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  • Vote Here! ‘Out There’ Photography Finalists
  • jimster
    Free Member

    Thanks for the ideas folks – looks like the Mrs will be on her own worse than if we went to Croyde for a fortnights surfing. :D

    Thanks for the offers of GPS routes, unfortunately technology hasn't hit the J household yet.

    Free Member

    Is the Kenny Wilson book still available?

    Free Member

    Didn't Manley / Davies run ProMTB or MTB World or something similar.

    Nine pounds for a bi-monthly publication runs out at £4.50 a month, I just hope their proof-readings better than yours!!

    Free Member

    We're staying in Auchterarder if that's any clearer.

    Free Member

    OCS – A Hyperactive Day For The Flying Squad, only to disappear again.

    Free Member

    Does "Wish You Were Here" count as a concept album?

    Another vote for The Bends here too.

    Free Member

    Bauer he saves the world

    No, he saves the U S of A. :roll:

    Although, I think Bauer has a certain technique when questioning suspects that I think Sharpe would have trouble matching.

    Free Member


    :oops: 1600 petrol.

    Free Member

    Return leg next week?

    Free Member

    I used to go quite often from Worcester to Penzance – average time was 4 or 5 hours, BUT this would quite often be knackered due to an incident at Avonmouth.

    If we were going down during the holiday period we'd leave at stupid o'clock, stop off at Exeter for a coffee and clear the Wadebridge / India Queens area before the caravan's turn up – a main route going from dual carriageway to single carriageway WTF!! Drop Mrs off at her parents and be dipping my toes at Sennen / Gwenvor at 9am. :D

    Free Member

    Leave them to it.

    We've recently taken in a Springer as well as having an Airedale and a Labrador – started off by introducing them in a neutral area on a couple of occasions, then the Springer was dropped off took them all out for a walk and when we returned let our dogs lead the way in.

    They all sleep in the same room together with no problem.

    If they have a tussle let them sort it out themselves – they're trying to establish hierachy in the "pack" after you of course and they're showing off to you. When on their own they have no-one to show off to* so sleep.

    *I dread getting home at lunchtime in case on of the dogs has an ear missing.

    Free Member

    Since they closed BK in Worcester the nearest branch to me is Gloucester / Cheltenham. So it's Subway unless we go down the coast and stop off at service station and have a BK.

    Free Member

    Compulsion would be easy to achieve in the current climate, but my feeling is that it will have little impact on the rates of death and or serious head injury.

    The problem I have and I think alot of people have is that the choice is taken away from you and the Nanny State take over. The argument about them being compulsory on Motorbikes and therefore should be compulsory for Pushbikes is pointless because of the speed differential obviously.

    As for the "I always wear a helmet when I go out" brigade, good for you – I don't the shops are 500 yards away and work is the same – I choose not too and it's my choice.

    Free Member

    So the underworked Police in this country are going to enforce this law the same as they enforce banning of mobile phones whilst driving? The only difference is it'll be easier to nick someone riding without a helmet – penalty a fine, can't really be fixed either because a ten year old won't be able to pay whatever it is.

    I'd have thought with the current doom and gloom coming out of Westminster Village this would be the last thing they'd dare impose. Talk about wasting money!!

    Free Member

    Our local Morrisons always seem to close the tills just before the queues drop down to 1 person at the till at a time. :twisted: Consequently the self-scan check has a queue have way the aisles!! :twisted: :twisted:

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Also do the crank arms look longer than normal?

    I think they're kickstands for when she pops to the shops.

    Also two years to design and build and build a bike!!

    Doesn't really float my boat, I think it's because it's set up for running gears, so not an out and out SSer.

    Free Member

    futon river crossing – Member
    Added a 70mm stem since this pic:

    Yes, that stem looked wrong for that bike at this angle. :lol: :wink:

    Free Member

    Wet off-camber roots, especially when the ground around them has been washed away and you have try and lift the front wheel over them whilst catching them wih the back!!

    Free Member

    Hora's glass is always half-empty I've noticed.

    Free Member

    If you have no ties / commitments – Do it, you don't want to spend the rest of your life thinking "what if?" – as your on a base you should be able to do some sort of fitness training making you fitter when you get back on the bike. :o

    Also try and live on the same money as you do here and stash the rest in an off-shore account so your savings don't get taxed.

    Free Member

    Haven't you heard? We're going to unprecedented economic growth in the private sector, Osborne said so.

