurricane
    Waterboys – The Whole Of The Moon
    Elbow – One Day Like This(?)

    Free Member

    Carrots, Beetroots?

    Free Member

    Brown, with a leg at each corner.

    Like this:

    Goddawful dogs, avoid at all costs!!!!!

    Free Member

    My ’95 Cinder Cone – absolutely loved it, until the drop-out snapped and it was replaced by a Pahoehoe under warranty.

    Free Member

    Put Butternut Squash and some herbs in pots last week, and generally tidied what bit I’ve got to plant in up.

Viewing 40 posts - 881 through 920 (of 978 total)