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  • jimjam
    Free Member


    <span style=”color: #444444; font-size: 16px;”>Go to the police on the hate crime angle. The dog bit is secondary and they’re likely to be less interested in that than a hate crime, so by making the homophobic hate crime the lead in your complaint, there’s better odds of something happening to the ****.


    You don’t think there’s anything wrong with reporting a hate crime where it’s not clear there is one?

    Free Member

    ****ing assholes and their dogs ruining it for everyone. Have a similar problem trying to go for walks with my daughter. She’s terrified of dogs and one **** with a massive bull breed terrier seems to thing it’s fine that his dog runs off the lead and chases my daughter to the point where I have to carry her on my shoulders.

    “He won’t bite” etc etc…try telling that to a terrified four year old.

    Free Member

    we have honestly very little idea of what to expect,

    Well you can expect to paye 49.40 euros for two bottles of Desperado and two Southern Comforts at the Temple Bar. That much you can be sure of. To be sure.

    especially keen on pubs, traditional pubs with a fiddler giving it some in the corner, but without too many tourist types

    You’re probably not going to get that in Dublin, not one without the other at least. Head somewhere into Meath.

    Free Member


    This thread has every clichè in it, didn’t know clarkson had so  many login’s.

    And ironically all you could think of as a retort was the lamest and most played out cliche of all – anyone who like cars/dislike ev’s is Jeremy Clarkson. It’s an incredibly dull sport, and the worst thing they could have done was model themselves on F1 because they’re going to suffer with such a direct comparison. The logical progression for EV racing would be as part of F1.

    If you’ve got a clean sheet of paper try something new.

    Free Member

    As someone else previously stated, Why hadn’t any of the other cars that had previously gone round that corner crashed? OP going quicker (due to ‘knowing the road’), worn tyres, whatever?
    Insurance companies seem to take the path of least resistance and will not spend any extra time on a claim if they don’t see an easy win.

    Perhaps there was a skiff of rain prior to the OP’s arrival. Perhaps the light conditions had changed, perhaps, perhaps other cars were inherently more stable four wheel drive or front wheel drive cars, perhaps they had Michelin Cross Climates, perhaps there were no other cars, or perhaps the farmer just dragged out one last massive coating of muck prior to the OP’s arrival. Without more info who the hell knows?

    How tight was the corner, what was the road camber like, does the road have dips or crests making it hard to see the surface, was there oncoming traffic, fog, rain, fires floods or killer bees?

    We need pics and we need googlemaps to make this thread come alive.

    Free Member

    Back to the OP…

    How do people get away with it?

    You need the right vehicle. There are a handful of vehicles which are approved for 100+mph.

    Free Member

    The main thing to remember when felling trees is – don’t. Stop what you’re doing and phone a professional.

    Free Member

    Hydrate or die.

    I’m no medical doctor but I think that’s actually true.

    Free Member

    You’ve been aware of central locking for a long time. Waiting for your friend to unlock the door is probably just dementia setting in. I find myself doing things like that all the time.  Hope this helps ;)

    Free Member

    Every tractor exiting a field can’t reasonably have a road cleaning rig following immediately behind it!

    You’d be amazed what they can do when they put their minds to it. Round here most large farms are unsurprisingly owned by Orange men. During late June/July if tractors are working fields on marching routes they’ll have a pto pressure washer and water tank set up at the gate so they can clean the tractors before they go on public roads. It would be shameful to get your Brethren’s shoes dirty.

    The rest of the year though, **** everyone.

    Free Member

    Putting “i“”e” or “Green“before a product name is a subtle kind of marketeers bullshit that I really dislike. When it comes to actual guff and completely fabricated language I imagine the sports nutrition industry is probably right up there.

    Free Member

    MUD ON ROAD’. Now I wear glasses to drive, and have (had!) good headlights on full beam, but I still can’t recall seeing that sign at 2ft off the ground as I drove past in the dark.

    Sounds like the farmer noticed someone crashed their car and thought, oh yeah, I should probably put a sign up.

    Free Member

    Whoever is doing the rebranding should be able to knock her up some business cards and work with any half decent local printer to create the results/effects you desire.

    Free Member

    Thanks for the link jimjam! Sweet site. Did you use one of the smedbergs?

    Yeah they are both Smedbergs handles, I would love to have shop like that near me. The big one matches the shape of my Scandinavian Forest Axe perfectly, just scaled up. The quality is easily a match for the Gransfors, though obviously the fit and finish on the Gransfors is superior. I did spend a bit of time slimming the handle down with a knife before fitting, but then realised it might have been pointless if I broke it during fitting. I’ll see how I get on with it but I might make the handle a bit thinner.

