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  • Review: The 2018 Anthem Advanced Pro 29er 1 is Giant’s best full suspension XC race bike to date
  • jimjam
    Free Member


    Rearly annoyed at this I rang their customer relations department, the lady at the end of the phone could tell the distress I was in at this time

    You got rearly (sic) annoyed and distressed over some brake pads? FFS listen to yourself.

    Free Member

    Would that new to you steep, tricky trail be in Tolly perchance?


    Free Member

    Euro –

    While i agree with you JJ and know you ride with some blistering quick guys, blindly following someone faster wont teach you how to read a trail and spot the fastest lines. And that’s arguable more important in a race situation where you don’t have the luxury of following a faster rider or are on an unknown trail.

    I agree. I wasn’t saying to blindly follow though, if you’re chasing or being chased by quicker riders you’ll get to see some lines that may not have occurred to you, or you might get to observe their body language on the bike. And then you might want to try them next time out.

    I was on a steep, tricky trail that’s pretty new two me two weeks ago, and I’d been struggling with it as it has lots of tight drops onto corners with off camber landings…just generally tricky. I was able to follow some down and because I could see his set up, body language, weight shift etc on the trickier bits I was able to decipher it and go a good bit quicker than I had previously.

    Free Member

    hora – Member

    I’ve ridden with way faster riders. They leave me dead (either that or I keep up and come off).

    And that’s just how you learn. If you’re crashing trying to keep up then you’re probably pushing your limits. You generally won’t arrive at them on your own. Or you can give up.

    Just face it- no matter how good we think we (or are friends) are- there are always those who are on a massive other level.

    Regardless of the level, very few riders just emerge from a bubble a fully fledged racing machine. Most guys have someone to push them, or someone older and wiser to guide them. It’s pretty hard to compete with yourself.

    So I’d re-iterate my point and say, riding with faster riders is one of the best ways to get faster.

    Free Member

    hora – Member

    Abit of loopiness. Think about driving – drive faster, when everyone else is braking, brake far far later, carry more speed, take more risk?

    Hit a section flat out, whereas you are on the brakes thinking about it…thinking. Alot of the top racers- don’t think. They just do it. You think about it.

    So no matter how fit you get, if you don’t have that edge where you don’t even think about injury, pain, loss of earnings etc then you’ll be slower.

    Riding with faster rides will do this. You’ll try harder than you otherwise would, trying to keep up.

    Apart from that, train and race more I would say.

    Free Member

    Yetiboy, honest question (and no snarkiness intended). What amount of training do you imagine these people get?

    He could well have been a sage guru on road bikes, just not into mtb. Since most bike shop employees draw on their own knowledge it’s pot luck.

    Free Member

    Sports Direct. £7 – £20. Some of it is a bit special looking but a lot of the same stuff as TK max.

    They last a year or two of constant use and fit me despite preposterously large thighs. What more do you want.

    Free Member

    I’ve got the option of a B7 Audi S4 Avant (4.2L) for a very good price.

    Just curious but have you seen the size of the boot on those A4 Avants? I was really surprised how small it was. Not a big issue of you’re putting the bike on the roof, but if you’re riding solo and want to chuck it in the back it’ll be a wheels off job.

    Free Member

    Will there be subtitles for them that dinnae spake scotch?

    ps. it’s virgin channel 861.

    Free Member

    Specialized Enduro. You’d be looking second hand at that budget.

    Free Member

    I use a gerber crucial, which I like. If that helps.

    Free Member

    I’ve got an IXS trail rs which, crucially, is very comfortable for me. I don’t see any reason not to use an “enduro” style helmet unless I need my full face. They are light, comfy and give good coverage. All much of a muchness tbh so just choose the one that’s comfiest for you.

    Free Member

    Oh, I just felt a disturbance in the Strava.

    Free Member

    Yeah, I went from Pro2/flows (1900g) on my own bike to havens (1660g) on a demo bike, same tyres, same bike, and the difference was very noticeable.

    Free Member

    Well you’d need a bit more info. What WTB rims, what Stans would you change to?

