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  • Concern for Kona as staff take down stand at Sea Otter
  • jimjam
    Free Member

    I thinking of getting the Tim Noakes book and just use it to plan a weekly diet from, would this work or is there a better source to compile what i need to be eating?

    There’s a world of information online.

    Free Member

    This is what I’m looking for – the ability to maintain low-intensity effort better (like an all day XC ride) with occasional bursts of effort. The way I look at is that even if my maximum power output drops slightly, any weight loss will compensate for that a little.

    Well that was certainly my experience. Trying to guage how x amount of carbs will effect your performance, or how much to eat to do x is tricky. How long will this energy gel last me?. Now I generally just eat a low carb style diet (occasionally in ketosis) I know I still cycle for 3 hours without a severe bonk, and if I’m out and someone offers me a gel or something sugary I’ll generally avoid it because the trough after the peak is much worse than the level I am at. If you’re not on that blood sugar yo-yo it’s much easier to estimate your energy levels.

    Some of the less-evidenced reported benefits – quicker recovery, perhaps an anti-inflammatory effect, would be a bonus. I imagine a lot of that would be due to generally improving your diet in terms of leafy greens etc.

    Removing the water is probably the biggest anti inflamatory effect I’d guess. Quicker recovery, couldn’t say. Probably just down to less erratic energy delivery, increased testosterone and feeling better generally.

    Free Member


    Free Member


    Point raised by rone about the working class voting against the grain is only really true about Brexit, a lot of the blame for Brexit (well at least the vote) sits with Blair’s time in office, his govt did nothing to fix the structural/industrial wasteland left by Thatchers govt.

    No I think you’ll find they are all stupid racists. Or xenophobes, which is a synonym for racist, in other words a nazi. Basically everyone who voted leave was a Nazi. Ignorant, inbred, council estate dole scum leavetards. Shocking amount Nazis in Britain these days. Do you even STW? Are you new here? Anyway you’re welcome. I voted remain btw but then I left the UK on account of all the Nazis.

    Free Member

    Regarding teh original post again, I’m almost certain Sicario and Wolf of Wallstreet were on Netflix just a while ago. Netflix don’t licence films to their platform for all time, they host them for a few months then take them down. It’s not dissimilar to the way terrestrial broadcaster show films, the obvious difference being you can watch them any time, over a period of months instead of tuning in at a specific time.

    I’ve noticed occasionally that a film which has just disappeared off Netflix will start rotating on broadcast tv.

    Free Member

    Only bit that still confuses is why Kovac kept talking about being someone’s mother?

    He’s just lying to gain the trust of the prostitute he was questioning.  He was claiming to be the dead girl’s mother who’s renting that sleeve or whatever. It did seemed rushed because he didn’t need to do any research or establish any facts about the girl’s mother to support his ruse, or let the audience know. Or perhaps he did and I missed it.

    Boob count seemed to become exponential.

    So by the next series it’ll just be constant boob? I get your point though, I am undecided about the sex and violence because well, I like sex and violence. I think almost any amount of either is acceptable in an adult drama so long as it’s contextually relevant / not gratuitous and I think one or two shots in Altered Carbon seemed to be added purely for the sake of it.

    Free Member

    Any words of encouragement/ hoots of derision welcome, of course.

    My advice would be go for it. If you’re going to go keto then stick with it for at least 2-3 weeks. People try it for a day or two then declare it to be rubbish, that’s not how it works. You’ll know when you’re in ketosis and it’s a good feeling. I found that fish (oilier the better) was really helpful for me to increase fat intake while still eating something tasty. I’m not sure if fully ketogenic living is possible long term but it’s a great reset button for your system, your palate, and to get a handle on how what you eat affects your cravings and your energy levels.

