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  • jimjam
    Free Member

    You didn’t like Resurrection ???

    Not really. I haven’t watched it since it was released but I remember being disappointed. I was a Jean-Pierre Juenet fan prior to watching but (desperate resurrection premise aside) I thought it was dull, plodding and pretty nasty. It replaced suspense with gore, the action sequences were unoriginal, non of the characters were sympathetic or agreeable and it took the franchise absolutely nowhere and added nothing to it, in fact it basically tanked it.

    Prometheus is on tonight I see.

    Free Member


    As above, they’re kids’ films. 1 &2 were panned because the people watching them generally forgot they’re aimed at 8year old versions of themselves not 40 somethings.

    3 was dire mind.

    Watch them in episode order and accept they’re more for your 6 year old than you and it’ll be fine. Don’t expect to be wowed, they’re not that good, enjoyable don’t get me wrong but not great.

    The “made for kids” defence is something Lucas said when his films got panned. There’s no logic to it, it’s not even accurate because the term is family film. Postman Pat: The movie is a kids film and we can forgive it some degree of simplicity because it is actually aimed at 3 year olds, but family films should be good enough to entertain most if not all of the family. For kids isn’t a synonym for shit.

    Take the Harry Potter franchise, the main target demographic obviously isn’t adults but they are decent well made films. Some are weaker than others but not because they are more kid-centric. The same is true for most Disney films, Pixar films, any good family film for that matter. After the original three Star Wars films everything since has been aimed at 30+ men, regardless of quality.

    Free Member

    Not if the lorry is on Michelin CrossClimates. The lorry driver will be cruising smugly along, pissing into a bottle and watching youtube while 4x4s spin their tyres impotently in the merest skiff of snow. These things are known.

    Free Member


    They’re kids films.

    Obviously the original 3 were but it strikes me that the rest have been films designed to be like kids films but are aimed at adults. What’s the audience for Rogue One or the Han Solo franchise other than adults who are already invested?

    Free Member

    Damn that was TL;DR

    Free Member

    I’m not sure if other photography enthusiasts can relate but many times when someone has commented that they like a photograph I’ve taken they’ll follow it up with “you must have a great camera?”. Similarly people who are inexperienced mountain bikers often comment about how great your bike must be for you to x,y or z.  I’m not saying this is pure ATGNI but it does show how some people rationalise things they don’t fully understand.


    And why be critical of shop owners selling flash kit people who can afford it. I’ve been there and done that. Some people have so much cash that whether a bike costs 1K or 20 000k it’s still just small change. Who is a bike shop owner to say “XT is nearly as good as XTR but better value for money” to someone who rolled up in an seriously expensive car, dressed in hand made clothes and shoes who spots the flashiest bike on display and starts asking question about it.

    Some people are well off and can afford whatever they want.  Some people aren’t well off and will over reach by way of loans or finance to attain things that won’t really confer a performance benefit. XT vs XTR for example. When I worked in bike shops it was my experience that wealthy beginners valued advice and would buy high end, but not top of the range equipment, they might quickly upgrade but they would listen and buy appropriately. The 20 year old who only works part time but who has just decided to go mountain bike crazy on the other hand, they just NEED whatever frame or part they’ve set their heart on even if you tell them the lesser model is as good. They are easy to spot and easy to exploit.

    And then you get people who are motivated for different reasons, love for example. Had a father who got an injury settlement from his employer, retired and decided to buy himself a carbon full sus mtb. The fancy bike piqued his 13 y.o son’s interest in mountain biking and since his son had fallen out of the rugby team despite being a promising athlete his father took it as a good opportunity for him to spend time with junior so bought his a decent alloy full sus. Then junior decides he wants to race. Dad asks me if he needs to buy a DH bike…no. Junior does a few races but doesn’t do well. Dad confers with me, I help him build an SX trail with totems. Junior does a few more races…junior says he needs Fox 40s. I disagree. I recommend tuition. Junior gets tuition his results improve, Dad buys him Fox 40s. Christmas comes around, dad buys him a DH bike, and he buys a VW transporter thing with awning and beds to travel to races. Dad asks me if the Fox DHX 5 on the bike is good enough for his son….his son says he needs a Cane Creek DB. No it’ll be fine I say, he needs to get the DHX set up right. Another race, dad buys him the CCDB.

