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  • New Second Generation Geometron G1: Even More Adjustable
  • jimbobo
    Free Member

    Interestingly, when Cav started doing really well he was always knocked for be arrogant, demanding and childish? But he was excused because those are the flaws of a top sportsman…

    Free Member

    worked with a guy who was adamnant he had a sierra cosworth engine in his mk5 escort… but occludent show me as the bonnet was welded shut? (ignoring the whole front/rear wheel drive issues!

    Another guy who taught the SAS/ Paras first aid (none of the ex regiment/SF guys had heard of him)

    Free Member

    spend another £500 on a remap and uprated anti roll bars and your’e laughing! Mines grey, its dull, but great, just driven 4 kids and 2 adults across france, averaged 40mpg at 130km/h, comfy, loads of storage, better than a proper people carrier and bigger than an estate (middle seats slide/forward and back too). I’m sold, though next time I’ll get the 170bhp and remap to over 200bhp, but thats just me!

    Free Member

    i have to have a driving license for my job, therefore I drive appropriately and safely. I also have to avoid getting a criminal record, so i don’t kill people.

    Free Member

    Forex? Other than that its best to find a friendly local business owner who has lots of easy, safe arduous work to do, usually sweeping, cleaning etc. Maybe do something together where you’re the named adult but he does all the work. Avon perhaps (don’t snigger!) parents of kids at school/ teenaged girls, you take the money, give him a skimmed profit, stick the rest in savings for when he’s older and he learns about running a business?

    Free Member

    depends on the age. mk4 golf was 5-110 i think, newer ones are 5-112. New caddy is based on mk5 chassis, so 5×112,

    Free Member

    Telecaster, anything else is frippery!

    that said, guitars being wood are each unique, you have to play them, feel them, look at them, stroke them a bit etc. Different strings and set up can really make or break (literally) an instrument. Buying a guitar mail-order is just too much of a gamble for me… I haggled my last tele down by £50 as it has weird grain markings on the fretboard. Now I quite like my “defect” it acts as a kind of weird fret marker!

    Free Member

    you know when you get takeaway pizza and it says to reheat in the oven if required? If you are stoned and stupid and put it under the gas grill it will catch fire. If you live in a nice rental house with good fire doors you wont knwo anything about this until the room is ful of smoke and there is fire coming out of the cooker.

    At which point your hero mate jimmy jumps into action, turns off the gas and blasts the cooker with a dry powder extinguisher.

    The end result is 15 seconds later the fire is out, the kitchen is covered in white dust and everyone thinksjimmy over reacted.

    I also broke a door with one once and pulled a guy out of a burning house, but he never said thanks.

    Free Member

    do nothing. but make jeering noises overtime he drinks a drink bought by you, giggle overtime he comes back from the toilet and don’t look him in the eye, basically make him think its coming, but never actually bring it. then just as he’s about to walk down the aisle, stab him in the leg. He’ll love it!

    Free Member

    I’m certain he will die.

    Free Member

    disciplinary in my work, plenty have gone down for it.

    Free Member

    I find bepanthem a bit sticky. I use E45 twice a day. aside from that, just wet your hand and give it a rub from time to time.

    I’ve had different advice from different tattooists over the years, ranging from haemorrhoid cream, Aloe vera, savlon, to nothing at all!

    Free Member

    I quite often get to do completely irrelevant training as a fun bonus to more relevent training. For example I’ve done flooded cave rescue scenarios, despite being an inner city paramedic. Mostly because the training centre I was at had the facility!

    Now, imagine a police armed unit spends a week at an MOD training centre learning some sensible things, with th promise if they all pass their exams they get to blast off the 50cal on the last day? I know I’d be up for that!

    Free Member

    I’d like a set of jars with organised screws/bolts/nails etc. ideally jam jars with metal lids screwed to the bottom of a shelf to keep them tidy in my shed that would smell of cuprinol and stale petrol.

    Free Member

    simialr to above. First day in new house I unplugugged the orange fly cable in the bedroom and flooded the bathroom (macerator) I also unplugged a scary electrical tape and half plug contraption in the basement and spent the next 2 hours taking the electric gates off their hinge to get my car out!

    There was a similar post a while ago where I confessed to driving over a £25k (rrp) defib in an ambulance.

    Free Member

    I painted my mower in bright Orange rustoleum, with a double white racing stripe up the middle, I chromed up the wheels and put a more attractive puller on the starter. I recommend you do the same. Custom mowers are where it is at.

