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  • Trail Tales: Midges
  • jasonm945
    Free Member

    Merlin will do you a Deore/521 disc wheel for £73…

    Hold up better for a “Clydesdale”.


    Free Member


    Free Member

    Float Fluid is 85wt Gear Oil I believe…


    Free Member

    The Bike Shop on Tamworth Road in Long Eaton sell it!


    Free Member

    OK so SS is unequivocally a better cable, but how much difference would it make in a sealed system, does it shift better?
    I’m looking at it from an economical point of view, Galvanised cable bought in bulk would be 25p a cable, cheapest I can find SS at is 60p a cable (£59.99 for 100). Would I get 135% more wear out of the SS in a sealed system?

    I only looked at the bulk option because I seem to change stuff around quite a bit (tinkering) and on average change cables every 3 months.


    Free Member

    I don’t know what size you need but this is on ebay at the moment!


    Free Member

    I agree, I had an SS BB and it was sh*t, but I think cruzheckler wants to know if the Aerozine BB is any good!

    What I’m trying to get at, everything that SS sells isn’t junk, but yes their customer service does “occasionally” suck!


    Free Member

    I love the way we all jump on the superstar bashing wagon, but they’re Aerozine BB’s so now we should all start berating Rutland cycling…


    Free Member



    Free Member

    I am sort of leaning towards the Sanderson, but decisions, decisions!

    Thanks for the offer of the ride, unfortunately I live in Notts!


    Free Member

    All these theories are great, but seeing as I can't do a damn thing about them, I'll just get out and ride and hopefully the poles won't switch mid ride!
    But if they do, when checking my compass, I'll just mag to grid get rid of 180 degrees :lol:


    Free Member

    Just because YOU believe something doesn't necessarily mean it's true!
    I believed in Santa Claus and guess what?

    So just because others don't believe what you do doesn't make them idiots. Why don't you find a forum where you can throw all these theories around without upsetting the locals.

    Or do some "research" and offer a theory for discussion with sources!

    Personally I couldn't give a flying **** what you believe!

    Thanks for the fun thread…


    Free Member

    The day the tigers broke free…

    Fave Album DSOTM


    Free Member

    After 13 weeks if no contract is supplied then a social contract is implied which ensures that you receive minimum wage, 24 days holiday per year pro-rata, and legal rights such as appealing disciplinary decisions, the right to contest a change in working hours, conditions, locations etc…

    So No it is not illegal to Not supply a contract.
    Yes it is illegal to not give holidays!


    Free Member

    I suppose because you are meant to vote for party policies rather than personality!



    Free Member
    Free Member

    I've just got a pair of Tech M4's after years of using mono mini's, kept my old floating rotors – the power is awesome!!!


    Free Member

    I have long legs and a short torso, so always end up with a smaller size frame, I'm 5'11" and am on a medium and it feels just right ;-)


    Free Member



    Free Member

    Giant Trance Frames are going cheap at the mo, a little weighty but the suspension feels bottomless!

    I rode a couple of Merida's on my 2005 Marin Wolf Ridge. Only Marin I regret getting rid of!


    Free Member

    You are correct – The sun is Hot, already proven. Water is wet, already proven and wheels are mostly round, guess what, already proven.
    I don't have to take these things on faith, they have been proven!!!

    You haven't proved that you're argument is correct, you're asking me to take it on faith and don't even reason out others arguments!

    If I told you I had found that the best material for handlebars was spaghetti would you believe me, especially when I have no numbers to back it up?

    That's quite extreme but you're asking me to believe you on your say so, to have faith in you, but you haven't put forward a reasoned argument.

    You say that you are the best at what you do with no evidence – that my friend, is ignorance and arrogance!

    It is fine to have courage in your convictions, and belief in your products, and that being said you should then be able to "prove it" or reason through others arguments.

    Unfortunately this thread is really no longer about bearings ( that was covered in the first 2 pages).

    I wish you all the luck with your new business (if that is what it is), if you want any advice on Customer Service, marketing or even expanding and franchising, feel free to get in touch…


    Free Member

    Personally I think you may find people more willing to listen if you weren't so arrogant, the mine's better than yours argument is not enough anymore, people want facts and figures of which you have provided none!

    I watched the video with the hope hub and the 2 pences and thought it genius.

    But after reading your arguments I am not tempted to try your bearings, when I go to betd or enduro they back their claims up!!!

    It's not enough to say I have serviced hundreds of frames and analyzed thousands of bearings without telling us how you have analyzed them, they last longer because you say so doesn't cut it.

    At the end of the day I have serviced thousands of frames, and replaced hundreds of bearings, and I have the correct qualifications to back that up, and my opinion on bearings is different to yours!

    Tone down the name calling and arrogance, and you may find people more willing to listen to your "reasoned" argument!


