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  • UCI Confirms 2025 MTB World Series Changes
  • jekkyl
    Full Member

    Suggestions for support acts?

    Kasabian? Blur? ?

    Given the audience it could be Chase and Status or the Prodigy.

    I agree that I reckon the crowd will be filled with coked up young men in drink. I saw them 3 times in the 90s/00s so that’ll do for me.

    Full Member

    Just out of interest…how did you vote in Brexit Ton? ??

    Full Member

    Knock yourself out. Probs like 30 mins from the M6.

    Full Member

    Holy thread resolution batman!

    We did go on holiday in it because I couldn’t get it in to get fixed anywhere before we went. It was only Stoke to Anglesey so it was okay. We had a wicked week of weather and the car continued making a noise now and again but didn’t break down.

    Had the clutch and flywheel replaced this morning by ‘The Clutchman’ here in Stoke. Awesome job, done in 2.5hrs for £660! Car’s all good for family holiday no2 to borrowdale next week. He showed me the pile of clutches he’d replaced that week. Says him and the lads replace about 10-15 a day.


    Full Member

    Great,thanks lads. Rung a few places now. See what goes on

    Full Member

    Seats to watch..

    Richmond, Clacton, Islington!

    Will Corbyn make it over the line as an indy? Would be fun if Prime Miniature Rishi PooSack lost his seat!

    Full Member

    Suggestions please how to get people to engage and vote. People who come out with shit like

    ‘nah won’t bother voting, they’re all as bad as each other.’

    So maddening that they acknowledge that infrastructure (education and NHS mostly) is on its knees but refuse to engage.

    Is there a list of Tory misdemeanors? It was like one a week at one point.

    Full Member

    I’d do the bash starting with Walla Crag of course then to extend it head up to Dale Head from Honister top. Should be rideable and the views over to Wastwater and surrounds from Dale Head are pretty awesome. Descend to the tarn for some steep ass fun then down to the usual bash bridleway through the old mine workings.

    Full Member

    How are we figuring Labour are going to fare  (fair?) in Scotland?

    Are the they likely to improve on 2019’s showing? What’s the feeling.

    Full Member

    I’ve got the perfect offroad route for you… Starts in Baslow and takes 2hrs. Takes in Coombs Dale as a descent, Eyam graves and then climbs up from Grindleford to ride along Froggatt and curbar edge before a final smashing cheeky through the woods back to Baslow. Will be the absolute best that the white peak has to offer.
    Message me for the gpx. When do you go?

    Full Member

    I say this in all seriousness because I’ve met loads of people through it but…Instagram.

    Just search for local biking types and start chatting to them.

    Full Member

    Brilliant thanks Uncle Monty, I’ll give that a go.

    Full Member

    I use it as my main mapping app now for hikes and hikes and it has lost a very important feature with the update, at least for me.

    When you downloaded a route previously you didn’t need any mobile signal for it to work, very important if you’re deep in the hills somewhere.

    Now, even with the route downloaded when you start the app you just get a black screen. Very annoying when you’ve just started the hike and there’s a fork in the path.

    The work around is to take a paper map or screenshot the route with map when at home but the facility to see exactly where you is what is wanted and what is missing.

    Fortunately even the smallest scrap of mobile signal is enough to get the map up, so you can sometimes get it as you climb, but it doesn’t work as it did and should do.

    I am using an iphone, anyone else get this? I have left a review with the question on the app store but as yet no response.

    Full Member

    Try this, select quietest and it’ll pick up bridleways and tracks.

    What’s the stop before stoke?

    Full Member

    Pop round and bum her dog….

    while smoking a fag.

    Full Member

    Well I would go with Betty, but I’d be thinking about Wilma.

    Full Member

    Please rush me my portable wallrush polishing kit, yes I am over 18 although my IQ isn’t.

    Full Member

    Can we stop for a moment Sir, my intelligence circuits have melted.

    Full Member

    Lol @ scapegoat 😂

    Full Member


    Full Member

    Get some beers down ya and some tunes, it helps for a few hours. 😂

    Full Member

    You know that bit in fight club where he wishes a hole would open up in the side of the plane just because it would be something different that happens….

    Instead of the day to day drudgery.

    Full Member

    I’m great thank you 🙂 it’s Michael. Sorry about that post, didn’t mean to scare you and thank you for your concern. I cannot deny it isn’t a subject I haven’t considered greatly. I think I would rather off myself when the time came than become a shell. I was with both my parents when they passed and it isn’t a moment that ever leaves you. My love and good thoughts for anyone going through it or who has recently gone through it. 

