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  • Fresh Goods Friday 722: The Autumn’s Done Come Edition
  • jimjam
    Free Member

    The original Preacher (by which I assume you mean the Frank Quietly / Judge Dredd universe) series was pretty good. The one where the demon starts recruiting everyone into a cult or some such? Could make a decent western film I guess.

    They’d obviously need to change the name though.

    Free Member

    I re-read the books prior to the original LOTR films release and I have to say they were spot on. The books are of their time, equal parts overly emotional, twee and whimiscal in many ways. The films removed just enough nonsense and got the tone pretty much spot on. I think familiarity breeds contempt though and now we look at them as being overly emotional, kind of camp etc but I really struggle to imagine how anyone could have made a better trilogy without using those films as a reference point to improve on.

    The Hobbit films are just tragic though. Every bad thing about the LOTR films cranked up to eleventeen,.

    ha ha…Strontium Dog,

    I never really got Strontium Dog. To me it always seemed like every generic bounty hunter / bad cop stereotype with mutant bells on. I suppose I’d like to see a Slaine movie but it would never…..never ever… done correctly.

    Free Member


    Another Dredd movie

    I think they’re in the process of making a series for Netflix or Amazon. There was a thread about it a while back. No doubt I’ll have a strong opinion about it whenever it finally gets released :)

    Agree some of the 2000AD stuff would be brilliant.

    Such as?

    Finishing off the Lord of the Rings animated movie

    11 hours of live action film wasn’t enough then eh? No pleasing some people.

    Free Member

    As far as Saxonrider threads go, this vegetable thread is straight up 🔥 🔥


    Free Member

    Bono. For what he’s looking for.







    ..but he might also be refering to the OP who it seems has pissed off to further indulge his thread starting fetish.

    Free Member

    Any serious suggestions…..?

    I had to think for a second but i’d love to see King Conan…something that’s been on and off for maybe 30 years. I was a huge fan of the original film and it’d be great to see an older, bearded Arnie picking up the sword and ridining into battle one last time.

    Saying that though, modern films, especially  bigger budget multiplex fodder tends to be so crap in general that I can take or leave most of it and struggle to get excited about any of it.

    Free Member

    I like a good pot hole. Keeps the riff raff in their lowered cars confined to towns and cities.

    Free Member


    Let us have Friday Kylie back and everything will be well with the world again!!

    No. You’re never getting Friday Kylie back. But you can have Misogynist Monday instead. It’s a thread wherein you express your admiration for/sexual attraction to members of the opposite sex and in response a secret cabal of PC Priests who frequent the forum will admonish you for being a woman hating Harvey Weinstein-esque serial abuser who probably voted leave in the EU Referendum too.

    Free Member

    If anyone could be bothered to trawl through the No.1 records of the 90s and early 2000s I’m guessing there will also be week after week of soundalike trash, we only remember the good stuff or the truly terrible.

    Free Member


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    Free Member


    It’s in the cycle trade, therefore the pays not going to be great. It’s the type of job you take because you enjoy it, not because your going to retire early to the south of France.

    Ah yes, this was the default answer given by the owners of CRC every year when they refused to give a 1% pay raise in line with inflation. Then they’d snort coke off the deeds to Sam Hill’s soul, before sending out a group email accusing all general staff of being alcoholics, thieves and drug addicts and blame them for the company’s poor performance before climbing into their Lamborghinis and Aston Martins and flying off to their holiday homes for a month.


    Free Member

    Yes, look at the artwork on its own objectively. What’s the image about? Does it constitute a strong piece of artwork or photography in its own right in any way shape or form? If the answer’s no then it’s just being elevated by association with the music. If it’s a good piece or artwork how does it compliment or enhance the music etc etc.

    The caveat to that would be an album where the cover can be indicative of, or evoking something about the music without the need for art work or photography – an example off the top of my head would be Metallica’s Black Album. There’s no way to argue it’s a great album cover but it works as part of a coherent album theme.

    But for the most part people get sentimental about great albums because of the music.

