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  • The Bossnut is back! Calibre’s bargain bouncer goes 29
  • jamescoulson
    Free Member

    Stoner – there’s a good chance you will!! Looking very good for snow over the next few days so should give you plenty to play in. Very jealous, but it is very much needed.

    Last run I did in PdS a few weeks ago was the big bowl in the top left of that pic – skinned up breaking trail the whole way but it was worth every step!! Just taken delivery of a small bundle of labrador so has put further ski plans on hold, but hoping for a last minute late season trip depending on the snow.

    Free Member

    @nbt – Prodains is basically a collection of chalets at the base of the main gondola up to Avoriaz. There’s a bar or two there, but not much else. Well, couple of ski shops. It’s not realistically walkable from Morzine, and taxis are hard to come by so not the place if you’re keen on your apres. Great access to avoriaz side of PdS, but not Morzine or Les Gets side.

    The general area is fantastic, but is low – tops out around 2300m, and snow is currently pretty poor. Last fall was about 3 weeks ago. But it does look like things might improve rapidly if this snow comes at start of march…

    Free Member

    @cougar – sorry, should have said – definitely for tracking multi activities. Running, hill walking, skiing, biking etc, rather than just banging on about how many steps she’s done from her desk to the coffee machine and back!

    Thanks for the suggestions so far – needs to be GPS enabled rather than rely on her phone, which she generally doesn’t take running.

    Free Member

    Google “two girls one cyst” for perhaps the ultimate zit in the world ever??

    Free Member

    If you really must use a hand winch then for gods sake take some precautions against snapping something. There’s no way I’d trust a 3t winch on that tree myself, and it would be very easy to put enough force into the system to snap something – at which point the cable and or winch itself will come hurtling towards you and remove a useful part of your body.

    Put something heavy on the cable and or winch etc (bag of sand??) so in event that something gives it drops to the ground and takes the sting out of it.

    Big tractor, loooooong chain and pulling sideways would be my preference (via a pulley if you can’t get the tractor in the right place for a side-pull). What you gonna do once you get it upright?? You reckon it’ll stay there while you fell it in the normal way??

    Free Member

    “like” them then go onto their main Facebook page (might be on their wall or somewhere) and on left hand side there are a series of links in german – click them randomly until you find the voucher one. Download app thing and go from there – has to be full website, doesn’t work on iPhone etc so not managed to use it myself as Facebook is blocked at work…

    Free Member

    See my earlier post about sitting on your bike on a treadmill – takes very little force to hold yourself in place as you only need to overcome friction therefore very little of the planes thrust is used to overcome friction, most is used to push it forward.

    And friction is a fixed force and doesn’t increase with speed, despite what scu98rkr suggested about running the treadmill faster to creat more friction…

    Free Member

    But you’re assuming friction increases with speed, which isnt the case. Imagine sitting on your bike on a treadmill and holding the sides of the treadmill. If you turn on the treadmill at 5mph you only need to hold on gentle to keep yourself in place (totally ignore the bike can be pedalled!!). You can pull youself forward with very little extra effort. Increase the treadmill to 50mph and you still only need to hold on with same force to remain stationary as friction is constant.

    Take same situation with the plane – it would use only a very small proportion of its power to remain stationary, regardless of whether the treadmill was turning at 5mph or 500mph. That means that the rest of its thrust can be used for forward momentum, and as we all know – airspeed is what makes the plane fly…

    Free Member

    Shimano if you like stopping and Hope if you like supporting British industry!

    Free Member

    Do you need to drive from the village to the lifts like some US ski resorts or is it all in one place?

    Whilst I’m sure we’d not necesarilly be getting the best out of the area in some people’s view, would predominantly go for uplift action rather than XC or touring – am I reading from the above posts that the DH options are limited??

    Free Member

    Was kinda hoping for bike related thoughts, this being bike forum an’all 😀

    Free Member

    Just goes to show a 4am start, long day at work then a few glasses of vino isn’t the best prep for a bit of fettling 😆

    Free Member

    Makes sense the 2:1 ratio – that’ll be why it needs two clicks to change once. X0 shifter didn’t work either tho, but it looks like the mech hanger is bent too – god knows how they did that to such a solid lump!?? So think I’ll persevere with the x0 mech and try new hanger… Cheers for quick responses!!

    Free Member

    Do we know what bikes this is aimed at?? 150/160mm AM type bikes or is it full on DH rigs??

    Free Member

    Yeah, def spokes… Will try a bit of lube on a rag!!