    Free Member

    There’s a name for men who look at the willies of other men.

    Oh YOU should definitely get one. :lol:

    Then I’ll see if you can live with down Swayze Train on it.

    Free Member


    If people enjoy that on a fatbike you can’t really argue

    But we are men. And since the very first man noticed that his willy was different to his friends willy, men have been comparing them.

    So if someone comes along saying something is better it’s natural to debate and compare.

    Free Member


    jimjam – Member
    Yes but I doubt it’d be any quicker than a trail ht with 120mm forks. It goes without saying, much slower than my fs.

    Would you still say the same if you rode one of these?

    Well I’d need to ride one to be sure but my guess would be a similarly specced £4000 fs with 150mm travel or more would be considerably quicker. If anyone wants to lend me a Salsa Buckshaw I’ll happily test that.

    As a cheapish (not really) and cheerful play/fun bike for a change of pace then I can see the point, but as a 3,4,5 thousand pound full suss with all the maintenance, complexity and technology that comes with it, I think not.

    Free Member

    Before I rode one I was convinced they were a bit of a gimmick, good for winter plodding maybe or messing about on fire roads and smoother single track or some trail centres.

    Having ridden one as far as I’m concerned my initial impressions were right. I’m sure rider x,y or z will tell me that they can ride this or that on it, or that their friend wins dh races on theirs or whatever but I found it a chore to pedal up stuff compared to my 160mm fs with 2.4 tyres. I also took quite a beating riding rougher, faster trails. Yes I was able to ride it a bit faster than a ridgid with normal tyres but I doubt it’d be any quicker than a trail ht with 120mm forks. It goes without saying, much slower than my fs.

    Any arguement for them as I see it just comes down to simplicity and back to basics fun. If it’s performance (regardless of yourprefered discipline in mtb) then there are much better bikes out there.

    Free Member

    Lezyne ZECTO Drive will do that iirc. USB rechargeable, so cheap enough in the long run.

    Free Member

    My Fox launch have been great. Hammered to bits over two years, still going strong. Comfy too.

    Free Member

    I had to watch the Danny Macaskill video again just to check out these offensively contrived product placement shots which I hadn’t noticed the first time aaand second time around I still didn’t find them crass, gratuitous or offensive. There’s maybe 3 seconds out of 8 minutes that were a bit superfluous.

    If he had started talking about how great his Santa Cruz Bike was or how awesome his poc knee pads protected his knees then yeah, that would be annoying but he didn’t.


    I love the video, and others like it, but as the saying goes “nothing’s free”.

    And yet, it was free to us. High quality, entertainment. Some people seem offended by the idea that the people who paid to make it might have their product featured. Yes it’s an advert, but it’s one most of us seem to have found entertaining. Watching it didn’t strip us of our indie cred. We’re not forced to go out and buy a £7000 bike, £100 shoes and a £200 helmet, or visit Skye, though I do want to do that anyway.

    Free Member

    cookeaa – Member

    Champery of course…

    I think Danny Mac’ has a bit too much polish on him these days, Who Goes rowing with their Redbull lid and Evoc pack on?

    Riders who are sponsored by Redbull and Evoc? If I could make a decent living from just riding my bike I’d wear them to bed they wanted me to.

    As for him being too polished, I think he comes across brilliantly. Seems like a nice guy, pretty humble, good sportsman. Good ambassador for cycling.

    Free Member

    Life’s to short to think about **** like that, get out and ride your bike.

    Free Member

    markshires – Member

    I have just been watching postman pat this morning (with my young son I might add), but can’t help thinking there would be some good trails around greendale!

    Does anyone else think there’s a bit of a Summersisle vibe going on around Greendale? I can see Pat hanging out a giant burning wicker effigy one of these episodes shouting “oh my christ”.

    Free Member

    Ah c’mon now Old boy’s not a martial arts movie. And Seven Samurai seems tenuous. But if you’re going there, Sanjuro is the finest Samurai movie ever made, bar none. Chocolate, meh.