    Edit: There are also instances where bands have simply used great existing artwork which either doesn’t compliment the music, is more iconic than the music or doesn’t gel with or concur with the genre or style of music they have.

    Free Member

    I like it

    Oooh you’re such a maverick renegade.

    Free Member

    And another thing….people make associations between the artwork and the music. They read into it and a great album helps their imagination elevate otherwise average or uninspiring photographs or artwork. On the favourite album cover thread people have posted album covers that are just fonts or stock photos that could be 100 other artists, they just happen to be on good albums (or albums they like). There’s little or no great artwork enhancing or complementing the music.

    Free Member

    A mini clubman morphed with a chrysler 300

    You’re all wrong. It looks like a 1965 Jeep Wagoneer

    But yes. Fugly vehicle built for China, Middle East and U.S markets who don’t give a shit about brand heritage, history etc…they just want the biggest, blingiest, most powerful SUVs money can buy.  A chap up the road has a Bentley Bentayga and every time I see it I’m impressed by the paint (it’s a lovely metallic blue) and how bright the chrome is, the leather etc…there’s no doubt it’s an expensive thing, but it’s still fugly and ridiculous. I assume he has some kind of massive inferiority complex and/or chronic one-upmanship when a Cayenne Turbo or an SQ7 isn’t sufficient.

    Free Member

    I’d probably buy new and check which comes with the best warranty and also check google reviews or Facebook to see how your local dealers perform when it comes to honoring that warranty. When those little engines go wrong a cylinder / piston assy can mean they are an uneconomical repair. A lot of shops will simply blame you for putting the wrong mix in it and leave you high and dry.

    Free Member

    I only skimmed the thread so sorry if I’m parroting someone else but I would disagree almost entirely with the OP. There have always been trashy pop bands and crap artwork, we tend to only remember the good ones. Perhaps in the most mainstream context possible something has been lost but if you look at independent / smaller bands such as the ones on bandcamp you’ll see there’s been no loss of creativity or artistry in terms of the artwork associated with the music and many of these artists are big supporters of vinyl too.

    Some of the bands I follow invest in beautiful artwork for album covers, ep’s limited edition variants, tour posters etc and there’s are many incredible artists on instagram producing stunning work for bands and musicians.

    Free Member

    On the off chance you’re regularly taking anti inflamatories it might be worth your while looking into the effects of some of those drugs. Ibuprofen (and others iirc) can mess up the way your body deals with inflammation and pain causing you to be in a constant state of achey soreness that never really subsides.

    You’ve obviously got real issues but be careful what you take to handle them.

    Free Member

    This is why I’m glad there’s a proposal to legally define minimum safe passing distance here in Ireland. Granted you’d still need video evidence to have any kind of case but it means it’s less “my opinion vs yours”.

    Free Member

    I think this thread will only benefit from you watching it. So watch it.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Homeland co-creator Alex Gansa speaking about casting the role of President Keane

     “Every season, when we’re developing stories, we’re terrified of being counterfactual by the time we air,” said Gansa. “This year, we’re hedging our bets a little bit. She’s a little bit Hillary, a little bit Donald Trump and a little bit Bernie Sanders.”

    It speaks volumes that they cast a middle aged woman and not a wavy haired orange faced old man or a bald Jewish one for that matter. They obviously anticipated a Clinton win and were setting up storylines which might result from that.

    Speaking in early 2017 Alex Gansa’s reaction to hearing Trump had won the election –

    “My first reaction was, ‘Oh my god, we are now counterfactual to the point of being irrelevant.'” To say that we took it calmly would be a complete lie. It took a while to dig ourselves out of that feeling. 

    Free Member


    Anyway, they obviously wrote the last series expecting Hillary Clinton to win and it misfired horribly into little more than fan fiction.

    other than being a woman I’m not sure its fair to say the President in the series is representative of Clinton.

    When the writers and creators of the show admit it was largely “written on the fly” and that key actors and characters were changed and shuffled about, how do you interpret that?