    And a lost temper<span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”> (in the metal). Axes really are simple and quick to sharpen with a bastard file, no need to heat them up and risk damage using a grinder.


    +1. And even if you don’t draw the temper out chances are you’ll ruin whatever edge geometry or profile the cutting edge has.

    Free Member

    Just buy it. You’ll have to own one before you realise the pros, cons and reasons to regret your purchase. Buy it. Do it. Now!!

    Free Member


    You need projects…. .

    And luckily I have two more axe projects on the back burner. I mentioned it back there but I just like to stress it again, I have a spare 29″ hickory handle thanks to excellent customer service from . If anyone is thinking of buying an axe and is maybe considering spending £30 – £50 on something off the shelf it might be worth considering doing something like this, and if you don’t want to do it yourself woodsmith experience will do it for you for £12. There are loads of old heads on ebay, or gathering dust in sheds or in auctions and second hand shops. That handle cost £19 and is really as good as it gets, is almost infinitely customiseable and potentially very special. Caveats if you’re a professional user, but I am and I love wood handled axes.

    Beside my axe head I have a box full of bits they once were a ms660. Once that’s done the 038avs might get some love. That’ll be about 2027 then

    What’s the going rate for a rebuild round your way? My mate was quoted £330 for a new piston/cylinder in his ms 150T.

    Free Member

    There’s a “Bike Forum”?

    Edit: oh yes I remember it now. I wonder did they ever solve that wheel size debate 🤔

    Free Member

    Thanks Neil. If nothing else it’ll stave off the need to buy another Gransfors Bruks, at least for a while 🤔

    Free Member

    I am so happy with how this turned out.

    Free Member

    I thought this was going to be about reducing symptoms associated with autism by using stem cells. Apparently there’s some evidence to suggest that stem cells reduce brain inflammation in some autistic people and this can lessen or reduce their symptoms.

    Free Member

    That’s interesting. I hate the bloody thing so no real loss if they don’t.

    Free Member


    No idea what it even is! Shop at asda every week but never looked at my receipt.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Very happy with how this wee hatchet turned out. I took it to work on Tuesday and did a decent amount of work with it de-limbing and trimming stuff for the chipper and it was a pleasure. Cut brilliantly and held an edge very very well. Which was good because this also happened…

    Free Member

    They’re Police officers, they’re not trained to deal with that kind of violence.

    <span style=”font-size: 0.8rem;”>Even if there was some kind of system, or method  way to train police to restrain people how are they going to have time for that useless stuff when they have taser training to go to?</span>

    Free Member

    I never really thought of Jack Reacher as an anti hero because (iirc from the book i read) he’s basically better than the police at policing, he’s better than the military at being the military, he’s essentially a superhero who is somewhat grounded in our reality. He’s not anti authority, he’s just better at it. None of that comes through in the films which were……meh.

    What about Dredd as a mere pawn of the system he serves?

    He’s a clone, arguably designed to be nothing more than a thoughtless instrument of justice. Not allowed to have his own opinions or question the system.

    He’s not a hero, he’s a victim and as such is the perfect illustration of the fictional world he inhabits.

    That’s a very good point colournoise. He’s human but he was bred to basically be a robot, completely objective, merciless and emotionless. I guess that does absolve Dredd somewhat as in a lot of the stories he fights his programing so to speak, and does the right thing. I guess he would be completely unpalatable if he was always binary. There were obviously plenty of stories where Dredd is just the supporting character and his inhuman/merciless side is used as a metaphor for the state or the legal system.

    Free Member

    It’s all well and good for you middle class IT consultants to cast judgement from behind your ipad pros while sipping your morning espresso….but it’s a different world when you’re working the beat on the mean streets of Bristol. Out there, you don’t have the benefit of CCTVs or instant replays, you don’t get another chance if you get it wrong. Anyone could be concealing a weapon, ready to shoot you, beat you or stab you at any minute which is why, when confronted with a shirtless man, with the mental age of seven, with his hands up, and there are two of you and he’s alone, this is why you taser him the first chance you get. Do you want to get a sprained ankle or a black eye struggling with someone who has a mental age of seven? No you do not.

    Taser first, taser again. Maybe taser some more. Ask questions later.

    Free Member

    Is he a fascist or a necessary evil? That’s one of the main storylines that’s been played out on various occasions in the comic, the most obvious example being the Democracy story.