    Free Member

    daftvader – Member

    Jimjam…. Try twilight samurai…. Another of the same period,

    Saw it, great show.

    Free Member

    daftvader – Member

    Ip man or 14 swords.. Or for samurai films….

    I couldn’t get into When the last sword is drawn. Loved Ip man though. 13 Assasins is well worth a watch.

    Free Member

    Terrible. You might say, it’s subjective but no. Really shoddy build quality, overcomplicated and very fragile ratchet / retention system. Very very uncomfortable. The shop I worked in couldn’t give them away.

    Free Member


    i thought it was between strait and laconadguy. strait took it for me

    Possibly marked down for blatantly stealing Aggy/Lacondeguy’s line.

    Free Member

    Sooo many to choose from but anyone who likes the genre and hasn’t seen these should check out…..

    Fist of Legend. Once Upon a Time in China. The Blade. True Legend. Zatoichi and there’s loads more. My favourite might be Kung Fu Hustle though.

    Free Member

    I had one, and suffered a stupid fall into a big pile soft pile of leaves, kind of like a failure to clip out topple off at no speed and the shoulder bust open. Fair enough, I fell off so I taped it up. A month or so later I was dicking about in the snow and fell into a deep snow drift, the other shoulder bust open in the same way – nothing punctured it, it just split.

    So I sent it back for warranty and Altura saud they didn’t cover their extreme mountainbike specific jacket for things of that nature.

    Shortly after that the jacket delaminated and melted into a big sticky ball in the washing machine. I sent it back again and Altura’s response was that no one gets to try and warranty something twice. Wouldn’t recommend them.

    Free Member

    scruff – Member

    Do people in London actually look like this?

    I believe they look like this

    Free Member


    I remember being told that it’s illegal for cyclists to ride on the road with a light on their helmet, which makes sense as it doesn’t have a fixed position and can shine in drivers’ eyes.

    Does anyone know if this is allowed?

    It simply states that the light shouldn’t dazzle other road users. This is pretty subjective though, as it states you should use your handbrake in a car to avoid dazzling the driver behind with your brake light.

    As far as I am aware there is nothing specific about light placement. Any car not dipping could quite easily be accused of dazzling, then again so could the flashing lights on a police car.

    When commuting I like a light on the bars and one on my helmet so when I’m approaching junctions/roundabouts etc I know when I look in the direction of traffic they’ll see me whereas my bar light may be invisible to them. Also helps if someones about to pull into your path, lets them see you.

    For mountainbiking though, one good light on the helmet is sufficient. Anything around 1000lms or more negates the need for a bar light, other than for adding depth. brightest light on the bars makes me nauseous.

    Free Member

    Like, say, R Lee Ermey shouting at you to pick up the pace maggot!!

    Free Member

    Does it not give any audible prompt?

    Free Member

    So, when you hit a segment, and the edge 1000 is telling you how you are doing in real time….is it using gps data or mobile data from a sim to do that?

    Free Member

    Hi there!! I had read the thread, and commented on your post for the benefit of someone who wasn’t an expert in these things like yourself.

    That’s why I wrote “in case anyone is worried” instead of directly correcting you. I felt that your post could be misread by someone was less of an expert than yourself, as implying that it was automatically an offence to use mtb lights on the road here, as it is in Germany.

    I knew that you would already know that, since you’d already bothered to patronise the op, and now me. Thanks. You have a good day ycy.

    Free Member

    So when riding on the road, being a considerate cyclist and not wanting to dazzle other road users, which is itself an offence.

    That bit of legislation is quite subjective, and refers to how you use a light, not the light you use, in case anyone is worried they might be automatically breaking the law by using bright mtb lights on the road.


    Front – The Lezyne ones are pretty good and USB chargeable, though they’re not mega bright. I have a PowerDrive which good, a little lacking for proper off-road stuff but fine for tow-paths and road work. I combine this with a MiniDrive on flash mode. There is also a MegaDrive which is bigger, brighter and more expensive.

    Thousands of them with battery issues. Best avoided really.

    Free Member


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