    Free Member

    I watched the first two episodes with very low expectations and I have to say it lived up (or down) to them. For some reason it felt extremely cheap, the premise feels very hokey, it appears to be telegraphing a “twist”, the humour feels forced and it looks to be descending into a lot of teen angst drama. On the plus side Johnny / William Zabka does a decent job with what he’s given as does Ralph Maccio, though he seems to have lost his New Jersey accent.

    Without expending too much mental energy I’m sure there are much more interesting directions they could have taken this. Incidentally if anyone wants to experience some retro martial arts goodness staring none other than Johnny/William Zabka, Martin Kove aka John Kreese and Bolo Yeung (from Enter the Dragon and BloodSport) check out Shootfighter: Fight to the Death. It’s very violent but has some extremely hammy old school martial arts action. It’s also hilarious because Bolo clearly has zero english, and rather than dub him, his entire performance is conducted in grunts and nods iirc. The whole film is on youtube.

    Free Member

    Good boy.

    Free Member


    Thats such bollocks – if you’re attributing that view to STW remainers, then you’re talking out of your hole.

    Talking out my hole am I? To make it worth my while searching, how about you agree give me a euro (via paypal) for every time I find a post that describes leave voters using either racism, racist, xenophobe or biggot? If I’m talking out my hole you have nothing to lose.

    Put your money where your mouth is or shut your hole.

    Free Member


    How do you think my employer would react to a “scandalous” situation emerging that they had, in their midst, a racist?

    As a general rule, not being racist means I rarely (if ever) get accused of xenophobia or racism. HTH.

    Ah, so there’s no smoke without fire right? If a demented forum troll who wants to “win” every encounter with anyone who he (wrongly) perceives as being his political enemy says you’re a racist you’re a racist. Let me illustrate just how low the bar is for racism on STW – If you voted leave in the Brexit referendum, you’re probably a racist. Racism was the subtext for every voter who wanted to leave, even if they won’t admit it.

    I’ve seen this, and every conceivable flavour and variation of this statement repeated ad nauseum and unchallenged on here. One poster went out of his way to conflate leave voters with actual nazis, I took him to task, alone, with virtually no one else objecting to his characterisation.

    Free Member

    trawling threads and viciously attacking anyone who shows any sign of disagreeing with you on something political or religious, ascribing the worst possible meaning to their post

    I think most people would argue that Junkyard was just confronting vacuous, reactionary far-right dogma when he encountered it.

    I’m not surprised you think that, and in this echo chamber, you’ll find you’re not alone. It doesn’t change my mind, nor does it change the way he goes about posting.

    What? Like damaging your anonymous, imaginary, forum persona’s reputation? Do you think perhaps that you might be starting to take yourself a little bit too seriously?

    It would be laughably simple for anyone who wanted to find out my real name based on what I posted on here. From there they could deduce where I live, who I work for, where my children go to school etc. How do you think my employer would react to a “scandalous” situation emerging that they had, in their midst, a racist? For you to understand, how would you like it if I start insinuating that you’re a pedophile? Shall we see how that goes? There’s no need for you to worry about me calling you a pedo unless you’re taking your anonymous imaginary forum persona too seriously after all. In one of my last dealings with Junkyard he countered one of my statements with something like “you would say that since you spread radical right wing ideologies”. It was of course, utterly baseless shit slingling, the kind he’s fond of and when challenged he had no reply, but it’s typical of his interactions, and many others like him on this forum. What is “radical right wing” a synonym for? Care to answer?

    Free Member


    Didn’t know JY had been banned again. He was argumentative, but never crossed a line as far as I could tell and always came across as decent.Then again there are some professionally offended types about.

    If your idea of decent is trawling threads and viciously attacking anyone who shows any sign of disagreeing with you on something political or religious, ascribing the worst possible meaning to their post, insinuate that they are a racist, a xenophobe, a nazi, homophobe etc  fully aware of the potential damage such allegations carry yet doing so with impunity, all the while dropping hints about how much empathy, charity and understanding you have for all the children of the world because you’re a rabid marxist…yeah really really decent.

    The worst thing is that he’s allowed to act that way with full approval of the mods.

