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  • Starling Cycles Mega Murmur review
  • jimbobo
    Free Member

    Modelling amp. For what you’re using it for it will be perfect. Valves are over rated!

    I use a 1978 Marshall 2203 live, it sounds awesome, its 100w so you can hear it on the moon. Its delicate, its worth a lot of money, it weighs a ton. All that great tone is lost as soon as I plug pedals in anyway! I use a marshall AVT150 head for my home studio, the volume is really controlable (from whisper to yell and 10 points inbetween). the built in FX are surprisingly good (mostly just use a bit of reverb, but its nice enough). I also have an early 90s fender Princeton 65. Solid state amp. Amazing clean sound and smooth tone for when I’m doing my jazz thang!

    The quality of digital effects now is so high, a modelling amp is perfect for everything but playing live, and I only wouldn’t play one live as I don’t like fiddling with knobs on stage (unless its amsterdam).

    My old guitar teacher preferred his fender mustang to his fender twin, it was easy, pratical, light and sounded good.

    There’s a lot to be said for tubes, but mostly its just guitar mojo nonsense that has little application to 99% of players. I love my marshall head, but when the time comes to replace it, I’d probably get something smaller and DL to the PA anyway!

    Free Member

    It used to be “Is someone playing guitar?”. Now its “Jim, stop playing guitar”. I had a wonderful webchat with a topless colleague one, I did tell her eventually that her camera was on! Working from home I often answer the door, deal with children, answer my other phone, surf the net etc. If they must insist on having stupid group calls where people discuss things they should have already sorted out, then I reserve the right to not concentrate!

    Free Member

    syringe with glue thruogh the bubble?

    Free Member

    Thanks everyone, some really valuable advice. I’ll have a chat with a few and see what they offer. I appreciate you get what you pay for, however I’m lucky enough that both my parents and my best mate are accountants. unfortuntely mater and pater are both retired and didn’t work in small business environments, and best bud is impossible to get hol of this time of year!

    Free Member

    Ok, some good info here, so thanks! The contract is 12 months, potential for more and Its a direction I’d like to go in, in the future. Next question, local accountant or large national one? Local obviously has a more personalised service, but the most local has terrible reviews and if i had to travel I may as well work by phone internet anyway? Or is it easier to be accessible and actually work face to face (I prefer working this way, but dont want to pay a premium for something that will mostly be done by email and phone anyway?).

    Free Member

    Missed this but it looks good.

    As for covers, my band plays covers as we all have familys, real jobs and other commitments. By playing just covers we know all our songs are good, we cna focus our time on playing them well rather than writting them and it gets a lot of ego out of the way as well!

    Free Member

    had an awful 2 weeks there in 2007… so much mud. My DH riding didn’t come on much, but I got super confident with mud and chilled around falling off!

    Free Member

    The question is not can I, but should I?
    No, No I shoudn’t.

    Free Member

    Thats a right mess! Yeah, roofer will seal it up and make it tidy.

    Free Member

    More pedestrians and motorists die each year than cyclists. Make them wear helmets too!

    Free Member

    Hcpc will happily do nothing about him, police may be interested? Or,friend him with a fake profile, invite him round, chop his hand off and see if he can manage major traumatic haemorrhage inline with jrcalc 2016.

    Free Member

    However… Not everyone in green is a Paramedic. Nurses, Doctors, Army combat medics etc often fill roles (particuarly on private vehicles). Its a bit of a murky underworld full of loopholes and clauses. But as Drac says, anyone identifying specifically as a Paramedic should be registered and identifying as a Para without registration is a legal issue. Reg number should start PA00000 (o’s being reg number)

    Free Member

    I flicked through the sun yesterday whilst waiting to get my haircut. It was eye opening!

    Free Member

    Im going with this one. I don’t even ride a bike anymore!

    Free Member

    Get a Prince Albert for the wedding night?

    Free Member

    stop being so frightened of the future, do more with now.

    Free Member

    careful, I’ve had some very good quality phishing emails purporting to be from HMRC.

    Free Member

    Ive got a 19inch P7 that replaced my on one. I dont ride it anymore if youre inteested?

    Free Member

    Silver is at £10.93 per Troy ounce at the moment. For scrap silver you won’t see much more than £6-8. The value in most cases is related to the actual piece, attractive items will carry more value. Hall mark means a lot, three numbers indicate the quality of silver (925= 92.5% silver, known as sterling silver. 999 is known as pure. Most items are 925 or plated so this will be reflected in value.

    If you’re feeling brave, melt it down into billion ingots, although they’ll have no stamp, you should get £10 per TRoy ounce with a smart dealer.