    While on a fully ketogenic diet and in ketosis I found it easy to get up, do some body weight excercises, have a double espresso, then go for two hours on the bike fasted, without any kid of hunger pangs or energy slump then I’d have lunch, a go to brazilian jiujitsu and spend two hours there without any kind of slump. I often read that it’s not ideal for athletes and then of course people cite olympic level or serious athletes. I’m neither of those but I found I was able to just keep on trucking for hours. At my old club we would do an hour of hard sparring every evening. If I can try to stop 90kg guys from literally trying to strangle me unconscious for an hour without getting tired while fit young guys who run, play soccer, do crossfit are vomiting and collapsing around me I think it’s fair to say it’s ok for athletic performance.

    Free Member

    Regurgitating my lost post: I’m half way through and still enjoying it but it’s far from perfect. It’s visually lovely, very well shot. It’s obviously referencing fim noir quite heavily and the aesthetic is appropriate for that. It’s not particularly original but then not much is, and it has to be plausible.

    I think Joel Kinnaman is doing a fine job, he’s a solid actor and I think as the series progresses he’s getting into the character. A lot of the criticisms I see directed at him are imo more a result of clunky dialogue and/or him not having much to do apart from sneer and smoke fags. A role like Poe/The Hotel is a gift for an actor becuase they’re playing a charicature – they can ham it up as much as they want and who’s to say where the limit is for an insane humanoid ai that’s supposed to be a long dead writer?

    Downsides, James Purefoy is pretty bad in it. I think he’s capable of much more but again this could be down to lack of clear direction. I think the plot is too convoluted and somewhat muddled. It’s not clear what an Envoy is or what the extent of their abilities is, and combined with his bio engineered and upgraded sleeve Kovak might as well be superhuman. It’s not clear how much of his skill or toughness is down to his mind or the body he’s in and he’s all but superhuman until the plot requires him to be slow or weak.

    I have a problem with the timescale too – it seems like a plausible 50 – 100 years in the future not 350, and it seems very odd that Kovak has intimate knowledge of current technology when he’s been asleep for 100+ years. Also smoking cigarettes is laughable, we already have a futuristic supersedence for that and they are obviously smoking as a nod to noir – it’s incongruous to say the least.

    It’s still watchable, and good pulpy fun in places. I’m wavering somewhere between a 6 or 7 out of 10 depending on how it goes.

    Free Member

    @jimjam – is that a saucer of milk to go?

    … and spends 15 mins replying!

    Well you see a terse and pointed attack on Trekster’s effort would have been too easy and just the opposite of what I wanted to achieve. Controling duplicate threads is a job for the mods and it’s been made clear to me that thread drift and conversational tangents are truly the richest seam of humour to be mined in the otherwise barren dirt of STW.

    The deliberately protracted and meandering reply was an effort to say something critical but also soften the blow with humour. The length of the post was intended to be representative of someone of advanced years lost in thought, I could have really gone on quite a bit more, I doubt it took 15 minutes.  You might also chalk it up to boredom and the fact that thread turnover is so slow I was posting in an effort to skew another weather thread into something which was potentially more interesting.

    Free Member

    I’m not sure if memes or their abscence really qualify as evidence of anything other than the fact that you are in an echo chamber but if you google “brexit remain meme” you will see that they do in fact, have memes.

    Free Member

    Back when I were a lad growing up people starting threads on internet forums generally checked to see if what they were posting wasn’t already the subject of a thread on the front page. And if the thought they were expressing was pretty much identical to an existing thread, nevermind 6 or maybe 7 running threads you’d just be content to make your comment.

    Aye, times were hard in them 56k dial up days. We didn’t have any new fangled superfast broadband or fibre optic whizzadoos. Opening a thread took forever (much like STW) so to find that the thread you’d just spent the last five minutes waiting to open was exactly the same as another thread was painful. And annoying.

    Of course these days it’s all different, everyone’s got their own personal weather thread, their own brexit thread, their own “should I buy a diesel” thread and so on. I remember cramming into the art college library, three of us to a computer, all vying to see who could think of the best way to tell a yank to **** off on a message board.

    Them were the days.

    Free Member

    I couldn’t find any big name films

    You don’t think Star Wars or Mad Max are big films?

    Oh and there’s bloody tons of anime on there.

