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  • Who won the Surly Grappler in 502 Club Raffle?
  • jet26
    Free Member

    Far as have understood Sagan was felt involved in the first crash and also done some iffy stuff in some of the other sprints – hence the DQ. Wasn’t based on this incident in isolation.

    Free Member

    Danny Hart. Amazing. Or crazy.

    Free Member

    Anyone ridden it? Looks crazy steep in parts.

    Free Member

    Second dalby – good day out and a decent length ride.

    Free Member

    Yes. Wolfs law will explain why….

    Free Member

    TJ to answer your question – orthopaedic surgery. Implant costs vary across the country (I..e price paid for same implant) but also massive variety in what used – some units using implants that are no more effective but much more costly than others.

    That’s one bit of one specialty. There are many more.

    More funding needs to be tied to reduction of variation in practice and greater efficiency. Pouring more money without this may well lead to less efficiency.

    Staff (includes self) should also be taught more about cost of stuff we use – most people have no idea.

    Free Member

    Sorting out social care would be a big step to help NHS.

    More money may help but there are massive inefficiencies and money spent on ineffective treatment.

    US is a poor comparison – 40% of their total spend is on administration of billing system. Which is madness.

    Free Member

    Daz don’t in any way mean agree with the status quo. But all parties spend plenty of time just criticising one anothers ideas to win support rather than finding sensible ways forward.

    NHS probably does need more money, but there is still vast amounts of waste and lot of logistical issues. Current low waiting times for surgery are mainly due to massive amounts of routine surgery being done in the private sector – makes good headlines but not cheap, and NHS just doesn’t have the capacity to get through the work (nor will it).

    I don’t agree with current government policy but equally think Jeremy Corbyn is being somewhat wildly ambitious with what he is promising.

    Free Member

    Don’t disagree. Popular soundbites are not the solution to anything though.

    Lots of issues which need serious cross party debate rather than the current popularity contest.

    More money not always the answer – NHS is a good example. Money is only one of many many issues.

    Free Member

    Not entirely enamoured with either of them.

    The key question is what makes a good party leader/government leader.

    Not sure the media or anyone else always make decisions based on that. Seems to be becoming a popularity contest

    Free Member

    Man from affluent part of London speaks to people who paid hundreds of pounds for a weekend of music about austerity.

    Slightly ironic…

    Free Member

    Valid point re north:south.

    Live between Sheffield and Leeds, market town and close to great riding.

    You can buy a 1400sq ft house for 130k.

    All depends where you want to live…

    Free Member

    Wave opens 4.40am. Start 5.40am. Is that not the middle of the night?!

    Free Member

    PJM nicely put – do agree I can’t see many positives of Brexit – be happy to convinced otherwise by good evidence but healthcare and academia alone seem highly likely to suffer.

    Free Member

    Nespresso very good – there are usually deals on the machines at certain times of year either online or try department stores.

    Pods average about 30p ish a go. Not cheap but a whole lot cheaper than Starbucks or other preferred brand twice a day.

    The coffee isn’t as good as fresh grind and a proper espresso machine but lot less messing about in the office. Machine takes up v little space too (have one on my desk)

    Free Member

    Aside from the general finger pointing (!) above there are some valid points:

    Let’s say the vote on EU was held again, and was again leave – what do those voting leave think they are voting for?

    Doesn’t seem either major party being very honest – various members of Labour have said leave means both stay in single market and also said it means leave it completely. Can’t be both! As for the conservatives and what they want – who knows.

    ‘Hard’ and ‘soft’ brexit get bandied about but they are largely useless – totally open to individual interpretation what either means in reality.

    All parties need to stop claiming who had the best outcome and pointing fingers and actually present some options for public opinion??

    Free Member

    John McD on TV this morning said labour also back brexit and would opt for leaving customs union

    Is it thus not likely to go ahead if both major parties backing it?

    Free Member

    Baffled. Shadow chancellor just said on TV labour would end membership of single market when leaving EU.

    Surely not that different to Conservative approach then?

    Free Member

    Other than who the government is all other outcomes are slightly academic apart from settling party squabbles over leadership and policy?

    Free Member

    Not yet convinced the solution to the NHS is more money – it is partly needed but there are huge amounts of spending on stuff that just doesn’t work and the efficiency needs sorting first – not just pour in more money.

    Free Member

    Sadly in London all day tomorrow which is unexpected so can’t vote. London is not home.

    Who would vote for if I could, still not sure.

    Free Member

    There was a story on the news earlier suggesting she’d responded to an e-mail from a fake labour party e-mail saying she didn’t feel comfortable pretending to be ill and didn’t feel it was right.

    May of course be more election bobbins…

    Free Member

    Aspects of Swedish healthcare good too. You can’t just pick isolated aspects of a system and plonk them elsewhere though.

    Key is how the whole system/package interacts too.

    At moment neither labour or conservative plans seem entirely sensible and predicting what will happen economy wise post brexit or what that will be seems a lottery

    Free Member

    Unlikely the leader of the winning party will stand down?

    Free Member

    Lucorave – voice of sense. Well said.

    Free Member

    Comments about hung parliament seem very relevant – every poll so far is either conservative win or no overall majority. None have shown a labour win far as I know.

    Hung parliament not really going to help brexit process which has now been started – what happens then?

    Free Member

    Didn’t actually think either waffled less than the other. Saying we want everyone to be equal in various ways doesn’t get to the detail.

    Neither of them were great.

    Free Member

    Mindanao I’m not taking issue with the result. The whole debate around what is a good deal is a moot point though if it is entirely unclear what the leave vote wanted.

    How do you know if you’ve got what you want if you don’t know what you want in the first place?

    Free Member

    Would be interesting to see some useful data on what those who voted leave actually want ‘leave’ to mean – I am not entirely clear what people were voting for if they voted leave.

    Free Member

    Not sure anyone but those in the know can comment on likely or not Brexit deal – there is a huge incentive for EU to make the deal as poor as possible for UK or risk other nations follow suit.

    Deciding whether ‘no deal’ is better somewhat depends on the deal that is negotiated to surely?

    Free Member

    Not sure how much use the polls are – BBC article reporting multiple results in most recent ones showing Tories with anywhere between 3 and 11% lead.

    Seems little point in looking at them given the potential election outcomes differ wildly on those results from likely no overall majority to significant conservative majority.

    Free Member

    Sheffield does have great riding – prices hard to predict in S10/S11 though – we put an offer on place on at 340. We offered 365 and were outbid by an offer of 380.

    Prices not always an indication of selling price!

    Free Member

    Sheffield fantastic and great riding but 175k won’t get you very far in the really nice parts of town – that’s a three bedroom terrace in a student area these days!

    Free Member

    Cheers all – some good tips there. Will definitely hike down into the canyon – may just play it by ear.

    Reasonably fit as training for the etape but ‘fitness’ is all a relative concept isn’t it?!

    The mrs not big on exposed heights so may have a read up on some of the suggested hikes and make sure I come back alive…

    Free Member

    Bump for the afternoon

    Free Member

    Looks spectacular. Roll on Friday!

    Free Member

    Tioga road open to bikes but not yet cars – hoping may open this weekend. Fingers crossed!

    Grand canyon should be able to do a sunset and sunrise. Noted about hiking – floor and back in a day see.s ambitious..

    Free Member

    Tioga road open to bikes but not yet cars – hoping may open this weekend. Fingers crossed!

    Grand canyon should be able to do a sunset and sunrise. Noted about hiking – floor and back in a day see.s ambitious..

    Free Member

    Thanks beanum – staying close to there. Apparently been a warm winter and a lot of rain so all the falls are flowing well.

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