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  • Is NRW About To Close Coed Y Brenin?
  • jimbobo
    Free Member

    £40 on ebay for steering rack

    Free Member

    I’m coming off citalopram at the moment, i cut from 20mg to 10 mg over 3 weeks then cold turkey. Horrid, so poorly! Blinding heaaches, “rushing” sensation, dizzy, eye pain! I went back on 10mg and withdrawl effects went. I now take 5mg every 2-3 days hoping to very slowly wind it down. Sometime the GP will prescribe you something else with a shorter half life to wind down on, i think fluoxetine? just don’t do cold turkey, it was horrendous!



    Free Member

    Wilko’s. Looks just like the red ones above. Probably not as good, but never let me down, no rust, good size range, ball heads, £12.

    Free Member

    jonnyrobertson, i’ve got some squarewires that my wife sat on and bent/scratched. You want?

    Free Member

    uncles watch. Seiko divers watch, could get one off ebay for £200 or less, but don’t really like the style. Thats not really the point though. He bought it in Hong Kong in 1989 whist on his “I’m going to die quite soon so screw the chemo I”m travelling the world” tour. In some ways I’m glad i lost it in the way i did (in the moshpit of a gig of a band I really liked, whilst out with some friends that became friends for life at uni, which i dropped out of and became a Paramedic instead) rather than just being chucked in the back of a drawer as slightly valuable heirloom, but still, I wish I’d not lost it at all!

    Free Member

    I’ve got an antoria acoustic somewhere (I keep guitars at various friends hoses!) nice guitar. “cheap” guitars have very little second hand value given teh quality of new cheap guitars and the ease of access to 0% finance. I tend to give my cheaper bits that i don’t need to young musicians who appreciate the chance to try something new.

    Free Member

    Is it just me or is the formatting on this post all weird? The site is running weirdly slowly, loading funny. Whatever you saw it has broken the hamsters!

    Free Member

    prairie dogging

    Free Member

    I grew up in Redmile. The clay mud in the wet is brutal and sticky. run thin tyres!

    Free Member

    I got a 3. Which is odd as I am the epitome of white middle class!

    Free Member

    So in answer to our question, just wash with water, it’s fine. No need for soaps/detergents/emollients etc. Warm water opens pores, bitnof a scrub, cool water. Dry. Happy days.

    Free Member

    Or, you could take the opportunity to purchase a lovely vintage Peugeot frame from me, right here in sunny Leeds!

    Free Member

    Never sell anything to guitar people, they’re idiots! I sold a 12 string acoustic for £159, the buyer threw his toys out because it wasn’t as nice as his friends guitar (that cost £1k), sold a les Paul copy , bidding war went up to £459, after 3 weeks, buyer complains that it is not a real 1950s Gibson and returns it as a fake. Stung on fees and postage there and he’d broken it. Do eBay care? Hell no.

    Free Member

    I used to live in a shared house with street parking. I cam home and there was no parking available on our street. none on the next street and none on the next street. Given that I was getting in at 8pm and going out again at 6am i parked in the back alley. Came back to a postcard inviting me to a meet and greet with a prominent tory politician of the time. I was a bit bemused, chucked it in the door pocket and carried on my merry way. A month later when i cleaned the car out I found it was an angry “don’t park here” note. People are odd.

    Free Member

    though i can’t find any evidence that this is a real story, so it might be quite a mean story about a real person :-(

    Free Member

    Having worked in “the community” for some years, I know this lady well, and am pleased to say she never farted on me!

    Free Member

    I like Jazz. Having spent the last 20 years listening to Punk, its something a bit different. I wonder if it is music for musicians? As a guitarist/pianist/trombonist/bassist I find jazz very interesting.

    I think a lot of people struggle with the idea of songs. Popular music gives us verse/chorus/verse/chorus, Jazz has more themes and solos. But yeah, Charles Mingus, goodbye pork pie hat or haitian fight song for me.

    Free Member

    That and I think Nicola Adams is awesome, trains harder than anyone I’ve ever seen and doesn’t have a dickish attitude.

    Free Member

    I used to box, I used to spar with women. First time I punched a woman in the face felt a bit weird, but then she opened my lip up and got blood everywhere song had to defend myself. Like many women’s sports, it’s not the athletes, it’s the rule books. I see no reason why a fly weight woman can’t competitively fight a fly weight man, particularly under ABA rules.

    Free Member

    but by crushing hitler we opened a whole new can of worms, kind of like when we crushed the Taliban?

    Free Member

    I have a 2011 P7, it weighs a ton… but rides like a much lighter bike if that makes sense. Coming from a patriot then an on one 456, I’m not an XC whippet.

    Free Member

    Are drones easier to fly than helicopters, because they are hard work?

    Given your love of cycling, and health issues that limit your cycling, why not restore an old motorbike and have a pootle?

    Free Member


    Free Member

    We have regular whip arounds for leavers/maternity leaver/ weddings/ off sick/ family
    Member died then the sponsor forms for marathons/ bike rides/ kids are doing a walk etc. Last month I paid out £60 in contributions, when I was off sick for 3 months I didn’t even get a bloody card! I like to contribute to a big gift where appropriate, and if it’s someone I like intend to get them something personal instead, but the preachy attitude of “it’s nice” does my head in! If I were in the same situation, I’d have said “you’re welcome” it’s a bit nicer than saying “I spend all my change on my scratch card addiction, I’m actually skint despite earning £50k and I hate you anyway for celebrating your smug loved up old fashioned quasi religious nuptials, rubbing my face in the fact that my wife left me, my kids hate me and the dog ate the tv remote”.