    Free Member

    @ jimjam. the point I was trying to make, badly, was that the GFA wasn’t a trade agreement and the brexiteers seem to wilfully miss that point: that the loss of freedom of movement within the island of Ireland will be the betrayal of the nationalist in NI.

    Yeah fair enough, I don’t disagree with that. I assumed by “aspirations” you meant plans for a united Ireland.

    Free Member

    I’ve got a Takamine G series electroacoustic which I chose for similar criteria to the OP, it has a narrow neck and relatively light/low action making it easier for me to play bar chords or pick. I hardly ever play it now which is a shame as it’s a nice wee guitar.

    Free Member


    And if you really want to understand the Irish Border issue in the context of the GF Agreement you can listen to the Blair interview on the R4 Today program this morning. Little to do with trade and more to do with respecting nationalist aspirations in NI.

    Well you say respecting nationalist aspirations, I think a more accurate way to say it would be respecting the quality of life for border communities and the rights of everyone on the Ireland to move freely as per the GFA, and avoid a return to serious paramilitary violence. The communities on both sides of the border are overwhelmingly Nationalist and are used to freedom of movement since the ceasefire.

    People making comparisons with Canada and the U.S or Norway and Sweden are completely missing the point – the Canadians don’t view U.S border officials as an occupying foreign force. If you put up barriers where there have been none for 20 years you stir up a hornets nest, doubly so if those barriers are manned by representatives of an unwelcome state. If you apply the “technological solution”  Boris alluded to people will come in the night and smash your technology and if you appoint people to guard your technology those people will ultimately get shot.

    Free Member


    so how is Everyone doing today.

    I’m in a blind panic. The Taoiseach has told us not to leave the house after 4pm but I’ve run out of milk. And I fancy a some bacon. And to make matters worse when I ventured out earlier my 4×4 was spinning uncontrollably all over the place. Well when I say 4×4, I mean pickup truck. In 2wd. And when I say spinning uncontrollably I mean spinning in a very controlled fashion, like drifting, only slower. And in a pickup.

    Free Member


    not really except they are both seats and something could happen but an ejector seat failure will be far worse than the lose seat incident you just survived.

    I disagree. I watched a documentary about this in 1986. It’s entirely plausible that one could be making progress in one’s Octavia and enter the jetwash of a HGV or Kia Sorento. Said turbulence could cause your 2.0 tdi to “flame out” sending it into an unrecoverable flat spin as you head out to sea. In such a scenario the only option would be to fight the G-Forces and try to eject from your spinning rep mobile and pray that you’re not killed by the sunroof as your recaros deploy you into the air. It might be worth remembering the next time you feel the need, for speed.

    Free Member

    No point emailing the dealers, put your concerns and experience on Skoda’s Facebook and twitter pages and stick them in a google review of the garage in question.

    Free Member

    Not being funny, but you must have a pretty shit life to think like that.

    Almost as shit as a life where everything is completely literal.

    Free Member

    Goddamnit. Wrote a long waffly post about this and got Error: Are you sure you wanted to do that?

    Free Member

    Yeah, but is a life without Bacon really living?

    Only if you supplement with sufficient amounts of steak.

    Free Member


    Free Member


    At the fear of offending the STW driving gods, I have to say that the ESP/ESC on my 11 year old Focus does actually seem to perform a useful job when it is slippy out.

    No no no. Do you even STW bro? I can see where you were going with 11 year old focus but still, it needs to be a second car, ideally an ancient French or Japanese car (Russian would also be acceptable), you have to make special mention of the tyres, and of course the way in which you cruised merrily past 4x4s which were stuck in a ditch/spinning their wheels impotently for minutes at a time and you have to qualify by referencing multiple trips to the Alps. Add extra smugness for good measure.  Since you’re obviously new around here I’ll give you an example….