    Sadly this mower has finally rusted through, so I have a new project to mess with and a spare engine that will be powering the young’uns garden go cart

    Free Member

    Properly once a month, rub over with hot water and chamois weekly. “properly” involves waxes, polishes and toothbrushes.

    Free Member

    Same chassis, same engine, same suspension setups, harder plastic interior, probably sportier seats. Generally a bit smaller. I’ve always wondered about how the VAG range fits together, though my friend explained it thusly;

    Skoda is the VW budget range. Thats not budget as in cheap, but more focussed on the items that budget conscious people value over luxury items. Like wise, Seat is Audi’s budget brand, in as much as the features that people value in an audi, but aren’t willing to splash out on often feature on seats.

    The Leon is a good Golf sized car. Consider each model to be the previous model of Golf and you won’t go far wrong. Fr and Cupra models are fun.

    Get your wife to try one as she may not like sportier seat/suspension setups.

    Free Member

    I’d assumed he’d resign and then become chairman or something equally pointless, but this is just headline grabbing, which skip seem to be very good at!

    Free Member

    My onions were stolen, when confronted the likely culprit he burnt down my poly tunnel. Inner city Braford allotments innit! On the plus side, I hung a sharps bin on my shed and people used it instead of throwing needles into the gardens!

    Free Member

    lansoprazole and no fun in your diet. More of a drag than a problem, but if you start vomiting blood/coffee gradual type stuff or start passing black sticky stools its more of an issue.

    Mine comes and goes, sometimes I feel ok for months, other times i’m in agony and can barely eat. If they send you for an endoscopy ask to be sedated as its horrible and easily the worst thing thats ever been done to me!

    Free Member


    I was looking at Passats/mondeo/3 series/Octavia/A4/A6/ C class etc, found there was always a compromise with every car I tried. Toucan drives like a Golf (maybe a golf plus as its a bit wallowy at the moment), three adults in the back, 2 extra seats when you need them, massive boot when you don’t. £275 gets you a simple remap from 140bhp to 184bhp.

    Free Member

    Its the small differences that you, the end user won’t notice at first. As more contracts go to any chosen provider, the treatment you receive will come from a variety of sources. At first things might even get better. I shall share an ambulance based model for you, as thats my area of knowledge, but the same applies across the board and is already active in some areas.

    Patient calls 999, requests ambulance, is assessed, triaged and an ambulance is required (this part is hard to privatise as its non profit making).

    Using realtime tracking, the system decides which is the nearest appropriate ambulance to the incident (NHS/Bobs blood wagonz/ Mediprofit etc). Dispatcher has no decision over which resource is chosen, the computer decides to keep the market fair.

    Ambualnce arrives at scene with no or little decision making around skill set of staff, equipment available, back up available etc.

    Small companies won’t have the financial capacity to have the range of services and skill that NHS providers do, therefore NHS resources will get tied up on complex/long jobs while small private “transport only” companies will deal with multiple small jobs. Jobs will be chargable at the same rate to prevent providers over using resources to boost profits. AS such, the provider with the minimal level of care/resource/training will make the most money. There is a finite number of jobs available to to compete the NHS will have to undercut its own services, but as a public funded body they will be expected to maintain the uneconomical services as well. Financial constraints will limit services, targets won’t be met an NHS services will be further shut down.

    Two years ago, with winter constraints we used a private company that sent 10 year old ex NHS emergency ambulances out with trained staff, limited supplies and little patient comeback if there was a problem as they were “representing” the NHS. If there was any kind of problem or they were out of their depth they called for an NHS Paramedic. They used NHS fuel, NHS supplies and Did everything they could to look like NHS staff. We paid hundreds of thousands for this “service”.

    Now repeat the same for physio (all my NHS physio was with private providers until i needed specialist care, then it was back to the NHS), GP services (OOH is mostly run on private contract), minor injuries (mostly private providers, complex cases/closing time casing get an NHS ambulance to NHS A&E), Counselling, occupational health, occupational therapies, addiction treatment (mostly charity based to be fair), mammography, CT/MRI scanning (thats a treat, “sorry there is no spare parts available for your NHS CT scanner at the moment, but you can hire our mobile unit, complete with staff..”

    This is just a view point of local services, I’m sure there is more.

    In 5 years I expect I’ll be a Paramedic for Bobz Blud Wagonz, on 25% lower salary, paying for all my own equipment, training and development and desperately trying to pay the bills each month.