    He’s still not winning races but now is getting into the top 5. But the frame size is holding him back, so Dad buys another new bike, same bike, next size up. And a spare set of deemax wheels. Irish Champs..race day, Junior had a crash on his race run, crosses the line and throws his bike into the ditch screaming what a piece of ****ing shit it is. He never rides a bike again. His dad had spent over £18,000 in a year in my shop, to say nothing of the van, travel expenses, tuition, parts he bought elsewhere and despite constant advice to the contrary from all staff just kept throwing money at problems to no avail. It backfired completely. And I’ve seen that scenario play out four or five times in a very similar way.

    I met his dad on the trails about a year later, no carbon mtb, no van, he’d had to sell it all and seemed pretty sheepish. His son was into kayaking now but he wasn’t getting a penny from Dad.

    Free Member

    Presumably you’ll have to buy a ticket and/or lift pass when you arrive at the resort.

    Free Member

    Yup, third best Alien film after Aliens and Alien. The story of it’s making is fascinating. It’s a shame they didn’t kill off the franchise there, nothing of any merit came after it.

    Free Member

    Yes Nick, I agree. The car / gun analogy isn’t perfect. It’s actually pretty rough as I said. It’s more about the speed we’re allowed to drive, or the sense of entitlement that we be allowed to do X mph against safety concerns and severity of potential accidents. I’m not really interested in flogging that horse too hard beyond that as I think America’s gun laws are extremely complicated and really, this thread has been about gun laws in the context of a school shooting and it’s worth remembering more American’s die in “ordinary” shootings .

    Free Member


    Sure, the point I was making was that if you’re going to compare cars and guns, the thing that no-one questions is that if you want to drive a car, there are some pretty extensive hoops one has to jump through, even in the states in order to get there. You can’t just stroll into Walmart, and drive out in a V8

    Not to be a complete contrarian but I used to go out with a Canadian girl who traveled to California to do her her driving test because (in her words) the test was a case of showing that you start the car, drive to the end of the street, turn and go back to where you started. So no, you can’t stroll into wallmart and drive out with a V8 but you can pretty much stroll into the DMV, do your test and go buy a V8.

    Free Member

    which is what US gun laws re any weapon anyone wants to posses. You may think Cars can be as equally dangerous as guns, but at least one has to demonstrate some ability before being allowed to own and use one.

    You might want to check your facts. I’m not aware of any states where anyone of any age can posses any weapon they want without any checks. Not to say their gun laws are reasonable or sensible, but if we’re going to debate them we might as well debate the facts.

    And there’s this

    Free Member


    You want to start a thread discussing the evils of vehicular transport then fill your boots, it might make for an interesting discussion. But on a thread discussing guns it’s an irrelevance, the only reason I can see for anyone to mention it is either a) they really don’t like our reliance on cars and it’s any excuse to bring it up, or b) they really don’t want to talk about gun control and it’s an attempt to deflect the thread.

    I think there’s some relevance to making a comparison, if only as a thought experiment. As maxtorque points out we have a tacit cultural agreement that the risks of cars are worth the reward in exchange for convenient easy lives. If legislation was proposed to impose limiters on every vehicle restricting them to 30mph on motorways and 10mph in towns there’d be outrage, despite the obvious life saving benefits.

    Many of us believe we have a right to own a machine which can kill given a split second of inattentiveness and never make an error which will result in serious injury or death to others. We’re also confident that we won’t be taken by uncontrollable homicidal thoughts and deliberately plough our cars or vans into crowds of strangers. …..and so on. It’s rough analogy and the car has a lot more utility than a rifle but perhaps it gets some of the way to understanding why certain states can’t take legislative steps towards tighter gun controls.

    Free Member


    I’d suggest that the (now pretty much forgotten) lesson of Vietnam, where around 50,000 of the best trained and armed troops in the world returned home in body bags, despite fighting a poorly trained and poorly armed aggressor, suggests quite the opposite.

    I’d suggest that if you’re going to use the Vietnam war (or any historical analogy) to make your point that it’s relevant to what’s being discussed in some way. The NVA and Vietcong were generally well organised, well armed, certainly adequately armed with the latest Soviet block weaponry of the day. Despite this the Americans generally inflicted 5 times the casualties they suffered because the Vietnamese leaders believed they were engaged in an ideological war to rid Vietnam of colonialism and foreign invaders, and as such they were willing to send every man, woman and child in Vietnam to die in pursuit of that goal.