    I’m lucky enough to work from home now so I no longer have need of a car, the local village has all the supplies I need and it’s an easy cycle from the farmhouse but when I lived in Saint-Jean-de-Serres which is on the outskirts of Parc National de Cévennes we made regular trips to Courchevel in my wife’s Citreon AX. Since the price of snow tyres for my 5 series cost more than the AX I generally just garaged it for the winter. Oh how we laughed at the Unimogs and snow plows as the little AX flew up hard packed ice and snow like a jungle cat up a tree despite having no driver aids….perhaps add how you despair at how useless drivers are these days.

    Hopefully you get the idea and your next post will be more STW.

    Free Member

    The TL;DR version of the article is that cheap bacon is bad for you but sausages, parma harm and organic, nitrite free artisinal hand crafted bacon is good for you.

    Free Member

    Anyone reckon there’s any legs in a re-make? Sigourney might be a bit long in tooth, who would you cast as Ellen Ripley now?

    Well they’ve pretty much done that already, Noomi Rapace and Katherine Watson were chosen.

    Free Member


    When we had snow the other week I witnessed just this. Some dozy bint in a big 4×4 tried to drive down the Rake, a 25% gradient covered in sheet ice, ignoring the huge signs at at the top saying ROAD IMPASSABLE IN WINTER CONDITIONS and having driven around the ROAD CLOSED sign placed there

    This was the result….

    So which one of those was the “big 4×4”?

    Free Member

    You are also older. Co-incidence? Maybe not

    Do you mean that I am just more cynical and likely to view headlines with skepticism, or that my memory is failing due to years of concussion and alcohol abuse? I can actually remember two (maybe three) of the worst winters on record in Ireland so I actually have some context as to what a bad winter looks like, in this country anyway. I think generally our climate is getting wetter and milder (global warming?) so whilst I concede that actual winter conditions are becomeing more and more rare, and therefore more remarkable by comparison, it doesn’t make them deadly arctic storms.

    We can actually travel to or just look at places which have real winters and see how people deal with them. In many ways I think this is also becoming something of a self fulfilling prophecy – the weather forecast predicts extreme conditions and authorities and people respond to whatever happens as though that is extreme.

    Free Member

    Something occurred to me regarding forecasts, especially weather but probably economic, polling etc. too. It’s fair to assume that the people behind such forecasts are constantly refining their predictions and learning from their mistakes. Therefore, regardless of whether the forecast was right or wrong on the last occasion it’s more likely to be right this time and on subsequent occasions. Hence dismissing a weather forecast because “it didn’t snow last time they said this” is slightly foolish.

    A broken clock is right twice a day. If what you’re saying is true the experts should be able to predict what will happen more accurately, more of the time. And yet what’s happening is the media are sensationalising the potential worst case scenario conditions all of the time.

    Without any real info or metrics it’s hard to say one way or the other but I am of the opinion that more screen time and column inches are given over to dire forecasts using more sensational language than in previous years.

    Free Member

    Oh god. Wikipedia says they it’s a ten part “dramedy” to air on Youtube. Dramedy is a new one on me but the writing and directing crew seems to suggest this is true. I guess everything in the 80s was wacky and hilarious and we remember it fondly for how bad and laughable it all was.

    Free Member

    I can’t wait to start my Brexit thread.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    Sorry, my question was rhetorical. What I should have said was – you don’t start out to make a kids film that is largely focused around politics and trade deals, that also features fairly substantial amounts of violence.

    Free Member

    If i accept your supposition not having broad appeal is a mark of a bad children’s family film, have you tried watching the original SW trilogy with a broad selection of adults who’ve never seen them before? I suggest you’ll be disappointed to discover a they also fail your test.

    I’m not arguing about the quality of the original trilogy. My point is simply that the prequels are substantially worse, and “they are for kids” isn’t an acceptable excuse. The first three Star Wars films are extremely generic, derivative adventure movies with laser swords and space ships.

    Notice the complete lack of small children in the above clips from Star Wars and Jedi’s original release. It was a cultural phenomenon at the time because it had revolutionary VFX. Children obviously saw it and were impacted by it, but that doesn’t make it a children’s film.

