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  • A Spectator’s Guide To Red Bull Rampage
  • jamiesilo
    Free Member

    igm – I want a LOCT!

    i’ll message you

    Free Member

    i do retract my first post.
    i re-read it and i sound like a nob
    was frustrated but was an odd way to express it.
    and made me sound like some sort of biggot guy that i’m not.

    for the record, i wasn’t meaning to criticise the receptionist, but maybe the medical practice.
    i wasn’t expecting medical advice from her, but i did want to ask someone from the health system what route to follow, and hoped that by going to my doctors surgery i might be able to.

    this morning i went back and booked an appointment with a doctor.

    Free Member

    oh bloody heck. never mind. i retract myself

    Free Member

    ok fair enough everyone, i’m not expecting her to be a doctor. but i would like to be ask how long till the next available appointment.

    i really wanted to ask if it’s unreasonable of me to find it frustrating.
    or should i just lump it and accept that she has a right to a job?
    your all going to say yes, evidently.

    andyl, i don’t know what job. do you?
    why put learning difficulties in inverted commas?
    typing was on a small smart phone.

    edukator, it’s not always Hand over Carte Vitale, put credit card in machine, type PIN. and it’s the doctor who does that part.

    you don’t need to be a nurse or doctor to understand the how the health system works. the receptionists at my dentist are super knowledgable about the bureaucracy side for example. which is not that complex until it goes wrong, which it does often.

    finally, it doesn’t seem that appropriate to equate my bad spelling, or perceived stupidity for having a somethign lodged in my finger, or allegedly not understanding the difference between a receptionist and a doctor, with learnign difficulties.

    Free Member

    legometeorology, the vagabond looks tasty doesn’t it?
    so you reckon it’s work alright with flats?
    off to geek the geo

    Free Member

    fuxake that Mason Insearchof is some bike. well would.

    Free Member

    oh yeh, and the giant all road looks like a good idea of a bike. my wifes’ auntie’s fella got one and yeh, loads of clearance, well specced, but also yeh, fugly!

    Free Member

    pine mountain does look nice have to say. but looks a bit too suspension corrected at the front.
    looked at shands already. even tho this is just an on paper exercise, a shand would still be too expensive.

    roadrat frames come up semi often fro 150/200 quid. it would ideally be something comparable to that.

    longitude seems the best so far. anyone know the frame weight?

    Free Member

    i may have, yes, but the reply i got from the ebay guy looks more likely.
    thanks for the info tho

    Free Member

    this is fun : )

    Free Member

    right well, in case anyone else is ever searching this, i heard back from a really helpfull seller on ebay who seemed to know vitos inside out. he said:

    Your lifter pump is fine if it’s fine from cold,

    The source of your problem is a little water recirculating pump/motor that sits on the bulk head that helps the coolant heat up when it’s cold. You can check it by just unplugging it, simply remove the thick hard plastic air tube that runs across the top of the engine (just two jubilee clips) and you’ll have good visual access to it.

    which sounds spot on. so i’ll check that ou tat the weekend

    Free Member

    hmmm, bit quiet…

    Free Member

    aye i’ve accepted that i like flat bars for everything.

    yes i’d forgotten about lithiums, but i’m thinking steel really. did recommend one to a friend once who loves it.

    Free Member


    Free Member

    i guess a swift, a fortitude or a scandal? or a karate monkey? how much heavier than a roadrat would that be?

    Free Member

    right. either haha, or my browser doesn’t like some of the pics…

    Free Member

    can we have the original Arrrgghh ! My Eye! photo up again please wwaswas?
    missed this thread first time round looks like

    Free Member

    when i fit kitchens (chosen by me) i fit legs designed to be seen, and don’t fit kickbaords.
    that way they can be hoovered under and don’t act as rat-runs for mice, beetles, and hopefully not, rats. jus think it’s cleaner.

    whenever you pull off kickboards in a previously fitted kitchen, you always find all sorts of horrors under there!

    Free Member

    thankfully i’m not a country gent!
    yes i’m gonna pick up some decathlon tough soft shell type things which’ll do the job; fluffy on the inside.
    i don’t need tight fit to fit under trousers. not like i wear skinny jeans.
    maybe i should try sizing up

    Free Member

    thanks all,
    a lot of those are pretty much just tight fitting long johns tho, even if they are probably better than the ones i have…

    don’t see the montanes in 3/4 length anymore

    Free Member

    Twonks of the world unite

    Free Member

    apparently, according to the guy who towed us back, in winter, they put up to 15% petrol into diesel to help deal with cold, presumably.
    so yes, you can get away with it

    Free Member

    well thanks everyone.
    i’m not the only twonk.

    my defense:
    the self-service card pay pumps around here all have this frucking iritating voice giving you instructions way behind the point you’re actually at. drives me nuts. “Please enter your pin using the keypad” when you’re halfway through doing it (instructions on screen).

