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  • jimjam
    Free Member


    I agree wholeheartedly with junkyards comments about mcdojo. Not to say all martial arts businesses are bad but it’s a lot easier to stay true to what you’re doing when you only have to cover a few quid for the village hall rather than make enough to pay your mortgage.

    Sorry mate, you’re both talking tripe.

    Free Member

    onza dog

    The type of art is the second question. The first is what’s the sensei like.

    This is partly true, partly false. My brother in law runs a youth boxing club. He’s a brilliant coach, really knows how to engage with and motivate kids to compete well and instill confidence and discipline in them. He’s also teaching them head trauma and making them diet like supermodels. So with all the best of intentions, he’s hurting his students.

    Find someone who teaches respect, discipline, control etc more than techniques and you’ve found the right place.

    The thing is, grappling arts self select for respect, discipline and control in a 100% organic way without having to force it with ritual, ceremony or shouting. Also, they might spend a lot of time training, and you might spend a lot of time travelling/watching and money so it might as well be on something that is effective and useful.

    Free Member

    Brazilian jiu-jitsu or failing that Judo.

    Free Member

    Lacking in decapitations for my liking.

    Free Member


    I have given my opinion on why I think one vehicle is better than the other vehicle based on traveling in them both regularly.

    A couple of things to point out. First off, you are comparing an FJ70 Landcruiser with a Fortuner and claiming that whoever suggested it should be shot. No one did. The fj70 you are talking about has nothing in common with the “Landcruisers” for sale in the UK. Absolutely nothing. The Fortuner is also not available for sale in the UK. So you’re comparing two vehicles that aren’t available to the op, which no one asked about.

    Given they have one job and that’s to transport occupants safely and reliably – I’d say occupant comfort and reliability were well covered in what I said. The fact it has old technology is moot if it works and doesn’t need repairing all the time

    You’re claiming that the leaf sprung ladder frame vehicle is both more comfortable and more reliable. You’ve previously stated that pickups with IFS were superior to fully leaf sprung variants because they “didn’t have a ride like a seasick dolphin”. You also claimed that you would rather “crawl over broken glass” than have a Hilux (ladder frame, leaf sprung). Given that the Fortruner has independent multi link suspension front and rear and you’re so sensitive to ride quality I’d have to take that with a pinch of salt.

    You you focus on the fact that I describe it as a white car with tan interior —- that’s because it’s a white land cruiser with a tan interior – shoot me for having eyes.

    The reason we both focused on that is because it’s the least important, least relevant, least informative aspect of it. I was genuinely hoping that you might actually be able to impart some information as to why the FJ70 was so great despite it’s incredibly basic, rudimentary and agricultural design but the only detail you mentioned was the colour, and yet you had the cheek to say that I was “looking at it simplistically” when I pushed you on the mechanical aspects.

    This is relevant to the OP because the reputation for reliability enjoyed by the Landcruiser name is based largely on the FJ70 which is still popular in Africa, Australia and the middle East. Although the j60 and 80 had a good reputation the 70 is a much more basic, design with an engine that gets terrible mpg and wouldn’t pass emission regs in the developed world. So you really didn’t add anything to the thread other than misinformation and your opinion which ….. I think you also said something about a Berlingo with winter tyres being better off-road than a Hilux? …….yeah I think the OP should go to a dedicated Toyota forum.

    Free Member


    70 series has all those things but not designed in a carry big loads capacity and they work as it’s been designed to be a nice place to be .

    Except those that are designed to carry big loads. Must have a different colour interior.

    I guess it doesn't have a tan interior.


    Well individually each of those things is shit. See –similar age hilux. Has all those things….still a shit place to be.

    Yes yes, you mentioned the tan interior. It seems as though your entire opinion can be summarised by the fact you prefer the interior comfort of one over the other. I was hoping you might actually have something informative to say.

    Free Member


    Looking at it simplistically yes….

    Ok then educate us please, using as much detail or technical information you want.

    Free Member

    Work in Angola

    It’s white ,5 door wagon has 7 seats with room andapayload for 7 people ,air con , tan interior and a lovely lumbering straight six diesel engine , handles the heavy rains without complaint and does decent mpg

    So ladder frame chassis, leaf springs all round and manual locking hubs?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    TBH, I didn’t realise there were any anonymous mods!