    I do wonder if a large number of people have watched so many US action movies that they genuinely believe that one person can take on a much larger force or armed assailants and “take them out” without being killed? (as regularly depicted in numerous films)

    I don’t think that’s really what’s being discussed in practical terms, certainly not the way you’re describing. I think America’s gun laws, or rather some state’s gun laws are crazy enough, and their culture is strange enough that you don’t have to invent arguments or points of view.

    Free Member


    bikebouy wrote:

    It’s worth considering what actions you would impart, if such a situation were to happen here.

    Is it supposed to be a hard question? I’d be calling for changes to the law to limit access to guns, because that’s clearly the only thing which will help. Why? What would you do?

    Perhaps no one in America has thought of that. Obviously they are all gun toting sister loving morons who can’t/won’t change despite themselves but if someone cultured and educated properly, ie a British person were to email one of their political representatives they might be able to achieve something?


    You have to wonder why they didn’t achieve a restriction on firearms similar to Britain and Australia during their 8 year enlightenment, or Obama administration as it’s also known.

    Free Member


    Im confused how placing a SF veteran, off the back of a couple of tours in the middle east, likely suffering from ptsd and at an above average risk of taking their own life would be a productive solution to school safety?

    An elite operative whose unstable mental state who has been demoted to babysitting an entire school with a few kids that cant help but poke fun at his new job, flies off the handle and tactically takes out the entire school.


    Not to rustle the echo chamber but anecdotally at least, special forces veterans suffer considerably less ptsd and are less prone to suicide than regular veterans. But frothing hyperbole aside, arming teachers is still silly.

    Free Member

    White frost or black frost though?

    Free Member

    To any normal person and government the banning of guns is the answer. We did it, Australia did it while Germany has incredibly strict gun laws. The fact that so many kids have been killed and nothing gets done should tell you how stupid the Americans are.

    It would be interesting to see what the gun ownership statistics for the UK or Australia were pre and post legislation change to see if they were in any way comparable to the US. On the surface it seems a logical comparison and a valid argument but I get the feeling the size, culture and political situation in America might make it moot.

    Free Member

    why did the shooter do this?

    I believe the silicon chip inside his head switched to overload

    Why did he target the school? Why did he go on a shooting spree instead of just killing himself?

    Free Member

    Type of gun aside, why did the shooter do this?

    Free Member

    There will come a time when the political mood will change.

    President Oprah will change everything. #Oprah2020 #Oprahpotus

    Free Member

    @Seosamh, I really don’t understand your comment or how it relates to my last post replying to your post. It seems like you’re amalgamating three or four issues into one there?

    Free Member

    on it’s own, snake oil! imo. If it was any good, doctors would be prescribing the legal hemp oil variety, they don’t. So, make of that what you will.

    As I understand it, its current status is as a food supplement. Doctor’s don’t prescribe it in the same way they don’t prescribe creatine or fish oil.

    Free Member

    Yes, bought it after surgery as I didn’t want to be constantly eating co-codomol or similar. It did nothing for the type of pain I was in so I ended up taking ibuprofen. I had the bottle laying around and since it was expensive, and I had sore fingers from Brazilian jiujitsu I decided to rub it on my fingers, amazingly, it worked and really reduced the pain/inflammation on my fingers.

    Apparently is definitely not how you’re supposed to use it, but I have tried loads of other things to alleviate hand/finger pain from jiujitsu to no avail and the effect was noticeable and almost instantaneous. I am converted.I tried it a few times for sleep but didn’t really notice anything unless I really went way over the recommended dose and couldn’t honestly say it was anything other than a placebo effect.

    I should also add that when my first bottle ran out I purchased a larger bottle of weaker cbd oil 2.5% vs 5% and despite using more oil it had less effect.

    Free Member

    You won’t believe which SingleTrackworld thread gave me explosive diarrhoea!!

    Free Member


    Af those who think they’re hilarious to clutter the thread with cheap shots and silly gifs please stop. All your doing is burying any genuine posts or bug reports. Cheers.