    Free Member


    Some of the crap being spouted on this thread is a measure of the individuals concerned and their bad experiences and not the concept of marriage. Marriage works for some but not others. Simple.
    If it doesn’t work for you then fine but don’t judge others you sancitmonious gits.

    +1. No shortage of bitter, miserable people on this forum. Neither my wife or I are religious or overly traditional but we’re happily married. We were together for 10 years before getting married and did so because we decided to have children, something we didn’t take lightly. For us, having children was/is an agreement to stay together for them and that’s not negotiable. Both of our parents are still together and we both feel lucky in that respect having seen what happens to children when parents separate.

    Free Member


    lent out of the window and hurled a bit of vaguely threatening verbal my way, it seems for parking too close to his car……culminating in a threat to strangle me (I kid you not) if I were to do it again.

    You should have asked him if he meant manual strangulation or a blood choke, trachea crush, corrotid choke, collar choke, short choke, rear naked choke, cross collar choke, baseball choke, triangle choke or other?

    Free Member

    Does she drive a Focus ST ?

    Free Member

    I need to know whether a Tesla carries with it the same yob/thug cyclist worrying, child murdering wankerish and general asshole stigma or if it’s ok because it eats pollution and farts rainbows as it accelerates to ludicrous speeds in a fashion that would blow a Focus ST into the weeds.

    Free Member

    My main gripe with the UK PK is the ergonomics don’t agree with my hands. It doesn’t handle comfortably for me and also, I prefer a thumbstud over the thumb hole. I can’t do the “flick” because my fingers are messed up. I tried the cable tie knot trick but then deploying it every time it came out of my pocket wasn’t desirable either. I gave mine to a friend and replaced it with a Boker plus xs which, annoyingly, I lost.

    Free Member

    kellies heroes

    The OP wants a SAK replacement, everyone is recomending single blade pocket knives.


    I am erring towards a single blade edc and maybe use one of my battered SAKs for their tools.

    If it’s a multi tool or SAK replacement I would strongly recommend the Gerber Crucial. I’ve given mine dogs abuse for 10ish years, still going strong. Everything on it actually works, unlike a Swiss Army Knife and the pliers are excellent. Folded it’s no different in size wise to most SAK designs. The blade has a liner lock, so safe for cutting but not legal. The Schrade Tough Tool is similar and UK legal but I don’t own one so cannot comment on reliability.

    Personally though for carrying in the pocket most days, I prefer just a small single blade locking kife (framelock or liner lock) for easy opening and closing and have a Leatherman Brewser on my keys for prying, scraping and even some light screwing. Oo and indeed er.

    Free Member


    I had thought about opinel too. Had those before, but they aren’t legal carry anymore are they?

    The standard Opinel – no. They do sell UK legal / non locking versions but the detent isn’t strong enough for whittling for example – ie, the blade can close as you stop at the end of your cutting stroke. Personally I take my chances and carry a locking knife most of the time. I do have a couple of non locking knives too but I wouldn’t want to do much more than light cutting with them such as opening packages and boxes etc.

    For another rabbit hole of knife options check out . You’ll be able to buy a titanium handle and d2 steel blade for your budget and an almost limitless variety of sizes and styles. I have a couple and they are better than most of the stuff you find in camping stores for half the price.

    Free Member


    how is this thread and it’s casual sexism acceptable on STW ?

    Because it’s operating on the premise that gender is just a social construct and all differences between the sexes are a result of social conditioning and female suppression so by commenting on women’s ability to break phones it is merely an observation of oppressive patriarchal female hating white male culture and is therefore OK.

    Free Member


    Pug 206 – it’s right in the inboard corner of the front cluster, very low down. Number of times I’ve nearly pulled out on one at a roundabout is worrying

    This is what I came here to say. From the front the shape of the light and the position of the indicator looks as though it’s pointing in the direction opposite to which it actually is.  Terrible design.

    Free Member

    I was expecting this thread to be about driving and mobile phone use. Activities many young ladies seem to feel go hand in hand.

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