    I’ve read most Dredd stories from the mid 80s to the late 90s including Democracy and reprints of most of the older story lines. I wasn’t asking for a definitive answer, I was curious how we (the audience) square the fact that he’s obviously a fascist with his role a hero.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    Avatars? How ghastly. I believe they are popular on other forums, low brow, common, populist forums frequented by working class people but I can’t be sure as I don’t visit them. I prefer a forum with limited or flawed functionality, clunky barely useable features, a search engine that doesn’t work and I like to be bombarded by animated advertisements and pop up ads warning me my device has a virus forcing me to close the tab I was on.

    I like to think of it as a hand crafted, artisinal, home made forum. The unique, bespoke approach to a forum. The flaws and imperfections, the glaring deficiencies give it soul, character and enhance the experience of debating local parking regulations, speeding, whether I should buy a diesel, office politics and brexit. Other forums may “work” but do they have a class system whereby you can pay a small fee to turn off pop ups and giant annoying banner adverts? (other forums have those don’t they?)

    Free Member

    I was thinking more along the lines of buying a vintage Gransfors or Wetterlings head for it, but I suppose the sentimental value will trump branding.

    No pic sweepy.

    Free Member

    Looks sweet jimjam. That hatchet handle has a lot of heart wood though, apparently axe handles are best from sap wood, no idea why. Felling axe handle does look a beauty!

    Thanks Neil. I believe sapwood is considered preferable for springiness, it makes the wood come alive apparently. Probably not relevant on such a small hatchet and I’d happily have it full red hickory heartwood as it looks so nice. The axe handle is lovely, I presume they picked it out especially as the grain is perfectly horizontal…tis a thing of beauty. I’m now wondering if it’s too good for an old East German head. Or too good for me to make a balls of when fitting.

    Free Member

    Oh and if anyone else is reading please feel free to chime in, even if it’s just to let us know you’re reading. Feels a bit like it’s just myself and Neilneville using the forum like whatsapp ;)

    Free Member

    Had enough messing around and stuck this on.

    Very happy with how it turned out. The feel and balance is superb. I sharpened it till it sliced paper easily then split a small log into kindling with it still sliced paper well after that so it seems like half decent steel. I put a tiny crack in the front of the wood when fitting the wedge so that’s kind of heart breaking but I was just greedy with the angle. At least I know it’ll be worth re hafting it this works loose again.

    And as if that wasn’t enough axe excitement this arrived….just tapped it on and obviously it’s very high on the handle but it felt incredible. The handle is absolute beauty too, perfect grain, too good actually. I’ll be feeling the pressure when it comes time to fit.

    Free Member

    Shame the tea didn’t work out. I might just wire brush mine and oil it then…. If the remaining blue paint comes off or is no disaster. But first I’ll sort the eye out.

    I think it would work perfectly (apart from the bits of paint) for you since yours looks untouched. The tea / tannin seems to stick to rust very well and just won’t seem to stick to other parts.

    Here’s what the hatchet head looked like after roughly a week

    And here’s the felling axe.

    The hatchet looks better in the photo than it does in the metal as it’s quite light across the middle of the head and the axe, as you can see didn’t take very well at all. It was only a few days tbh but you can tell which parts are darkening and which aren’t.

    Here’s the hatchet after the boiled linseed oil and blowtorching…..strange doesn’t sum it up. Very colourful in real life.

    Free Member

    Nasty. Hopefully you can learn from my metalurgical misadventures when it comes to treating your axe head. I’ve given up on the tea and have been experimenting with boiled linseed oil and a blow torch. Strange results to say the least.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Ah a ‘slide the haft in from the top’ fit. It’s not that, but they might work. There is a Spanish axe that hafts that way. It results in a narrow haft, probably too narrow with a small axe/hatchet.

    Yeah saw that Basque axe on youtube. Looks great but I’d prefer an axe head that just stays on for some reason. The actual axe head and profile looks greats.

    Free Member

    Looks far from destroyed. There’s one rotting in a field just a couple of miles away from me, now that’s destroyed.

    Free Member


    I am sure someone else must have pointed this out but cutting geometry at some point becomes a compromise between sharpness and strength / longevity, so it is possible for something to be too sharp for its intended use.

    Depends doesn’t it. As it happens I put a shaving sharp edge on my Scandinavian forest axe last night (rock and roll indeed).  Now, while it’s not hard to do that it’s also pretty pointless, once I de-limb a tree it won’t shave anymore but it will still cut paper and stay that sharp for a long long time. So whatever the edge profile is on my GB axe, it’s not compromising the edge to go a bit further and make it shaving sharp.

    I like to do that purely as an excercise once every six months or so, more to take down the material on the cheeks and make sure the overall profile of the axe gets worked and reduced and not just the cutting edge.

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