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  • Giro Insurgent Spherical Helmet review
  • JEngledow
    Free Member

    I think she is reading born and bred

    I thought you were trying to 'pimp her out' (sorry but couldn't think of a better way of putting it) not scare everyone off?!

    Free Member

    dont be afraid to stop and have a little cry if you need to

    Woohoo, permission at last!

    Free Member

    Lol! That just about ruins it for me JEngledow.

    It could have been worse, I could have posted this:

    No, wait I did! :lol:

    Free Member

    molgrips, Joan of Arc in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure = Jane Wiedlin:

    Free Member

    Strictly speaking there probably is a planning issue, however do you get on with all your neighbours? If so I’d just do it and make sure you don't upset anyone, if not you might have 'problems' if they decide to kick up a fuss about it. :wink:

    Free Member

    tinker-belle and 3STW 'gents':

    Free Member

    I'm only 26 so my personal favourites are a little more contemporary:
    Cat Deeley:

    and Melissa Joan Hart (Sabrina, the Teenage Witch):

    Free Member

    do you know why they've withdrawn?

    Is it because the pope says condoms are bad?

    Free Member

    rugby player build?

    Free Member

    I drop the seat and turn it sideways then rest it on a workbench which lifts the reat wheel about half an inch off the ground, you have to be careful, but it works for me.

    Free Member

    A Uni friend of my wife’s lives in Stoke

    Well there's the problem

    You've hit the nail on the head there. They were at Uni in Oxford, but she's got a teaching job she really enjoys up there :roll:

    Free Member

    saxabar +1

    A Uni friend of my wife’s lives in Stoke and is in a similar position (although only 26) and is having difficulty meeting guys who aren't desperate or total w*nkers.

    I've suggested that she needs to forget about trying to find a bloke, but should find new (better) friends and get some new hobbies. What / where would be a good place for her to start?

    Free Member

    Women's opinions matter

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha..! :P

    [whisper] please don’t tell my wife I typed this [/whisper]

    Free Member

    I'm not that miserable :|

    So why aren’t you smiling? :-)

    Free Member

    …And the whole thing was planned by Tom Hanks and the Vatican.

    I should have known the pope would be involved, the shady rascal!

    Free Member

    Do NOT feel sorry me

    There's little chance of that so don't worry :lol:

    Free Member

    Is a company bike anything like a village bike? :lol:

    Free Member

    ….and the rest of the extended family

    In that case I’d be trying to find something pretty much bombproof!

    Free Member

    Yes, I'm loving it

    :-) :-) :-)

    Free Member

    wwaswas… that is ****' awful.


    Free Member

    Well done mate, are you enjoying it yet / still?

    I now feel bad about having a couple of days off of running at 6am (although I did feel proper rough) :(

    Free Member

    I do like a happy ending :lol:

    Free Member

    dust devil?

    Free Member

    Drive really, really fast, if the police stop you they'll understand and might even give you an escort! :lol:

    Free Member

    Thanks stumpyjon, that's just reminded me why I moved away from Rossendale at 18 :roll:

    Free Member

    Why did they stop making the Blur 4X and do they have any plan for anything similar in the future?

    Free Member

    jd-boy, when you say 'Next he will be moaning about tractors and trucks….' is the 'he' you refer to me? If so please read my original post, I was NOT moaning about Cyclists holding me up or slowing me down, but I was asking why they rode beside each other, which I (wrongly) thought was more dangerous than riding single file. Although it doesn't appear so I was actually thinking about other people’s safety! :?

    Free Member

    Personally, if I happened to stumble upon an all male cluster bum my first instinct would not be to charge right into the middle…

    Where's your sense of adventure? :lol:

    Free Member

    Always lay your coat over puddles when you see ladies approaching? :lol:

    Free Member

    …or you might be able to buy a dag!

    Free Member

    Sancho, I agree that a horse will take up as much room as two cyclists, but if I was given the option I'd want as much space while being overtaken as possible. I do now see the need for riding 2 abreast.

    I think Edukator's strategy makes alot of sense and I wish more people around here would use that method (although some do).

    Free Member

    if you had happened upon a large horse would you have been on moaning that horses shouldnt be on the road because fast cars are held up for a few seconds.

    No, because I'm not signed up to and they generally ride in single file (around here) unless there's a young horse / inexperienced rider in which case they're boxed in for support / safety (I unfortunately know more about horses than bikes).

    Free Member

    Yes – its safer to ride like that – the line of bikes is shorter and by being further out into the road it is safer as visibility is greater.

    JEngledow, I recognised that yours was a mostly honest question, and I hope that the answers that we've given hint that its not simply a matter of being selfish/ confrontational with group riding.
    Sometimes theres very good reasons behind the way cyclists ride, that are not always obvious to the following motorist.

    Thank you and yes, I do appreciate that there is often a need to ride in ways that don't immediately seem safer (but actually are!). I appreciate that it is safer to be seen and that by bunching up cyclists are easier to overtake and apologise for the slightly stupid title for this thread, but will still get p*ssed off by the inconsiderate ones (whether they're in a car or on a bike).

    Free Member

    TJ as you failed to read it last time I’ll post it again:

    My issue is that I was careful and passed safely while other drivers may not have done, by riding 2/3 abreast the cyclists left less space for faster vehicles to overtake and so put themselves at greater risk.

    I just wanted to know if there was any reason behind their choice.

    Free Member

    were they taking up more width than a car? Were you able to pass safely on a straight stretch? could you have overtaken a car there?

    No, Yes, Yes.

    I fail to see what your issue is – they have a right to ride on the road and you have a duty to pass safely and to leave at least as much room as you would a car.

    My issue is that I was careful and passed safeley while other drivers may not have done, by riding 2/3 abreast the cyclists left less space for faster vehicles to overtake and so put themselves at greater risk.

    It makes NO difference at all. We all use the roads, so all should respect each other. Something a lot of people fail to see.


    Free Member

    TandemJeremy and ourmaninthenorth,

    The issues I was having were on some of Oxfordshire’s country roads on Saturday, the roads are fairly narrow and don't have road markings, I don't mind waiting behind bikes while going around corners, but do get p*ssed off when they leave very little room for me to pass on the straights.

    You'll get to the trail centre soon enough without having to endanger anyone else

    For what it's worth I was working, so what's the need for this?? :roll:

    Free Member

    Why can't some people in charge of motor vehicles drive them more safely for all concerned?

    I agree, I also try to drive considerately, this includes giving cyclists enough space when I overtake which is sometimes difficult when riders are trying to take up all of the road.

    Free Member

    so you havnt ridden on the road either jengledow

    I have, but choose not to (too many idiot car drivers!) and have never ridden in a large group on the road.

    My original question was why do riders appear (to me) to put themselves in more danger by riding 2/3 abreast. The idea of halving the length of a group makes sense.

    Free Member

    so an irritable motorist doing a dangerous over-take because he hasn't the patience to wait and overtake safely is an example of a cyclist killing people by being inconsiderate?

    The cyclist won't kill anyone, but they do seem to be putting themselves in unnecessary danger (I may be wrong, but that's how it appears sometimes).

    Free Member

    Some cyclists aren't very considerate to drivers.
    Some drivers aren't very considerate to cyclists.

    One of these facts kills people. The other just makes people a bit late sometimes. Take a deep breath.

    I dissagee, they both have the potential to kill people as paulrockliffe says:

    If anything it will have a negative impact on safety as you'll piss more (ignorant) motorists off, who then go for the dangerous overtakes.

    Although I also agree with this:

    But at least it gives people something to complain about on the internet on a Monday!

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