    Free Member

    Suggestions locally for Rachel Reeves, She’s female, young(er than most), attractive(er than most), well educated but not posh and doing well in the commons and the shadow cabinet. That said, she’s quite new labour, and also currently quite pregnant. Not that that should stop her aspirations, and I would love to see a working mother owning the house of commons, but I’m pretty sure the old guard wouldn’t allow something so abhorrent!

    Free Member

    I’ve got a broken Jaw/nose/scaphoid/thumb that says Longboarding sucks. Or at least I think it does, I can’t remember anything about that night due to the head injury :?

    Free Member

    If you’re going VAG, the 1.8T engine is nice, available in various shells and is reasonably economic for a quick engine. Later 2.0TFSI engines are smoother, more economical but a bit more sensitive. I had a MkIV 1.6 golf. It was nice, big but heavy and then the gearbox broke.

    Free Member

    I love this time of year, I gets me little ladder and paint cans out, its a real chance for me to demonstrate my artistic ability, adding comedy flags and eye patches to smug faces, adding referenced facts to questionable statements, generally just being childish about UKIP. “UKIP hate kittens” was probably my finest work, and lasted nearly 6 hours! Childish, but I knew my politics A-level would be useful one day!

    I disrespect all parties equally, except the silly racists, they can bog off.

    Free Member

    I’ve left frontline ambulance work for the above reasons. I now sit in control “re-triaging”. I have a 60+% success rate with reducing so called life threatening 8 min responses to to 20 min responses. It doesn’t sound much, but it makes a huge difference.

    If things work out the way I’m planning, I’ll leave the NHS for good soon after 12 years. I’ll be sad, but i can’t say I’ll miss it.

    Free Member

    You’ll find plenty of decent Lagunas for that money, good spec, low milage, leather seats, strong engines, lovely to drive really. Don’t buy one. They break, every single part of them breaks. Horrible, evil, sharp edge plastic where you can’t see it cars. Buy an old VW Passat. they last forever.

    Free Member

    Vale of Belvoir.

    Free Member

    One of hte biggest causes of Paracetemol overdose is dental pain. a clinical overdose is concidered above 75mg per kg. so if you weigh 75kg then 10 tablets is enough to be concidered a clinical overdose. Thats why you can only buy 2 packs. Its very easy to hurt yourself. Given that one pack is enough to last you two days of full doses, if after 4 days of full dose analgesia, you should probably be looking at the cause of the pain rather than just treating it and addressing this with your GP (but thats another story).

    Free Member

    I can’t spend my whole working day on here anymore as single track crashes my browser now, and since some of my applications are web based, I can’t be crashing every five mins.

    Only been an issue since our last upgrade (to windows 95 or something similarly modern), but I can’t really complain to IT since its not really work related. (Buzzfeed kills it too)

    Free Member

    Buy gold, it’s pretty low at the mo, and it is always good when economies are unstable and with £30k you can buy enough to notice small fluctuations. If you buy UK coins you escape VAT and some tax (capital gains i think?) since its currency.

    I’m watching silver closely as I have less to invest and am buying on individual basis, but silver is at a real low at the moment, but looks to rise if technology stays using it in micro electronics and solar panels. However manufacturers will be aware of that and may look to non precious metal alternatives to avoid being trapped by an investors market.

    Free Member

    But in all seriousness, go north as well. some nice coastal trails, access to the moors and all the glory encompassed therein. Unfortunately you are surrounded by flatness. Maybe time to work on your time trial PB?

    Free Member

    Just head west, its the best option.

    Free Member

    And I thought my £8k credit card was excessive and too much! £45k? You could buy a northern terrace for that!

    Free Member

    my latest 0% credit card started with an £8k limit and will go up if i make regular payments, which i have to as its direct debit…

    Free Member

    I found a safe and spent the next year trying to open it. Eventually got it open and found the manual and some heavy duty screws :-( I also found a loft full of empty PH component boxes form 1990 onwards and a basement full of late night TVinfomertial exercise equipment!

    Free Member

    Classified only user, falls out with classified only user. this is an issue for the classified forum rather than the chat forum?

    Free Member

    When I destroyed my shoulder and couldn’t ride for 3 months I did several hours a day on the turbo. I bought Movie boxsets and used them for interval training. I went with rocky. Every single film, when he sweats you sweat. The finishing fight is always hard work and I was knocking out 100km per film.

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