    Free Member

    Santa Cruz website should have all the info in the tech section

    Free Member

    the bit between the centre tread and the shoulders can be used to drift the bike into postion.

    Haha! Meanwhile, back in the real world… 🙄

    Free Member

    Minion 2.35″ single ply comes up about 2.1″ ish on my rims but is actually quite a deep, chunky tyre and feels fine for most of my riding. Certainly my tyre of choice for the front for most UK conditions (supertacky 😉 ). I run dual-ply 2.5″ for alps etc but they are heavy old things and also slightly undersized – prob about 2.35″-2.4″.

    Free Member

    As already stated – the advantage of DP’s is that you can run them at low psi (20-25psi) without pinch-flats. The only way to minimise them with SP’s is to run much higher psi.

    Free Member

    PaulGillespie – yes, did a set of rotors in a fortnight trip to the alps. We were predominantly running Kevlar pads. Also did a set of kevlar pads in one ride last year, but it was filthy wet and muddy conditions and I shouldn’t really have been using kevlars in the first place!

    Free Member

    Heard on the grapevine there are some new TLD knee pads on their way. Supposed to be very good shape and comfortable – not crazy prices either. Might be worth waiting a few weeks until 2012 stuff starts to appear??

    Free Member

    So who was the best placed STWer then? Definitely not me (108th overall 🙁 )

    Free Member

    Cheers all – can only do mid-week evenings at the minute until I get moved down properly. Carlphilips – will give you a shout!

    Free Member

    Oooh, sounds good. Anywhere I can view them on an old fashioned map rather than a gpx file to download? Not got one of them new fangled gps things yet 😉

    Free Member

    Nomadc – love it!

    A70D6144sml[/url] by James Coulson[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Paul@RTW – yes, other rounds have been longer stages (although only done Kielder personally). Much more trail-centre-downhill stages with times around the 3 – 6 mins.

    Free Member

    Revised date for Afan? I had 10-11 Sept – is that right?

    Free Member

    Yep, glad I’d been dragging those heavy assed dual ply’s around all day when I rode through stage 4 – must have passed about 6-8 ongoing puncture repairs as I went through!

    Free Member

    Thankfully my vile swearing has been edited out of that clip (although I do get a slo-mo replay!!) – I was so hacked off I’d stacked on that! Was fine on practice and was through the steep, techy bit 👿

    Free Member

    Try him through the facebook page – seems to work

    Free Member

    And video:

    Guess who the clown is going over the bars on stage 1?? 😳

    Free Member

    I seem to remember looking at brow farm campsite and didn’t think it had showers either ???

    Free Member

    elaine anne
    somewhere in Calderdale…i still cant post pics like you lot…lol

    Click “share” above the photo in flickr and “grab the BBCode” et voila:

    Elaine on rocky tech decent.[/url] by pinkie9[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Yep, I’ll be there! Will be on a white nomadc – number 651 I think. Did the Kielder round and loved it. Real friendly atmosphere and great fun weekend. Just hoping this one is gonna be a bit drier!

    Camping at Foxholes Castle on the recommendation of others as it has right posh, new fangled facilities… like running water and showers!! Free camping mentioned on the Gravity Enduro website isn’t so much free-of-charge camping, more “free” in the sense of wild-camping! A field plus portaloos…

    Free Member

    Recent trip to Les Gets…

    A70D6133sml[/url] by James Coulson[/url], on Flickr

    Free Member

    Scarborough maybe?? All the same these northern towns 😆

    Free Member

    Was there not an urban downhill in Harrogate or some other provincial northern outpost a couple of years ago?? 😀

    Free Member

    Hmmm, dragging the archives to find this one!! A year old thread! Follow Me is defo available on UK iTunes now though, in case there was any doubt – think it’s about six quid.

    Free Member

    Euro – Member
    Headcam + guys in front + 3 songs. What’s not to like? (720p if you please)

    Well to be honest it doesn’t do it for me. Awesome looking trail but I’ve never ridden it so can’t relate to it (Innerliethen??) and I don’t know anyone riding.

    I got bored about 2:30 mins in… Riding not inspiring enough to hold my attention beyond that – don’t mean to dis the riding, but it’s got to be pretty darn hot to hold your attention if you don’t know the riders personally.

    All that said, I’d be chuffed if it was me and my mates riding but would prob only circulate amongst ourselves rather than all over t’web.

    Free Member

    Amazing – none of those people in the promo clip were shit!! 😆

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