    It’s always good for communities / societies both online and in real life to have unknown, undercover anonymous actors observing, reporting and destroying members of said community. It’s good for building social cohesion, fairness and a feeling of belonging . I mean, look at how happy everyone on STW is!!

    Free Member


    To be fair 24 year old doesn’t cut it with surf’s. The engines —like those in bongos were a bad design and have been failing in the same way since the dawn of time.

    And who ever suggested a fortuner instead of a land cruiser needs shooting.

    We have an original 70 series land cruiser at work. It’s better than the 4 year old fortuners in every way and the new shape land cruiser i

    I’m curious as to exactly which spec 70 series you have and if you don’t mind could you explain exactly why you have this opinion (get as technical as you like)?

    Free Member


    difference between me and a black person is that their skin makes more melanin than mine.

    That sounds pretty racist. I thought you said we we all one race, now you’re saying there are differences. What determines these differences?

    The colour of your skin has bugger all to do with cultural background.

    So if Rachel Dolezal identifies as black she’s black and it was racist of the National Association for the advancement of people of colour to sack her on racial grounds. Correct?

    Saying there is no such thing as race I am equalising everybody, if you put people in to races you are making them different when they are not.

    Amazing. Well done equalising everyone. Congratulations. What were you saying about diarrhoea again?

    Free Member

    Its (going to be) a Boy!
    I’m still buzzing from the last scan. As soon as the sonographer located mini-me, his tadger was instantly undeniable, waving proudly in the womb-soup upon the screen.

    Seems awfully presumptuous of you to assume his or her gender just because they have a penis.  Best to err on the side of caution and choose a gender neutral name so that your baby can feel under less pressure to conform to gender stereotypes. Here’s a list for you

    Free Member

    The reason is simply to ensure casual observers don’t mistake landed gentry for mere HGV drivers.


    No, horses get scared by loud noises and wild movements and they get sick and fractious and often injured themselves in blind panic.

    So, HORSES on the back of vehicles is there to inform the following vehicle that any sudden noises to movements has the potential to spook the animal……..

    That still doesn’t really make sense though. I’m not aware of any subset of drivers or road users who are prone to sudden outbursts of erratic movement or loud noises when confronted by unmarked panel vans or lorries which don’t contain horses. And if there was a need to make an erratic movement (such as avoiding a badly driven horse box) or to make a loud noise (to alert a horse box of a cyclist they were about to crush for example) then the word “Horses” written on the side won’t / shouldn’t prevent that.

    Even if we imagine there’s some particularly horrible group of drivers on the road prone to this kind of behaviour they’re hardly going to change their ways because of letters on a lorry.

    Free Member


    And yet there is racism. Denying that race – or sex – matters doesn’t help the victims of racism or sexism, it merely justifies the removal of protection against such discrimination

    people are morons though which is why there is that protection.  I don’t care if….

    So since we’re all one race there’s absolutely no reason why Rachel Dolezal can’t identify as black right? In fact anyone could be able to identify as any race, ethnicity or culture they desire regardless of parentage or genetics. The downside might be if people born to white parents start to use their black identity as a means to sue for racial discrimination, just for example.

    By insisting there’s no such thing as race you’re negating protections afforded to actual racial or ethnic minorities against discrimination. At best you’re just swapping “racists” for ethnicists which is a difference without a distinction.

    By removing race you make all distinctions cultural, therefore any cultural distinction becomes racist.

    Free Member


    @pictonroadmy mechanic advised me against the hilux surf as they have had problems with cracked head-blocks? Is this something you’ve heard of?

    It’s an issue that affected the 2.4td and 3.0td second gen Surfs so roughly 89 – 95. It may have been an issue in the gen3 (95-02) but they are pretty rare anyway. You do find the same engine in a lot of Toyota products, ie the Landcruiser Colorado/Prado, Hiace etc.

    Free Member


    Do two white parents often give birth to black babies, then?

    Do women often have penises? FYI black parents can have a white child and vice versa but it’s rare.


    there is – humans are a race. The fact that someone is black or white is irrelevant

    Only someone with who can’t see passed his white privilege could say something so bigoted.

    Free Member


    So chuffed as i am that the pop ups and redirects have gone, does everyone with a ‘p’ get this many ads? This is just me scrolling down this page. Feels like they are pushing for that £1.50!!

