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  • jimfrandisco
    Free Member

    Christ a year for a consultation.

    Best of luck 🤞

    Free Member

    Looks like a great deal on a reconditioned 2person forclaz

    Free Member

    There’s some great posts on here that highlight mans lack of attention in dangerous circumstances, but please god don’t attempt DIY surgery for the sake of £3k!! Even if you do end up selling a bike or two to fund it!!

    Assume none of the steroid or radiotherapy options are available to you then? Or is it still 58 Weeks just for a consultation?

    Maybe halfway point of private consultation to know all options.

    Apologies if I’ve got the wrong end of the stick and the private consultation alone is £3k? That would smart a bit!

    Free Member

    I’ve found these perfect, but I got them in medium at this price and seems might only be XL now.

    Light, big pockets, loose enough for over lycra or often where them just over normal undies.

    Haven’t really walked in them but they’re comfortable on and off the bike.

    Core Shorts

    (Admittedly look quite snug in that photo, but think that’s the angle

    Free Member

    When I last went, a very long time ago, it was just a few euro to wander about as you pleased. Under the bemused gaze of a few workers, mostly just flicking fag butts into cement mixers.

    The free wander wasn’t he best approach as soon discovered what crippling vertigo felt like.

    Sounds like it’s a bit more organised now!

    Free Member

    Grey, greasy, clay like poo is also a common gall stone/bladder sign, if the bike duct is impacted… So don’t be shy!

    Free Member

    Anything stomach related can take months to diagnose, especially if someone thinks it might be in the IBS area.

    I was ‘lucky’ and went jaundice almost immediately. (after months of similar issue to yours I mean, it would come and go, had various inconclusive tests and endoscopies)

    The jaundice was a give a way that it was likely gall stones. Sadly it turned out to be cancer instead, but it meant there was that trigger for an ultrasound and the a CT scan that had never previously been offered.

    If it’s been a recurrent issue, really push for a scan as well as the endless blood tests etc.

    Apologies in advance if I’ve misread any of the thread. Cheers

    Free Member

    Very glad to hear you’re getting out. Plymouth the wrong end of the country, but with you in spirit.

    Free Member

    joshvegas makes a good point. Funerals are bloody horrible, unnatural, difficult events, but, from my experience anyway, no one judges anyone at a funeral, not being able to speak is perfectly understandable. For me personally, the important thing that makes a difference, isn’t the funeral but people being around and getting in touch in the days/weeks/months afterwards – I’m sure his wife and dad would appreciate a follow up and a chat in due course and hope that it’d help you as well.

    all the best.

    Free Member

    It’s a kind, warm, welcoming place in here.

    Out of hospital a couple of days now and adjusting to a new round of drugs, which means sleeping all day and then feeling normalish late afternoon, which is very welcome.

    I don’t think there’s much riding on the horizon, but even a drive out in the woods yesterday was a very welcome break.

    It’s crushing each and every time you picture something you may never do again, but that pales against any thing connected to the kids and knowing I’ll not be in their lives. That’s devastating.

    The word surreal is usually over used, but for me it really is impossible to get my head around as I don’t feel ill enough for any of it.

    Free Member

    Can this be stopped before winning the title of being the most thoroughly depressed thread in a long time.

    It’s bringing out the absolute worst in some people. It may only be ‘safe behind keyboard’ statements, but is it really how you want to be thought of?

    Free Member

    You do need to be careful and check your equipment – the discovery+ won’t cast to early edition Chromecast devices and the discovery app is only available for smart TVs running certain webOS versions – see supported list below.

    Annoyingly I’m stuffed on both counts so it’s either a new Chromecast or a new TV.

    Otherwise it’s been good on tablet.

    Free Member

    Cheers Poopscoop.

    I know a bike forum isn’t then obvious place but maybe a cancer support sticky thread is appropriate.

    There’s of course great resources with Macmillan and 100 Facebook groups, but they’re often dominated by individuals or specific issues, when sometimes just a place so say “well this is shit” with (mostly!) like minded strangers!

    Free Member

    Last thing is want is to derail the OPs thread with my own story, but yes, **** cancer Indeed.

    I got the consultant affirmation today that I was expecting, and have thought about from day one, but didn’t want to hear.

    It’s no longer a small ‘if’ but a very large ‘when’.

    I’ve no great advice other than listen to your body and any ‘hunch’ you have. Each time the cancer has returned, I’ve ‘known’ before the scan has confirmed it…but being one of life’s great pessimists probably helps there!!

    Make the most of time with friends. The support we’ve had over the last year and a half has been staggering and often talking with friends is surprisingly easier than family. I’ve found I’ve been able to very open and frank, but with a bit less emotional charge than close family.

    No matter what the outcome, it’s a massively horrible ride and even with the best of hospitals you’ll grow to hate the constant monitoring, blood tests and the bloody boredom.

    And get the best noise cancelling headphones you can afford…get them now!!

    Wishing you all the best

    Free Member

    “our” swifts are due next week, if the last three years are anything to go by, but as the UK wind has all been coming from the north for the last week I’m assuming they’ll be later.

    Had them sniffing around the swift boxes before they left last year so hoping they’ll nest this time.

    Free Member

    That’s a very worrying photo that wheelsonfire posted – had me rushing off and checking all my rims asap…then I remembered they’re all disc brakes now!

    Free Member

    ads678 – assume they cap them for safety? In which case, nerdily interested to know why the hole in top, assume to prevent any gas build up?

    Free Member

    Not sure on the science, but know a few winter swimmers that get raynauds who say that, for them, it’s closely related to hydration levels, not just the cold and circulation.

    No idea how common that might be.

    Free Member

    Another for Loctite 638.