    Free Member

    Kaesae You should go on Dragons Den, you're bound to win the judges over!!!

    My stuff is best cos I say it is!

    I'm in.


    Free Member

    Kaesae I'm just interested to know if you're findings are anecdotal or if you have hard proof backed up by facts on the properties and uses of different types of bearing? Also was you're research done independently or did you just use the internet and riders as a frame of reference?
    It's a serious question and I'm not trolling, but most bearing manufacturers recommend you do not take the seals off in case you damage them, and they are not strictly removable items.

    Have you're bearings been lab tested against those that aren't as good e.g. the max complement enduro bearings etc?

    I look forward to your reply!


    Free Member

    Thank you for the replies..

    They'll catch fire and you'll die.


    Free Member

    Christianity was invented to keep the masses under control. It offered them the promise of "Riches" when they died, so they were happy with their lot in life!

    Did Jesus exist – likely, did the Romans care? No because he went round telling everyone to love them.
    Yes they crucified him, but it was the priests and money lenders that had him crucified!!!

    Britain didn't take to christianity till 600 ad in a big way because it was a small (illogical) religion that didn't fit in with our way of life!

    The fact is 99% of religous messages from most faiths go down to one simple thing, in the words of Billy Conelly "Be good to each other, and look after the place"!
    So why do so many "faithful" lose their rag at others opinions!

    Free Member

    Colwick Woods is not ridden alot because it is highly Warden patrolled!

    Free Member

    I like Hopes, my son in law likes Avids, my mate likes shimano's etc.
    What model Hayes are they and are they completely knacked, not that much has changed since 2005 and CRC have an extensive range of spares!


    Free Member

    There are so many variables here that it is impossible to give an straight answer. Is your seating position uncomfortable? Have you tried lowering or raising your bars. Hunched or Stretched out? Do you get back ache in the first 10 minutes or is at towards the end of a 3 hour ride etc?

    There are so many issues with your back, it would be better to see a professional than take internet advice. I would have thought that pushing your saddle forward and fitting a longer stem will place more weight over the front of the bike and pressure on your arms/shoulders. It could be a solution but I am doubtful.


    Free Member

    Having had a little experience in New Store openings (not bike shop) I would suggest that 6-8 weeks before you open is a great time to start a media campaign. Ensure you have a recognisable logo and start generating your brand recognition.
    So start small " such and such is coming" then "4 weeks to go", "3 weeks to go".
    Generate some excitement through curiosity. On opening week, if you can afford it take out a full page spread, or even a cover of your local free rag, with lots of congratulations from local store owners, a profile about you and what you aim to achieve, maybe a free cycle check, and some discounts.
    Be careful though even if you are just using your local free rag this can get expensive. I have always found it cheaper to sit down with the advertising editor and get a fixed price before charging in.


    Free Member

    I'm presuming the tool to apply the grease to the CK BB is not supplied and must be bought after market?
    I have been running Hopes for 16 months and they still spin nicely! Far beeter than the RF sh%%e I got with the chainset!


    Free Member

    T'pau named after a Vulcan revolutionary? in the Star Trek series!

    Free Member

    My Grandfather has a 1930 something first edition Superman Comic that he swapped with a GI "during the war!". Tucked up in some bank somewhere, It is about the only thing in his will of any great value and the value on it is remarkable!
    Not too many in existence nowadays…

    Now if anybody wants any eagle comics from the 80's, I still have a few. I thought Dan Dare was the bestist :wink:

    Free Member

    Joy Division was named after the ss prostitue wing in the Novel House of Dolls…
    New Order also has Nazi Connotations.
    Eurythmics – Heart Rythm.
    Thomson Twins – named after the Duo from the Tintin comics!

    Free Member

    The saints are coming – greenday/u2. Originally by the Skids!
    How many people have covered Unchained Melody!?
    Kingston Town UB40…
    Rolf Harris – Stairway to Heaven :lol:

    Free Member

    I have a set of Mono Mini's I bought when they just came out, they don't squeal or rub, are easy to set up and a cinch to bleed…wouldn't swap them!
    My wife has shimano deores, b%^^&%$d to bleed, need constant re-aligning, and seem less than powerful.
    I won't get another set of Hopes I just won't get rid of the ones I've got!
    Although I did have a set of Hayes nines on another bike, and they were so easy to set up and at least as powerful as the Hopes, and easy to bleed!


    Free Member

    I will email you guys later and arrange a ride sometime…
    This is like I am lonely and sad!!! :oops: :wink:


    Free Member

    The great thing with Toyota is they'll go forever…and they won't stop!

    Sorry IGMC


    Free Member

    Have a look at the Scott Contessa', they come up very small and have "lady" colours – my wife loves hers!

    Free Member

    Excellent! I know Shimano used to do their own tool though, just wondering if they still did, and if any were still about.


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