    Every forum does that. Haven’t you ever interneted before?Just pick a forum at random and join, notice how you will be greeted by a barrage of embedded adverts  and (if you’re lucky) pop-ups. The whole “pay me to stop spamming you with horribly invasive and annoying ads” forum business model is well established in forum land. You’re fortunate that you’re even allowed to login in here and read the comments, internets are a finite resource and are hugely expensive, and since this forum is just a tiny cog in a much larger machine I’ll warn you that such ungrateful behaviour in future will lead to a severe bollocking from a stealth mod.

    Know your place, marketing bot.

    Free Member

    Love actually is a decent film tbh but to be fair so is master and commander.


    *adopts fake british accent*

    I say Doctor Maturin, would you play bass while I strum my violin like a guitar in a confusing sequence of platonic male bonding?

    Free Member

    Browse the front page for memes you’ll see on Facebook next month

    And on STW several years later !

    Free Member

    Surely the easiest has to be running.

    How many / how much steroids can I take?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Why didn’t Gandalf just use the giant eagles to fly Frodo straight to Mount Doom?

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Free Member


    Its poor design that the car was operating at level 3 but doesnt seem to have anything in place to ensure the operator is prepared to take over. Especially since Uber had cut back to a single operator rather than a pair.

    Where did you find out that it was level 3?

    I do think level 3 should be banned. Go from limited 2 to 4.

    As I understand it (might be wrong) level 3 autonomy is limited by GPS which monitors speed and location to determine when it’s safe for the car to take over. So below 40mph, outside the city, it’ll take over, at least those are the parameters Audi are using.

    What’s going to happen when autonomous cars start getting a few years old? You know, dirty sensors, electrical failures of sensors etc? It happens with other sensors in a car, so why not with those?

    They’ll probably have to develop some kind of annual road worthiness testing procedure for cars over a certain age.

    Free Member

    My old trouble and strife will occasionally suggest we watch a film. Trouble is she likes surprises and hates watching trailers because according to her it ruins any sense of surprise as to what might happen, she has such an aversion to finding out what the film is about that I’m not allowed to give any kind of synopsis I just have to choose, and since I’m the resident film buff it’s always up to me.

    Free Member

    Pft. One of the bands I listen to (you wouldn’t like them) released their latest album on 8 track.

    Free Member

    How do you think I feel having subscriber next to mine?

    Deeply and profoundly embarrassed.

    Free Member

    Can I get – member opposite my name removed please? I feel that it misgenders me as I’m more…pangender and I don’t want the toxicity of a euphemism for PENIS so close to my identity. If you can’t comply with this it’s a breach of my human rights and is in fact a violent assault.

    Free Member

    Yeah Jamie, why don’t you start a thread on the topic of the thread that was deleted instead of starting a thread inquiring politely as to why the previous thread was deleted? I’ll tell you why, because you know that you’ll be outed for the transmisogynist, shemale hating, Daily Mail reading, Brexit voting, cis gender, binary Nazi piece of privileged white male patriarchal scum you are!

    I’ll bet that you can’t even admit that Caitlyn Jenner is fabulous and brave, but we all know that you absolutely would. Wouldn’t you!!!?

    Free Member

    Nice one OP, pick-ups are great (despite what some miserable sods say). My first “car” was an LN107, had an LN106 and an LN105 and I recently bought an LN173 for a bit of part time arb work. I had every intention of buying a mk6 or mk7 but I couldn’t see any meaningful improvement other than size over my old trucks. From what I understand the mk8 is much improved though.

    Free Member


    As flasheart said, old news….obama’s team used this data on his campaign trail and nobody raised an eyebrow…trump’s team use it and it’s suddenly another stick with which to beat him…the losers from the US election really are bitter, it’s this kind of fixation on the mundane that will see Trump get reelected

    That’s not a valid comparison though, Obama’s Facebook campaign was an app which people downloaded willingly with the intention of prompting other Democrats in their friend list to go out and vote – the privileges they okay’d within the app required deliberate, conscious permission. I agree with the latter half of your paragraph though.


    >And there won’t be, because Facebook won’t reveal what external sites were marketed, who they were marketed to, or the content therein.

    Completely missing the point. Just because you see one 10 sec advert (or part thereof more likely) doesn’t mean it changes your behaviour. I’d be more worried by the constant barge of overtly racist material eg we have pretty much all the red-tops spewing out racial hatred / anti-EU messages 7 days a week for years on end. And to cap it all, the PM responds to it all, thus reinforcing the message as legitimate.