    Full Member

    If you can’t afford dignitas what would be the best most peaceful to end your life that wouldn’t impact too greatly on others?

    Full Member

    ‘Be the change you want to see in people’

    My sentiments exactly. I’ve given £30 to a local homeless charity in lieu of sending Christmas cards. Imagine if everyone did the same. 2nd class stamps are 75p!!!

    Full Member

    Yeah I’ve been feeling really low and also angry for the last few weeks which really isn’t like me as I’m usually a jolly sorta  fellow. This results in keeping myself to myself at work and being less social so as I don’t snap at people. Then you get people asking if you’re okay and your head you’re going ‘Of course I’m not ‘king okay, why don’t you leave me the duck alone.’  But instead you just say it’s fine. 

    I really struggle with the hypocrisy also of Christmas. That all year everyone’s recycling plastics and using a bag for life and buying an electric car then when Christmas comes round it all goes out the window, ‘king light up plastic shit to decorate outside your house burning fossil fuels to power it all, ‘king Christmas jumpers for one day at work, ‘king secret Santa, one off hilarious bits of tat that’s funny for 30 seconds before becoming landfill. 

    Jesus is invented, God is invented, Christmas is invented. It’s all va. I try to engage the npcs at work and they look at each other like ‘christ, Mike’s on one again.’… It’s the Solstice for me as well, as least I’m pretty sure the Earth and the Sun actually exist. 

    Happy Solstice for next Friday fellow saddos, here’s to ya. 

    Full Member

    Out by a random insta reel, the ****.

    Full Member

    A voucher for a hand made pair of socks off someone on etsy. Or something similar. When you buy from etsy you are contributing straight to another real person with bills to pay. Please don’t buy landfill tat.

    Offer the gift of time, a voucher for a Saturday night babysit or one free lift to an airport, any hour.

    Full Member

    Aspirations? Great question.
    Let’s start with the basics. As I see it every human should have several things as a fundamental nesscity.

    1. A dwelling. Somewhere to live that is warm in the winter and has cooking facilities so that they can make meals for themselves and for their children.

    2. Enough clothes and shoes to cover themselves up and keep warm in the winter.

    3. Enough food to eat and not starve. At least two meals a day and enough water to drink.

    4. Healthcare. If something’s wrong you get seen by a doctor and you receive treatment until you are better. This also includes old age where you are taken care of, free of charge, in a clean and caring environment until you pass away. All medicines and medical aids are also free of charge.

    5. Security. You should be able to live peacefully without other people coming in and stealing your possessions or raping your wife. This should also probably be included at a national level too.
    If you can work you should work and provide these things for yourself and your family. If you’re unable to work, if you’re elderly or disabled for example, you get all of these things provided for you, free of charge. Just because it’s the right thing to do. It is basic compassion, decency and love.
    It is disgusting in the UK today that there are people trying to survive without one or several of these things. Political parties should start there, these things should be at the top of the list. Primary concerns. All other issues are secondary and only serve as a distraction while we do not have all of these things for ourselves and for all our fellow humans.

    Full Member

    Stella obvs

    Full Member

    I always picture someone pissed getting up in the middle of the night and forgetting they’re high up…WAhhhh 

    Full Member

    I have a worsening stoop due to a condition called Ankylosing Spondilytis.

    To help correct it the given advice is lie on your front for as long as you can.

    Full Member

    Just man up and do Jacobs ladder, it’s not that hard it’s just a bit of a slog in places.

    Full Member

    I think it’s highly unlikely that he’ll be convicted because unless there was video evidence or another person there it comes down to he said, she said, which is not sufficient to prove beyond all reasonable doubt. However having watched the program I think he likely is guilty and his punishment is to have all us know about it and for his public image to be affected. Perhaps this was the aim of the program makers.

    Full Member

    Just watched EP 5…. Space Whales!?

    Capable of hyper speed travel! *face palm.

    Full Member

    I reckon he probably worried for years that this would happen and since he couldn’t stop it,  all he could do would be to try and mitigate the results. Thereby turning himself into a social warrior for injustice and the general betterment of the public. Kinda like how Savile ran marathons for charity as some sort of penance for his evil deeds.

    Full Member

    I’m after a waterproof jacket and I wandered into alpkit, jackets on the peg there £220! I raised my eyebrows and left. Do you really need to spend that much to get a truly waterproof jacket? Been reading that it needs to have over 20k mm of hydro something. Can anyone recommend a long jacket with a hood for hiking with a rating over 20k for less than £100?

    Full Member

    I bet he’s breaking out the emergency box this afternoon.

    Full Member

    Carry on driving to the Peak District.

    Full Member


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