    If the Star Wars prequels are “for children” why do they centre around complex intergalactic politics? Why do they feature genuinely scary villains and show decapitations, people cleaved in half, the “hero” murdering a tribe of sand midgets and ultimately having his arms and legs cut off by his mentor? These things don’t emerge from a vacuum.

    Free Member

    the truth is that the heavy snow showers can be quite localised and therefore impossible to forecast accurately. I imagine if one hits you then you will probably know about it.

    Yeah I’ve noticed that’s the case with most types of weather.

    But as above – there is a lot of disruption all over the place – just some places have escaped it.

    That’s my point, from the “national forecast” it was obvious Ulster would more escape it. The regional forecast however tried to the sensationalise the “chance” that there “might” be some snow.

    TBH it’s been the same for decades.

    I think it’s getting worse and I think the ratio of extreme weather hype to bad weather is far more skewed to hype now than ever. In previous decades bad weather (snow in winter) may well have prompted a news item about closed schools etc, now arctic temps and widespread disruption that may be cause by weather systems that may or may not reach us and could do damage if they do……..they’re constantly crying wolf.

    Free Member

    Is it just me or is the forum slooooooooooooooooooooow…..for everyone else?

    Free Member


    The thing with them being made for kids Jimjam is they’re intended to appeal to children and they do, very well, of the various under 10s in my family every one of them would choose ep1 over empire every time. Only two of them that i know of have managed to sit through the whole of new hope without getting bored and wanting to do other things.

    I would posit the reason your under 10s prefer Episode 1 is that the central character is a child and in addition to that it’s brimming with CGI creatures colours and noise.

    Sure you can make films which apeal to the whole age spectrum but you don’t have to. I give you frozen, watch it with a 3 year old and see which of the two of you would watch it again immediately after and who is glad of the chance to do something else.

    You’re making my point. Frozen is a bad family film, not a film for 3 year olds. 3 year old girls will also sit mesmerized by Shimmer and Shine or Barbie and the Diamond castle and so on, doesn’t make them great. Adults will not. On the other hand take Moana. It’s no less “aimed at kids” than Frozen (because they are both family films) but it stands up to repeat viewings from children and adults because it has a reasonably coherent plot, interesting characters, a clearly defined lead character (Moana) and she has a satisfying developmental arc. Instead of Moana you could have Toy Story, Elf, Wall-E, Up, Nightmare Before Xmas, Monsters Inc, Princess Bride, Snow White, Spirited Away, Kubo and the two strings, Labrynth, How to Train your Dragon, Despicable Me, Jungle Book……….and many many more films that can be enjoyed by children and adults alike, or to put it another way, films that one could enjoy as a child and still enjoy in adulthood. It’s harder to make a great family film than a film which will only entertain very young children but you don’t set out to make a film for six year olds and base it around the political intrigue of the intergalactic EU and the complexities of interplanetary trade agreements.

    As children’s films ep1 -3 are fine*

    This is another way of saying “they are bad films”. As adults we are the arbiters and “for children” does not excuse shit quality in anything.

    Free Member

    I think this SNOWMAGEDDON!!! style of sensationalising the weather represents the dying convulsions of tradional news media. For some reason “the weather forecast” is still a legitimate thing to switch the news on for. You get videos from all around the country, a well spoken person telling you how bad it is and how bad it might get. The you get a meteorologist interpreting data from the met office with fancy graphics showing you what’s going to happen. You can’t argue with meteorologists, they’re scientists!

    Quite by accident/inactivity I watched 3 weather forecasts last night. On the BBC1 6 o clock news the forecaster made it pretty obvious that the north of Ireland would escape most of the snow. Then at the start of the local news they cut to the local meteorologist excitedly warning us that Northern Ireland would be hit by freezing tempratures, severe freezing conditions and snow. Then I flicked around the channels, caught the CH5 weather and nope, looks like the snow is missing Ulster almost entirely. This morning, well we have some snow, but it’s not SNOW!!!!!!!!!

    Free Member

    Yeah he was forced to do that for the kids.

    Free Member

    Doh. Obviously it’s Black Cougar.

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