Full disclosure up front: I work on this project. My real name is also fairly easy to guess from my name on here so for that reason I’ll not be saying too much, except to note a few things:
1) I’ll never stop being surprised at how nuclear can turn normally sensible people into complete tin foil hatters.
2) Quite right this project could have been a boon for the steel industry. In fact, we could have had only the second forge in the world (first being in Japan) capable of producing the largest forging for these reactors. But the current government cancelled the loan to the company that was going to make it shortly after being elected.
3) The fear of radiation is more dangerous than radiation itself: “Interestingly, even the upper bound projection of the lives saved from the evacuation is lower than the number of deaths already caused by the evacuation itself.” Source.
Which, incidentally, gives the approximate number of evacuation deaths at 600, which given that it’s in a peer-reviewed journal leads me to believe (perhaps optimistically) that the 1600 figure is likely to be a mis-quote of this paper.