    Well obviously we’ll just go back and forth telling each other we’re missing the point but the racism and racial hatred spread by Trump was individually targeted and directed at people’s “hot button” issues.

    >Oh and $40million dollars spent on Facebook reaches a lot more than it does in print.

    Reach figures for adverts on social media are a joke.

    Yeah, everything’s a joke apart from newspapers. Newspapers and tv news is the real serious business. Remember how they accurately predicted the US election and Brexit? I’m at a loss as to why you think social media is a piffling matter or that print media is somehow more effective. You can reach thousands of people for $10, so I’ll just re-iterate that $40 million on Facebook gets a lot more attention than it does in print, and this is before we get into fake Russian accounts and bot farms.

    Free Member


    I suppose that we’re not the target audience.

    You personally might not be. If your social media behavior showed that you were extremely vocal and proactive for one party, constantly liking and sharing material for that party or one candidate then you (or your demographic) are probably not going to have your mind changed. A person could be quite evidently stupid, gullible even for one particular flavour of news or politics but it’s not worth the time or money trying to change their mind and make them do a 180.

    However if you’ve shown to be on the fence, or even disinterested and you’re part of a demographic who could influence the outcome in a given state or county then you’re of much greater interest. It’s much easier to convince people to do nothing than to take action so you sow seeds of doubt about your opponent, rather than push your own message. This message can appear completely A-political and constructed around something you are interested. This doesn’t mean that you, the target, is stupid, or that the message is simple or obvious, quite the opposite. It’s leading you down a path that they already know you’re interested in, sport for example, and tying a very subtle poilitcal message to that article, video, community etc.

    Small gains to influence key constituencies and win the narrow margins.

    Free Member


    Ah right, so Facebook ads are poorly targeted and innocuous but the big bad newspapers are the problem.

    Well yes essentially, and for the very reasons that you stated about regulated press.

    People look at propaganda on facebook and take it with a pinch of salt. Another bitchy meme about Corbyn or trump? Another shouty badly photoshopped  rant…..? Another post that originated from one slightly radical group or another? More fake news? yaaaaaaaaaaawn, NEXT!

    This isn’t the issue though, not even close, and I suppose that’s why it works, you spot the lazy generic meme material and think you’re savy. It’s all just blown out of proportion, meanwhile another source which you think is completely legitimate, above board or even A-political is the one that’s carrying the core message.

    We expect better of the regulated press. We expect truth and insight.

    Two wrongs don’t make a right. The fact that the press is flawed doesn’t mean Facebook is harmless/blameless.

    Free Member


    There’s no actual evidence that anyone has been manipulated at all (there may have been intent to do so, but every politician has the intent to persuade people to vote for them).

    And there won’t be, because Facebook won’t reveal what external sites were marketed, who they were marketed to, or the content therein. So whilst print is a physical record of who said what the nature of these campaigns (it has been alleged) is that they are pedaling messages that conform to no journalistic or legal standard whatsoever.


    CA/FB seems to be completely the wrong target. I’m much more concerned that a handful of billionaires control 85% of the UK printed press and use it to push their political agenda with total impunity. I honestly don’t GAS about a few poorly targeted FB ads.

    Ah right, so Facebook ads are poorly targeted and innocuous but the big bad newspapers are the problem. There are some laws regarding print, and someone puts their name to it, there were no such checks and balances with the aleged hacking of the US election and Brexit. Oh and $40million dollars spent on Facebook reaches a lot more than it does in print. 60% of adults in the US are on Facebook. I wonder if any newspaper has that reach. To put it in context, the most watched news network in the states (Fox) gets 2.3 million viewers.

    Free Member

    Seems fine touch wood. Good job.

    Free Member

    I guess by the lack of GIFs by jimjam it’s all still good?

    I haven’t tried browsing on my phone yet. I’ll get back to you.

    Free Member

    Is it a bike shop?

    Free Member

    That said, I have had a number of business ideas that I believe could be both viable and personally fulfilling.

    I think you should probably share what kind of businesses you are thinking about. You can be vague, I’m not suggesting you give away your secret business model but there’s a hell of a lot of difference between say, opening a coffee shop, restaurant, bike shop, consultancy firm etc and setting yourself up as a hiking guide for tourists or making bespoke rustic furniture in your shed and selling it on ebay. Yes there will be fundamental principles that are shared between something big and something small but the process of starting up and the risks involved can be completely different. For some people business means premises and employees, for others it means enough money to keep the lights on and buy beer.

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