    Free Member

    Ground war wouldn’t work. Isis picked up where taliban out down. Armies can fight armies, but ideologies are a bit more tricky. I don’t have a solution, but I’m pretty sure war isn’t the answer.

    Free Member

    I used to box. I was pretty good, better than i expected. Not a strong hitter but could take the punches and win rounds on points well enough. In my second proper fight, my shoulder got dislocated whilst blocking a big punch. 4 years later I’ve just had a complete repair to a torn labrum, my bicep reattached and been diagnosed with arthritis in the shoulder. Im 34 now, I miss boxing and i was never as fit as I was when i was training properly, but as I sit here, with my arm in a sling for the next 6 weeks I’d like to offer the boring voice of reason… As you get older you break easier, take longer to heal and some injuries are for life.

    I know this is an MTB forum where people take risks and get hurt all the time, and i think boxing is great, but if you want to do it, join a local club, do some sparring and train hard rather then entering some dodgy pub white collar comp which is as close to boxing as XC is to those big hucking nutters of last decade.

    P.S does your boss mind if you show up to work with your face smashed up? people can be quite closed minded about fighting sports as you get older!

    Free Member

    yeah, either skim it or just fill from the middle. if you want to avoid any sediment, pour through a filter of some sort before bottling. some use a coffee filter but i find this too slow and just use a tea towel.

    Free Member

    we had a singer next door. I just joined in for the chorus’s. soon stopped

    Free Member

    Cheap one was fine. Pig to open up to sharpen blade but managed loads and loads of chopping. Wood chip makes good compost bulk, add to soil for raised beds or put on free cycle?

    Free Member

    Or… Get a new nut and some needle files, cut a new nut and fit it. If gauge is too high you can change back

    Free Member

    I would suggest a photo of the manifold in its fine state and ask the garage owner if he can identify the holes/gum etc. Then trading standards. Sadly your word against theirs.

    Free Member

    Had to take a bike back to the shop as I couldn’t get the plastic pedals off to put spds on. They used a spanner welded into a 4 foot tube!

    Free Member

    I have silver bullion. It’s low at the mo, but as silver is increasingly used on microelectronics I’m confident the value will climb. If it doesn’t I’ll have it all melted down and made into a cast of my face to hang on the back of the toilet door.

    I treat my investments like art. I’ve made some money with art, but you have to be aware that you may end up stuck with art. Make sure you like looking at it!

    Free Member

    we had a list your skills a qualifications and then put in a hat and try to guess who it is. Served to show me that i am the least qualified in my role. ace.

    Free Member

    Yup, and as I started to write this it redirected! I’m due a software upgrade though so maybe that will help?

    Free Member

    When we bought our house the loft was full of old boxes. Including a digital camera that write to floppy discs, a dot matrix printer and even a box for the doorbell!

    Free Member

    Don’t fill it in, use it as a small indoor hot tub?

    Free Member

    I bought lots of old medical text books from oxfam. Not the latest edition but fine for a paramedic with an interest. Likewise I’ve bought economics books, biology books, social science and politics books. I like a good text book!

    Free Member

    I get all my fuel at bp. Each year I get about £25 in points which allows me to make a good saving on a nice bottle of scotch each Christmas, guaranteeing that I get at least one present I like!

    Free Member

    at 1:39 a guy bunnyhops off a speed bump.

    Free Member

    Tdpri links on single track, on a thread about Facebook? That’s my whole internet use covered for the day!

    Free Member

    A walk along the canal with family on a sunny Sunday summers evening. Pass another family, nods and hellos all round. Two small boys are lagging behind, maybe 10-12ish. As we draw level, one says in a slightly condescending way “and that’s why dogs lick their testicles”.

    Free Member

    at 90k i’d look at bushings as well, certainly if you’re looking at a fatter ARB you’d want to be sure that shocks, springs and bushes were top notch first.

    Free Member

    CIBA? S’gone now. I nearly got into a fight at an interview once. I’d clearly not got the job. I was ok with that as it was a sidestep that I didn’t really want but the interviewer insisted on really aggressive interview strategy. Lots of fist banging and shouting, then he insisted on knowing where I’d want to be based if I was successful. I said I was fairly open to anywhere within the county, he demanded I list top 3 base stations, I asked which stations the role could be based at (the role was not available at all bases), this sent him into a rage about me not doing the research, so i asked him if he knew where the role was based. He didn’t, he got very angry, HR laughed at him, I laughed at him. Possibly told him it was a good job he only worked in the quiet east patch and not the bus central/ west patch. I was a bit of a know it all knob, but it was fun.

    Free Member

    Bass’s can be very heavy, so try before you buy, as above, plug into phone/computer etc, easier on the ears and loads of FX/learning tools available.

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