    As I asked later

    Who are our trading partners, and are they not in recession too?

    Free Member

    BTW the dreaded 'double-dip' seems to happening right about now – well done Dave…

    In Dave and George's words "We're in this together"

    A bit like Vanessa Feltz reassuring an anorexic!!

    Free Member

    I'd do both – especially if I'm spending 6 hours of the day travelling.

    Maybe park at the viaduct then stop off at the Drop Off for a "snack" – regurgitate on the climb out.

    Free Member

    A quick aside here, a couple of months ago everyone(the press) were citing the Canadian economy as the example to follow – in as much they reduced a huge deficit in a couple of years or so. A reporter from Canada was on the radio explaining who it happened, basically a new Govt came in, consulted with everyone and explained what was going to happen, huge cuts in spending, increase in taxes etc etc and things went to plan. However, Canada's biggest trading partner at the time was America who were in a boom period and they effectively thrived off that.

    Who are our trading partners, and are they not in recession too?

    Free Member

    As harsh as it seems it's got to be more cost effective providing services aren't affected too dramatically.

    The trouble is the positions that are cut are the people who do the work, not the workshy managers who arrange training weekends in a hotel at the far end of the country at the cost to the country because it comes from a different "budget".

    Free Member

    Keep them, I'm sure they generate revenue when they do displays abroad.

    Free Member

    Can someone explain to me how we are going to pay for the public sector workers who's jobs are cut, will stop paying taxes/services start claiming benefits?

    Sorry if I'm being thick here, I know there are alot of spongers working for the Civil Service, but I cannot see where the extra revenue will come from to pay them on benefits.

    Free Member

    Perhaps she's getting over the affair she had with the MD? 8O

    Free Member

    Try also Bicarbonate of Soda.

    Free Member

    Most the Curry houses in Malvern are worth avoiding like the plague.

    Bengal Brasserie is the worst though – just absolute sh*te

    Free Member

    Done a week ago.

    Free Member

    Move on, she'll be back.

    Current Mrs J was the same – just friends, until I started seeing someone else.

    Free Member

    I wish they'd move it back a week – it always clashes with our main holiday / anniversary…

    Free Member

    Not much harder to avoid than static ones these days. They print lists of where the sites are, satnav warns you, they put them in bloody great big signwritten vans, and park them in odd places with a nice view up the road

    But they still speed and then complain when they get caught!!

    Trouble is, people will read this story, and as it's so clear cut what's happened – she's clearly lied to the authorities all along and the Judge for whatever reason (business woman / blonde / fellow big car owner) decided that she should have a suspended sentence / community service – and anyone reading this will think the law is an ar5e!!

    Free Member

    Can't believe that in this day and age that you still have to manually inform the DVLA of a death though, you think some of these things would link up…

    Unfortunately not, as not everyone can has a licence and at the time it's probably easy to overlook…. however to say that your dead mother was driving is another thing completely.

    Sergeant Mark Beales of Greater Manchester Police said the offence was ‘despicable’, adding: ‘We will always pursue people who provide false details as this case shows and the matter is something we take very seriously.’

    Yeah, and give them a suspended sentence FFS!!!

    Ah well, she did say sorry so that's alright then.

    Free Member

    This is my first 24 hour event….do people really take 2 bikes ?

    I have a stumpy HT and a Zesty, was planning on riding the stumpy.

    Take both, do a citing lap on one, start the race on the other and change over if you prefer one over the other – bear in mind IIRC lights have to be fitted by 7pm.

    Free Member

    Oh, spare mech hanger.

    After Mayhem 2007 that's the first thing packed, along with 4 x 25 li jerricans,filled on arrival*, bucket, and full cleaning / lubing kit.

    Favourite comfort food, coffee and at least 3 x 5 litres drinking water.

    Stick to food your used to and avoid the temptation to eat energy bars / drinks if your not used to them – a lad did in our team a couple of years ago, he spent a couple of hours early Sunday morning in bed or on the karsi. :twisted:

    *Queues for water once racing begin grow really quickly.

    Free Member

    Hi MP, what's the pub called where you're setting off from?

    Free Member

    Lets be honest here, all speed camera's cause is congestion – you do whatever speed, see the camera, slow down then speed up again afterwards.

    As for "Speed kills", no it doesn't – it's the stopping with the aid of a brick wall / other vehicle that kills!!

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