    Had a loose headset (as in pushed straight in by hand) in a vintage road frame, not shifted since used the loctite.

    Free Member

    No idea if that link will work, so may need a quick edit.

    Some amazing paint work on this thread, and that’s just looking at the last few pages.

    My 9-year old has just got into airfix/revell, quick learning curve about the need for tweezers, sandpaper etc but I’ve been really impressed with his skills. He’s got a few paints from war hammer figures and I think he’s done an excellent job on this Comet Mk1 (although I’m taking credit for getting the transfers on!)

    Free Member

    Another Topeak here. Came with bracket and sits next to water bottle. Maybe not minimalist, but totally worth it when inflating a 2.6″ tyre. Can’t really go wrong.

    Free Member

    Very pleased to hear things from SS components will be carrying on…but then just the FB feed was enough to always show that this was just some downtime and things were in planning, server issues etc, so surprising that so many of the comments on this thread were even made.

    SS has always given me a lot of products at good or bargain prices and never been an issue, so only wish them success.

    Free Member

    Might have missed the nuance in the OP, but why is it then all, what car to get!

    Thought the usual ST answer would be get to the drs and get testosterone looked at for a start. It’s not exact, but the drop in that in middle age impacts a lot of men and triggers the listlessness and searching to replace energy and drive that could be lost.

    But…new bike anyway to be on the safe side!

    I was thoroughly in the mid-life dissatisfaction hole. Wonderful family and kids, but unhappy with my self and starting to get some support.

    Unfortunately, cancer is now going to take my chances of ever having the life I want, so just make sure you do something about it now, while you have the option..

    Free Member

    Agree J-R, my point was really really sloppy!

    What I meant, is that they’re all manifestations of scaling back of investment in social fabric.

    The continued approach of GDP over national welfare as the benchmark of ‘success’ leads to chronic failure in every area.

    Free Member

    Equally. Remove all social services and support and some people take advantage, some are just desperate.

    It’s all the same, single problem.

    Free Member

    See hatters point. End of story.

    Remove the law, things become lawless

    Free Member

    frank – amen to that. Variety works.

    Oddly though I enjoy his funk and soul show.

    Free Member

    This year’s isn’t doing much for me I admit, but I like the fact that they do it.

    Not sure a national radio station promoting something live in a single city works for everyone. But then look at the Glastonbury coverage and the BBC…

    It’s a bit stifling for a week or so, but will put up with if it it keeps R6 going.

    (Although still longing for the death of the awful awful Craig Charles day time show)

    Free Member

    Ernest Belfort Bax was my great great grandfather (on one side) and formed the socialist league with William Morris, which was short lived and became an anarchist group.

    Sadly he also had some pretty vile anti feminism views and was championing mens rights in the late 1800s.

    Free Member

    Makes you wonder where PIL’s politics came from, clearly couldn’t have been his?

    Guess he saw Brexit and being gammon as a way of getting more butter adverts..

    Free Member

    Johnson moved into the manor house in the next village last year.

    Used to be a lovely little pub for evening rides etc now avoid completely as her’s permanently in there propping up the bar. Sadly he’s largely welcomed under the ‘any celebrity is a novelty’ angle.

    It’s a rich village in S.Oxfordshire, so his fitting in says what you might expect about little England.

    Free Member

    Another vote here for noise cancelling headphones as an alternative.

    Not a cheap way of doing it solely for snoring, and can be a bit heavy to sleep in etc but after a long year of domestic noise (roadworks generators), hospital visits and no spare room etc I’ve found them,.quite literally, life changing.

    Free Member

    I was answering someone’s direct question..I never pleaded poverty or asked for sympathy.

    I don’t understand trolls in a place like this.

    You want to feel like you’re a clever winner, so I’ll feed you – now just jog on you small self important pr1ck. 

    I know you’ll get a big boost from how you beat another boy on the internet.

    Free Member

    I meant that rental income didn’t cover the mortgage and running costs, so costing more to rent it out, but it’s only short term as we’re moving back.

    But as all landlords are profiteering scum I should kick the tenants out and jack up the rent until I’m bathing in champagne!

    It’s a loss we’re prepared to make for the short term circumstances.

    Free Member

    You’re all part of the problem….

    Yes, by living and breathing in the UK we’re all part of the problem.

    Like I said before, best those that have fallen into it my mistake stop trying to do the right thing and just burn it down for the insurance. Which suits their money grabbing,.first at all costs ways.

    Free Member

    Buy-to-let mortgages tanked years ago.

    Most landlords are using normal standard rate mortgages, which leads to further increased rents.

    Free Member

    Countzero – I admit I have not! And the microphone on our Google speaker thing is turned off for that very reason.

    However, my old dear has to call me on the landline, so I can then explain again how to use her mobile to find my number in memory speed dial to call me on…(we’re into the “I don’t have an ‘any’ key realm here)….so you can see where I’m heading with this!!

    Free Member

    Hang on. That’s not as daft as I first thought, so you’d have an Alexa style speaker/radio etc voice activated for calling people, wouldn’t need WiFi or a separate phone (once all set up), work anywhere with a phone signal and with a decent/unlimited data account?

    That ticks all the boxes for my elderly neighbour for a low price, he’s cancelled WiFi as has need for internet. Seems like a good simple cheap solution… bit like a hybrid bike for Comms.

    Free Member

    There’s been some handy advice on here.

    Yes, all landlords are in it for the money. In my case that was negative money, as I’ve lost an average of £1.5k per year for the 3yrs they’ve had a tenant in while I’m away.

    Thanks to Marins great insight into the affairs of all landlords, I’ve been inspired to kick out the tenants and burn it to the ground for the insurance and fully secure my position in the ALAB club.

    Phew, what a relief that was.

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