    Not so long ago you were arguing the exact opposite thing against me. I  suggested thread rules in an original post and a forum culture of staying on topic. Your reply was

    Jimjam that sounds a terrible idea. A forum is a conversation so it can and should be allowed to drift away. It’s not a official meeting where we need a chair to step in if someone moves away from the subject.

    I’ve just checked and there’s no mention of staying on topic or “rules” that need adhered to. It’s safe to assume that the thread is descending into banter because it’s one of the few threads that’s getting any turnover and the thread about thread turnover was closed. Ironing.

    Free Member

    I called that weeks ago.

    It was interesting to see problems occurring live as things such as inserting adverts into people’s posts caused various unforeseen issues.

    But were they adverts for advertising products or were they adverts advertising posts on Facebook advertising the fact that sexy and exciting threads you’re contributing to on STW are being used as adverts to lure non STW folk to join STW and hopefully sign up to pay for the privilege of contributing to the adverts which lured them here in the first place?

    Free Member

    I hope I’m not going crazy here but back in the wild old days of the internet, before every thread was about Trump and Brexit, I seem to remember forum software was a thing. I’m not making that up am I? People used to buy forum software? IIRC there was even some free forum software out there in the ether that you could just “download” into your “computer” and bam = forum, as opposed to growing some misshapen and malformed forum larvae and constantly feeding it in the hope that it’ll eventually evolve into something with a quote button.

    I’m not any expert of internets and perhaps I’m just showing my naïveté. Perhaps these off the shelf solutions don’t support the right type of animated pop up gif?

    Free Member

    <div class=”bbp-reply-author”>Jamie
    <div class=”bbp-author-role”>
    <div class=””>Member</div>
    <div class=”bbp-reply-content”>

    If you’re on a desktop, there’s a keyboard shortcut for it: Shift-Alt-D.


    Hmm, let me try on Mac.



    <div class=”bbp-reply-content”>

    Nailed it.

    ‰ ÞʼÍÓ̦Œ̇Á·Ð̵̱̋̊№Æ»”’̧̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̌̌̌ ̨̃̃„„„ŒŒÞÞÞÍÓÍÍÍ”””ÁÁÁ̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉̉




    Free Member





    Free Member


    Free Member

    If you’re on a desktop, there’s a keyboard shortcut for it: Shift-Alt-D.


    Free Member

    Ok let me try that again.

    Free Member

    If you’re on a desktop, there’s a keyboard shortcut for it: Shift-Alt-D.

    Ok let me try that.


    Free Member

    I’m looking forward to all threads being about Brexit.

    Free Member

    Every saw, strimmer and combi unit failure my friends and family have had in the last year has been (according to dealers)  as being caused by using the wrong two stroke mix, or incorrect mix ratios. I know for a fact that in two out of three of these scenarios this is bullshit, but unless you really know your onions or want to go to war on social media or small claims court, you’re ****ed.

    Meanwhile there are pros running saws on straight petrol for years, just to find out how long it’ll be till they die. And of course for shits and giggles.

    Free Member

    I assumed by your earlier comment “Its become more of an alternate future, now in which the bannon/alex jones character didnt do enough to inlfuence the vote” that you were of the opinion that they had done so deliberately, and not as an obvious attempt to anticipate events which misfired. In late 2015/early 2016 the prospect of a Trump presidency was almost laughable, Hilary seemed like a shoe-in.

    I’m not complaining about the lack of believe-ability, rather i’m pointing out the fact they obviously attempted to pre-empt what the U.S political landscape would look like when the series would air, and failed.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    The Chinese room thought experiment is probably more relevant when debating the ethics of how to treat General AI (or Strong AI) when it arrives, though by that stage it’ll be too late and we may well already be dealing with the many problems associated with superhuman intelligence, albeit narrow AI applied in undesireable ways.

    If (like AlphaGo) a machine can learn an incredibly complex skill in a very short time and be better than the best humans and the best machines humans have ever developed then we might have a very real problem that machine is applied to the stock market, social media, even delivery driving, nevermind drone flying, tank driving, weapons guidance etc

    Free Member

    I’d also like to request that subscribers at least should have the option to tick a box if they don’t want the site pushing all this unwanted content.

    I don’t have a Facebook account, and if I want to look at videos or read articles, I know where to find them.


    Free Member

    How much do you want for it?

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