    Free Member

    Kajaki. A war film where no one fires a gun. It’s slow, hot and the stuff of nightmares. The humour underlying the horror of what’s happening is great. As a paramedic I felt the medic was brilliantly scripted, making the right decisions, managing an increasingly futile incident until he just wants to pull his hair out. A real current of fear

    Free Member

    I was quoted £360 in Leeds for shot blast and powder coat. It’s cheaper to buy a set of second hand wheels, pick the best ones and then sell a curbed up set with decent tyres for £150!

    Free Member

    Printers. I can open my
    Laptop, press power and be online in less than a minute, but in printer land it’s still 1980.

    Free Member

    Met a nice old chap who’d fallen over and cut his head quite badly and broken his hip. As I was gathering his medication I noticed a couple of really nice track bikes and a bso. He was telling me how he’d been a successful racer in the 1950s and had spent a lot of time in Belgium and France having ridden for the army after the war. He had some right tales of old velodromes and overly aggressive road racing on the continent!

    He told me his family only spoke to him to get money and that he planned to go into a home soon and would rather put all his possessions in a skip than let them get anything from them. He was looked after by a young single mum from over the road who had 2 kids and was only 19 or so. She made all his meals, cleaned and generally kept him company, lovely lass. He said he’d let her have first dibs on anything she wanted, I made a point of telling her that what she wanted was the 2 bikes without gears, put them on eBay and take a lot of photos.

    I don’t know what she got for them, and I didn’t look out for them in case I felt the urge to buy them, but I’d like to think that this gents bikes went to a good home rather than a skip and the woman that actually cared for him got some just reward for her decency!

    Free Member

    theoretically It can have the same benefits as deep tissue massage for muscle fibre that would be damaged by deep tissue massage. There are also benefits in relation to the pain/ aching/ flu like symptoms you feel after deep tissue massage being minimised by cupping. also much easier to localise the effect. However, wether it works, dunno, hard to test I guess. It makes sense in theory, but whether anyone could actually feel the benefit?

    Free Member

    For £3kish I’d either get something very nice that will hold its value and potentially become an heirloom, a custom buil from a great luthier (maybe go on a guitar building course?) or bit of an odd one, get a nice hollowbody. Proper classic jazz style archtop? Like a quieter acoustic unplugged with beautiful time plugged in. These things can be a real thing of beauty with a carved top!

    Free Member

    Given the fees for selling on ebay/auto trader etc I’d pay the £150 and get it fixed.

    Free Member

    I dealt with an agency recently… I told them my current salary, plus my expenses, plus costs that I would incur with a new job (I currently work from home, and get various “expenses payments” that I wouldn’t get elsewhere. That said I was willing to accept a £5k pay cut for the role.

    Free Member

    The Cqc doesn’t investigate individual complaints and will advice you to complain via PALs, if you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint then the Cqc will refer you to the ombudsmen. However, if you report it with the Cqc it will be catalogued and the trust will be challenged around events. What you are describing sounds like process error, and Cqc love that stuff, so maybe let em know? At the very least it encourages the trust to resolve your complaint quickly and prevent it happening again.

    That said, if you are looking nice for repair, an amicable relationship with an orthopod is going to be your best approach, so make clear in complaints that you are looking for recovery rather than re-dress. If you would like any further advice around complaints procedure/Cqc/ccg etc feel
    Free to mail me on meehaja at hot mail dot com, I work for the Cqc, and have worked for the ccg and in emergency medicine for years.

    Free Member

    Naked. I’m going to miss working from home.

    Free Member

    Pondo… My middle school was in the Midlands… Belvoir High school in Bottesford to be exact. Seemed to be a turning point for all sorts of aircraft in the 90s. Maybe it was just big skys and a child like interest in planes, but we used to see some right hardware back then.

    Once I was up on T’moors on a day off having a lovely pootle and noticed that a pair of A10’s were coming fairly low over me (hard to not notice really). After the 2nd or 3rd pass I decided to play hard to get and started changing direction/ stopping suddenly (I’m no soft target!) This went on for about 20 mins before they headed off, but I got dipped wings as a thanks!

    Free Member

    No sex.

    Free Member

    my favourite trail, ever.

    Free Member

    I don’t “follow” my more share happy acquaintances, we’re still friends, they can still see all my crap, but i don’t see theres

    Free Member

    Not watched any yet (usually glued to my seat) so thanks for the update!

    Free Member

    the thing is, you notice negative change slowly. I used to train with a guy who had been really fit up to his 30’s, then an injury/kids/eating too much made hime into a fat bastard. Heart attack at 44. got rid of the clot and then stented him up, was back training within a month, felt 30 again. usual risk of complications (infection/failure/death etc) but no higher risk than dental work or any other minor procedure. its your heart, so it feels like a big deal, but it is a minor and striaghtforward procedure! good luck!

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