    I was far too busy raging at this and telling it to shut the front door, to actually think about what the car needed.
    worse than that, it asks you to choose which fuel on the screen (when you’ve already done it, obvs) and when you have, tells you “you have selected unleaded 95 for petrol engines (me; “shut the f up!”) i even stopped to think which of the 2 unleadeds was the cheaper.
    what can i say? i was determined to put in petrol, and the little voice couldn’t stop me..
    i guess from now on i’ll try to listen to what it’s saying rather than concentrating on raging at a machine…


    anyway stoppe dsoon as realised. got towed home, spent saturday juggling petrol about and crawling around. got it all drained out up to fuel pump, new filter and jobsagoodun. seemed to run actually better after, probably new fuel filter. cost me 80€ diesel, 40 fuel filter and most of a day by the time i’d got it jacked up. i need to get a decent jack!

    Free Member

    i just got a vairable speed bosch

    very nice turned down slow! not for cutting stuff obvs

    Free Member

    well looks like i’m gonna get a graco ultra with a cable.
    been obsessively geeking out about it as i always do.
    tho the pot is only a litre, so will need fairly frequent re-fills, it otherwise seems just the job. will clearly be great for radiators , shutters etc, both of which i do a lot of.
    cleaning seems wuick and straightforward, not worse than hvlp gun, maybe quicker.

    bloody peter millard’s fault. his vids totally convinced me

    Free Member

    sounds like not enough oil in the damper; if it starts out of the blue it sounds like it’s leaking out.
    but yeh, agree with tthew.

    Free Member

    yep, i’m not gonna crack it out unless i have a lot to do, or can make a piggin mess.
    but also i don’t think prep takes that long. it just seems like a lot of work.

    i generally have 3-5 rooms to do. i’d do them one at a time, using most of the same stuff for masking off/protection

    Free Member

    i guess i’d be stuck between a small and a bigger unit. no problem lugging a big thing to site for use with buckets of paint, but the small could be handy in the workshop and around the place, and i wouldn’t want the big unit in the workshop

    Free Member

    no doubts about long term. i have and endless string of properties to do in front of me.

    i know i’ll use it for other things. maybe not on bodywork, the HVLP is better suited, but for example i’ve been doing radiators today with HVLP and it was far from ideal as cold making paint too viscose etc etc. so yes airless would have been great and way faster.

    and i didn’t suggest i don’t need it very often just now. i could use it fairly often.

    Dirks, the small gracos look great. why go for the bigger thing? presumably just so you can dunk it straight in the paint and not have to refill?

    Free Member

    good pointer thanks. watched his vids before : )

    Free Member

    and i guess when you asy an insulating plaster, that’s what the hemp lime mix is. so yes, that was my thinking

    Free Member

    thanks matt,
    no, i’m not SURE the render stuff is non-breathable achly. it’s just what i’d dedided because of the way the black mold was on the surface, paint over the top mind you, old and shiny, so perhaps not pourous. It’s fairly clear the black mold is as you say, simply due to the building not being heated for 2 winters, so the int. wall sufrace being cold and casuign condensation. i’m not too worried the mold longterm therefore.

    if the brique render is pourous, then i’d be expecting condensation on the inside of the stone walls. there’s a small air gap there.

    yes, so, you would reckon it is nto ideal to lime-hemp the inside of the stone? that what my understanding too.

    You have gradient of heat through walls, this helps ‘push’ moisture through breathable walls. If outer layer is non-breathable, then the moisture can’t escape.

    doesn’t this depend also tho where the dew point falls? i could possibly calculate that if pushed, i’ve got the bumph somewhere. or does the impermeability of ext wall face make this irrelevant; dew point calc only working on fully permeable walls?

    Free Member

    YES! come-on. they look great fun.
    who’s got one of them kicking about?

    Free Member

    looks like those funny cannondale town bikes (not ebikes) they used to make. what were they called again? i always fancied one

    Free Member

    and hot water bottle on the spot can help, but depends how bad. helps keep plenty of blood-flow

    Free Member

    agreed. don’t try all those stretches while it’s inflamed! there’s not way you muscles will comply because they are in protection mode.
    go see an osteopath. there is some variety, but good ones have as good an understanding of the anatomy as doctors, and have ways of treating it that doctors don’t. if you’re not into the wafty non-scientific part of it then just say so (tho annoyingly i have found that par tof it to work too). you’ll get a diagnosis too of what’s going on.

    all those recommendations for yoga, pilates and building strenght are right of course, but that’s in answer to you maintainance question, not what to do now.

    Free Member

    re clearance, i’ve got a 2.8 schwalbe Nobvy nic on a 40mm rim and it fits fine in regular non boost 27.5 Sektor lowers. i do live dsomewhere dry tho and never have to ride with mud clag.

    as for riding them. i don’t think i’d like them at a trail centre. but for my competant but very average riding style and speed, over some very rooty rocky stuff, they are a massive help, to the point where it feels like cheating.

    oh but you said they’d be riden hard. never mind. i’d go for 2.6 like others already said : )

    Free Member

    i think the mods must have my email wrong; i was supposed to win it and i haven’t heard a thing.
    i’m called jamie too. they must have got confused.

    Free Member

    thanks matt. me and my chronic lack of googling. sometimes i just prefer to ask on her tho i admit : )

    i’ll see how much they are at the motor factors with my discount. that’ll probably decide it

    Free Member

    you’d hope so, but how do you know?

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